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AQA A-Level Biology Notes

2.7.4 Monoclonal Antibodies: Pioneering Precision in Medicine

Introduction to Monoclonal Antibodies

Monoclonal antibodies are laboratory-made molecules engineered to serve as substitute antibodies. They can restore, enhance, or mimic the immune system's attack on cells.

Production Techniques

  • Hybridoma Technology: Involves fusing an antibody-producing B cell with a myeloma (cancer) cell, creating a hybrid cell line that can produce large quantities of the desired antibody.
  • Recombinant DNA Technology: Employs techniques of genetic engineering to produce monoclonal antibodies, allowing for greater specificity and reduced risk of contamination.
Hybridoma method for monoclonal antibody creation

Image courtesy of Adenosine

Key Properties

  • High Specificity: mAbs are designed to target specific antigens, leading to fewer side effects.
  • Consistency: Each batch of mAbs is virtually identical, ensuring consistent treatment outcomes.
  • Versatility: Can be engineered to bind to virtually any substance, making them useful in various medical applications.

mAbs in Targeted Therapy

Monoclonal antibodies have revolutionized the approach to treating diseases, particularly in oncology, autoimmune diseases, and chronic inflammatory conditions.

Cancer Therapies

  • Mechanism: mAbs can directly target cancer cells, delivering toxins to the cells, blocking essential growth signals, or recruiting immune cells to attack the cancer.
  • Examples: Rituximab (for non-Hodgkin lymphoma), Trastuzumab (for breast cancer).
Monoclonal antibodies in cancer therapy

Image courtesy of National Cancer Institute

Treatment of Autoimmune Diseases

  • Selective Targeting: mAbs can specifically target immune cells or proteins involved in autoimmune diseases, reducing symptoms without compromising overall immunity.
  • Applications: Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s disease, and multiple sclerosis.

Management of Allergies

  • Blocking Pathways: mAbs can block the action of immune system components that play a key role in allergic reactions.
  • Usage: Omalizumab, a monoclonal antibody used to treat severe asthma and chronic hives.

Diagnostic Applications

The specificity of mAbs makes them invaluable tools in diagnosing diseases and monitoring treatment responses.


  • ELISA: Widely used for detecting and quantifying substances like hormones and antibodies.
  • Flow Cytometry: mAbs tagged with fluorescent markers identify specific cell types, useful in diagnosing blood cancers and immunodeficiencies.

Molecular Imaging

  • Radioimmunodetection: mAbs labeled with radioactive isotopes are used to detect cancer metastases and monitor treatment efficacy.

Ethical Considerations

The development and application of monoclonal antibodies raise ethical concerns that need addressing.

Access and Affordability

  • Cost-Effectiveness: The high cost of mAb therapies can limit access for many patients.
  • Healthcare Inequality: Ensuring equitable access to these treatments remains a significant challenge.

Animal Welfare

  • Animal Use: The production and testing of mAbs often involve animals, necessitating ethical considerations regarding animal welfare.

Informed Consent

  • Patient Awareness: It is crucial that patients are informed about the potential risks and benefits of mAb therapies.

The ELISA Test: A Closer Look

The Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) is a popular laboratory test that uses antibodies and color change to identify a substance.

Fundamentals of ELISA

  • Binding: Antigens from the sample bind to antibodies attached to a solid surface.
  • Detection: An enzyme-linked antibody (secondary antibody) binds to the antigen; the enzyme’s reaction with its substrate produces a detectable signal.
Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), an Immunology testing method in the laboratory

Image courtesy of jarun011

Variations of ELISA

  • Direct: Detects antigens directly using an enzyme-labeled antibody.
  • Indirect: Uses two antibodies, the second one labeled with an enzyme, offering more sensitivity.
  • Sandwich: Captures the antigen between two antibodies, enhancing specificity and sensitivity.

Practical Applications

  • Medical Diagnostics: Used for hormone levels, detecting pathogens like HIV, and monitoring drug levels.
  • Food Safety: Detects potential allergens and contaminants in food products.
  • Scientific Research: Assists in protein quantification and detection in various research settings.

Clinical and Research Implications of ELISA

  • Sensitivity: Can detect minute amounts of antigen, making it invaluable in early diagnosis.
  • Quantitative Analysis: Offers precise measurement of antigen or antibody concentrations.
  • Adaptability: Can be modified for a wide range of targets, from small molecules to large proteins.

In conclusion, monoclonal antibodies and the ELISA test are indispensable tools in contemporary medical science. Their roles range from providing targeted cancer therapies and treating autoimmune diseases to aiding in precise diagnostics. While they present significant advances in healthcare, their ethical implications and accessibility issues must be addressed to ensure their benefits can be widely and equitably utilized.


