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CIE A-Level Geography Notes

3.3.3 Water and Sediment Movement

Rainsplash Erosion


Rainsplash erosion is an initial yet powerful geomorphological process. It occurs when raindrops hit the soil surface, leading to the detachment and subsequent displacement of soil particles. This process encompasses two fundamental actions:

  • Detachment: When raindrops, particularly large and fast ones, hit the soil, they break apart soil aggregates. This action is more pronounced in heavy rainfall events where the kinetic energy of raindrops is higher.
  • Displacement: Once detached, soil particles are splashed away from the impact site. The extent of displacement depends on the raindrop's energy and the soil's characteristics.

Factors influencing rainsplash erosion include:

  • Raindrop size and velocity: Larger and faster raindrops exert greater force, causing more severe erosion.
  • Soil texture and structure: Sandy and loosely packed soils are more prone to detachment compared to clayey or compacted soils.
  • Surface slope: Steeper slopes aid in the further transport of dislodged soil particles downhill.

Impact on Soil Particle Detachment

The impacts of rainsplash erosion on the soil surface are significant:

  • Reduction of soil fertility: As the fertile topsoil is stripped away, the soil loses essential nutrients, affecting agricultural productivity.
  • Creation of surface crusts: The impact of raindrops can compact the soil surface, forming a crust that reduces water infiltration and increases runoff.
  • Initiation of further erosion processes: The displacement of soil particles by rainsplash can lead to other forms of erosion, like sheetwash and rill formation.

Surface Runoff

Sheetwash Erosion

Sheetwash erosion is a form of surface runoff critical in the transportation of soil sediments. This thin layer of water flows over the ground surface, particularly during and after heavy rainfall. It is characterized by:

  • Erosive force: The flow possesses enough force to detach soil particles and transport them.
  • Transport capacity: Sheetwash can move finer particles, including silt and clay, over considerable distances, depending on the flow's intensity.
An image of a sheetwash erosion.

Image courtesy of James St. John

Factors that influence sheetwash erosion are:

  • Rainfall characteristics: The intensity and duration of rainfall play a crucial role. Heavier and longer-lasting rainfall leads to more severe sheetwash erosion.
  • Vegetation cover: Areas with dense vegetation typically experience less erosion as plants intercept rainwater and their roots stabilize the soil.
  • Soil type and condition: Soils that have a high infiltration rate, like sandy soils, tend to have less surface runoff and thus less sheetwash erosion.

Influence on Erosion and Transport

The impact of sheetwash on slopes includes:

  • Stripping of soil layers: Continuous erosion by sheetwash can remove significant layers of topsoil, degrading the land and reducing its agricultural value.
  • Alteration of landforms: Over time, prolonged sheetwash can reshape the terrain, altering slope profiles and potentially leading to the development of features like terracettes.
  • Sediment deposition in water bodies: The sediments carried by sheetwash can end up in rivers, lakes, and oceans, impacting water clarity and quality and affecting aquatic ecosystems.

Rill Formation

Development of Rills

Rill erosion signifies the beginning of more concentrated erosion processes. These small, but significant, channels develop when:

  • Water flow converges: Due to surface irregularities, water flowing over a slope tends to concentrate in certain paths, which eventually become rills.
  • Erosive capability increases: As water accumulates in these paths, its erosive power intensifies, enabling it to detach and carry more soil.
An image of a rill formation.

Image courtesy of Dr Donal Mullan

Characteristics of rill erosion include:

  • Physical attributes: Rills are typically narrow and shallow, often only a few centimeters in depth and width, but they can be quite extensive in length.
  • Pattern formation: Rills often interconnect, creating a network that can cover large areas of a slope.

Transition to Gullies

Over time and with continued water flow, rills can evolve into gullies, which are larger and more permanent erosional features. This transition is characterized by:

  • Increased erosion: The growth in water volume and velocity within rills enhances their capacity to erode soil, deepening and widening them into gullies.
  • Channel development: Gullies are more defined and stable than rills, often remaining as permanent features in the landscape, even during dry periods.

Implications for Landforms

The formation of rills and gullies has significant implications for landforms:

  • Modification of slope profiles: The progressive erosion and channel formation alters the shape, angle, and stability of slopes.
  • Influence on soil conservation: Understanding the dynamics of rill formation is crucial for developing effective soil and water conservation strategies, particularly in agricultural and vulnerable landscapes.
  • Impact on agriculture: The development of rills and gullies can reduce the usable land area for agriculture and necessitate costly land management practices to restore or mitigate the impacted areas.
An image of types of erosion.

Image courtesy of researchgate.net


Unchecked rill and gully formation can lead to several long-term environmental impacts on a landscape. As rills evolve into gullies, they can significantly alter the topography, leading to land degradation. This degradation manifests in the loss of fertile topsoil, reduced agricultural productivity, and potentially the transformation of productive land into barren areas. The deepening and widening of gullies disrupt natural drainage patterns, which can affect local hydrology, leading to altered groundwater recharge rates and potentially affecting local water supplies. Gully formation can also result in habitat destruction, as it disturbs the native vegetation and wildlife, leading to a loss of biodiversity. The sediment transported by these processes can accumulate in rivers, lakes, and reservoirs, impacting water quality and aquatic ecosystems. This sedimentation can reduce the storage capacity of reservoirs, affect the health of aquatic habitats, and increase the cost of water treatment. In addition, the visual aesthetic of the landscape is altered, which can impact recreational values and tourism. Therefore, the long-term environmental impacts of unchecked rill and gully formation are extensive, affecting not just the physical landscape but also the ecological, economic, and social aspects of the area.

