1. Biological Molecules1.1 Core Principles of Biological Chemistry0/01.1.1 Core Principles of Biological Chemistry: Fundamental Biochemistry1.2 Monomers and Polymers in Biology0/01.2.1 Understanding Monomers in Biology1.2.2 Understanding Monomers: The Building Blocks of Life1.3 Carbohydrates0/01.3.1 Monosaccharides: Structure and Function1.3.2 Disaccharides: Formation and Importance1.3.3 Polysaccharides: Types and Roles1.4 Lipids and their Biological Significance0/01.4.1 Triglycerides and Phospholipids1.5 Proteins: Structure and Function0/01.5.1 Proteins: Structure and Function1.5.2 Enzymes and their Mechanisms1.6 Nucleic Acids: DNA and RNA0/01.6.1 Nucleic Acids: DNA and RNA - Structure and Function1.6.2 DNA Replication Processes1.7 ATP: Energy Currency of the Cell0/01.7.1 ATP's Role in Energy Transfer1.8 Inorganic Ions in Biological Systems0/01.8.1 Specific Roles of Inorganic Ions1. Biological Molecules1.1 Core Principles of Biological Chemistry0/01.1.1 Core Principles of Biological Chemistry: Fundamental Biochemistry1.2 Monomers and Polymers in Biology0/01.2.1 Understanding Monomers in Biology1.2.2 Understanding Monomers: The Building Blocks of Life1.3 Carbohydrates0/01.3.1 Monosaccharides: Structure and Function1.3.2 Disaccharides: Formation and Importance1.3.3 Polysaccharides: Types and Roles1.4 Lipids and their Biological Significance0/01.4.1 Triglycerides and Phospholipids1.5 Proteins: Structure and Function0/01.5.1 Proteins: Structure and Function1.5.2 Enzymes and their Mechanisms1.6 Nucleic Acids: DNA and RNA0/01.6.1 Nucleic Acids: DNA and RNA - Structure and Function1.6.2 DNA Replication Processes1.7 ATP: Energy Currency of the Cell0/01.7.1 ATP's Role in Energy Transfer1.8 Inorganic Ions in Biological Systems0/01.8.1 Specific Roles of Inorganic Ions2. CellsPremium2.1 Cell Theory and Diversity0/02.1.1 Evolutionary Basis of Cell Features2.1.2 Cell Theory Fundamentals2.2 Eukaryotic Cell Structure0/02.2.1 Eukaryotic Cell Structure: Membrane Structure2.2.2 Nucleus and DNA2.2.3 Mitochondria and Chloroplasts in Eukaryotic Cells2.2.4 Endomembrane System and Ribosomes2.2.5 Cell Wall and Vacuole: Structure and Function in Eukaryotic Cells2.2.6 Cell Specialisation in Multicellular Organisms2.3 Prokaryotic Cells and Viruses0/02.3.1 Prokaryotic Cell Structure2.3.2 Viral Structure and Nature2.4 Microscopy and Cell Study0/02.4.1 Microscopy Techniques2.4.2 Cell Fractionation and Ultracentrifugation2.5 Cell Division0/02.5.1 Eukaryotic Cell Cycle and Mitosis2.5.2 Binary Fission in Prokaryotes2.5.3 Virus Replication Mechanisms2.6 Transport Across Membranes0/02.6.1 Membrane Transport Mechanisms2.6.2 Adaptations for Transport in Cells2.7 Immune System Interactions0/02.7.1 Cell Surface Molecules and Immunity2.7.2 Immune Response to Pathogens2.7.3 HIV and AIDS2.7.4 Monoclonal Antibodies: Pioneering Precision in Medicine2. CellsPremium2.1 Cell Theory and Diversity0/02.1.1 Evolutionary Basis of Cell Features2.1.2 Cell Theory Fundamentals2.2 Eukaryotic Cell Structure0/02.2.1 Eukaryotic Cell Structure: Membrane Structure2.2.2 Nucleus and DNA2.2.3 Mitochondria and Chloroplasts in Eukaryotic Cells2.2.4 Endomembrane System and Ribosomes2.2.5 Cell Wall and Vacuole: Structure and Function in Eukaryotic Cells2.2.6 Cell Specialisation in Multicellular