Yes, monoclonal antibodies can be used against viruses. They work by recognising and binding to specific proteins on the virus's surface, neutralising the virus's ability to infect host cells. This is particularly effective for viruses that have well-defined surface proteins accessible to antibodies. For example, Palivizumab is a monoclonal antibody used to prevent respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infections in high-risk infants. It binds to a protein on the RSV surface, preventing the virus from entering cells. Similarly, in the treatment of COVID-19, monoclonal antibodies have been developed to bind to the spike protein of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, blocking its ability to infect human cells. These treatments are most effective when administered early in the infection, as they can directly neutralise the virus before it has a chance to replicate extensively.

In organ transplantation, monoclonal antibodies are used primarily to prevent organ rejection by the recipient's immune system. Rejection occurs when the immune system recognises the transplanted organ as foreign and attacks it. Monoclonal antibodies like Basiliximab and Daclizumab target and inhibit the activity of T lymphocytes, a key component of the immune system responsible for this rejection. By selectively suppressing T cell activity, these mAbs reduce the likelihood of acute rejection episodes without broadly suppressing the entire immune system, thereby minimising the risk of infections and other complications associated with general immunosuppression. Additionally, mAbs are used in the induction therapy, administered immediately before or after the transplant to provide a strong initial suppression of the immune system, helping the body to accept the new organ.

Despite their precision and effectiveness, monoclonal antibodies have several limitations in medical therapy. Firstly, their production is complex and expensive, making treatments costly and potentially inaccessible for some patients. Secondly, as foreign proteins, mAbs can sometimes trigger immune responses, leading to allergic reactions or the development of antibodies against the treatment, reducing its efficacy. Thirdly, mAbs are mostly administered intravenously, requiring hospital visits and making self-administration difficult. Another limitation is their inability to penetrate solid tumours effectively due to their large size. This restricts their use against certain types of cancer. Lastly, the specificity of mAbs can be a double-edged sword; if the target antigen mutates or is not present on all target cells, the treatment may not be effective against all cancer cells or may become less effective over time.

The development and use of monoclonal antibodies in research involve several ethical issues. One primary concern is the use of animals, particularly mice, in the production of hybridomas for generating monoclonal antibodies. This raises questions about animal welfare and the ethical justification of using animals for research purposes. There are also concerns about the transparency and reproducibility of research findings when proprietary monoclonal antibodies are used. Since these antibodies can be expensive and their exact composition is often a trade secret, it can be difficult for other researchers to replicate studies or verify results. Furthermore, the commercialisation of monoclonal antibodies has raised concerns about the prioritisation of profit over scientific value and healthcare equity. This includes issues such as the affordability of monoclonal antibody-based therapies and the allocation of research funding towards projects with commercial potential rather than those of purely scientific or public health interest.

Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) and polyclonal antibodies are distinct in their production, specificity, and applications. mAbs are produced from a single clone of B cells and are therefore identical, targeting a specific epitope of an antigen. This homogeneity ensures high specificity and consistency, which is crucial in therapeutic applications and diagnostic tests like ELISA. In contrast, polyclonal antibodies are produced by different B cell clones in response to an antigen, resulting in a mixture of antibodies that target multiple epitopes on the same antigen. While polyclonal antibodies offer a broader range of antigen recognition, they lack the precision of mAbs and can lead to higher background noise in diagnostic tests. Their production is quicker and less costly than mAbs, making them useful in research settings for detecting antigens with multiple epitopes and in situations where high specificity is not critical.

Practice Questions

Explain how monoclonal antibodies can be used in the treatment of cancer. Include an example in your answer.

Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) are used in cancer treatment by specifically targeting and binding to cancer cells. They function through various mechanisms, including direct attacks on cancer cells, delivery of cytotoxic agents, and flagging cancer cells for destruction by the immune system. For instance, Trastuzumab, a monoclonal antibody, targets the HER2 protein on breast cancer cells. By binding to HER2, Trastuzumab inhibits the growth of cancer cells and also signals the immune system to destroy these cells. This targeted approach ensures that the treatment is more efficient and minimises damage to healthy cells, thus reducing side effects compared to traditional chemotherapy.

Describe the principles and one application of the ELISA test.

The Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) is based on the principle of antigen-antibody interaction to detect the presence of either in a sample. It involves an antibody attached to a solid surface which captures the antigen from the sample. Then, an enzyme-linked secondary antibody binds to the antigen, and the enzymatic reaction produces a measurable signal, often a colour change. One significant application of ELISA is in the diagnosis of HIV. In this context, ELISA is used to detect antibodies against HIV in a patient's blood sample. The presence of these antibodies indicates an HIV infection, enabling early diagnosis and treatment.

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