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CIE A-Level Geography Notes

2.2.2 Atmospheric Transfers

Wind Belts

Trade Winds

  • Formation: Trade winds originate due to Earth's rotation and the Hadley Cell. As warm air rises near the equator, it moves towards higher latitudes, cools down, and descends, creating a continuous loop. This circulation is deflected by the Coriolis effect, causing the winds to blow from the northeast in the Northern Hemisphere and from the southeast in the Southern Hemisphere.
  • Function: These winds are critical for maritime navigation, historically aiding ships in trans-oceanic voyages. They significantly influence precipitation patterns in the tropics, contributing to the aridity of desert regions and the wetness of tropical zones.


  • Formation: The Westerlies form between the 30° and 60° latitudes. These winds arise due to the pressure differences created by the contrasting temperatures at these latitudes. The Coriolis effect again plays a role, causing these winds to blow from the southwest in the Northern Hemisphere and from the northwest in the Southern Hemisphere.
  • Function: They are essential in driving the weather systems of the mid-latitudes. These winds are responsible for moving storms across the continents and are also instrumental in driving major ocean currents, impacting marine life and coastal climates.

Polar Easterlies

  • Formation: These winds are generated by cold, dense air masses at the poles moving towards lower latitudes. As the air descends and spreads towards the equator, it is deflected to the west due to the Coriolis effect.
  • Function: They significantly affect the polar climate and interact with the westerlies at the polar front, creating turbulent weather conditions. This interaction is a key factor in the development of cyclonic systems in these regions.
An image of the atmospheric wind belt.

Image courtesy of VectorMine

Ocean Currents

Major Ocean Currents

  • Examples: The Gulf Stream in the North Atlantic, the Kuroshio Current in the North Pacific, and the Antarctic Circumpolar Current are some of the major ocean currents. These currents are vast rivers within the ocean, flowing for thousands of kilometers.
  • Heat Capacity: Ocean currents have a high heat capacity, which enables them to store and transport more heat compared to the atmosphere. This heat transfer plays a vital role in regulating global climate by moving warm water from the equator towards the poles and vice versa.
An image showing ocean current.

Image courtesy of Dr. Michael Pidwirny

Effect on Climate

  • Warm Currents: Warm ocean currents, such as the Gulf Stream, carry warm water into higher latitudes. This results in milder climates in regions like Western Europe, which enjoys a warmer climate than other regions at similar latitudes.
  • Cold Currents: Conversely, cold currents like the California Current bring cooler water from the polar regions towards the equator. This leads to lower temperatures along the coastlines they flow past, influencing t he local climate significantly.

Heat Transfer in the Atmosphere


  • Explanation: Conduction is the process of heat transfer through direct contact. In the atmosphere, this is less significant compared to the Earth's surface where the ground absorbs heat and transfers it to the air in contact with it.
  • Role in Climate: Conduction plays a minimal role in the atmosphere’s temperature dynamics but is crucial in the immediate boundary layer above the Earth's surface, affecting local temperature variations.


  • Explanation: Convection refers to the movement of heat by the physical movement of air masses. In the tropics, where sunlight heats the Earth's surface intensely, the warm air rises in a process known as convection.
  • Role in Climate: This is the primary method of heat transfer in the tropics and is responsible for driving significant weather patterns such as monsoons and cyclones. Convective activities are also responsible for cloud formation and precipitation processes.


  • Explanation: Advection involves the horizontal movement of air. This process is essential in transferring heat and moisture across different latitudes and longitudes.
  • Significance: Advection influences temperature changes over large areas and plays a pivotal role in the formation of various weather conditions, including the development of high and low-pressure systems.


Atmospheric heat transfer processes, particularly convection, play a crucial role in the formation of cyclones and hurricanes. These powerful weather systems develop over warm ocean waters, where heat and moisture are transferred to the overlying air. When the sea surface temperature is high, usually above 26.5°C, it warms the air above, causing it to rise through convection. As this warm, moist air ascends, it cools, leading to the condensation of water vapor, which releases latent heat. This release of heat further warms the surrounding air, causing more air to rise and creating a cycle of warm air movement. This process lowers the air pressure at the surface, drawing in more air, which is deflected by the Coriolis effect, giving the cyclone its spinning motion. The continuous influx of warm, moist air fuels the cyclone, allowing it to grow in intensity and size. Therefore, heat transfer through convection is fundamental to the development and sustenance of these intense storm systems.

