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AQA A-Level Biology Notes

6.2.2 Action Potential Mechanics in Neurones

Introduction to Action Potential

The action potential represents a fundamental mechanism in neuron communication, allowing for the rapid transmission of electrical signals along the neuron's membrane. This process underpins the functioning of the nervous system, facilitating the relay of information across various parts of the body.

Generation of Action Potential

Resting Potential

  • Resting potential is the electrical state of a neuron when it is not active, typically at -70mV.
  • This negative charge inside the neuron is maintained by ion channels and the sodium-potassium pump.
  • The differential distribution of ions, particularly sodium (Na+) and potassium (K+), across the neuron membrane is crucial.

Threshold Potential

  • Threshold potential is the critical level to which a neuron's membrane potential must be depolarized to initiate an action potential.
  • Usually around -55mV, it represents the point at which sufficient positive charge has accumulated inside the neuron.


  • Initiated once the threshold potential is reached.
  • Voltage-gated sodium channels open, resulting in an influx of Na+ ions, making the inside of the neuron more positive.
  • Rapid depolarisation occurs, and the membrane potential reverses, peaking at approximately +40mV.


  • As the membrane potential reaches its peak, sodium channels close and potassium channels open.
  • K+ ions flow out of the neuron, causing the membrane potential to move back towards the resting level.
  • This phase is essential to reset the neuron's electrical state for subsequent action potentials.


  • A phase where the membrane potential becomes more negative than the resting potential.
  • Due to the continued efflux of K+ ions, the neuron momentarily becomes excessively negative.
  • During this refractory period, the neuron is less responsive to subsequent stimuli, ensuring unidirectional propagation of the action potential.

Return to Resting Potential

  • The original ion distribution, and hence the resting potential, is restored by the sodium-potassium pump.
  • This pump actively transports Na+ out of and K+ into the neuron, re-establishing the concentration gradients.
Action potential graph

Image courtesy of Chris 73

Propagation of Action Potential

Continuous Conduction

  • In non-myelinated neurones, action potentials are generated continuously along the membrane.
  • This mode of conduction is relatively slow due to the sequential opening of voltage-gated ion channels along the entire length of the axon.

Saltatory Conduction

  • Characteristic of myelinated neurones, where action potentials leap from one Node of Ranvier to the next.
  • Myelin sheath acts as an insulator, preventing ion exchange along myelinated segments of the axon.
  • This results in faster transmission as the action potential effectively 'jumps' over the myelinated regions.
Illustration of  action potential propagation through the myelinated nerve fibre

Image courtesy of Helixitta

Electrochemical Aspects of Nerve Impulse Generation

Role of Ion Channels

  • Ion channels, specifically voltage-gated channels, are essential in the generation and propagation of action potentials.
  • These channels respond to changes in membrane potential, opening or closing to allow the movement of specific ions.

Sodium-Potassium Pump

  • Continuously works to transport Na+ out and K+ into the neurone against their concentration gradients.
  • This active transport is essential for maintaining the conditions necessary for subsequent action potentials.
The process of the passage of action potential or nerve impulse in neurons.

Image courtesy of udaix

Role of Myelin

  • Myelin sheath, predominantly composed of lipids and proteins, increases the speed of nerve impulse transmission.
  • Reduces the capacitance and increases the electrical resistance of the neuronal membrane, facilitating rapid depolarisation and propagation of action potentials.

Synaptic Transmission

  • At the synapse, the arrival of an action potential triggers the release of neurotransmitters.
  • These chemical messengers bind to receptors on the postsynaptic neuron, modulating its membrane potential and potentially triggering further action potentials.
Synapses Role in Nerve Impulse Transmission

Image courtesy of OpenStax Anatomy and Physiology

Factors Influencing the Rate of Action Potential Propagation

Axon Diameter

  • Axons with larger diameters have lower internal resistance and can transmit impulses faster.
  • This is due to the increased space for ion flow within the axon.


  • Elevated temperatures generally increase the speed of biochemical reactions, including those involved in nerve impulse transmission.
  • However, extreme temperatures can disrupt normal neural function.


  • Myelinated neurones are significantly faster in transmitting impulses compared to non-myelinated neurones.
  • Myelination provides an efficient pathway for electrical signal propagation.

Ionic Concentration

  • The concentration gradients of Na+ and K+ are fundamental to the generation and propagation of action potentials.
  • Alterations in these gradients can affect the speed and efficiency of neural signalling.

The detailed understanding of action potential mechanics is vital for comprehending the rapid and efficient communication within the nervous system. This knowledge not only forms a crucial part of the A-level Biology curriculum but also provides a foundation for further studies in neuroscience and related fields.


Temperature significantly influences the speed of action potential propagation in neurones. A rise in temperature generally increases the speed of nerve impulse transmission. This effect is due to the enhanced mobility of ions and increased rates of biochemical reactions, including those in ion channels and the sodium-potassium pump, at higher temperatures. Faster ion movements facilitate quicker changes in membrane potential, leading to faster propagation of action potentials. However, it's important to note that extreme temperatures can be detrimental. Excessively high temperatures may disrupt the structure and function of proteins, including ion channels, potentially impairing neural function. On the other hand, low temperatures can slow down ion movement and biochemical reactions, reducing the speed of action potential propagation. This temperature dependency underscores the delicate balance required for optimal neuronal function and highlights how external factors can influence neural communication.

