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AQA A-Level Biology Notes

6.1.1 Types of Stimuli

Introduction to Stimuli

In biology, a stimulus is any change in an organism's environment that causes a response. These stimuli are categorised into internal, originating within the organism, and external, arising from the environment.

Internal Stimuli

Internal stimuli are changes within an organism, often signalling alterations in its physiological state.

Characteristics of Internal Stimuli

  • Homeostatic Imbalances: These include changes in blood pressure, body temperature, hydration levels, or glucose concentration, which trigger regulatory mechanisms.
  • Hormonal Fluctuations: Hormonal changes can influence mood, metabolism, and growth. For instance, insulin secretion is a response to increased blood glucose levels.

Detection of Internal Stimuli

  • Receptors and Sensors: Located in various organs, these detect internal changes. For example, baroreceptors in blood vessels monitor blood pressure.
  • Neural and Hormonal Feedback: The central nervous system and endocrine system work in tandem to maintain homeostasis through feedback mechanisms.

External Stimuli

External stimuli are environmental factors influencing an organism externally.

Characteristics of External Stimuli

  • Physical Factors: Light, temperature, sound, and pressure variations fall under this category. For instance, sunlight intensity can influence animal behaviour.
  • Chemical Factors: These include the presence of certain substances in the environment, like pheromones or pollutants, affecting behaviour and physiology.

Detection of External Stimuli

  • Specialised Sensory Organs: These include eyes for light, ears for sound, and nose for chemical substances.
  • Signal Transduction Pathways: Sensory information is converted into electrical signals and processed by the nervous system, leading to a response.
Five common types of stimuli

Image courtesy of dizain

Examples of Stimuli and Responses

Practical examples illustrate the concept of stimuli and responses in biology.

Internal Stimulus Example: Hunger

  • Stimulus: Low blood glucose levels.
  • Detection: Glucose sensors in the hypothalamus detect this change.
  • Response: Hunger signals are generated, leading to food-seeking behaviour.

External Stimulus Example: Plant Response to Light

  • Stimulus: Sunlight.
  • Detection: Plant cells containing photoreceptors, like phytochromes, detect light.
  • Response: Phototropism, where a plant grows towards the light source, occurs, maximizing photosynthesis.
Phototropism in plants, an example of external stimuli

Image courtesy of LuckySoul

External Stimulus Example: Animal Response to Temperature

  • Stimulus: Ambient temperature change.
  • Detection: Skin receptors detect temperature changes.
  • Response: Behavioural responses like seeking shade or basking in the sun, and physiological responses like sweating or shivering.

Response Mechanisms

The response to stimuli involves complex physiological processes.

Neural Responses

  • Rapid Response: In animals, neural pathways facilitate quick responses to stimuli, like reflex actions.
  • Signal Processing: The central nervous system processes sensory input, leading to coordinated responses.
Illustration of the reflex arc

Image courtesy of LuckySoul

Hormonal Responses

  • Slower Response: Hormonal responses are generally slower but have longer-lasting effects, like growth and development.
  • Endocrine Glands: These glands release hormones in response to stimuli, influencing various bodily functions.

Plant Responses

  • Growth Hormones: Substances like auxins regulate growth in response to environmental stimuli.
  • Tropisms: Directional growth responses like phototropism and gravitropism are examples of plant responses to external stimuli.
Diagram showing Different types of Plant tropisms

Image courtesy of Bulb

Adaptation to Stimuli

Organisms have evolved mechanisms to adapt to their environment through response to stimuli.

Evolutionary Adaptations

  • Specialised Receptors: Over time, organisms have developed receptors specifically attuned to their ecological niches.
  • Behavioural Adaptations: Behaviours that enhance survival and reproduction in response to environmental stimuli have been selected over generations.

Learning and Memory

  • Associative Learning: Organisms learn to associate certain stimuli with specific outcomes, modifying their responses accordingly.
  • Memory Formation: Memory plays a crucial role in storing information about stimuli and appropriate responses.


Understanding the types and nature of stimuli, along with the mechanisms of detection and response, is crucial for students studying AQA A-level Biology. This knowledge forms the foundation for comprehending more complex biological processes and systems.


