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AQA A-Level Biology Notes

5.1.3 Limiting Factors and Agricultural Practices in Photosynthesis

Identification and Evaluation of Limiting Factors in Photosynthesis

Light Intensity

  • Light intensity is a crucial factor for photosynthesis. As light intensity increases, so does the rate of photosynthesis, up to a saturation point.
  • Saturation point: This is when the photosynthetic rate plateaus despite further increases in light intensity, indicating that other factors have become limiting.
  • Evaluation: Artificial lighting can enhance growth in controlled environments like greenhouses. However, the cost and energy consumption of artificial lighting can be significant.
Impact of light intensity on the rate of Photosynthesis

Image courtesy of MME Revise

Carbon Dioxide Concentration

  • Carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration is a vital raw material for photosynthesis. Increased CO2 levels can significantly enhance the photosynthetic rate until other factors limit the process.
  • Evaluation: CO2 enrichment can be beneficial in greenhouses, but it requires careful balancing to avoid high costs and potential environmental impacts.
Impact of Carbon Dioxide Concentration on Photosynthesis

Image courtesy of Elevise


  • Temperature affects enzyme activity, which is central to the photosynthetic process. The rate of photosynthesis generally increases with temperature until it reaches an optimum level.
  • Evaluation: Beyond the optimum temperature, vital enzymes can denature, leading to a decrease in photosynthesis. Managing optimal temperatures, especially in varying climates, can be challenging.
Impact of Temperature on Photosynthesis

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Water Availability

  • Water availability plays a significant role in photosynthesis. Water stress can lead to the closing of stomata, reducing the uptake of CO2 and thus limiting photosynthesis.
  • Evaluation: Efficient water management is essential. Over-watering can cause issues such as root diseases and oxygen deficiency in the soil, further affecting plant growth.

Agricultural Practices to Counteract Limiting Factors

Enhancing Light Availability

  • Artificial lighting: Utilising artificial lighting in greenhouses helps supplement natural sunlight, especially during shorter days in winter.
  • Reflective surfaces: Installing reflective materials can increase light availability, particularly to lower plant parts, ensuring more uniform light distribution.

CO2 Enrichment

  • CO2 generators: These burn fossil fuels to produce CO2, which is then released into greenhouse environments.
  • Control systems: Advanced systems are used to continuously monitor and adjust the levels of CO2, ensuring they remain optimal for plant growth.

Temperature Control

  • Greenhouses: Provide a controlled environment, offering protection from extreme cold or heat.
  • Heating and cooling systems: Essential for maintaining the temperature within optimal ranges for photosynthesis.
Strawberry greenhouse with controlled temperature and artificial lighting

Image courtesy of Joi Ito

Water Management

  • Irrigation systems: These systems deliver water directly to the root zone of plants, reducing waste and ensuring adequate water supply.
  • Drip irrigation: This method is particularly efficient, reducing water usage and the risk of water-related diseases.

Soil Quality and Nutrient Management

  • Soil testing: Conducting regular soil tests helps in determining the specific nutrient needs of crops.
  • Fertilisers: The application of fertilisers supplies essential nutrients, thus enhancing the efficiency of photosynthesis.
Farmer giving fertilisers to a young plant

Image courtesy of encierro

Use of Plant Varieties

  • Hybrid varieties: Selecting hybrids that are more tolerant to environmental stresses can be beneficial.
  • Genetically modified plants: Some genetically modified plants are designed to be more efficient in their photosynthetic process under certain environmental conditions.

Pruning and Plant Arrangement

  • Pruning: This helps in controlling plant growth, ensuring better light penetration and distribution.
  • Spatial arrangement: Proper arrangement of plants optimizes light exposure and air circulation, vital for photosynthesis.
Pruning of trees for controlled growth

Image courtesy of Alexander Raths

Pest and Disease Control

  • Integrated Pest Management (IPM): Combines biological, cultural, and chemical practices to control pests effectively.
  • Disease-resistant varieties: Growing such varieties can reduce the reliance on chemical treatments.

Integration of Practices for Optimal Photosynthesis

The integration of these practices is crucial for maximising photosynthesis and crop yield. Regular monitoring and adjustment based on environmental conditions and plant responses are key. The goal is to achieve an optimal balance of all factors influencing photosynthesis, thereby enhancing agricultural productivity in a sustainable manner.

Challenges and Future Perspectives

Adopting these practices presents challenges, including costs, environmental impact, and the need for skilled management. Future advancements may offer more sustainable and efficient ways to optimize photosynthesis in agriculture. These could include developing crop varieties with enhanced photosynthetic capabilities or improved efficiency in water and nutrient usage.

