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CIE A-Level Geography Notes

7.3.3 Nutrient Cycling

Gersmehl Diagrams: Illustrating Nutrient Flows

Gersmehl diagrams are pivotal in visualising the movement and storage of nutrients in different ecosystems. They demonstrate the balance between three key components: biomass, litter, and soil.

An image of Gersmehl diagram.

Image courtesy of marcelaormobiology.weebly.com

Forest Ecosystems

  • High Biomass Storage: In tropical forests, a significant amount of nutrients is stored in the biomass, which includes trees, shrubs, and other vegetation.
  • Rapid Nutrient Cycling: The warm and moist conditions of tropical forests facilitate rapid decomposition, leading to a quicker release and recycling of nutrients.
  • Interdependence Between Components: The diagram shows tight recycling loops between biomass, litter, and soil, indicative of the interdependence among these components in tropical forests.

Savanna Ecosystems

  • Seasonal Nutrient Flows: In savannas, the nutrient flows are heavily influenced by seasonal changes. The dry and wet seasons dramatically affect the movement of nutrients.
  • Grass-Tree Dynamics: Grasses in savannas, with their shallow root systems, are efficient at absorbing nutrients quickly, while trees access deeper nutrient sources.
  • Fire and Drought Adaptations: Fire is a natural part of the savanna ecosystem, returning nutrients to the soil and stimulating new growth.

Soil Fertility in Tropical Soils

Soil fertility in tropical regions is a product of several interrelated factors, each contributing to the overall health and productivity of the ecosystem.

Climate Impact

  • Rainfall: Heavy rainfall in tropical regions can lead to leaching, where nutrients are washed away from the soil.
  • Temperature: Higher temperatures increase microbial activity, leading to faster decomposition and nutrient cycling.

Soil Composition and Structure

  • Organic Matter: The decomposition of fallen leaves, dead animals, and other organic material enriches the soil with nutrients.
  • Mineral Presence: Essential minerals like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are vital for plant growth and are key components of soil fertility.

Human Influence

  • Agricultural Practices: Sustainable practices like crop rotation and the use of organic fertilizers enhance soil fertility, whereas practices like monoculture can deplete soil nutrients.
  • Deforestation and Land Use Changes: These activities can lead to significant soil erosion and nutrient loss, impacting the fertility of tropical soils.

Energy Flows and Trophic Levels

Energy flow through food chains and trophic levels is a defining characteristic of ecosystem dynamics, determining the structure and function of the community.

Food Chains and Food Webs

  • Primary Producers: Plants and other photosynthetic organisms are the foundation, converting solar energy into usable chemical energy.
  • Consumers: Herbivores, carnivores, and omnivores transfer energy by consuming other organisms.
  • Decomposers: These organisms, like fungi and bacteria, break down dead organic matter, releasing nutrients back into the soil.

Trophic Levels and Energy Transfer

  • Energy Loss: Typically, only about 10% of the energy is transferred from one trophic level to the next, with the rest lost as heat.
  • Biomass Pyramids: These pyramids graphically represent the decrease in biomass and energy from the base (producers) to the top (predators) of the food chain.
An image of trophic levels and energy transfer.

Image courtesy of khanacademy.org

Species Adaptations

  • Specialised Diets: Many tropical species have evolved to have specific diets, allowing them to efficiently exploit available resources.
  • Seasonal Changes: Organisms in seasonally humid ecosystems often alter their feeding and reproductive behaviours in response to seasonal variations in food availability.


Seasonal variations play a pivotal role in nutrient cycling in savanna ecosystems. The distinct wet and dry seasons in savannas profoundly influence the availability and cycling of nutrients. During the wet season, rapid plant growth and microbial activity lead to quick nutrient uptake and cycling. The increased rainfall also contributes to nutrient distribution in the soil. In contrast, the dry season slows down microbial decomposition and plant growth, leading to reduced nutrient cycling. The occurrence of fires in the dry season is a critical aspect of nutrient cycling in savannas. Fires release nutrients locked up in biomass, returning them to the soil and stimulating new growth. This seasonal dynamic ensures a balance between periods of nutrient accumulation and release, maintaining the overall fertility and resilience of the savanna ecosystems.

The phosphorus cycle holds significant importance in tropical ecosystems due to the role of phosphorus as a critical nutrient for plant growth and its relative scarcity in tropical soils. Unlike other biogeochemical cycles, such as the nitrogen or carbon cycles, the phosphorus cycle does not have a gaseous phase, and phosphorus movements are primarily terrestrial. In tropical ecosystems, phosphorus is mainly cycled through the breakdown of rocks (weathering) and the decomposition of organic matter. The cycle is slower and more limited compared to other nutrients, often leading to phosphorus being a limiting factor in these environments. Plants absorb phosphorus from the soil, and it returns to the soil through leaf fall, animal wastes, and decomposition. The limited mobility and slow replenishment of phosphorus in tropical ecosystems make efficient recycling through decomposition and mycorrhizal associations particularly crucial.

