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CIE A-Level Geography Notes

8.2.2 Depositional Landforms


Profiles and Variations

  • Formation: Beaches form from the accumulation of sediment, such as sand, shingle, and pebbles, deposited by wave action. The profile and shape of a beach are largely dictated by the characteristics of the incoming waves.
  • Constructive Waves: These waves have a strong swash and weak backwash. They gently deposit materials, building up the beach. This leads to a wide, flat beach with a gradual slope.
  • Destructive Waves: Characterised by a strong backwash and weak swash, these waves erode beach materials. They typically create narrow, steep beaches.
An image showing a beach profile.

Image courtesy of thebritishgeographer.weebly.com

Swash and Drift Aligned Beaches

  • Swash Aligned Beaches: Develop when waves approach the coast head-on. The swash and backwash distribute sediment evenly along the beach, maintaining a relatively straight shoreline.
  • Drift Aligned Beaches: Form as a result of longshore drift, where waves hit the coast at an angle, moving sediment laterally along the shoreline. These beaches often develop features like spits.

Spits and Tombolos

Formation and Evolution

  • Spits: These are narrow, elongated landforms extending from the coast into the sea or a river mouth. Formed by the longshore drift, spits often curve at their ends due to wave refraction and changing wind directions.
  • Tombolos: A unique landform connecting an island to the mainland, created when sediment accumulates in the sheltered area between them. The formation of a tombolo can significantly alter local coastal dynamics, including tidal patterns and sediment distribution.

Stabilising Factors

  • Vegetation: Plants are vital in stabilising these structures. Their roots bind the sediment, reducing erosion.
  • Human Interventions: Coastal management practices, like the construction of groynes or breakwaters, can help maintain the shape and position of spits and tombolos.
An image of spit and tombolo.

Image courtesy of drishtiias.com

Barrier Beaches and Dunes

Development and Vegetation Succession

  • Barrier Beaches: These are extensive, narrow strips of sand or shingle lying parallel to the coastline. Their formation involves the accumulation of sediment above the high tide mark, often stabilised by vegetation over time.
  • Dunes: Sand dunes are formed by wind action, where sand is deposited in areas with reduced wind velocity, usually behind an obstruction. The succession of vegetation on dunes starts with hardy pioneer species, which are gradually replaced by more complex plant communities.

Role in Coastal Protection

  • Natural Defences: Barrier beaches and dunes serve as natural buffers against coastal erosion and storm surge flooding.
  • Ecosystem Services: They support diverse ecosystems and are crucial in maintaining coastal biodiversity.
An image of sand dune succession.

Image courtesy of tutor2u.net

Tidal Sedimentation

Estuarine Dynamics and Sediment Trapping

  • Estuaries: These are transitional zones between river environments and maritime environments. Estuaries play a pivotal role in trapping sediments carried by rivers and tidal actions, creating unique habitats like mudflats.
  • Mudflats: These are flat, muddy areas exposed at low tide. Their formation is due to the deposition of fine sediments in areas with calm waters, such as estuaries or behind barrier islands.

Mudflat Ecology

  • Biodiversity Hotspots: Mudflats are rich in nutrients and support a wide array of organisms, including benthic animals, birds, and fish.
  • Ecological Significance: They serve as feeding and breeding grounds for many species and are vital in nutrient cycling and energy transfer in the coastal ecosystem.

Coastal Saltmarshes and Mangroves

Plant Adaptations

  • Saltmarshes: Found in temperate regions, these are grassy marshlands that have adapted to saline conditions. They are dominated by salt-tolerant plants, such as cordgrasses.
  • Mangroves: In tropical regions, mangroves exhibit unique adaptations like aerial roots and salt-filtering systems. These adaptations allow them to thrive in intertidal zones with varying salinity levels.

Sediment Contributions and Ecological Importance

  • Sediment Stabilisation: Both saltmarshes and mangroves are effective in trapping and stabilising sediments, contributing to the formation of new landforms.
  • Ecological Roles: They provide critical habitats for wildlife, including nurseries for fish. Their dense root systems mitigate erosion and buffer against storm surges, playing a significant role in coastal protection.

Biodiversity and Carbon Sequestration

  • These ecosystems are biodiversity hotspots, supporting a wide range of species from microorganisms to birds and mammals.
  • They are also significant carbon sinks, playing an essential role in carbon storage and mitigating climate change impacts.

Sea Level Change and Coastal Landforms

Historical Sea Level Changes

  • Understanding past sea level changes, both eustatic (global sea level changes) and isostatic (local land level changes), is crucial in comprehending the evolution of coastal landforms.
  • Eustatic changes are caused by factors like glacial melting or thermal expansion of seawater, while isostatic changes result from the rising or sinking of land masses.

Impact on Landform Development

  • Changes in sea level significantly impact coastal landforms. Rising sea levels can lead to the submergence of features like beaches and dunes, while falling sea levels can expose new land areas.
  • Landforms like barrier islands and spits are particularly sensitive to these changes, which can alter their shape, size, and location.

Indicators of Sea Level Change

  • Certain coastal features serve as indicators of past sea level changes. Raised beaches, for instance, are evidence of previous higher sea levels.
  • Rias (drowned river valleys) and fjords (drowned glacial valleys) are also key indicators of historical sea level fluctuations.


The formation and evolution of tidal mudflats are influenced by a combination of hydrodynamic, sedimentary, and biological factors. Hydrodynamic factors include the movement and energy of tides and currents, which determine the deposition and erosion of sediments. Sedimentary factors involve the type and size of sediment particles, with finer particles like silt and clay being predominant in mudflat areas. Biological factors include the role of organisms, such as microorganisms and benthic animals, in stabilising the sediment.

