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AQA A-Level Biology Notes

6.2.3 Nerve Impulse Transmission


Neurones, the specialized cells of the nervous system, transmit signals crucial for bodily functions. This section examines how these signals, or nerve impulses, navigate through different neurones and the factors influencing their transmission speed.

Types of Neurones in Impulse Transmission

The structure of neurones plays a vital role in how they transmit nerve impulses.

Myelinated Neurones

  • Structure and Composition: Myelinated neurones are wrapped in a myelin sheath made of lipid-rich Schwann cells. This sheath segments into nodes known as the Nodes of Ranvier.
  • Impulse Transmission: In these neurones, nerve impulses jump between the Nodes of Ranvier, a process termed saltatory conduction. This leapfrogging significantly accelerates the impulse speed.
  • Physiological Role: Myelinated neurones are integral to the rapid response system of the body, playing a crucial role in reflex actions and sensory-motor coordination.

Non-Myelinated Neurones

  • Structure: Unlike their myelinated counterparts, non-myelinated neurones lack a myelin sheath, exposing their axon to the surrounding environment.
  • Impulse Transmission: Impulse movement along these neurones is slower as it travels in a wave-like, continuous motion.
  • Physiological Role: These neurones are typically involved in controlling functions where speed is less critical, such as digestion or maintaining body temperature.
Differences in the structure of Myelinated neurones and Unmyelinated neurones

Image courtesy of GeeksforGeeks

Detailed Mechanism of Nerve Impulse Transmission

Resting Potential

  • Establishment: Neurones maintain a resting potential, a state of electrical polarization, under normal, unstimulated conditions.
  • Ionic Imbalance: This polarization results from the differential distribution of ions, primarily sodium (Na+) and potassium (K+), across the neuron membrane.
  • Sodium-Potassium Pump: This pump actively transports three Na+ ions out and two K+ ions into the neuron, maintaining a higher concentration of Na+ outside and K+ inside, leading to a negative membrane potential.

Generation of Action Potential

  • Threshold Stimulus: A stimulus strong enough to cause a significant change in the electrical state of the neuron's membrane can initiate an action potential.
  • Depolarization: The neuron membrane suddenly becomes permeable to Na+, allowing a rapid influx of these ions and reversing the membrane's polarity.
  • Repolarization: Soon after, the membrane's permeability shifts, now favoring K+ efflux, which restores the membrane's original negative polarity.
Action potential graphical representation

Image courtesy of Chris 73

Propagation of Action Potential

  • Local Currents: As the action potential moves, it creates local currents that cause adjacent areas of the membrane to reach the threshold, propagating the impulse along the neuron.
  • Unidirectional Travel: The refractory period, a brief phase following the action potential, ensures that the impulse only travels in one direction.

Factors Affecting the Rate of Impulse Transmission

Axon Diameter

  • Influence on Speed: Larger axons reduce electrical resistance, allowing faster transmission of the impulse.


  • Saltatory Conduction: Myelination dramatically increases transmission speed through saltatory conduction, as seen in myelinated neurones.
Illustration of  action potential propagation through the myelinated nerve fibre

Image courtesy of Helixitta


  • Thermal Effects: Higher temperatures speed up the movement of ions and the rate of enzyme-driven reactions, hence accelerating nerve impulse transmission.

Chemical Factors

  • Neurotransmitters and Hormones: Variations in neurotransmitter levels or hormone actions can modulate transmission speed.
  • Drugs and Toxins: Certain drugs and toxins can alter transmission speed by affecting neurotransmitter release, reception, or breakdown.

Physiological Significance

Speed and Reflex Actions

  • Rapid Response: Faster transmission in myelinated neurones is essential for quick reflexes, a crucial aspect of survival and response to immediate threats.

Sensory and Motor Coordination

  • Perception and Action: Varied transmission speeds in sensory and motor neurones contribute to how we perceive environmental stimuli and coordinate our responses.
Illustration of the reflex arc and  Sensory and Motor neuron Coordination

Image courtesy of LuckySoul

Cognitive Functions

  • Learning and Memory: Differences in transmission speeds in various brain regions are thought to influence cognitive processes like learning and memory formation.

Pathological Implications

  • Diseases and Disorders: Abnormalities in nerve impulse transmission can lead to neurological disorders, emphasizing the importance of maintaining optimal transmission rates.


In conclusion, the transmission of nerve impulses is a complex and multifaceted process, heavily influenced by the structural and functional diversity of neurones. The rate of transmission is not merely a cellular phenomenon but has profound implications for the organism's survival, interaction with the environment, and overall health. Understanding these mechanisms offers invaluable insights into the functioning of the human body and forms the basis for tackling various neurological disorders.


Neurotransmitters are chemical messengers that play a vital role in transmitting nerve impulses across synapses, the junctions between neurones. When an action potential reaches the end of a neurone, it triggers the release of neurotransmitters from synaptic vesicles into the synaptic cleft. These neurotransmitters then bind to specific receptors on the post-synaptic neurone, causing either excitation or inhibition of the neurone. Excitatory neurotransmitters, like acetylcholine and glutamate, increase the likelihood of the post-synaptic neurone firing an action potential by depolarising its membrane. In contrast, inhibitory neurotransmitters, such as GABA and glycine, hyperpolarise the post-synaptic membrane, reducing its ability to generate an action potential. The balance between excitatory and inhibitory signals is crucial for proper neural function and processing. Additionally, neurotransmitters can be rapidly broken down or reabsorbed, allowing the synapse to return to its resting state and be ready for the next signal, thus maintaining the efficiency and precision of nerve impulse transmission.

