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AQA A-Level Biology Notes

6.1.2 Receptor Specificity in Organisms

Introduction to Receptor Specificity

Receptors, either as proteins or cellular structures, are vital in detecting environmental stimuli. Their specificity enables them to bind or react to particular molecules or stimulus types, like light, sound, or chemicals. This binding converts external information into a cellular response, triggering appropriate reactions to environmental changes.

Key Aspects of Receptor Specificity

  • Selective Binding: Receptors possess unique binding sites that correspond to specific molecules or stimulus types.
  • Transduction: Receptors convert external stimuli into cellular signals.
  • Adaptation: Sensory adaptation occurs as receptors decrease responsiveness to a constant stimulus.

Classification of Sensory Receptors

Based on stimulus type, sensory receptors are categorised as follows:

1. Mechanoreceptors

  • Function: Detect mechanical forces such as pressure, stretch, or vibration.
  • Location: Primarily in skin, inner ears, and muscles.
  • Examples: Pacinian corpuscles (pressure), hair cells in the cochlea (sound vibrations).
Tactile receptors in the skin, a type of Mechanoreceptor

Image courtesy of BruceBlaus

2. Chemoreceptors

  • Function: Sensitive to chemical stimuli.
  • Location: In taste buds and olfactory regions.
  • Examples: Gustatory receptors (taste), olfactory receptors (smell).
Olfactory receptors, a hair-like parts extending from olfactory bulb into the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, in humans

Image courtesy of Lumen Learning

3. Photoreceptors

  • Function: Respond to light.
  • Location: Retina of the eye.
  • Examples: Rods (low-light vision), cones (colour vision).
Rods and cones, photoreceptors, in an eye

Image courtesy of All About Vision

4. Thermoreceptors

  • Function: Sense temperature changes.
  • Location: Skin and hypothalamus.
  • Examples: End-bulbs of Krause (cold), Ruffini endings (heat).
Ruffini endings or Ruffini corpuscle, thermoreceptors, in skin

Image courtesy of BruceBlaus.

5. Nociceptors

  • Function: Detect pain or harmful stimuli.
  • Location: Throughout the body, especially in skin, joints, and internal organs.
  • Examples: Free nerve endings responding to extreme heat, cold, or pressure.
Free nerve endings, nociceptors, that responds to extreme heat, cold, or pressure.

Image courtesy of BruceBlaus.

Detailed Analysis of Key Receptors

Vision: The Eye’s Photoreceptors

  • Rods and Cones: These cells in the retina detect light. Rods, sensitive to low light, aid in night vision. Cones, effective in bright light, facilitate colour vision.
  • Process: Incoming light hits these cells, initiating signals to the brain through the optic nerve, leading to visual perception.

Hearing: Hair Cells in the Cochlea

  • Structure: The cochlea houses hair cells that react to sound vibrations.
  • Function: These cells convert sound waves into electrical signals, interpreted as sound by the brain.
Illustration of the internal structure of the ear showing cochlea

Image courtesy of VectorMine

Taste: Gustatory Receptors

  • Location: On the tongue within taste buds.
  • Stimulus Detection: Activated by food chemicals in saliva.
  • Signal Transmission: Signals sent to the brain translate into taste sensations.

Smell: Olfactory Receptors

  • Function: Detect airborne chemical compounds.
  • Process: Binding of molecules in the nasal cavity to these receptors triggers signals to the brain, enabling odour perception.

Touch: Mechanoreceptors in the Skin

  • Variety: Includes different types, each sensitive to specific touch sensations like pressure or vibration.
  • Response: Their stimulation results in signals to the brain, conveying information about the touch.

In-depth Study of Receptor Functioning

Receptor Dynamics

  • Activation and Deactivation: Receptors activate upon binding with specific stimuli and deactivate to prevent constant stimulation.
  • Signal Amplification: Some receptors amplify signals, making them more detectable to the nervous system.

Sensory Pathways

  • Transmission: Information from receptors is transmitted through the nervous system to the brain.
  • Integration: The brain integrates sensory information, resulting in perception.

Adaptation and Plasticity

  • Sensory Adaptation: Receptors may reduce responsiveness to persistent stimuli, a crucial adaptation for filtering out unimportant information.
  • Plasticity: Sensory receptors can adjust their sensitivity based on the environment or organism's needs.

Applications of Understanding Receptor Specificity

Medical Implications

  • Disease Diagnosis: Understanding receptors aids in diagnosing diseases affecting sensory systems.
  • Treatment Development: Receptor knowledge is vital in developing treatments, such as drugs targeting specific receptor types.

Technological Advances

  • Sensor Design: Insights into receptor functioning inspire the development of advanced sensors in technology.
  • Artificial Systems: Replicating receptor specificity in artificial systems enhances the design of prosthetics and robotic sensory systems.


Receptor specificity is a cornerstone of sensory perception, enabling organisms to interpret and respond to a myriad of environmental cues. The detailed study of various receptors, from vision to taste, reveals the sophistication and precision of sensory systems. This knowledge extends beyond basic biology, finding applications in medicine, technology, and understanding human and animal behaviour. As research progresses, the depth of our understanding of receptor specificity will continue to unlock new frontiers in biological and technological innovation.


