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AQA A-Level Biology Notes

6.1.3 Plant Tropic Responses

1. Introduction to Plant Tropic Responses

Unlike mobile organisms, plants adapt to their surroundings through growth movements towards or away from various stimuli. Tropic responses in plants, particularly phototropism and gravitropism, are critical for their survival and reproduction.

2. Phototropism: Response to Light

Phototropism is the growth of plant parts in response to a light source. This response is essential for plants to optimise light exposure for photosynthesis.

2.1 Mechanisms of Phototropism

  • Detection of Light: Plants possess photoreceptors, with phototropins being key in detecting blue light.
  • Signal Transduction Pathway: Upon light detection, a series of molecular events lead to growth changes.
  • Role of Auxin: The hormone auxin, particularly indoleacetic acid, redistributes towards the plant's shaded side, resulting in differential growth.

2.2 Examples of Phototropism

  • Stems: Typically exhibit positive phototropism by growing towards light.
  • Roots: Generally show negative phototropism, although exceptions exist depending on species and conditions.
Phototropism in plants, an example of external stimuli

Image courtesy of LuckySoul

3. Gravitropism: Response to Gravity

Gravitropism is the orientation of plant growth in response to gravity. This tropism is crucial for root and shoot orientation.

3.1 Mechanisms of Gravitropism

  • Gravity Perception: Cells in plant roots and shoots contain statoliths that sense gravitational pull.
  • Signal Transduction: This perception triggers a hormonal response, predominantly involving auxin.
  • Auxin Redistribution: Auxin accumulates on the lower side, influencing the direction of growth.

3.2 Gravitropism in Plant Organs

  • Roots: Display positive gravitropism, growing downwards to anchor the plant and absorb nutrients and water.
  • Stems: Exhibit negative gravitropism, growing upwards to access light.
Gravitropism or geotropsim in plants

Image courtesy of I_love_life

4. Interaction of Phototropism and Gravitropism

Plants often encounter multiple stimuli simultaneously and must integrate these signals to ensure optimal growth and development.

4.1 Integration of Responses

  • Competing Stimuli: Plants prioritise light or gravity signals based on their immediate needs and environmental context.
  • Signal Integration: These responses are integrated to balance the plant's overall growth direction.

5. Indoleacetic Acid in Tropic Responses

Indoleacetic acid, a type of auxin, is central to plant tropic responses, regulating cell growth and division.

5.1 Auxin Transport and Distribution

  • Transport Mechanisms: Auxin is transported cell-to-cell, allowing for its asymmetric distribution in response to stimuli.
  • Differential Cell Elongation: Higher concentrations of auxin promote cell elongation, influencing the growth direction.
Auxin's role in plant phototropism

Image courtesy of MacKhayman

5.2 Environmental Adaptation via Auxin

  • Adaptive Growth Responses: Auxin enables plants to adapt their growth based on changing light and gravitational cues.
  • Modulation of Auxin Levels: Environmental changes lead to adjustments in auxin levels, triggering appropriate tropic responses.

6. Scientific Studies on Tropic Responses

Research in plant physiology has provided substantial insights into the mechanisms of plant tropic responses.

6.1 Key Experiments

  • Darwin’s Phototropism Experiments: Illustrated the importance of the plant tip in perceiving light.
  • Boysen-Jensen’s Auxin Studies: Demonstrated the role of a mobile chemical, later identified as auxin, in phototropism.

6.2 Advances in Molecular Biology

  • Genetic Research: Identification of genes involved in auxin biosynthesis and transport has been pivotal.
  • Biochemical Pathways: Studies have detailed the auxin signal transduction pathways.

7. Practical Applications

The understanding of plant tropic responses has significant applications in agriculture and horticulture.

7.1 Agricultural Implications

  • Crop Growth Optimization: Manipulation of light and gravity cues can optimise plant growth for better yield.
  • Selective Breeding: Breeding for specific tropic traits to enhance crop performance.

7.2 Horticultural Uses

  • Plant Training: Utilising knowledge of tropic responses for aesthetic plant arrangements.
  • Houseplant Care: Insights into light requirements and growth patterns of indoor plants.
Indoor plants arrangement for light

Image courtesy of freepik

8. Challenges and Future Directions

Despite advancements, there are ongoing challenges in fully understanding plant tropic responses.

8.1 Research Challenges

  • Complex Interactions: Deciphering the interactions among different tropisms and environmental variables.
  • Molecular Mechanisms: Further elucidating the complex molecular pathways of tropic responses.

8.2 Future Research Areas

  • Gene Editing Technologies: Tools like CRISPR offer potential for targeted manipulation of genes associated with tropic responses.
  • Impact of Climate Change: Examining how shifts in environmental conditions affect plant growth and tropic behaviors.

In summary, plant responses to light and gravity, primarily through the action of indoleacetic acid, are fundamental to plant biology, enabling them to adapt to their environment. These tropic responses represent a key area of study in plant physiology, with wide-ranging implications in agriculture, horticulture, and our understanding of plant ecology.