Urbanisation significantly impacts the processes of rainsplash erosion, surface runoff, and rill formation. The replacement of natural, permeable surfaces with impermeable materials like concrete and asphalt drastically alters the hydrological characteristics of an area. In urban environments, the absence of soil and vegetation reduces the natural infiltration of rainwater. Consequently, more water is available for surface runoff, increasing the volume and velocity of the flow. This urban runoff tends to carry a higher sediment load, as it gathers pollutants and debris from urban surfaces. The increased flow and sediment load enhance the erosive potential of runoff, leading to more severe and rapid soil erosion in areas where natural ground is still exposed. Furthermore, urban drainage systems often channelise runoff, concentrating the flow and potentially exacerbating rill and gully formation in susceptible areas. In addition, the heat island effect in urban areas can alter local weather patterns, potentially increasing the frequency and intensity of rainfall events, further intensifying these processes. Therefore, urbanisation not only amplifies the severity of these erosional processes but also introduces new challenges in managing water and soil resources.

Soil composition plays a crucial role in the process and impact of rainsplash erosion. Different soil types, characterized by their particle size and cohesion, respond differently to the impact of raindrops. For instance, sandy soils, with larger, loosely held particles, are more prone to displacement upon the impact of raindrops. However, the low cohesion and large pore spaces in sandy soils often result in less surface sealing, which somewhat mitigates further erosion. In contrast, clayey soils, with smaller, more cohesive particles, are less susceptible to initial displacement but are more prone to surface sealing. This sealing effect significantly reduces water infiltration, leading to increased surface runoff and potential for further erosion. Loamy soils, with a balance of sand, silt, and clay, exhibit intermediate behaviour. The organic matter content in soils also influences rainsplash erosion. Soils rich in organic matter tend to have better structure and cohesion, thus reducing susceptibility to rainsplash erosion. The diversity in soil composition across different landscapes therefore results in varied patterns and extents of rainsplash erosion, impacting soil stability and fertility.

Vegetation plays a vital role in mitigating surface runoff and soil erosion, acting as a natural barrier against erosive forces. The presence of vegetation, including grass, shrubs, and trees, significantly reduces the impact of rainsplash erosion by intercepting raindrops before they hit the soil surface. This interception diminishes the kinetic energy of raindrops, thereby reducing their potential to detach soil particles. Additionally, the root systems of plants enhance soil cohesion, making it more resistant to erosion. Roots bind soil particles together, creating a more stable soil structure that is less prone to being carried away by surface runoff. Vegetation also increases soil infiltration capacity by improving soil porosity, which reduces the volume of surface runoff. Furthermore, plant cover reduces the velocity of surface runoff by creating physical obstacles, thus decreasing its erosive power. As a result, areas with dense vegetation cover often experience significantly lower rates of soil erosion compared to bare or sparsely vegetated areas. This underlines the importance of maintaining and promoting vegetation cover as a sustainable strategy for soil conservation and erosion control.

Human activities can both exacerbate and mitigate the effects of surface runoff and soil erosion. Exacerbation often occurs through land-use practices that reduce vegetation cover, such as deforestation, overgrazing, and unsustainable agricultural practices. These activities diminish the soil's ability to absorb water, leading to increased surface runoff and erosion. Construction activities, especially in urban areas, can also exacerbate these effects by increasing impervious surfaces, thereby reducing infiltration and increasing runoff volume and velocity.

On the other hand, human interventions can mitigate these effects through several soil conservation and land management practices. Planting vegetation, especially in erosion-prone areas, can significantly reduce runoff and soil loss. This includes reforestation, cover cropping, and the establishment of grass waterways. Constructing terraces on sloping land can reduce the slope length and gradient, thereby decreasing runoff velocity and soil erosion. The use of permeable paving materials in urban areas allows for better water infiltration, reducing runoff. Additionally, implementing rainwater harvesting and stormwater management practices can control runoff and reduce its erosive potential. Therefore, human activities have a profound impact on surface runoff and soil erosion, and responsible land management practices are essential to mitigate these effects.

Practice Questions

Explain how rainsplash erosion can initiate other forms of soil erosion.

Rainsplash erosion, the process where raindrops dislodge and displace soil particles, is instrumental in initiating other soil erosion forms. When raindrops hit the soil, they break apart soil aggregates, reducing soil structure and increasing susceptibility to further erosion. The dislodged particles, often moved downhill, contribute to the development of surface runoff and rill formation. Surface runoff, exacerbated by the loosened soil particles, can evolve into more severe erosion types, like sheetwash, which further transports soil particles. Similarly, the displaced soil facilitates rill formation, where concentrated water flow creates narrow channels, intensifying erosion and potentially leading to gully formation. This interconnected sequence illustrates how rainsplash erosion is a critical precursor to more significant erosional processes.

Describe the transition from rill formation to gully formation and its impact on landforms.

The transition from rill to gully formation is a progressive process marked by an increase in water flow and erosive power. Rills, initially small channels formed by concentrated water flow, gradually deepen and widen due to continuous soil erosion. As the volume and velocity of water increase, these rills evolve into gullies, which are larger, more defined channels. This transition significantly impacts landforms; it alters the slope profiles, making them steeper and potentially unstable. Gullies, being more permanent and prominent landscape features, can lead to a reduction in arable land area and require extensive soil conservation measures. This process exemplifies the dynamic nature of geomorphological change, driven by water's erosive force.

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