In conclusion, a comprehensive understanding and strategic management of the factors limiting photosynthesis are vital for enhancing plant growth and agricultural productivity. This approach is not only beneficial for increasing crop yield but also plays a significant role in sustainable agriculture and global food security.


Air humidity plays a significant role in photosynthesis, primarily by affecting stomatal behaviour in plants. High humidity levels can lead to reduced transpiration, causing stomata to remain open and potentially increasing the uptake of CO2 for photosynthesis. However, extremely high humidity can also create an environment conducive to fungal diseases. Conversely, low humidity can increase transpiration, leading to water stress and stomatal closure, thus reducing CO2 uptake and limiting photosynthesis. In agricultural environments, humidity is controlled through ventilation and humidification systems in greenhouses. Maintaining optimal humidity levels is crucial for maximizing photosynthesis while minimizing the risk of disease and water stress.

Nutrient deficiencies can significantly affect photosynthesis. For instance, nitrogen deficiency reduces chlorophyll content, leading to decreased light absorption and hence reduced photosynthetic rate. Similarly, magnesium, a component of the chlorophyll molecule, is essential for photosynthesis. Deficiencies in these nutrients result in chlorosis and diminished photosynthetic efficiency. Agricultural practices to prevent nutrient deficiencies include regular soil testing to monitor nutrient levels and the application of balanced fertilizers that supply essential nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. In hydroponic systems, nutrient solutions are carefully formulated and adjusted to meet the specific requirements of the plants, ensuring optimal nutrient availability for photosynthesis.

Soil pH can have a profound impact on photosynthesis indirectly by influencing nutrient availability. Most nutrients are readily available to plants in slightly acidic to neutral soils (pH 6-7). If the soil is too acidic or alkaline, certain essential nutrients become less available, affecting plant growth and photosynthesis. For instance, in highly acidic soils, nutrients like phosphorus and molybdenum are less available, impacting key processes in photosynthesis. Agricultural practices to manage soil pH include the application of lime to raise pH in acidic soils or sulfur compounds to lower pH in alkaline soils. Regular soil testing is crucial to monitor pH levels and make necessary adjustments, ensuring optimal nutrient availability for efficient photosynthesis.

Excessive light intensity can indeed negatively impact photosynthesis, a phenomenon known as photoinhibition. This occurs when the light energy absorbed by plant pigments exceeds the capacity of the photosynthetic process, leading to damage of the photosynthetic machinery, particularly the photosystem II. In agricultural settings, this is managed by using shading nets or whitewash in greenhouses to diffuse and reduce the intensity of light. Additionally, cultivating plant varieties that have a higher tolerance to intense light can be beneficial. This management is crucial in regions with very high light intensities, where the risk of photoinhibition is significant.

Different wavelengths of light have varying effects on photosynthesis. Photosynthetic pigments like chlorophyll a and b absorb specific wavelengths of light, primarily in the blue (400-500 nm) and red (600-700 nm) regions of the spectrum. These wavelengths are most effective for photosynthesis. Green light, reflected by plants, is less effective. Agricultural implications include the use of LED lighting in controlled environments like greenhouses, where specific wavelengths can be selected to optimize photosynthesis. For instance, combining red and blue LEDs can create an ideal spectral balance, enhancing growth and development of plants. This targeted approach to lighting is more energy-efficient and can lead to faster growth rates and improved crop yields.

Practice Questions

Explain how CO2 concentration can limit the rate of photosynthesis and discuss one agricultural practice that can be employed to manage this limitation.

Carbon dioxide is a crucial substrate in the photosynthesis process. When its concentration is low, the rate of photosynthesis is limited because there is insufficient CO2 to combine with ribulose bisphosphate (RuBP) in the Calvin cycle. This leads to a reduced production of glucose and other organic substances essential for plant growth. To manage this limitation, agricultural practices such as CO2 enrichment in greenhouses can be employed. By artificially increasing the CO2 concentration, the rate of photosynthesis can be enhanced, leading to improved plant growth and yield. This method, however, requires careful control to ensure optimal levels of CO2, as excessive concentrations can be detrimental.

Describe how temperature affects the rate of photosynthesis and suggest an agricultural practice to optimise this factor in crop production.

Temperature significantly impacts the rate of photosynthesis, primarily through its effect on enzyme activity. Photosynthesis increases with temperature up to an optimum level, where the enzymes involved in the process function most efficiently. Beyond this optimum, enzymes like Rubisco can denature, leading to a decrease in the rate of photosynthesis. To optimise temperature in crop production, greenhouses can be utilised. They provide a controlled environment where heating and cooling systems maintain the temperature within the optimal range. This ensures that the temperature remains conducive for the enzymes, thus enhancing the rate of photosynthesis and improving crop yield.

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