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AQA A-Level Biology Notes

1.3.2 Disaccharides: Formation and Importance Introduction to Disaccharides

Disaccharides are formed by the joining of two monosaccharide units through a dehydration synthesis process, which involves the elimination of a water molecule. The resulting covalent bond between these sugar units is known as a glycosidic bond. Key disaccharides such as maltose, sucrose, and lactose, each exhibit distinct structures and functions, underscoring their significance in a wide range of biological processes.


  • Formation: Maltose, also known as malt sugar, is produced when two glucose molecules join together. This occurs predominantly during the digestion of starch in plants and in the human digestive system.
  • Structure: It features an α(1→4) glycosidic bond, which is a type of bond where the first carbon atom of one glucose molecule bonds to the fourth carbon atom of the adjoining glucose molecule.
  • Role in Organisms: Maltose plays a significant role in the germination of seeds and in human nutrition. In seed germination, maltose is produced from the breakdown of stored starch, supplying energy for the growing plant. In human nutrition, maltose is an intermediate in the digestion of starch and is eventually broken down into glucose molecules, which are key sources of energy for cellular processes.
Two glucose molecules join together to form maltose

Image courtesy of Ali


  • Formation: Sucrose, commonly known as table sugar, is formed from a combination of glucose and fructose.
  • Structure: This disaccharide is characterized by an α(1→2)β glycosidic linkage, where the glucose and fructose units are joined between their respective first and second carbon atoms.
  • Role in Organisms: In plants, sucrose is vital for energy transport. It is synthesized in the leaves and transported to other parts of the plant where it is either stored or used for energy. In human nutrition, sucrose is a readily digestible form of carbohydrate, providing quick energy.
The glycosidic bond between glucose and fructose to form sucrose

Image courtesy of CNX OpenStax


  • Formation: Lactose is a natural sugar found in milk, formed from the combination of glucose and galactose.
  • Structure: It possesses a β(1→4) glycosidic bond, linking the first carbon of galactose to the fourth carbon of glucose.
  • Role in Organisms: Lactose is essential for providing energy to young mammals through milk. The enzyme lactase breaks down lactose into glucose and galactose, which are then used for energy. In humans, lactase persistence or lactose intolerance varies among populations.
Glucose and galactose forming lactose

Image courtesy of Ali Glycosidic Bond Formation and Its Importance

The formation of glycosidic bonds is a key aspect of disaccharide structure. These bonds are a result of a condensation reaction, where a water molecule is released as a by-product.

Types of Glycosidic Bonds

  • α-Glycosidic Bonds: These bonds are formed when the hydroxyl (OH) group on carbon-1 of the first glucose molecule forms a bond with the hydroxyl group on carbon-4 of the second glucose molecule. This type of linkage is typically more easily broken down, making it more reactive.
  • β-Glycosidic Bonds: These occur when the bond forms between the hydroxyl group on carbon-1 of one monosaccharide and the hydroxyl group on carbon-4 of another, but with the OH group on carbon-1 flipped to the opposite orientation. This configuration makes β-glycosidic bonds more resistant to hydrolysis. The Functional Roles of Disaccharides in Organisms

Disaccharides perform various functions beyond mere energy provision.

Energy Storage and Transport

  • Maltose and Sucrose: These disaccharides serve as important transportable forms of energy in plants. In animals, they are key intermediates in the digestive process, breaking down into simpler sugars for absorption and energy production.
  • Lactose: Provides a crucial source of energy for newborn mammals, ensuring proper development and growth.

Biological Signaling and Recognition

  • Disaccharides play roles in cellular signaling and recognition, aiding in cell-to-cell communication and interactions within the body. Distinguishing α-Glucose and β-Glucose in Carbohydrate Structures

The differentiation between α-glucose and β-glucose is fundamental to understanding disaccharide structures.


  • In α-glucose, the hydroxyl group attached to carbon-1 is positioned below the plane of the glucose ring. This orientation is more conducive to enzymatic reactions, making α-glucose a key component in the formation of starch and glycogen.


  • β-Glucose features the hydroxyl group attached to carbon-1 above the plane of the glucose ring. This structure is significant in the formation of cellulose, a key structural component in plant cell walls.
Structure of two isomeric forms of glucose, α-glucose and β-glucose.

Image courtesy of Thebiologyprimer

The exploration of disaccharides reveals a remarkable aspect of biochemistry, demonstrating the intricate relationship between structure and function in biological molecules. For A-level Biology students, understanding these concepts is not only crucial for examinations but also forms a cornerstone for further studies in the field of biochemistry and molecular biology. The study of disaccharides opens a window into the diverse and dynamic world of carbohydrates, illustrating their essential roles in both plant and animal life.