Larger diameter axons transmit action potentials faster than smaller ones due to the physical and electrical properties of the axon. One key factor is the reduced internal resistance to ion flow in larger axons. The wider space allows ions to move more freely and rapidly, facilitating quicker changes in membrane potential. This increased speed of ion movement accelerates the propagation of the action potential along the axon. Additionally, larger axons have a greater surface area, which can accommodate more ion channels. This increase in ion channels can lead to more efficient and rapid depolarisation and repolarisation processes during the action potential. Furthermore, in myelinated axons, a larger diameter can contribute to more efficient saltatory conduction, as the distance between Nodes of Ranvier increases, allowing action potentials to 'jump' further. This combination of reduced resistance and increased efficiency in ion movement and channel distribution makes larger diameter axons more adept at rapid signal transmission.

The hyperpolarisation phase of the action potential is a phase where the neuron's membrane potential becomes more negative than the resting potential. This phase is significant for several reasons. Firstly, it helps in resetting the neuron's membrane potential, ensuring that the neuron returns to its resting state after an action potential. This resetting is crucial for the neuron's ability to fire subsequent action potentials. Secondly, hyperpolarisation contributes to the refractory period, a time during which the neuron is less responsive to stimuli. This refractory period prevents the immediate reactivation of the neuron, ensuring that action potentials are well-spaced and do not overlap. This spacing is vital for clear signal transmission. Lastly, hyperpolarisation helps in preventing the backward flow of the action potential, thereby ensuring that nerve impulses travel in one direction along an axon. Without hyperpolarisation, the clear, directional transmission of nerve impulses would be compromised.

The refractory period plays a critical role in ensuring the unidirectional propagation of action potentials along a neurone. This period is divided into two phases: the absolute refractory period and the relative refractory period. During the absolute refractory period, the sodium channels, which were opened to initiate the action potential, become temporarily inactivated. This inactivation prevents the generation of a new action potential, no matter how strong the stimulus is. This phase ensures that the action potential doesn't travel back to where it came from, thus enforcing one-way traffic. Following this, the relative refractory period occurs, during which a higher-than-normal stimulus can initiate another action potential. This period coincides with the time when the membrane potential is returning to or slightly below the resting level. The refractory periods, particularly the absolute phase, are crucial for maintaining the orderly transmission of nerve impulses along neurones, preventing chaotic and backward propagation of signals.

Variations in the concentrations of sodium (Na+) and potassium (K+) ions can significantly affect the propagation of action potentials. The action potential mechanism relies on the difference in concentrations of these ions inside and outside the neuron. A decrease in extracellular Na+ concentration can reduce the size of the action potential, as there would be a smaller driving force for Na+ to enter the neuron during depolarisation. This can lead to weaker or slower action potentials. Conversely, an increase in extracellular K+ concentration can make the neuron less negative and closer to the threshold potential, potentially leading to increased excitability and spontaneous firing of action potentials. On the other hand, a substantial increase in extracellular K+ can lead to depolarisation block, preventing action potential generation. Additionally, any disruption in the balance of these ions affects the functioning of the sodium-potassium pump, which is vital for restoring and maintaining the resting potential after an action potential. Thus, maintaining the appropriate ionic concentration gradients is essential for the normal functioning of neurons and the efficient propagation of action potentials.

Practice Questions

Explain the role of the sodium-potassium pump in the establishment of the resting potential in a neurone.

The sodium-potassium pump is crucial in establishing and maintaining the resting potential in a neurone. This pump actively transports three sodium ions (Na+) out of the neuron and two potassium ions (K+) into it, against their concentration gradients. This activity creates an electrochemical gradient, with a higher concentration of Na+ outside the neuron and a higher concentration of K+ inside. As Na+ ions are pumped out more than K+ ions are brought in, a net loss of positive charge occurs inside the neuron, leading to the establishment of a negative resting potential, typically around -70mV. This resting potential is essential for the neuron's readiness to fire an action potential and is a key aspect of neural functionality.

Describe the process of saltatory conduction and explain how it differs from continuous conduction in neurones.

Saltatory conduction is a rapid method of nerve impulse transmission seen in myelinated neurones. In this process, the action potential jumps from one Node of Ranvier to the next, bypassing the myelinated sections of the axon. This 'leaping' occurs because the myelin sheath acts as an insulator, preventing ion exchange along the myelinated segments and allowing the impulse to move quickly over these areas. This differs significantly from continuous conduction, which occurs in non-myelinated neurones where the action potential is generated continuously along the entire length of the axon. Continuous conduction is slower due to the sequential opening of ion channels along the axon. Saltatory conduction is, therefore, much faster and more efficient, allowing for rapid signal transmission along myelinated neurones.

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