Mycorrhizae, a type of beneficial fungi that form symbiotic relationships with plant roots, play a crucial role in nutrient cycling and plant growth in tropical soils. These fungi enhance the nutrient uptake capabilities of plants, particularly for nutrients like phosphorus, which are often in limited supply in tropical soils. Mycorrhizae extend the root's reach, enabling plants to access nutrients from a larger soil volume. They also help in the breakdown of organic matter, thereby releasing nutrients that are otherwise locked up. This symbiosis is particularly important in nutrient-poor tropical soils, where mycorrhizae effectively increase the surface area for water and nutrient absorption, significantly enhancing plant growth and health. Furthermore, they improve soil structure, water retention, and protect against pathogens, contributing to the overall fertility and stability of the ecosystem.

Different root structures in tropical plants play a significant role in nutrient uptake and soil fertility. Deep-rooted plants, such as many tree species in rainforests and savannas, can access nutrients from deeper soil layers that are beyond the reach of shallow-rooted plants. This ability is particularly important in tropical soils where nutrients are often leached away from the surface layers by heavy rains. On the other hand, shallow-rooted plants, especially in the understory of rainforests and in savannas, are adapted to quickly absorb nutrients from the upper soil layers where decomposition predominantly occurs. These diverse root structures allow for more efficient utilization of soil nutrients at different depths, enhancing overall soil fertility. Additionally, the root systems help in soil stabilization, preventing erosion, and in some cases, like with leguminous plants, contribute to nitrogen fixation, further enriching the soil.

The energy pyramid in a tropical ecosystem vividly illustrates the concept of energy flow and trophic efficiency. The pyramid shape represents the decrease in available energy, biomass, and organism numbers as one moves up from producers (plants) at the base, through various levels of consumers (herbivores, carnivores), to the apex predators at the top. This decrease is due to the laws of thermodynamics – as energy is transferred between trophic levels, a significant portion is lost as heat, resulting in only about 10% of the energy being passed on to the next level. This diminishing energy availability limits the number of trophic levels and the biomass of higher trophic levels. In tropical ecosystems, this energy flow is particularly rapid due to high primary productivity, but the principles of energy loss and trophic efficiency remain consistent. The pyramid effectively conveys the inefficiency of energy transfer between trophic levels and highlights the importance of producers in supporting the entire ecosystem. The high productivity of tropical producers, due to abundant sunlight and rainfall, is essential in sustaining the diverse and complex food webs characteristic of these ecosystems. The energy pyramid also demonstrates the critical role of decomposers in recycling energy and nutrients back into the ecosystem, ensuring the continuity of these cycles. Understanding this pyramid helps in appreciating the delicate balance of energy flow and the reliance of all trophic levels on the primary energy source, underscoring the interconnectedness of all life forms in tropical ecosystems.

Practice Questions

Describe the role of decomposers in nutrient cycling in a tropical rainforest ecosystem. How do they contribute to maintaining the fertility of the soil?

Decomposers, such as fungi and bacteria, play a vital role in nutrient cycling in tropical rainforest ecosystems. They break down dead organic matter, including fallen leaves, dead trees, and animal remains. This process releases essential nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium back into the soil, making them available for uptake by plants. Decomposers thus help maintain soil fertility by replenishing nutrients that are continually used up by the dense vegetation. They also aid in maintaining the structure and water-holding capacity of the soil, which is crucial for plant growth in these ecosystems. Their activity is accelerated by the warm and moist conditions of the rainforest, ensuring rapid nutrient cycling and sustaining the high productivity of these ecosystems.

Explain how the Gersmehl diagram can be used to illustrate the differences in nutrient cycling between a tropical rainforest and a savanna ecosystem.

The Gersmehl diagram effectively illustrates the differences in nutrient cycling between tropical rainforests and savannas. In a rainforest, the diagram would show a large biomass pool with rapid transfers between biomass, litter, and soil, reflecting the quick nutrient cycling due to warm, humid conditions and dense vegetation. The loops connecting these pools would be relatively tight, indicating efficient nutrient recycling. In contrast, for a savanna, the diagram would highlight a larger soil nutrient pool with slower transfers to biomass, reflecting the impact of the dry season and less dense vegetation. The loops would be more spread out, indicating less efficient nutrient recycling and a greater dependency on deep-rooted plants like trees to access soil nutrients. This comparison using the Gersmehl diagram highlights the adaptation of each ecosystem to their specific climatic conditions and the resulting differences in nutrient cycling processes.

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