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CIE A-Level Geography Notes

3.4.1 Human Activities and Slope Stability

Increasing Stability

Engineering Solutions

Engineering interventions are essential in enhancing slope stability. These include:

  • Retaining Walls: These are rigid walls constructed to support soil laterally. They are often made from concrete, steel, or timber and are crucial in urban areas to prevent landslides.
An image of a retaining wall.

Image courtesy of Zimbres

  • Soil Nailing: This technique involves driving steel bars into the slope. These nails increase the shearing strength of the soil, holding it together more effectively.
  • Geotextiles: These are permeable fabrics, which when used in combination with soil, have the ability to separate, filter, reinforce, protect, or drain. They promote vegetation growth which is key in natural slope stabilisation.

Drainage Control

Effective drainage systems are crucial in maintaining slope stability, especially in regions prone to heavy rainfall.

  • Surface Drainage Systems: These include gutters and channels designed to redirect surface water away from vulnerable slopes, thus preventing erosion.
  • Subsurface Drainage: Involves the installation of pipes and conduits within the slope to reduce waterlogging, which can significantly weaken the slope.
  • Vegetative Drainage Solutions: The strategic planting of certain water-absorbent vegetation can serve as a natural method of managing excess water in the soil.

Terracing in Agriculture

Terracing is a traditional and effective method used in agriculture to combat erosion and maintain soil health on slopes.

  • Contour Terracing: This involves creating level or nearly level areas along the contour lines of a slope. This method reduces runoff and soil erosion.
  • Bench Terracing: It involves cutting steps into steep slopes to create flat areas where crops can be planted. This method is effective in minimising soil erosion and surface runoff.
  • Integrated Terracing: This is a combination of terraces with vegetation cover. It not only stabilises slopes but also enhances the fertility of the soil.

Decreasing Stability

Human activities can significantly reduce the stability of slopes, leading to increased risks of landslides and soil erosion.


Deforestation has a profound impact on slope stability.

  • Loss of Root Strength: The roots of trees and vegetation bind the soil together, and their removal can lead to a weakened slope structure.
  • Increased Surface Runoff and Erosion: Without vegetation cover, slopes are more prone to erosion due to increased surface runoff.
  • Soil Compaction: The use of heavy machinery in deforestation compacts the soil, reducing its porosity and ability to absorb water, thus exacerbating erosion and instability.


Construction activities, particularly in hilly or mountainous areas, can destabilise slopes in several ways.

  • Excavation and Material Removal: The process of excavating or removing material from slopes for construction can destabilise the remaining structure.
  • Additional Load from Structures: The weight of buildings and other structures adds significant load to slopes, potentially leading to instability and landslides.
  • Vibration: Construction activities often generate vibrations, which can weaken slope stability, especially in areas with loose or unconsolidated soil.

Waterlogging due to Irrigation

Irrigation, while essential for agriculture, can have detrimental effects on slope stability.

  • Increased Weight and Pressure: Waterlogged soil is heavier, increasing the pressure exerted on the slope, which can lead to slope failure.
  • Reduction in Soil Cohesion: Excessive moisture reduces the cohesion between soil particles, making the slope more susceptible to movement.
  • Pore Water Pressure: The build-up of water in the pores of the soil can destabilise the slope, particularly during periods of heavy rainfall.

Assessing Impact

To understand and mitigate the impact of human activities on slopes, various assessment methods are used.

Methods for Evaluating Human Influence

  • Geotechnical Investigations: These involve soil sampling and testing to determine the composition and stability of slopes.
  • Remote Sensing: The use of satellite imagery and drones allows for large-scale monitoring of changes in slope stability over time.
  • Historical Analysis: Studying past incidents of slope instability helps in understanding and predicting future behaviour.
  • Risk Assessment Models: These are computational models that simulate different scenarios and their potential impacts on slope stability.

Practical Considerations in Assessment

  • Accuracy in Data Collection: Gathering accurate and comprehensive data is crucial for reliable assessments.
  • Interdisciplinary Approach: Collaborations between geographers, engineers, and environmental scientists are necessary for a holistic understanding.
  • Community Involvement: Engaging local communities in monitoring slope conditions can provide valuable insights and early warnings of potential instability.

Case Study Application

  • Selecting a Relevant Case: It's vital to choose a case study that represents a significant or typical example of human impact on slope stability.
  • Detailed Analysis: Apply the methods discussed above to evaluate the impact on the selected slope.
  • Contextual Understanding: A thorough understanding of the geographical and cultural context is essential in assessing the impact on slope stability.


Pore water pressure plays a crucial role in slope stability. It refers to the pressure exerted by water within the pores of soil or rock materials. High pore water pressure can reduce the effective stress in the soil, which is the force that holds soil particles together, leading to slope instability and potential failure. This is especially a concern in areas with heavy rainfall or improper drainage.

To manage pore water pressure, several methods are employed. One of the most common is the installation of drainage systems, both surface and subsurface, to reduce water accumulation within the slope. Surface drainage involves the construction of channels and ditches to divert water away from the slope, while subsurface drainage involves the installation of pipes or drains within the slope to carry water away. Another method is the use of hydrological modelling to predict water movement within slopes and design appropriate drainage solutions. In some cases, reducing the amount of water entering the slope through impermeable barriers or diversion structures can also be effective. Additionally, vegetation can play a role in managing pore water pressure, as plant roots absorb water and transpiration helps to draw water out of the soil. Managing pore water pressure is a key aspect of slope stability, particularly in areas prone to heavy precipitation or human-induced changes in water flow.