Ion channels are essential in the process of nerve impulse transmission, as they regulate the movement of ions across the neurone's membrane, which is crucial for generating and propagating action potentials. These channels are selective, allowing only specific types of ions to pass through. During the resting potential, potassium channels are open, maintaining the negative charge inside the neurone. When an action potential is triggered, voltage-gated sodium channels open rapidly, allowing an influx of sodium ions, leading to depolarisation. Subsequently, these sodium channels close, and potassium channels open, facilitating the efflux of potassium ions and thus repolarising the membrane. The precise opening and closing of these ion channels in response to voltage changes in the neurone's membrane are what enable the propagation of nerve impulses along the axon. Any dysfunction in these channels can lead to impaired nerve function and is associated with various neurological disorders.

The nervous system distinguishes between weak and strong stimuli primarily through variations in the frequency of action potentials and the number of neurones activated. For a weak stimulus, the frequency of action potentials is lower; the neurone fires less frequently. In contrast, a strong stimulus results in a higher frequency of action potentials, signalling a more intense stimulus. This phenomenon, known as frequency coding, allows the nervous system to interpret the strength of the stimulus based on the rate of nerve firing. Additionally, a stronger stimulus can activate more neurones (spatial summation), increasing the overall intensity of the response. This dual mechanism of frequency and spatial coding enables the nervous system to accurately convey the intensity of sensory inputs, ensuring appropriate and proportional responses to various stimuli.

The refractory period plays a critical role in nerve impulse transmission by ensuring that each action potential is a discrete, separate event, and by dictating the direction in which the impulse travels. After an action potential occurs, the neurone enters a refractory period, during which it is unable to generate another action potential. This period is divided into two phases: the absolute refractory period and the relative refractory period. During the absolute refractory period, the sodium channels are inactivated, making it impossible for the neurone to fire another action potential regardless of the strength of the stimulus. This ensures the unidirectional flow of the impulse, as it cannot move back to an area that is still in the refractory state. Following this, the relative refractory period occurs, where a higher-than-normal stimulus can initiate another action potential. This period is crucial for controlling the frequency of action potentials and, consequently, the strength of the signal conveyed. The refractory period thus guarantees the orderly propagation of nerve impulses along neurones.

Several factors can affect the speed at which neurotransmitters are removed from the synaptic cleft, impacting the efficiency and accuracy of nerve impulse transmission. These factors include:

  • 1. Enzymatic Degradation: Neurotransmitters like acetylcholine are rapidly broken down by enzymes (e.g., acetylcholinesterase) present in the synaptic cleft. Faster enzymatic degradation leads to a quicker termination of the neurotransmitter's action, ensuring that the synapse is ready for subsequent impulses.
  • 2. Reuptake Mechanisms: Neurotransmitters can be reabsorbed into the pre-synaptic neurone. Efficient reuptake mechanisms ensure that neurotransmitters do not linger in the synaptic cleft, preventing prolonged or unwanted stimulation of the post-synaptic neurone.
  • 3. Diffusion: Some neurotransmitters diffuse away from the synaptic cleft into surrounding tissues. Rapid diffusion helps in clearing the neurotransmitter quickly from the synapse.

Any alteration in these processes can affect synaptic transmission. For instance, slower removal of neurotransmitters can lead to prolonged stimulation or inhibition of post-synaptic neurones, potentially disrupting normal neural communication and leading to neurological disorders or altered neural responses. Conversely, rapid removal can shorten the duration of the signal, affecting the strength and duration of the neural response.

Practice Questions

Describe the differences in impulse transmission between myelinated and non-myelinated neurones.

Myelinated neurones transmit impulses significantly faster than non-myelinated neurones due to the presence of the myelin sheath. In myelinated neurones, the myelin sheath acts as an electrical insulator, allowing nerve impulses to jump between the Nodes of Ranvier in a process known as saltatory conduction. This leapfrogging effect dramatically increases the speed of transmission. In contrast, non-myelinated neurones lack this sheath, resulting in a slower, continuous wave of depolarisation along the axon. Myelinated neurones are therefore essential in rapid response systems, while non-myelinated neurones are sufficient for processes where speed is less critical.

Explain how the diameter of an axon affects the rate of nerve impulse transmission.

The diameter of an axon plays a crucial role in determining the rate of nerve impulse transmission. Larger diameter axons transmit impulses more rapidly compared to smaller ones. This increased speed is due to the reduced resistance to the flow of ions within the axoplasm, the cytoplasm within the axon. A larger axon provides a wider channel for the ions to travel, thereby decreasing the overall resistance. Consequently, the action potential can propagate more quickly along the axon, enhancing the efficiency of nerve signal transmission. This principle is critical in the nervous system, particularly in neurones requiring fast signal relay.

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