The digestion of disaccharides differs from that of polysaccharides primarily in the complexity of the molecules involved and the enzymes required for their breakdown. Disaccharides, being composed of only two sugar units, are relatively simpler to digest. Specific enzymes, such as sucrase, lactase, and maltase, are required to break the glycosidic bonds in disaccharides, releasing monosaccharides like glucose, galactose, and fructose. Polysaccharides, on the other hand, are complex carbohydrates composed of long chains of monosaccharides. Their digestion involves multiple steps, beginning with the breakdown of the polysaccharide into shorter chains or individual monosaccharides by enzymes like amylase. This process is generally more time-consuming and occurs primarily in the small intestine, whereas disaccharide digestion also occurs in the brush border of the small intestine.

Sucrose is commonly used as table sugar due to its sweet taste, high solubility, and stability. Chemically, it is a disaccharide composed of one molecule each of glucose and fructose, providing a quick source of energy. However, excessive consumption of sucrose can lead to several health issues. It can contribute to obesity, as it is calorie-dense and can lead to overconsumption of energy. Sucrose is also linked to dental caries, as the bacteria in the mouth ferment sucrose, producing acids that erode tooth enamel. Furthermore, high intake of sucrose can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases, as it can cause spikes in blood glucose and insulin levels. Balanced consumption, alongside a healthy diet and lifestyle, is crucial to mitigate these risks.

The body regulates the absorption and metabolism of disaccharides through a well-coordinated system involving digestive enzymes, hormonal control, and transport mechanisms. When disaccharides are consumed, they are broken down into monosaccharides by specific enzymes in the small intestine. For instance, lactase breaks down lactose into glucose and galactose. These monosaccharides are then absorbed into the bloodstream through the intestinal epithelium. The rise in blood sugar levels triggers the release of insulin, a hormone that facilitates the uptake of glucose by cells for energy production or storage as glycogen in the liver and muscles. Any imbalance in this regulatory system can lead to physiological implications. For example, lactose intolerance occurs due to the deficiency of lactase, leading to gastrointestinal discomfort. Similarly, overconsumption of disaccharides can lead to elevated blood sugar levels, contributing to conditions like diabetes and metabolic syndrome. The body's ability to efficiently metabolize these sugars is crucial for maintaining overall health and preventing metabolic disorders.

The α(1→4) and β(1→4) glycosidic bonds in disaccharides are significant for their structure and function. The α(1→4) bond, found in maltose, involves the linking of the OH group on carbon-1 of one glucose molecule to the OH group on carbon-4 of another glucose molecule in an alpha orientation. This bond is typically easier to break down, which makes maltose a readily usable energy source. The β(1→4) bond, as seen in lactose, has a different orientation, with the OH group on carbon-1 above the plane of the sugar ring. This bond is more resistant to enzymatic breakdown, making lactose less readily digestible, a factor that plays a role in lactose intolerance in humans. The different bond orientations influence the three-dimensional structure of the disaccharides, affecting their reactivity, digestion, and the specific enzymes required for their breakdown.

Disaccharides are carbohydrates composed of two monosaccharide units linked together through a glycosidic bond, while monosaccharides are the simplest form of carbohydrates, consisting of a single sugar unit. Chemically, the formation of disaccharides involves a dehydration synthesis reaction, where a water molecule is released as the two monosaccharides bond. In terms of biological function, monosaccharides serve as basic energy sources and building blocks for more complex carbohydrates. Disaccharides, on the other hand, often play roles in energy transport and storage. For example, sucrose, a disaccharide, is used for transporting energy in plants, while lactose, another disaccharide, is crucial in mammalian nutrition, especially for infants. The complexity of disaccharides also means they have different digestion and absorption pathways compared to monosaccharides.

Practice Questions

Explain how the structure of sucrose differs from that of maltose and describe its role in plant physiology.

Sucrose and maltose, both disaccharides, differ in their composition and structure. Sucrose is formed from a glucose and a fructose unit linked by an α(1→2)β glycosidic bond. In contrast, maltose consists of two glucose units connected by an α(1→4) glycosidic bond. In plants, sucrose plays a crucial role in energy transport. It is synthesized in the leaves during photosynthesis and transported throughout the plant for energy provision and storage. This efficient energy transport mechanism is essential for growth and development in plants. Sucrose also serves as a signal molecule in various physiological processes, indicating the plant's metabolic status.

Describe the formation of lactose, including the specific type of glycosidic bond involved, and explain its importance in mammals.

Lactose is formed by the combination of glucose and galactose through a condensation reaction, resulting in a β(1→4) glycosidic bond. This bond links the first carbon of the galactose molecule to the fourth carbon of the glucose molecule. In mammals, lactose is a vital component of milk, providing essential energy to newborns. The presence of lactose in milk is crucial for the growth and development of young mammals, as it supplies a balanced source of glucose and galactose upon digestion. This process is facilitated by the enzyme lactase, which breaks down lactose into its constituent sugars for easier absorption and utilisation by the body. The ability to digest lactose varies among human populations, with lactase persistence being a notable evolutionary adaptation in some groups.

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