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CIE A-Level Geography Notes

8.1.3 Sub-aerial Processes

Weathering: Diverse Effects on Coastlines

Weathering is the gradual breakdown of rocks at the Earth's surface through various physical, chemical, and biological mechanisms. Its impact on coastlines is profound, leading to the alteration of coastal landscapes over time.

Physical Weathering

  • Freeze-Thaw Action: Occurs in areas where temperature fluctuates around 0°C. Water seeps into cracks during warmer periods, freezes and expands at night, causing the rock to fracture and break apart.
  • Exfoliation (Sunburst Weathering): Involves the peeling of layers of rock due to thermal expansion under the intense heat of the sun and contraction during cooler temperatures.
  • Salt Crystallisation: Salt from evaporated seawater crystallises in rock pores, exerting pressure and causing disintegration.
  • Implications: Leads to the formation of features like cliff retreat, angular rock debris, and the widening of cracks, enhancing further weathering and erosion.

Chemical Weathering

  • Carbonation: Common in limestone and chalk coastlines. Carbon dioxide from the air or soil mixes with rainwater, forming a weak carbonic acid that dissolves calcium carbonate in rocks.
  • Hydrolysis: The reaction between rock minerals and water, leading to the formation of clay and soluble salts.
  • Oxidation: Iron compounds in rocks react with oxygen, either from air or water, causing the rock to weaken and crumble.
  • Implications: Results in the gradual smoothing of rock surfaces, increased porosity, and formation of distinctive landscapes like limestone pavements.

Biological Weathering

  • Root Wedging: Plant roots grow into small cracks and as they expand, exert pressure on the rock, causing it to fracture.
  • Organic Acids: Produced by plants and microorganisms, these acids can chemically break down minerals in the rock.
  • Animal and Marine Organisms: Burrowing activities by animals and marine organisms like piddocks (shellfish) weaken rock structures.
  • Implications: Enhances rock disintegration, contributing to cliff retreat and the creation of microhabitats within the coastal ecosystem.

Mass Movement: Influencing Coastal Retreat and Landform Development

Mass movement involves the downward and outward movement of soil and rock under the influence of gravity. It plays a pivotal role in shaping coastlines, especially in areas of soft rock or where rock structure is heavily fractured.

Types and Processes

  • Rockfalls: Sudden falls of rock from a cliff face, often triggered by physical weathering like freeze-thaw.
  • Rotational Slips/Slumps: Occur on weaker rocks, characterized by a rotational movement along a concave slip plane, leading to the formation of terraced cliff profiles.
  • Soil Creep: The extremely slow downhill movement of soil, almost imperceptible but significant over long periods.
  • Mudflows: Rapid flow of saturated soil and weak rock, often initiated by heavy rainfall or volcanic activity.
  • Implications: These processes contribute to the rapid retreat of coastlines, formation of features like landslides and mudslide scars, and can significantly alter coastal topography.

Impact on Coastal Development

  • Cliff Recession: Undermining of cliff bases by wave action predisposes cliffs to collapse through mass movement.
  • Beach Nourishment: Material from mass movement adds to the sediment budget of beaches, aiding in their development.
  • Hazards: Understanding mass movement is vital in coastal management, particularly in areas prone to rapid land loss or where human development is at risk.


Variations in rock type greatly influence the rate and type of weathering in coastal environments. Different rocks possess distinct physical and chemical properties, making some more susceptible to certain weathering processes than others. For instance, limestone and chalk, being soluble, are highly susceptible to chemical weathering processes like carbonation. In contrast, granite, being more resistant, is less affected by chemical weathering but can be subject to physical weathering processes like freeze-thaw. Sedimentary rocks, often layered and less cohesive, can be prone to mechanical disintegration and biological weathering. The rate of weathering is also affected; softer rocks like chalk and sandstone weather more quickly compared to harder rocks like granite. These variations lead to diverse coastal landscapes, with different rock types giving rise to distinct coastal features such as cliffs, stacks, and wave-cut platforms, each shaped by the dominant weathering processes acting upon them.

Human activities can significantly affect sub-aerial processes in coastal areas. Urbanisation, construction, and coastal engineering projects can alter the natural landscape, impacting both weathering and mass movement processes. For instance, construction of buildings or roads on cliff tops can increase the weight on the land, exacerbating processes like soil creep, landslides, or rockfalls. Altering natural drainage patterns through construction can increase the risk of mudflows, especially during heavy rainfall. Additionally, removal of vegetation for urban development or agriculture can accelerate erosion and mass movement, as plant roots that bind the soil and rock are eliminated. Pollution can also impact chemical weathering rates, particularly in areas where acid rain is prevalent. Overall, human interventions in coastal areas can significantly disrupt the natural equilibrium of sub-aerial processes, often leading to increased rates of coastal erosion and landscape change.

