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CIE A-Level Geography Notes

2.1.4 Moisture and Energy Exchange


Factors Influencing Evaporation Rates

Evaporation is the process by which water is converted from its liquid form to vapour, and several factors influence its rate:

  • Temperature: The kinetic energy of water molecules increases with temperature, facilitating their transition to a gaseous state. Thus, higher temperatures generally correlate with higher evaporation rates.
  • Humidity: The relative humidity of the air plays a crucial role. When the air is less humid, it can absorb more water vapour, thus promoting evaporation.
  • Wind Speed: Wind can remove the air's moisture saturation layer above a water body, enabling more water to evaporate into the unsaturated air.
  • Sunlight Exposure: Solar radiation provides the necessary energy for evaporation. Direct sunlight increases the water's surface temperature, thus accelerating the evaporation process.
  • Surface Area: The amount of exposed surface area of water directly affects evaporation. Larger surface areas allow more water to be exposed to the atmospheric conditions that promote evaporation.

Energy Requirements for Evaporation

  • Evaporation is an endothermic process, meaning it absorbs energy. This energy, primarily sourced from solar radiation, is crucial for breaking the molecular bonds that hold water molecules in liquid form.
  • The energy absorbed during evaporation plays a vital role in the Earth's energy budget, influencing weather patterns and climate dynamics.

Dew Formation

Conditions for Dew Formation

Dew formation occurs through condensation when certain atmospheric conditions are met:

  • Temperature and Dew Point: Dew forms when the air temperature drops to its dew point, the temperature at which air becomes saturated with moisture and can no longer hold it in vapour form.
  • Clear Skies and Calm Winds: These conditions are conducive to radiative cooling of surfaces. Without cloud cover to retain heat, surfaces cool more quickly, facilitating dew formation.
  • Surface Types: Surfaces like grass or metal cool more rapidly at night, providing ideal conditions for dew formation.

Role of Dew in the Energy Balance

  • The process of dew formation releases latent heat, which is heat released when water vapour condenses into liquid. This release of energy slightly warms the surrounding air and plays a part in the nocturnal energy balance of the Earth's surface.
An image of dew on leaves.

Image courtesy of Pinkfloyd amir

Energy Return to the Atmosphere

Mechanisms of Energy Transfer

  • Radiation: At night, the Earth's surface emits longwave radiation back into the atmosphere. This radiative process is a key mechanism for energy transfer, balancing the energy absorbed during the day.
  • Conduction and Convection: Heat is transferred from the ground to the air primarily through conduction. This warm air then rises by convection, contributing to the vertical distribution of heat within the atmosphere.

Nocturnal Cooling

  • Nocturnal cooling is a phenomenon where the Earth's surface loses heat during the night, primarily due to the absence of solar radiation. This process is critical in forming morning temperatures and influencing local weather conditions, such as the formation of dew or frost.


Cloud cover plays a significant role in the processes of nocturnal cooling and dew formation. During the night, cloud cover acts as an insulating layer, trapping longwave radiation emitted by the Earth and re-radiating it back towards the surface. This trapped heat reduces the rate of nocturnal cooling, leading to higher overnight temperatures compared to clear-sky conditions. As a result, areas with significant cloud cover at night are less likely to reach the dew point, reducing the occurrence of dew formation. Conversely, clear skies allow more efficient radiative cooling of the Earth's surface, facilitating the drop in temperature necessary for dew formation. The presence or absence of cloud cover can, therefore, significantly influence local temperature variations overnight and impact the overall energy balance in the atmosphere.

Seasonal variations significantly impact the diurnal energy budget, particularly in the processes of evaporation and dew formation. During summer, higher temperatures and increased solar radiation lead to higher rates of evaporation. This increased evaporation can contribute to drier conditions and affect water availability, especially in agricultural regions. In contrast, during winter, lower temperatures and reduced solar radiation result in lower evaporation rates. Additionally, colder temperatures in winter mean that dew point is reached more frequently, leading to more regular dew formation. This seasonal variation in dew formation can influence the energy balance, as the release of latent heat during dew formation can slightly warm the air. Seasonal changes in vegetation cover and soil moisture also influence these processes, further contributing to the variations in the diurnal energy budget throughout the year.