Organisms2.3 Prokaryotic Cells and Viruses0/02.3.1 Prokaryotic Cell Structure2.3.2 Viral Structure and Nature2.4 Microscopy and Cell Study0/02.4.1 Microscopy Techniques2.4.2 Cell Fractionation and Ultracentrifugation2.5 Cell Division0/02.5.1 Eukaryotic Cell Cycle and Mitosis2.5.2 Binary Fission in Prokaryotes2.5.3 Virus Replication Mechanisms2.6 Transport Across Membranes0/02.6.1 Membrane Transport Mechanisms2.6.2 Adaptations for Transport in Cells2.7 Immune System Interactions0/02.7.1 Cell Surface Molecules and Immunity2.7.2 Immune Response to Pathogens2.7.3 HIV and AIDS2.7.4 Monoclonal Antibodies: Pioneering Precision in Medicine3. Exchange with EnvironmentPremium3.1 Surface Area to Volume Ratio0/03.1.1 Surface Area to Volume Ratio: Relationship and Metabolic Rate3.1.2 Adaptations in Larger Organisms3.1.3 Practical Applications and Calculations in Surface Area to Volume Ratio3.2 Gas Exchange0/03.2.1 Gas Exchange in Single-Celled Organisms3.2.2 Insect Respiratory Adaptations3.2.3 Gas Exchange in Fish3.2.4 Plant Gas Exchange Mechanisms in Dicotyledonous and Xerophytic Plants3.2.5 Human Respiratory System3.3 Digestion and Absorption0/03.3.1 Enzymatic Digestion in Mammalian Systems3.3.2 Absorption Mechanisms in the Ileum3.4 Mass Transport in Animals0/03.4.1 Haemoglobin and Oxygen Transport3.4.2 The Mammalian Circulatory System3.4.3 Cardiovascular Health and Disease3.5 Mass Transport in Plants0/03.5.1 Water Transport via Xylem3.5.2 Nutrient Transport via Phloem3.5.3 Experimental Studies in Plant Transport3. Exchange with EnvironmentPremium3.1 Surface Area to Volume Ratio0/03.1.1 Surface Area to Volume Ratio: Relationship and Metabolic Rate3.1.2 Adaptations in Larger Organisms3.1.3 Practical Applications and Calculations in Surface Area to Volume Ratio3.2 Gas Exchange0/03.2.1 Gas Exchange in Single-Celled Organisms3.2.2 Insect Respiratory Adaptations3.2.3 Gas Exchange in Fish3.2.4 Plant Gas Exchange Mechanisms in Dicotyledonous and Xerophytic Plants3.2.5 Human Respiratory System3.3 Digestion and Absorption0/03.3.1 Enzymatic Digestion in Mammalian Systems3.3.2 Absorption Mechanisms in the Ileum3.4 Mass Transport in Animals0/03.4.1 Haemoglobin and Oxygen Transport3.4.2 The Mammalian Circulatory System3.4.3 Cardiovascular Health and Disease3.5 Mass Transport in Plants0/03.5.1 Water Transport via Xylem3.5.2 Nutrient Transport via Phloem3.5.3 Experimental Studies in Plant Transport4. Genetic Information and RelationshipsPremium4.1 DNA, Genes, and Chromosomes0/04.1.1 DNA in Different Cell Types4.1.2 Chromosome Structure in Eukaryotes4.1.3 Gene Structure and Expression4.2 DNA and Protein Synthesis0/04.2.1 Understanding Genomes and Proteomes4.2.2 Transcription Processes in Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes4.2.3 Translation and Polypeptide Synthesis4.3 Genetic Diversity and Meiosis0/04.3.1 Gene Mutation Types and Effects4.3.2 Chromosomal Mutations: In-depth Analysis of Non-disjunction in Meiosis4.3.3 Meiosis and Genetic Variation4.4 Genetic Diversity and Adaptation0/04.4.1 Mechanisms of Natural Selection4.4.2 Types of Natural Selection4.4.3 Adaptations in Species4.5 Species and Taxonomy0/04.5.1 Species Concept and Recognition4.5.2 Phylogenetic Classification Systems4.6 Biodiversity within a Community0/04.6.1 