Climate change has a significant impact on slope stability, primarily through increased frequency and intensity of extreme weather events such as heavy rainfall, which can lead to landslides and soil erosion. Rising temperatures can also lead to the thawing of permafrost, resulting in slope instability in polar and high mountain regions. To adapt to these changes, it is essential to incorporate climate change projections into slope stability assessments and land-use planning. This includes using predictive models to identify areas that may become prone to landslides due to changing weather patterns.

Adaptive measures can include enhancing drainage systems to cope with increased rainfall, reinforcing slopes using techniques like terracing or retaining walls, and employing bioengineering methods like planting deep-rooted vegetation to stabilise slopes naturally. Additionally, monitoring systems using remote sensing technology can provide early warnings for potential slope failures. Communities in vulnerable areas should be educated about the risks and involved in developing emergency response plans. Overall, a proactive approach, incorporating both engineering and natural solutions, is necessary to address the challenges posed by climate change on slope stability.

Terracing and soil nailing are effective slope stabilisation techniques but come with environmental impacts that need consideration and mitigation. Terracing, while reducing soil erosion and runoff, can lead to habitat disruption, especially if implemented on a large scale. It can alter local ecosystems by changing natural water flow and soil conditions. To mitigate these impacts, it's crucial to conduct thorough environmental impact assessments before implementing terracing projects. Incorporating native vegetation and ensuring minimal disruption to natural waterways can help maintain local biodiversity.

Soil nailing, involving the insertion of reinforcing elements into a slope, can disturb the existing soil structure and potentially harm subterranean habitats. The installation process may also lead to noise and air pollution. To mitigate these impacts, planners should use minimally invasive installation techniques and schedule construction activities to minimise disturbance to local wildlife and communities. Additionally, using environmentally friendly materials for nails, like biodegradable or corrosion-resistant materials, can reduce long-term environmental impacts. Overall, while these techniques are beneficial for slope stabilisation, careful planning and implementation are essential to minimise their environmental footprint.

Urban development often leads to slope instability due to increased load from buildings and infrastructure, alteration of natural drainage patterns, and excavation activities. These activities can weaken slope material, increase pore water pressure, and disturb the natural equilibrium of slopes. To counteract these effects, urban planners and engineers use various strategies. One common approach is the construction of retaining walls to support and stabilize slopes. These walls can be made from various materials like concrete, steel, or timber, depending on the requirements of the site. Another strategy is the use of terracing, especially in hilly urban areas, to create flat, usable land areas while simultaneously reducing surface runoff and soil erosion. Drainage control measures, including both surface and subsurface drainage systems, are essential to manage the flow of water and prevent waterlogging, which can significantly weaken slope stability. In addition, strict building regulations and land-use planning are crucial to ensure that urban development does not occur in areas prone to landslides or on unstable slopes. Finally, the use of vegetation, especially in urban green spaces, helps in stabilising slopes naturally, with the added benefits of enhancing urban aesthetics and providing ecological habitats.

Assessing human influence on slope processes is critical in urban planning to ensure the safety and sustainability of developments, particularly in hilly or mountainous regions. Human activities, such as construction, landscaping, and altering natural drainage patterns, can significantly impact slope stability. Failure to properly assess these influences can lead to catastrophic events like landslides, resulting in property damage, loss of life, and environmental degradation.

The assessment is typically conducted through a combination of field surveys, geotechnical investigations, and environmental impact studies. Geotechnical investigations involve soil sampling, slope gradient analysis, and the assessment of underground water levels to understand the physical properties of the slope and how they may be affected by proposed developments. Environmental impact studies evaluate how construction and other human activities may alter the natural balance of the area, including effects on local ecosystems and water flow.

Urban planners also use sophisticated modelling tools to simulate the impact of various development scenarios on slope stability. These models can predict how different types of construction, drainage systems, and landscaping choices will affect the slope. Public consultations and collaborations with local communities provide additional insights, particularly in terms of historical changes and local knowledge of the terrain.

Incorporating these assessments into urban planning is essential for responsible development that minimizes risk to both human life and the environment. This approach ensures that urban expansion is balanced with the need to preserve natural landscapes and maintain ecological integrity.

Practice Questions

Discuss how deforestation can lead to a decrease in slope stability and what measures can be taken to mitigate these effects.

Deforestation significantly undermines slope stability by removing the root systems that bind soil, leading to increased erosion and reduced soil cohesion. The absence of trees allows for greater surface runoff, exacerbating soil erosion. To mitigate these effects, reforestation is a key strategy. Planting new trees can restore the natural binding of soil by roots and reduce surface runoff. Additionally, employing terracing in agriculture can help to manage water flow and prevent erosion. Implementing strict regulations on land use and promoting sustainable forestry practices are also crucial in mitigating the negative impacts of deforestation on slope stability.

Evaluate the effectiveness of using geotextiles as an engineering solution to increase slope stability.

Geotextiles are highly effective in increasing slope stability due to their flexibility, strength, and permeability. They reinforce the soil and promote vegetation growth, which further stabilises slopes. Geotextiles prevent soil erosion by filtering and draining excess water, thus maintaining soil cohesion. Their adaptability to different soil types and environmental conditions makes them a versatile solution. However, their effectiveness can be limited in areas with extreme weather conditions or on very steep slopes. Regular maintenance and proper installation are crucial for their long-term effectiveness. Overall, geotextiles represent a sustainable and efficient engineering solution for slope stabilisation.

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