Sensory receptors play a crucial role in maintaining homeostasis – the body's state of steady internal conditions. These receptors constantly monitor and respond to changes in the external and internal environment. For instance, thermoreceptors in the skin and hypothalamus detect temperature changes, triggering responses like sweating or shivering to regulate body temperature. Chemoreceptors in the carotid arteries and aorta monitor blood oxygen and carbon dioxide levels, helping to maintain respiratory and metabolic balance. Mechanoreceptors in the bladder wall signal the need to void, thus aiding in the excretion of waste and balance of body fluids. Similarly, receptors in the muscles and joints provide proprioceptive feedback, essential for coordinating movement and maintaining posture. By providing the nervous system with continuous feedback about the internal and external environment, sensory receptors enable the body to respond appropriately to changes, thus maintaining homeostasis.

Nociceptors are specialised sensory receptors that detect signals indicating potential or actual tissue damage, commonly perceived as pain. They are found throughout the body, particularly in the skin, muscles, joints, and some internal organs. Nociceptors respond to various harmful stimuli, including extreme temperatures, mechanical damage (like cuts or pressure), and chemical irritants. When activated, nociceptors generate nerve impulses that travel to the spinal cord and then to the brain. These impulses are processed in several brain regions, including the thalamus and cerebral cortex, leading to the perception of pain. The function of nociceptors is not merely to signal pain but also to initiate protective reflexes and behaviours, such as withdrawal from a harmful stimulus. They play a crucial role in injury prevention and in alerting the body to potential or existing damage. Nociceptors can also become sensitised after an injury, leading to heightened sensitivity, which is part of the body's mechanism to ensure protection and healing of the injured area.

Receptor specificity can indeed change over time, a phenomenon largely attributed to the plasticity of the nervous system. This plasticity allows sensory systems to adapt to changing environmental conditions or to compensate for damage. For example, in the olfactory system, exposure to certain odours over time can lead to a change in receptor sensitivity or even to the expression of different receptor proteins, altering olfactory perception. Similarly, in the visual system, prolonged exposure to specific light conditions can lead to adjustments in the sensitivity of rods and cones. On a molecular level, changes in receptor specificity can occur due to gene regulation mechanisms, alterations in receptor protein structure, or changes in the surrounding membrane or cellular environment affecting receptor function. These changes are part of an organism’s ability to adapt to its environment and maintain homeostasis. However, it's important to note that while plasticity allows for some level of adaptation, the fundamental specificity of receptors (e.g., a photoreceptor responding to light) remains largely constant.

Thermoreceptors in humans are specialised sensory receptors that detect temperature changes. These receptors are categorised into two types: those sensitive to heat (warm receptors) and those responsive to cold (cold receptors). Warm receptors are generally activated at temperatures above body temperature (around 37°C), with their response increasing up to temperatures of about 45°C, beyond which pain receptors take over to signal the risk of burns. Cold receptors, on the other hand, are activated at temperatures slightly below normal body temperature, with their maximum response at around 20°C to 25°C. The sensitivity range of these receptors is designed to alert the body to potentially harmful temperature changes. Both types of thermoreceptors employ a mechanism of action potential generation, where a change in temperature alters the permeability of receptor cell membranes to ions, thereby generating an electrical impulse. This impulse travels along the sensory neurons to the brain, which interprets the signal as a sensation of warmth or cold. The differential activation thresholds and response patterns of these receptors allow for precise temperature discrimination.

Sensory receptors interact with the nervous system through a process known as sensory transduction, where they convert physical or chemical stimuli into electrical signals (nerve impulses). These impulses are then transmitted to the central nervous system (CNS) via afferent neurons. Upon reaching the CNS, the signals are processed, integrated, and interpreted in various brain regions to produce a perception of the stimulus. This information is then often relayed to the motor neurons of the peripheral nervous system, leading to a coordinated response. For example, when mechanoreceptors in the hand detect pressure (stimulus), they generate nerve impulses that travel to the brain. The brain processes this information and may send signals back through motor neurons, instructing the hand muscles to grip or release an object. This intricate communication between sensory receptors and the nervous system allows for rapid and coordinated responses to environmental changes, critical for survival and interaction with the world.

Practice Questions

Explain how the specificity of photoreceptors in the human eye contributes to the process of vision. Include details on the types of photoreceptors and their specific roles.

Photoreceptor specificity is integral to vision, involving two types: rods and cones. Rods, abundant in the peripheral retina, are highly sensitive to light and crucial for night vision. They don't discern colours, which is why nighttime vision is mostly in shades of grey. Cones, concentrated in the central retina (the fovea), are less sensitive to light but essential for colour vision and detail. There are three types of cones, each responsive to different wavelengths of light corresponding to red, green, and blue. This trichromatic system allows for the perception of a wide colour spectrum. The brain processes signals from these photoreceptors to create a composite image, enabling us to see in various light conditions and perceive colours.

Describe the process of sensory transduction in chemoreceptors, specifically focusing on olfactory receptors. How do these receptors convert chemical stimuli into a signal that the brain can interpret?

Sensory transduction in olfactory receptors involves converting chemical stimuli into nerve signals. Olfactory receptors, located in the nasal cavity, detect airborne chemicals. Each receptor has a specific protein that binds with particular molecular structures, allowing for the detection of diverse odours. When an odour molecule binds to its corresponding receptor, it triggers a molecular change in the receptor protein. This change initiates a cascade of biochemical reactions that lead to the generation of an electrical signal. This signal travels along the olfactory nerve to the brain, particularly the olfactory bulb, where it's interpreted as a distinct smell. The specificity and diversity of these receptor proteins enable the detection of a wide range of odours.

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