Tidal mudflats are ecologically significant for several reasons. They serve as critical feeding and breeding grounds for a wide array of bird species, particularly migratory birds. They also provide habitat for numerous marine organisms, playing a key role in the aquatic food web. Furthermore, mudflats are important in nutrient cycling and act as natural filters, trapping pollutants and organic matter. Their study is essential for understanding the dynamics of coastal ecosystems and the impact of environmental changes.

Barrier islands are narrow, elongated, and typically sandy landforms that form parallel to the mainland coast. Their formation is a complex process involving the accumulation of sand and sediment, often originating from rivers or eroded from the coast, transported by longshore currents. Over time, these sediments accumulate above sea level, often stabilised by vegetation, forming barrier islands.

These islands play several critical roles in coastal systems. They act as a buffer, protecting the mainland from storms and hurricanes by absorbing the brunt of wave energy and storm surges. Barrier islands also help to prevent erosion of the mainland coast and reduce the impact of tidal surges. Ecologically, they are important habitats for a variety of wildlife, including birds, fish, and invertebrates. Their dynamic nature, constantly reshaped by winds, waves, and currents, makes them fascinating subjects of study in coastal geography.

A tombolo is a unique coastal landform that connects an island or sea stack to the mainland or another island, formed by the deposition of sand and sediment. The key feature of a tombolo is its narrow, ridge-like structure, typically made up of sand, gravel, or other sedimentary materials. Its formation usually occurs in areas where wave refraction around an island creates a sheltered zone, allowing sediments to accumulate and eventually connect the island to the mainland.

The formation of a tombolo can significantly impact the surrounding coastal environment. It alters local hydrodynamics, changing wave patterns, and sediment distribution. This can lead to changes in erosion and deposition patterns along the adjacent coastline.

Furthermore, tombolos can create new habitats for various species, both terrestrial and marine. The land bridge allows for the migration of terrestrial species to and from the island, increasing biodiversity. In marine environments, the sheltered waters on the leeward side of a tombolo can become areas of calm water, suitable for different marine species compared to the surrounding open waters. This can increase the ecological complexity of the area. Additionally, tombolos can have socio-economic impacts, such as creating new land for development or impacting local fisheries by altering fish habitats. Understanding the formation and effects of tombolos is crucial for coastal management and conservation efforts.

Swash aligned and drift aligned beaches differ primarily in their formation processes and resultant characteristics. Swash aligned beaches form where waves approach the coast head-on. The swash (uprush of water onto the beach after a wave breaks) and backwash (water returning to the sea) are aligned perpendicular to the shoreline. This results in a uniform distribution of sediments along the coast, maintaining a relatively straight and stable beach profile.

In contrast, drift aligned beaches form where waves hit the coast at an angle, creating a consistent movement of water and sediment along the shore, known as longshore drift. This process leads to the lateral transfer of materials, shaping the beach in an oblique alignment to the coastline. Drift aligned beaches are often characterised by features like spits or bars, evidencing the continuous movement of sediment. Additionally, these beaches are more dynamic and susceptible to changes in wave direction, which can significantly alter their shape and size over time.

Changes in wave energy and direction significantly impact the morphology of beaches. When wave energy is high, usually during storms or periods of strong winds, destructive waves dominate. These waves have a powerful backwash which pulls sediment away from the shore, leading to beach erosion and a steeper beach profile. Conversely, during calmer weather conditions, constructive waves with strong swash and weak backwash predominate, depositing sediment onto the beach and creating a gentler slope. The direction of the waves also affects the beach morphology. Waves hitting the shore directly tend to build up a more uniform beach profile, while oblique waves contribute to longshore drift, leading to the formation of features like spits and causing the beach to change shape over time. These dynamics illustrate the ever-changing nature of beach landscapes, influenced by both seasonal weather patterns and longer-term climatic changes.

Practice Questions

Explain how longshore drift contributes to the formation of coastal depositional landforms, such as spits.

Longshore drift plays a crucial role in shaping coastal depositional landforms. This process involves the movement of sediment along a coast by wave action. Waves approaching the shore at an angle carry sediment sideways in a zigzag pattern due to the swash and backwash. Over time, this continuous movement of material leads to the formation of features like spits, which are elongated stretches of sand or shingle projecting out to sea or across a river mouth. The sediment is deposited when the energy of the waves diminishes, gradually building up the spit. Additionally, changes in wave direction or the presence of a river mouth can cause the spit to develop a curved end, further illustrating the dynamic nature of this process. Longshore drift is thus essential in understanding the evolution and morphology of coastal landscapes.

Discuss the ecological importance of coastal saltmarshes and mangroves in maintaining coastal ecosystems.

Coastal saltmarshes and mangroves are vital for the health and sustainability of coastal ecosystems. Saltmarshes, typically found in temperate zones, are characterised by salt-tolerant grasses and plants. They play a significant role in sediment stabilisation, acting as natural buffers against coastal erosion. Similarly, mangroves, with their complex root systems, are crucial in tropical and subtropical regions for stabilising coastlines and reducing the impact of wave action and storm surges. Both saltmarshes and mangroves are biodiversity hotspots, providing habitat and breeding grounds for a wide range of species, including fish, birds, and invertebrates. These ecosystems also contribute to carbon sequestration, helping mitigate the effects of climate change. Their preservation and study are therefore essential for maintaining the balance of coastal environments and for the wider understanding of ecological interrelationships.

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