Biodiversity within a Community: Measuring Biodiversity4.7 Investigating Diversity0/04.7.1 Assessing Genetic Diversity4.7.2 Quantitative Studies of Variation4. Genetic Information and RelationshipsPremium4.1 DNA, Genes, and Chromosomes0/04.1.1 DNA in Different Cell Types4.1.2 Chromosome Structure in Eukaryotes4.1.3 Gene Structure and Expression4.2 DNA and Protein Synthesis0/04.2.1 Understanding Genomes and Proteomes4.2.2 Transcription Processes in Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes4.2.3 Translation and Polypeptide Synthesis4.3 Genetic Diversity and Meiosis0/04.3.1 Gene Mutation Types and Effects4.3.2 Chromosomal Mutations: In-depth Analysis of Non-disjunction in Meiosis4.3.3 Meiosis and Genetic Variation4.4 Genetic Diversity and Adaptation0/04.4.1 Mechanisms of Natural Selection4.4.2 Types of Natural Selection4.4.3 Adaptations in Species4.5 Species and Taxonomy0/04.5.1 Species Concept and Recognition4.5.2 Phylogenetic Classification Systems4.6 Biodiversity within a Community0/04.6.1 Biodiversity within a Community: Measuring Biodiversity4.7 Investigating Diversity0/04.7.1 Assessing Genetic Diversity4.7.2 Quantitative Studies of Variation5. Energy Transfers (A Level)5.1 Photosynthesis0/05.1.1 Light-Dependent Reactions in Photosynthesis5.1.2 Light-Independent Reactions (Calvin Cycle)5.1.3 Limiting Factors and Agricultural Practices in Photosynthesis5.2 Respiration0/05.2.1 Glycolysis: The Fundamental Metabolic Pathway5.2.2 Aerobic Respiration5.2.3 Respiration Rate Investigation5.3 Energy and Ecosystems0/05.3.1 Production in Ecosystems5.3.2 Efficiency of Energy Transfer in Ecosystems5.4 Nutrient Cycles0/05.4.1 Nutrient Cycles: The Nitrogen and Phosphorus Cycles5.4.2 Investigating Nutrient Effects in Plant Growth5. Energy Transfers (A Level)5.1 Photosynthesis0/05.1.1 Light-Dependent Reactions in Photosynthesis5.1.2 Light-Independent Reactions (Calvin Cycle)5.1.3 Limiting Factors and Agricultural Practices in Photosynthesis5.2 Respiration0/05.2.1 Glycolysis: The Fundamental Metabolic Pathway5.2.2 Aerobic Respiration5.2.3 Respiration Rate Investigation5.3 Energy and Ecosystems0/05.3.1 Production in Ecosystems5.3.2 Efficiency of Energy Transfer in Ecosystems5.4 Nutrient Cycles0/05.4.1 Nutrient Cycles: The Nitrogen and Phosphorus Cycles5.4.2 Investigating Nutrient Effects in Plant Growth6. Organism Responses (A Level)Premium6.1 Stimulus and Response Mechanisms0/06.1.1 Types of Stimuli6.1.2 Receptor Specificity in Organisms6.1.3 Plant Tropic Responses6.2 Nervous System Functioning0/06.2.1 Neurone Structure and Function6.2.2 Action Potential Mechanics in Neurones6.2.3 Nerve Impulse Transmission6.3 Synaptic Transmission0/06.3.1 Synapse Structure and Function6.3.2 Neuromuscular Junctions6.4 Sensory Reception0/06.4.1 The Pacinian Corpuscle: A Detailed Study in Sensory Reception6.4.2 Human Retinal Function6.5 Cardiovascular Control0/06.5.1 Heart Rate Regulation6.6 Muscle Physiology0/06.6.1 Muscle Contraction Mechanics6.6.2 Types of Muscle Fibres6.7 Homeostasis0/06.7.1 Principles and Mechanisms of Homeostasis6.7.2 Blood Glucose Control in the Human Body6.7.3 Osmoregulation in the Body6. Organism Responses (A Level)Premium6.1 Stimulus and Response Mechanisms0/06.1.1 Types of Stimuli6.1.2 Receptor Specificity in