Ocean currents play a critical role in the El Niño and La Niña phenomena, which are significant climatic events affecting global weather patterns. El Niño is characterized by the warming of the central and eastern Pacific Ocean waters, altering normal weather patterns. During El Niño, the trade winds weaken, and the warm water usually found in the western Pacific moves eastwards. This shift leads to changes in precipitation and temperature patterns globally, often causing extreme weather conditions like droughts and floods. In contrast, La Niña is marked by unusually cold ocean temperatures in the equatorial Pacific. During La Niña, the trade winds strengthen, and the upwelling of cold water in the eastern Pacific intensifies. This event typically brings opposite effects to those of El Niño, such as increased rainfall in the western Pacific and drier conditions in the east. Both phenomena significantly influence global climate and are linked to the periodic variations in ocean currents and atmospheric conditions.

The Coriolis effect, resulting from Earth's rotation, is significant in shaping global wind and ocean current patterns. It causes moving air and water masses to deflect to the right in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere. This deflection is crucial in the formation of the trade winds, westerlies, and polar easterlies. In the oceans, the Coriolis effect influences the direction of ocean currents, contributing to the gyre circulation patterns observed in the major oceans. These gyres are large, circular ocean current systems that play a vital role in the global climate system by redistributing heat. For example, the Gulf Stream is part of the North Atlantic Gyre, and its warm currents affect the climate of Western Europe. Similarly, the Coriolis effect contributes to the formation of upwelling zones along coastlines, where nutrient-rich waters from the deep ocean are brought to the surface, supporting rich marine ecosystems.

Trade winds significantly influence the formation of subtropical deserts, such as the Sahara and the Australian Outback, located near the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. These deserts form primarily due to the descending dry air of the Hadley Cell. As warm, moist air rises at the equator, it cools and loses its moisture in the form of rain, particularly in tropical regions. This process creates a dry, descending air mass as it reaches the subtropical regions around 30° North and South. The descending air warms up again, reducing its ability to hold moisture, which discourages cloud formation and results in low precipitation levels. Consequently, these regions experience high evaporation rates and low humidity, creating arid conditions ideal for desert formation. The trade winds, therefore, play a crucial role in the climatic conditions that lead to the development of these subtropical deserts.

Global warming is leading to significant changes in wind belt patterns, which have far-reaching environmental impacts. One of the key changes is the shifting of wind belts towards the poles. As global temperatures rise, the tropical belt expands, pushing the Hadley Cell, trade winds, and subtropical deserts further towards the poles. This expansion alters precipitation patterns, potentially leading to increased aridity in regions just outside the tropics and affecting agricultural productivity and water availability. Additionally, changes in wind patterns can alter ocean current systems, impacting marine ecosystems. For instance, changes in wind patterns can affect upwelling zones, which are crucial for nutrient cycling in marine environments. This could lead to reduced productivity in these ecosystems, affecting fish populations and, consequently, the fishing industry. Furthermore, shifts in wind patterns can influence weather extremes, including the intensity and frequency of storms and hurricanes. These changes highlight the interconnectedness of atmospheric dynamics and the broader ecological and socio-economic systems, underscoring the importance of understanding and mitigating the impacts of global warming.

Practice Questions

Explain how the formation of trade winds contributes to the climatic conditions in tropical regions.

Trade winds are formed due to the Earth's rotation and the Hadley Cell, where warm air rises near the equator, moves towards higher latitudes, cools, and descends, creating a continuous loop. The Coriolis effect deflects these winds, causing them to blow from the northeast in the Northern Hemisphere and from the southeast in the Southern Hemisphere. These winds are instrumental in establishing climatic conditions in tropical regions. They contribute to the creation of wet and dry zones by influencing precipitation patterns. For instance, the consistent blowing of trade winds brings moisture-laden air to the tropics, leading to significant rainfall in these areas, while their divergence at subtropical regions creates arid zones. Thus, trade winds play a critical role in shaping the diverse climatic conditions observed in the tropical belt.

Discuss the role of ocean currents in influencing the climate of coastal regions. Provide examples.

Ocean currents significantly influence the climate of coastal regions by transporting heat across the globe. For instance, the Gulf Stream, a warm ocean current in the North Atlantic, carries warm water towards Western Europe, resulting in a milder climate for these regions than other areas at similar latitudes. Conversely, the California Current, a cold current in the Pacific Ocean, brings cooler water from the polar regions towards the equator, leading to lower temperatures along the West Coast of the USA. These currents impact not only the temperature but also affect weather patterns, marine life, and even human activities in these coastal areas. The heat capacity and movement of ocean currents are thus key factors in determining the climate of various coastal regions around the world, demonstrating the intricate link between oceanic and atmospheric systems.

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