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AQA A-Level Biology Notes

2.7.2 Immune Response to Pathogens


Phagocytosis is a form of endocytosis where large particles, such as bacteria, are engulfed by cells. It is a crucial first-line defence mechanism in the innate immune system.

  • Key Phagocytes: Neutrophils and macrophages are the primary phagocytes. Neutrophils are fast-responding and often the first on the scene of infection. Macrophages, derived from monocytes, are larger and capable of engulfing larger or more numerous particles.
  • Phagocytic Process:
    • Recognition and Adherence: Phagocytes recognize pathogens through pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) which bind to pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) on the surface of the microorganism.
    • Engulfment: The phagocyte extends pseudopodia that envelop the pathogen, leading to internalization within a phagosome.
    • Destruction and Digestion: Lysosomes fuse with the phagosome to form a phagolysosome. Enzymes and toxic peroxides within lysosomes digest and neutralize the pathogen.
Phagocytosis by Macrophages

Image courtesy of MDPI

T Lymphocyte Responses

T lymphocytes, or T cells, are central to the immune system's adaptive response. They are responsible for cell-mediated immunity and assist in activating other immune cells.

  • Types of T cells:
    • Helper T cells (CD4+ T cells): They aid in activating B cells to secrete antibodies and macrophages to destroy ingested microbes. They also assist in activating cytotoxic T cells.
    • Cytotoxic T cells (CD8+ T cells): These cells directly attack and destroy infected cells, tumor cells, and transplanted cells.
  • Activation and Differentiation: T cells are activated by antigen-presenting cells (APCs) like dendritic cells. The T cell receptor (TCR) recognizes antigens presented on the surface of APCs, leading to T cell activation and clonal expansion.
  • Role in Immune Regulation: Helper T cells release cytokines that regulate the activity of other immune cells, thus playing a central role in coordinating the immune response.
Types of T cells, helper T cells, cytotoxic T cells and regulatory T cells

Image courtesy of Understanding Cancer Immunotherapy Research

B Lymphocyte Responses

B lymphocytes, or B cells, form the basis of the humoral aspect of the adaptive immune response. Their primary function is to produce antibodies against antigens.

  • Activation: B cell activation involves the binding of an antigen to the B cell receptor (BCR), followed by internalization, processing, and presentation on MHC class II molecules. This process is often aided by helper T cells.
  • Differentiation into Plasma Cells and Memory Cells: Upon activation, B cells can differentiate into plasma cells, which produce antibodies specific to the antigen. Some B cells become memory B cells, providing long-term immunity.
  • Role of Memory B cells: These cells persist in the body and can quickly mount an immune response upon re-exposure to the antigen, forming the basis for immunological memory.
Antigen-Dependent Activation of B-Lymphocytes

Image courtesy of OpenStax

Antibody Structure and Function

Antibodies, or immunoglobulins, are Y-shaped proteins produced by plasma cells. They are crucial in neutralizing pathogens and marking them for destruction.

  • Structure:
    • Composed of two identical heavy chains and two identical light chains.
    • The variable region at the tips of the Y binds to specific antigens.
  • Functions:
    • Neutralisation: Antibodies can neutralize pathogens by binding to and blocking the parts of the pathogen essential for infecting cells.
    • Opsonisation: Antibodies tag pathogens for destruction by other immune cells.
    • Activation of the Complement System: They trigger a cascade of responses that lead to the lysis of the pathogen.
Illustration of antibody and antigen binding

Image courtesy of Fvasconcellos

Primary and Secondary Immune Responses

The immune system's response to an antigen is categorized into primary and secondary responses.

  • Primary Response:
    • Occurs upon first exposure to an antigen.
    • Characterized by a lag phase, as the immune system takes time to recognize and respond.
    • Activation of naïve B and T cells and the production of memory cells.
  • Secondary Response:
    • Triggered upon subsequent exposure to the same antigen.
    • More rapid and robust due to the presence of memory cells.
    • Results in a quicker and larger production of specific antibodies.

Role of Plasma and Memory Cells

The roles of plasma cells and memory cells are crucial in providing both immediate and long-term immunity.

  • Plasma Cells:
    • They are short-lived cells that produce a large volume of antibodies against specific antigens.
    • Integral for the immediate neutralization of pathogens during an active infection.
  • Memory Cells:
    • Long-lived cells that remain in the lymphoid organs.
    • Capable of quickly proliferating and differentiating into effector cells upon re-exposure to the antigen.
    • Provide the basis for long-lasting immunity and the effectiveness of vaccines.

Through the study of these intricate processes, we gain a comprehensive understanding of how our body combats various pathogens. This knowledge is not only foundational in the field of immunology but also pivotal in medical research, especially in developing vaccines and therapeutic strategies against infectious diseases.


The complement system is a group of proteins found in the blood plasma and cell surfaces that enhance the ability of antibodies and phagocytic cells to clear pathogens from an organism. It plays a key role in both the innate and adaptive immune responses. The system is activated in several ways, including through the classical pathway which is initiated by the binding of antibodies to antigens, and the alternative pathway which is triggered directly by pathogen surfaces. Once activated, a series of reactions occur, leading to the production of a set of proteins that perform various functions including opsonization, which tags pathogens for easier phagocytosis, and formation of the membrane attack complex (MAC), which creates pores in the cell membranes of pathogens, leading to their lysis. The complement system also promotes inflammation by attracting phagocytes to the site of infection and enhancing their ability to phagocytose pathogens and clear dead cells. Thus, the complement system not only helps in direct destruction of pathogens but also aids in coordinating other aspects of the immune response.