Organisms6.1.3 Plant Tropic Responses6.2 Nervous System Functioning0/06.2.1 Neurone Structure and Function6.2.2 Action Potential Mechanics in Neurones6.2.3 Nerve Impulse Transmission6.3 Synaptic Transmission0/06.3.1 Synapse Structure and Function6.3.2 Neuromuscular Junctions6.4 Sensory Reception0/06.4.1 The Pacinian Corpuscle: A Detailed Study in Sensory Reception6.4.2 Human Retinal Function6.5 Cardiovascular Control0/06.5.1 Heart Rate Regulation6.6 Muscle Physiology0/06.6.1 Muscle Contraction Mechanics6.6.2 Types of Muscle Fibres6.7 Homeostasis0/06.7.1 Principles and Mechanisms of Homeostasis6.7.2 Blood Glucose Control in the Human Body6.7.3 Osmoregulation in the Body7. Genetics and Evolution (A Level)Premium7.1 Inheritance0/07.1.1 Genotype and Phenotype Relationships7.1.2 Allele Variations in Diploid Organisms7.1.3 Genetic Crosses Analysis7.1.4 Chi-Squared Test Application in Biology7.2 Populations0/07.2.1 Population Definition and Gene Pool7.2.2 Hardy–Weinberg Principle7.2.3 Genetic Variation Factors in Populations7.3 Speciation0/07.3.1 Phenotypic Variation7.3.2 Natural Selection and Evolution7.3.3 Mechanisms Leading to Speciation7.4 Ecosystems0/07.4.1 Community Interactions and Ecosystems7.4.2 Population Size Estimation Techniques7.4.3 Ecosystem Dynamics and Succession7.4.4 Human Impact and Conservation7. Genetics and Evolution (A Level)Premium7.1 Inheritance0/07.1.1 Genotype and Phenotype Relationships7.1.2 Allele Variations in Diploid Organisms7.1.3 Genetic Crosses Analysis7.1.4 Chi-Squared Test Application in Biology7.2 Populations0/07.2.1 Population Definition and Gene Pool7.2.2 Hardy–Weinberg Principle7.2.3 Genetic Variation Factors in Populations7.3 Speciation0/07.3.1 Phenotypic Variation7.3.2 Natural Selection and Evolution7.3.3 Mechanisms Leading to Speciation7.4 Ecosystems0/07.4.1 Community Interactions and Ecosystems7.4.2 Population Size Estimation Techniques7.4.3 Ecosystem Dynamics and Succession7.4.4 Human Impact and Conservation8. Gene Expression Control (A Level)Premium8.1 Alterations in DNA0/08.1.1 Mechanisms of Gene Mutation8.1.2 Mutation Rates and Causes8.2 Controlling Gene Expression0/08.2.1 Cellular Differentiation and DNA Translation8.2.2 Transcriptional Regulation in Eukaryotes8.2.3 Regulation at the Post-Transcriptional Level8.2.4 Gene Expression in Cancer8.3 Gene Technology and Medicine0/08.3.1 Gene Technology and Medicine: Genome Sequencing Projects8.3.2 Medical Applications of Gene Technologies8.4 Practical Applications of Gene Expression0/08.4.1 Recombinant DNA Techniques8.4.2 Diagnostic Applications in Gene Expression8.4.3 Genetic Fingerprinting in Biology8. Gene Expression Control (A Level)Premium8.1 Alterations in DNA0/08.1.1 Mechanisms of Gene Mutation8.1.2 Mutation Rates and Causes8.2 Controlling Gene Expression0/08.2.1 Cellular Differentiation and DNA Translation8.2.2 Transcriptional Regulation in Eukaryotes8.2.3 Regulation at the Post-Transcriptional Level8.2.4 Gene Expression in Cancer8.3 Gene Technology and Medicine0/08.3.1 Gene Technology and Medicine: Genome Sequencing Projects8.3.2 Medical Applications of Gene Technologies8.4 Practical Applications of Gene Expression0/08.4.1 Recombinant DNA Techniques8.4.2 Diagnostic Applications in Gene Expression8.4.3 Genetic Fingerprinting in Biology