Photoreceptors are specialised proteins in plants that absorb light and initiate signal transduction pathways, leading to various physiological responses, including tropic movements. There are several types of photoreceptors, each sensitive to different wavelengths of light. In phototropism, phototropins, which are sensitive to blue light, play a crucial role. They detect light direction, intensity, and duration, initiating the signalling pathway that leads to auxin redistribution and differential cell growth. Phytochromes, which absorb red and far-red light, are more involved in germination, flowering, and shade avoidance but can indirectly influence tropic responses by altering overall plant growth and development. Cryptochromes, which also absorb blue light, primarily regulate circadian rhythms and can modulate phototropic responses. The interplay of these photoreceptors allows plants to finely tune their growth and orientation in response to the light environment, ensuring optimal light absorption for photosynthesis and overall survival.

Environmental factors like water, temperature, and touch also significantly influence plant tropic responses, though not as directly as light and gravity. Hydrotropism is a response where roots grow towards moisture, which is crucial in environments where water distribution is uneven. Temperature can affect tropic responses indirectly; for example, low temperatures may slow down growth processes, affecting the plant's ability to respond to tropic stimuli. Thigmotropism is the response to touch or physical contact, seen in climbing plants like vines which curl around objects for support. Chemical stimuli in the soil can also direct root growth in a process called chemotropism. These additional tropic responses enable plants to adapt to a wide range of environmental conditions, ensuring survival and reproduction by optimising resource utilisation and avoiding unfavourable conditions.

Phototropism and heliotropism are both responses to light, but they differ fundamentally in their nature and mechanisms. Phototropism is a growth-oriented movement where the direction of growth is influenced by the direction of light. It involves the differential elongation of cells on the side of the plant that is away from the light source, leading to bending towards the light. This response is slow and results from growth changes. In contrast, heliotropism, or solar tracking, is a more immediate response where plant parts, such as leaves or flowers, move or orient themselves in response to the sun's movement across the sky. Heliotropism allows for maximum light absorption during the day and is achieved through changes in turgor pressure in specialized cells rather than through growth. While phototropism is commonly observed in stems and is largely irreversible, heliotropism is a reversible and more dynamic response seen in mature plant parts.

The effect of light wavelength on phototropism is primarily mediated by specific photoreceptors in plants that are sensitive to certain wavelengths. Blue light is the most effective in inducing phototropism, largely due to the presence of phototropins, a class of photoreceptors that specifically absorb blue light. These phototropins initiate the phototropic response by activating signalling pathways that lead to the redistribution of auxin. Red and far-red light, typically perceived by phytochromes, play a less direct role in phototropism. However, they can influence phototropism indirectly by affecting the plant's overall growth patterns and development stages. Understanding the wavelength-specific response is crucial as it helps in manipulating plant growth in controlled environments, like greenhouses, where specific light wavelengths can be used to direct plant growth for optimal space utilisation and light absorption.

In zero-gravity environments, such as space, the traditional concept of gravitropism is challenged since the directional gravitational pull is absent. However, studies conducted in space have shown that plants still exhibit growth patterns that are somewhat similar to gravitropism observed on Earth. These observations suggest that while gravity is a significant cue for gravitropic responses, plants possess inherent growth patterns and can use other cues in its absence. In microgravity, plants tend to exhibit random orientations, but they still demonstrate organised growth, indicating the presence of internal mechanisms for orientation and growth direction. Additionally, research in space provides insights into the molecular and genetic basis of gravitropism, revealing that plants have evolved complex and adaptable systems to orient themselves and grow effectively in varying environmental conditions.

Practice Questions

Explain how indoleacetic acid (IAA) mediates the process of phototropism in plants.

Indoleacetic acid (IAA) plays a crucial role in phototropism by regulating differential cell growth. When one side of a plant stem is exposed to light, IAA accumulates on the shaded side. This uneven distribution of IAA causes the cells on the shaded side to elongate more than those on the light-exposed side, leading to the stem bending towards the light. This process ensures that the plant optimises its exposure to light, vital for photosynthesis. The ability of IAA to control cell elongation in response to environmental stimuli demonstrates its significant role in plant growth and adaptation.

Describe the role of statoliths in gravitropism and discuss how their function contributes to the overall growth of a plant.

Statoliths, starch-filled organelles in plant cells, are crucial for detecting gravity in gravitropism. They settle at the lower part of the cell due to gravitational pull, which helps the plant determine the direction of gravity. This positional information is then converted into a biochemical signal that redistributes auxin, primarily indoleacetic acid, to the lower side of the root or shoot. In roots, this causes increased growth on the lower side, leading to downward growth (positive gravitropism), essential for anchoring and nutrient absorption. In shoots, it results in reduced growth on the lower side, leading to upward growth (negative gravitropism), crucial for light exposure and photosynthesis. Statoliths thus play a vital role in ensuring plants grow optimally oriented in their environment.

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