Memory cells are a fundamental aspect of vaccination and long-term immunity. Vaccines work by mimicking a natural infection to stimulate the immune system's production of memory cells without causing the disease itself. When a vaccine introduces a harmless form of a pathogen or a pathogen's antigens into the body, it triggers an immune response, leading to the production of memory B and T cells specific to that antigen. These memory cells persist in the body long after the initial immune response has subsided. If the individual is later exposed to the actual pathogen, these memory cells recognize the pathogen and respond more swiftly and effectively than during the first encounter. This rapid and robust response often prevents the pathogen from causing illness. Memory cells are the reason why vaccines are so effective in preventing diseases; they ensure that the immune system is primed and ready to fight off the pathogen should a future exposure occur. This principle underpins the success of many vaccines and is crucial in the control and eradication of infectious diseases.

Cytokines are small proteins released by cells, particularly those of the immune system, and they have a significant role in cell signaling. They are crucial in the body's immune response to infection and inflammation. Cytokines include a broad category of molecules, such as interferons, interleukins, and growth factors. They act as messengers between cells and orchestrate the immune response by stimulating the movement of cells towards sites of inflammation, infection, and trauma. Cytokines can be pro-inflammatory or anti-inflammatory, helping to ramp up or down the immune response. For example, interferons are released in response to the presence of pathogens, particularly viruses, and they alert neighboring cells and enhance their defenses. Interleukins, another group of cytokines, can promote B and T cell proliferation and differentiation. The balance and regulation of cytokines are critical for a healthy immune response. Overproduction can lead to chronic inflammation and autoimmune diseases, while underproduction can result in a decreased immune response, making the body more susceptible to infections.

The variable region of an antibody is crucial for its specificity and function. Each antibody has a unique variable region that allows it to bind specifically to a particular antigen. This region is found at the tips of the 'Y' shaped antibody molecule and is composed of a set of amino acids that form the antigen-binding site. The variability in the amino acid sequence in this region is what gives antibodies their specificity. When an antigen enters the body, only those B cells with antibodies on their surface that have a variable region complementary to a part of the antigen will bind to it and be stimulated to divide and produce more antibodies. This process is the cornerstone of the humoral immune response, where the body produces specific antibodies to neutralize or mark pathogens for destruction. The diversity of the variable region is generated through a process known as V(D)J recombination, which randomly rearranges gene segments encoding the variable regions during B cell development. This recombination results in a vast repertoire of antibodies, each capable of recognizing a different antigen.

Dendritic cells are key antigen-presenting cells (APCs) in the immune system. They function as messengers between the innate and the adaptive immune systems. Found in tissues in contact with the external environment, such as the skin and the inner lining of the nose, lungs, stomach, and intestines, dendritic cells have a unique ability to capture antigens from pathogens. Once they capture an antigen, they undergo maturation and migrate to the lymph nodes. Here, they present the antigen to T cells. This antigen presentation is crucial for the activation of T cells, which is a necessary step for initiating a specific immune response. Dendritic cells can present antigens on both MHC class I and II molecules, allowing them to activate both CD8+ cytotoxic T cells and CD4+ helper T cells. Their role is not just limited to the activation of T cells; they also have the ability to modulate the immune response by releasing various cytokines, thus influencing the nature of the immune response, whether it be towards a more cellular or humoral response.

Practice Questions

Explain the role of T lymphocytes in the immune response, particularly focusing on the functions of Helper T cells and Cytotoxic T cells.

T lymphocytes, or T cells, play a crucial role in the immune system's response to pathogens. Helper T cells, also known as CD4+ T cells, are instrumental in activating both the cell-mediated and humoral aspects of the immune response. They do this by interacting with antigen-presenting cells and releasing cytokines, which stimulate the activity of other immune cells, including B cells and cytotoxic T cells. Helper T cells thus facilitate the production of antibodies and enhance the immune response. Cytotoxic T cells, or CD8+ T cells, directly target and destroy infected or abnormal cells. They are capable of recognizing cells infected with viruses or transformed by cancer, binding to them, and inducing apoptosis, thereby eliminating the infected cells and preventing the spread of infection. Together, these cells orchestrate a targeted and effective immune response against pathogens.

Describe the process of phagocytosis and its importance in the innate immune system

Phagocytosis is a critical process in the innate immune system where phagocytes, such as neutrophils and macrophages, engulf and destroy pathogens. The process begins with the recognition and adherence of the phagocyte to the pathogen, facilitated by the binding of pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) to pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) on the phagocyte. Once bound, the phagocyte engulfs the pathogen into a vesicle known as a phagosome. Lysosomes then fuse with the phagosome to form a phagolysosome, where enzymes and toxic peroxides digest and neutralize the pathogen. Phagocytosis is essential in the innate immune response as it provides an immediate defence mechanism against a wide range of pathogens, preventing their proliferation and spread in the body. Additionally, the process helps to stimulate the adaptive immune system by presenting antigens from the digested pathogens to T cells.

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