Chemical and biological weathering, while distinct, often interact synergistically in coastal environments. Chemical weathering involves the breakdown of rocks through chemical reactions, such as hydrolysis, oxidation, and carbonation. For instance, carbonation occurs when carbon dioxide in rainwater reacts with calcium carbonate in limestone, leading to the rock's dissolution. On the other hand, biological weathering involves the physical or chemical breakdown of rocks by living organisms. Plant roots can grow into cracks and fissures in rocks, prying them apart (physical), and organic acids from plants or microorganisms can chemically alter the rock's composition.

In coastal environments, these processes often work together. For example, plant roots may penetrate rocks (biological weathering), creating pathways for water and chemicals to penetrate deeper and react with the rock (chemical weathering). This interaction accelerates the weathering process, leading to more rapid disintegration of coastal rocks and influencing the formation and evolution of coastal landforms.

Temperature variation significantly influences physical weathering, especially through processes like thermal expansion and contraction. In coastal environments where the temperature fluctuates dramatically between day and night, rocks undergo considerable stress. During the day, the outer layers of the rock expand due to the heat. At night, these layers contract as temperatures drop. This constant expansion and contraction leads to the formation of cracks and ultimately, the breaking away of rock fragments. In arid coastal regions, this process is particularly pronounced, leading to exfoliation or sunburst weathering. Over time, this contributes to the formation of distinct coastal features like smooth, rounded rock surfaces and the gradual retreat of cliffs. The intensity of this weathering process depends on the rock type, with some rocks being more susceptible to temperature changes than others.

Sub-aerial processes play a crucial role in the formation and evolution of specific coastal landforms like caves, arches, and stacks. While these features are initially formed by marine processes like erosion and wave action, sub-aerial processes like weathering and mass movement contribute significantly to their development and eventual disintegration.

For instance, once a cave is formed by wave action, weathering processes (especially chemical weathering in the case of limestone caves) can further enlarge the cave. Arches formed through the erosion of headlands are subject to intense weathering and mass movement at their tops, which can weaken the structure over time. The eventual collapse of an arch, leading to the formation of a stack, is often the result of these sub-aerial processes. Freeze-thaw action can cause fragmentation at the top of a stack, while wind erosion can further shape its appearance. Mass movement processes, such as rockfalls or slumps, can lead to the gradual breakdown of these features, continuously reshaping the coastal landscape. Therefore, while the initial formation of these landforms might be due to marine action, their ongoing change and eventual demise are largely influenced by sub-aerial processes, illustrating the dynamic interaction between various environmental forces in shaping coastal geographies.

Practice Questions

Explain how physical weathering processes contribute to the shaping of coastal landscapes.

Physical weathering plays a crucial role in shaping coastal landscapes. Processes like freeze-thaw, exfoliation, and salt crystallisation are instrumental in this. Freeze-thaw action, particularly prevalent in temperate climates, causes rocks to fracture and break apart, leading to cliff retreat and the formation of debris at the base. Exfoliation, or sunburst weathering, results in the peeling of rock layers, contributing to the formation of smooth rock surfaces and rockfalls. Salt crystallisation, especially in arid coastal regions, leads to the disintegration of rocks as salt from seawater crystallises within rock pores. These processes collectively contribute to the dynamic nature of coastal landscapes, leading to the constant reshaping of coastlines and the creation of various coastal features.

Discuss the role of mass movement in coastal retreat and landform development.

Mass movement plays a significant role in coastal retreat and the development of coastal landforms. Processes such as rockfalls, rotational slips, soil creep, and mudflows contribute to this. Rockfalls, often triggered by physical weathering, lead to the accumulation of debris at cliff bases, affecting the beach profile. Rotational slips or slumps, particularly in softer rock formations, result in the terracing of cliff profiles and contribute to rapid coastal retreat. Soil creep, although gradual, can significantly alter the landscape over time. Mudflows, often initiated by heavy rainfall, can rapidly change the topography, contributing to the nourishment of beaches and altering coastal ecosystems. These processes are essential in understanding the dynamic nature of coastlines, illustrating the ongoing interaction between land and sea.

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