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CIE A-Level Geography Notes

8.1.1 Wave Dynamics

Wave Generation

Wave generation is a complex process influenced by several factors:

  • Wind Speed: The primary driver of wave formation, wind speed, determines the energy transferred from air to water. Higher wind speeds generate more energy, leading to larger waves. For instance, a gentle breeze might only create small ripples, whereas a storm can produce massive waves.
  • Wind Duration: The length of time wind blows consistently over the ocean's surface is also critical. Longer wind durations allow waves to gain more energy and size. This aspect explains why prolonged storms often result in higher and more powerful waves.
  • Fetch: Fetch refers to the distance over which the wind blows without interruption. A longer fetch allows waves to build up more energy, resulting in higher and stronger waves. This is particularly evident in large open water bodies like oceans, where the fetch can span hundreds or even thousands of kilometres.

Wave Energy and Characteristics

Understanding the energy and characteristics of waves is key to grasping their impact on coastal environments:

  • Wave Height: This is the vertical distance from the crest (the highest point of the wave) to the trough (the lowest point). Wave height is a crucial measure of a wave's power and potential for coastal impact. For example, a wave with a height of 2 metres can exert significant force on the coastline.
  • Wave Period: The wave period is the time interval between successive wave crests passing a fixed point. Longer periods indicate waves have travelled a long distance and have gathered more energy, making them potentially more impactful upon reaching the coast.
  • Wave Speed: This is dependent on factors such as water depth and wave characteristics. In deeper water, waves travel faster and with less energy loss compared to shallow water, where they slow down and increase in height.
  • High vs Low Energy Waves: High energy waves, often resulting from storm conditions, are characterised by strong winds, large fetch, and long periods. They are typically more erosive. In contrast, low energy waves, found in calmer weather conditions, are less erosive and more likely to deposit materials.
An image of characteristics of waves.

Image courtesy of alevelgeography.com

Wave Refraction and Breaking

  • Wave Refraction: This occurs when waves approach the shore at an angle and slow down due to shallower water, causing them to bend or refract. This process is crucial in redistributing energy along the coastline, influencing the formation and evolution of various coastal features like headlands and bays. Refraction results in erosion of headlands and deposition in bays, leading to a more regular coastline over time.
  • Wave Breaking: Waves break when their height exceeds the water depth, causing the wave to collapse. This process releases tremendous energy, impacting coastal morphology. The type of break (spilling, plunging, surging) depends on the slope of the seabed and wave characteristics, influencing the shape of the coastline and the type of beach formed.

Swash and Backwash

  • Swash: This is the movement of water up the beach following wave breaking. Swash is a critical component in transporting and depositing sediment on the coastline. The angle and energy of the swash can determine the shape and gradient of a beach. Constructive waves, with strong swash and weaker backwash, tend to build up beaches.
  • Backwash: This is the water that flows back towards the sea after the wave breaks. Backwash plays an important role in coastal erosion, carrying sediment away from the shore. Destructive waves, with stronger backwash than swash, tend to erode beaches and shape steep coastlines.


Wave frequency, or the number of waves that hit a given length of coastline over a certain time period, plays a critical role in coastal erosion and deposition. High wave frequency, often associated with storm conditions, increases the intensity of both erosional and depositional processes. In erosional contexts, a higher frequency of waves means more frequent impacts on the coastline, leading to accelerated erosion of cliffs, headlands, and other coastal features. This is especially true for destructive waves, which have a higher frequency and a strong backwash that removes material from the coast. In depositional contexts, high wave frequency can lead to an increased rate of sediment being transported and deposited on the coastline, contributing to the growth of beaches, dunes, and other depositional landforms. Conversely, low wave frequency, typically associated with calmer weather conditions, results in less intensive erosion and deposition, maintaining a relative balance in coastal landscapes.

Human activities can significantly influence wave dynamics, primarily through coastal development and the construction of coastal defences. Structures like breakwaters, groynes, and seawalls alter the natural flow and energy of waves, often leading to unintended consequences. For instance, groynes, which are built perpendicular to the coastline to prevent longshore drift, can disrupt sediment transport, leading to beach accretion on one side and erosion on the other. Seawalls and other hard engineering structures reflect wave energy rather than absorbing it, which can lead to increased turbulence and erosion at the base of the structure, a process known as 'scour'. Additionally, coastal development often involves altering natural landscapes, which can change the patterns of sediment supply and wave refraction, further impacting coastal processes. These human interventions can have long-term implications for coastal systems, sometimes exacerbating the very problems they were meant to solve, such as erosion and flooding.

The angle at which waves approach the coast significantly influences the process of sediment transport, particularly in the context of longshore drift. When waves approach the coast at an oblique angle, the swash (the movement of water up the beach) carries sediment up and along the beach in the direction of the wave. The backwash then moves perpendicularly back to the sea, taking some sediment with it. This zigzag movement of sediment along the coast is known as longshore drift. The angle of wave approach determines the direction and rate of this sediment transport. A steeper angle results in more effective longshore drift, moving greater amounts of sediment along the coast. This process is instrumental in the formation of various coastal features such as spits, bars, and barrier beaches. It's a key factor in coastal dynamics, influencing beach morphology and the distribution of sediments along the coastline.

Offshore structures such as reefs and sandbanks significantly influence wave dynamics by altering the depth of the water, which in turn affects the behaviour of approaching waves. When waves encounter these structures, they tend to break earlier than they would on a regular coastline. This early breaking causes a reduction in the wave's energy before it reaches the shore, leading to less erosive impact on the coastline. Additionally, these structures can cause waves to refract, redirecting their energy and potentially leading to areas of deposition and erosion along the coast. For instance, coral reefs can create calm lagoons behind them due to their wave-dampening effect. Similarly, sandbanks can lead to the formation of sheltered areas where sediment is deposited. The presence of these offshore structures plays a crucial role in the formation of diverse coastal landforms and in providing natural protection against coastal erosion.

Constructive waves are typically low energy waves with a long wavelength and a relatively low height. They break gently upon the shore, depositing more sediment than they remove due to their strong swash and weak backwash. This action leads to the gradual build-up of beaches. Constructive waves are common in sheltered bays and areas with less wind energy. In contrast, destructive waves are high energy with a short wavelength and a high wave height. They break with great force, having a strong backwash which is more powerful than the swash. This results in the removal of sediment from the coast, leading to erosion. Destructive waves are often associated with storm conditions and steep coastlines. The impact of these waves is significant in shaping coastal landscapes, with constructive waves tending to create and maintain landforms, while destructive waves modify and erode them.

Practice Questions

Explain how wind duration and fetch influence the characteristics of waves.

Wind duration and fetch play pivotal roles in determining wave characteristics. Wind duration refers to the length of time the wind blows over the water. Longer wind durations allow waves to accumulate more energy and size, resulting in higher and more powerful waves. Fetch, the uninterrupted distance over which the wind blows across the water, also significantly influences wave formation. A longer fetch enables waves to gather more energy and grow larger, impacting their height, speed, and overall energy. Both factors are crucial in shaping the physical features and dynamics of coastal environments.

Describe the process of wave refraction and its impact on coastal landforms.

Wave refraction is the bending of waves as they approach shallow water near the coast. This occurs because the part of the wave in shallower water moves slower than the part in deeper water, causing the wave to bend. This process redistributes wave energy along the coastline, leading to erosion of protruding landforms like headlands and deposition in the recessed areas such as bays. Over time, wave refraction can significantly alter coastal morphology, smoothing irregular coastlines by eroding headlands and building up bays, thus contributing to a more regular shoreline. This natural phenomenon plays a vital role in shaping coastal landscapes.

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