Urbanisation significantly alters the diurnal energy budget, leading to various environmental impacts. One major change is the creation of urban heat islands (UHIs), where urban areas experience higher temperatures compared to surrounding rural areas. This is due to factors such as decreased vegetation, increased use of dark, heat-absorbing materials in urban construction, and reduced albedo. The increased temperatures in urban areas can enhance the rate of evaporation, leading to drier conditions and potentially exacerbating water scarcity issues. Furthermore, UHIs can alter local weather patterns, potentially leading to increased frequency of heatwaves, which can have severe health and environmental impacts. Additionally, urbanisation can disrupt local wind patterns and decrease the amount of dew formation due to higher surface temperatures and altered surface types, impacting local ecosystems and microclimates.

Human activities beyond urbanisation can indeed affect the diurnal energy budget, particularly concerning evaporation and energy return. Agricultural practices, for instance, have a profound impact. Irrigation increases the availability of water, potentially raising local evaporation rates. This can lead to changes in local humidity and temperature conditions, affecting the energy balance. Deforestation, another significant human activity, reduces transpiration, a key component of evaporation, thereby altering local and regional climates. Additionally, industrial activities that emit particulates and gases can influence cloud formation and precipitation patterns, indirectly affecting evaporation rates. Human-induced changes to water bodies, such as dam construction or river diversion, also impact evaporation rates and energy

transfer processes. These activities can alter the surface area of water bodies and modify local microclimates, impacting the overall diurnal energy budget. Furthermore, the heat generated by industrial processes and vehicular emissions contributes to the atmospheric energy pool, potentially affecting nocturnal cooling rates. These human-induced changes highlight the intricate connection between human activity and atmospheric processes, underscoring the importance of understanding and managing our impact on the diurnal energy budget.

The type of vegetation plays a significant role in determining the rate of evaporation within different ecosystems. Vegetation, through the process of transpiration, releases moisture into the atmosphere, thereby contributing to the overall evaporation rate. In densely vegetated areas like rainforests, transpiration rates are high due to the abundance of foliage, leading to higher overall evaporation. Conversely, in sparse vegetation areas like grasslands or deserts, the rate of evaporation is lower. The type of vegetation also influences the albedo, or reflectivity, of the surface, with darker vegetation absorbing more solar energy and potentially increasing local temperatures, thereby indirectly influencing evaporation rates. Additionally, the structure of the vegetation, including leaf size and shape, can impact the microclimate around the plants, further affecting evaporation. For example, broad-leafed plants in a tropical rainforest create a humid microclimate that can reduce the temperature difference between the air and the leaves, thus moderating evaporation rates.

Practice Questions

Explain how variations in surface types influence dew formation and its role in the local energy balance.

Dew formation is significantly influenced by surface types, as different materials have varying capacities to cool down and reach the dew point. Surfaces like grass or metal cool more rapidly at night, making them more conducive to dew formation compared to others like asphalt or soil. This rapid cooling leads to the air above these surfaces reaching saturation faster, thereby facilitating condensation and dew formation. The process of dew formation releases latent heat, slightly warming the surrounding air. In the local energy balance, this plays a crucial role by moderating temperature changes overnight, especially in rural and vegetated areas. This effect is less pronounced in urban areas due to the urban heat island effect, where built-up surfaces retain more heat.

Discuss the importance of wind speed in the process of evaporation and its implications for the energy budget of an area.

Wind speed significantly impacts evaporation rates, playing a crucial role in the energy budget of an area. Higher wind speeds increase evaporation by moving the air's moisture saturation layer away from the water surface, allowing more water molecules to escape into the air. This increased evaporation leads to a greater energy uptake from the environment, as evaporation is an energy-intensive process. In terms of the energy budget, this means that areas with higher wind speeds may experience a larger loss of heat due to evaporation, affecting local climate conditions. For instance, coastal areas with consistent winds might have a cooler climate compared to inland areas, due to the higher rate of evaporation facilitated by the wind. Additionally, this has implications for water resources and agricultural practices, as increased evaporation can affect soil moisture levels and water availability.

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