Negative feedback mechanisms are essential in maintaining homeostasis within organisms by responding to internal stimuli. These mechanisms work by producing a response that counteracts the initial stimulus, thereby bringing the system back to its set point or equilibrium. For example, consider the regulation of blood glucose levels. When blood glucose levels rise after eating, the pancreas detects this change and releases insulin. Insulin facilitates the uptake of glucose by cells, decreasing blood glucose levels. Once the glucose levels return to normal, insulin secretion decreases, thereby preventing a further drop in blood glucose. This is a classic example of a negative feedback loop, where the response (insulin release and glucose uptake) negates the stimulus (high blood glucose levels). Negative feedback mechanisms are vital in preventing extreme fluctuations in internal conditions, thus ensuring stable and optimal functioning of biological systems.

Receptor specificity is crucial in stimulus detection as it ensures that organisms respond appropriately to different environmental cues. Each type of receptor is designed to detect a specific kind of stimulus, such as light, sound, chemicals, or pressure. This specificity allows organisms to discern and respond to a wide range of environmental changes accurately. For example, photoreceptors in the retina are sensitive to light but not to other stimuli like sound. This specificity enables precise responses, such as adjusting pupil size in response to light intensity or initiating phototropic growth in plants. Without receptor specificity, organisms would be unable to appropriately distinguish between different stimuli, leading to inappropriate or harmful responses. This specificity is achieved through the unique structure of each receptor type, which allows it to interact with a particular form of energy or chemical compound.

Sensory neurons play a pivotal role in transmitting information about external stimuli from the sensory organs to the brain. These neurons are specialized to detect specific types of stimuli, such as light, sound, touch, or chemical signals. Once a sensory neuron detects a stimulus, it generates an electrical signal known as an action potential. This action potential travels along the neuron's axon until it reaches the central nervous system, specifically the brain or spinal cord. Here, the signal is processed and interpreted, leading to an appropriate response. For instance, when sensory neurons in the skin detect a painful stimulus, the action potential they generate travels to the spinal cord and then to the brain, where the sensation of pain is perceived. The rapid transmission of these signals is crucial for timely responses to environmental changes, enabling organisms to react quickly to potential hazards or opportunities in their surroundings.

Innate responses to stimuli are those that an organism exhibits naturally, without the need for prior experience or learning. These responses are genetically encoded and are often seen in all individuals of a species. An example is the reflex action in humans, such as the knee-jerk reflex, which is an automatic response to a specific stimulus. Innate responses are crucial for survival, as they often involve responses to critical stimuli, like threats or essential environmental changes. On the other hand, learned responses are acquired through experience and involve the modification of behaviour based on past experiences. These responses are not present at birth but are developed through interaction with the environment. Learned responses can be more flexible and tailored to specific situations compared to innate responses. An example of a learned response is associating a specific sound with food availability, as seen in Pavlov's dog experiment. This ability to learn from the environment is essential for adapting to changing conditions and for complex behaviours in many species.

Plants distinguish between light and gravity stimuli through the specific receptors and mechanisms they employ for each. In response to light, plants use photoreceptors like phytochromes and cryptochromes. These receptors detect light and initiate phototropism, the growth of plant organs towards or away from light. Conversely, for gravity, plants rely on statoliths – specialized starch-filled plastids in root cap cells and stem endodermal cells. These statoliths settle under the influence of gravity, signaling the direction of gravitational pull. This information is then used by the plant to direct its growth accordingly, in a process called gravitropism. For instance, roots exhibit positive gravitropism, growing downwards towards the gravitational pull, while stems display negative gravitropism, growing upwards against it. These tropic responses are vital for the plant's optimal orientation for resources like light, water, and nutrients.

Practice Questions

Explain how a plant cell detects and responds to light stimuli.

A plant cell detects light stimuli primarily through photoreceptors, such as phytochromes and cryptochromes. These photoreceptors change conformation upon absorbing light, initiating a signal transduction pathway. This pathway involves the production and distribution of growth hormones like auxin. Auxin unevenly accumulates on the side of the stem away from the light source, causing cell elongation on that side. As a result, the plant bends towards the light, a response known as phototropism. This mechanism is crucial for optimizing light absorption for photosynthesis, ensuring the plant's growth and survival in its environment.

Describe the role of the hypothalamus in responding to internal stimuli, using the example of body temperature regulation.

The hypothalamus plays a critical role in maintaining homeostasis, particularly in regulating body temperature. It contains thermoreceptors that detect changes in blood temperature. When the body temperature deviates from the normal range, the hypothalamus initiates responses to bring it back to equilibrium. If the body is too cold, it triggers mechanisms like shivering, vasoconstriction, and increased metabolic rate to generate and retain heat. Conversely, if the body is too hot, it promotes vasodilation, sweating, and decreased metabolic activities to dissipate heat. This regulatory process showcases the hypothalamus's integral function in internal homeostasis.

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