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AQA A-Level Biology Notes

1.5.2 Enzymes and their Mechanisms

Enzymes, as nature's catalysts, play an indispensable role in various biochemical reactions. This comprehensive guide delves into the properties, specificity, and action models of enzymes, alongside the factors influencing their activity, providing A-level Biology students with a deep understanding of this crucial topic.

Introduction to Enzymes

Enzymes are specialised proteins that catalyse, or speed up, biochemical reactions in the body, making them essential for a multitude of cellular processes.

Essential Properties of Enzymes

  • Specificity: Enzymes are highly specific, often catalysing a single biochemical reaction or a specific type of reaction. This specificity is due to the unique three-dimensional structure of the enzyme, especially its active site.
  • Catalytic Nature: Enzymes function as catalysts, which means they accelerate reactions without being consumed or permanently altered themselves. They lower the activation energy necessary for a reaction to proceed, thereby increasing its rate.
  • Reusability: After participating in a reaction, enzymes can be reused. They do not become part of the reaction's products and are not permanently altered by the reaction.
Enzyme Structure and Function- Enzyme-substrate complex

Image courtesy of Srhat PNG version IMeowbot and Jerry Crimson Mann

Models of Enzyme Action

  • Lock and Key Model: This model suggests that the enzyme and its substrate fit together perfectly, like a key in a lock. The active site of the enzyme is precisely shaped to fit the substrate.
  • Induced Fit Model: This more accepted model posits that the enzyme's active site is flexible. When the substrate binds to the enzyme, the active site moulds itself around the substrate for a tighter fit.

Factors Influencing Enzyme Activity

Enzymatic activity can be affected by various internal and external factors.

Impact of Concentration

  • Enzyme Concentration: An increase in enzyme concentration generally leads to a proportional increase in reaction rate, assuming substrate availability is not a limiting factor.
  • Substrate Concentration: As substrate concentration increases, the reaction rate increases up to a certain point. Beyond this point, all enzyme active sites are occupied, leading to a plateau in reaction rate.
Graphs depicting the reaction rate against enzyme concentration

Image courtesy of 2012 Book Archive

Role of Inhibitors

  • Competitive Inhibitors: These molecules are similar in structure to the substrate and compete for binding at the enzyme's active site. They can be outcompeted by increasing substrate concentration.
  • Non-competitive Inhibitors: These bind to the enzyme at a site other than the active site, causing a change in the enzyme's shape. This change can make the active site less effective or even non-functional.
Types of enzyme inhibitors- competitive, non-competitive inhibitors

Image courtesy of Boghog

Influence of pH and Temperature

  • Optimal pH: Each enzyme has an optimal pH at which it is most active. Deviations from this pH can lead to reduced activity or denaturation.
  • Optimal Temperature: Similarly, enzymes have an optimal temperature range. Too high or too low temperatures can reduce enzymatic activity or lead to enzyme denaturation.
Influence of pH and Temperature

Image courtesy of 2012 Book Archive

Experimental Investigations of Enzymes

Practical experiments provide valuable insights into enzyme behaviour and kinetics.

Methods of Studying Enzyme Activity

  • Experimental approaches often involve altering enzyme and substrate concentrations, as well as environmental conditions like pH and temperature, to study their effects on enzyme activity.
  • Quantitative measurements of enzyme activity can be made using assays such as the iodine test for starch breakdown or spectrophotometry for reaction products.

Historical Development of Enzyme Theory

Our understanding of enzymes has evolved significantly over the years.

Evolution of Theories

  • Early theories, including the lock and key model, were based on limited understanding of enzyme-substrate interactions.
  • Subsequent advances in molecular biology and biochemistry led to the development of the induced fit model, which more accurately describes these interactions.

Modern Enzymology

  • Today's enzyme studies employ advanced techniques like X-ray crystallography to understand enzyme mechanisms at the molecular level.
  • This has led to a sophisticated understanding of enzyme kinetics and has important implications in drug development, where specific enzymes are targeted.

In summary, enzymes are vital biological catalysts with specific properties and action mechanisms. Understanding their nature and the factors influencing their activity is essential in fields ranging from biochemistry to medicine. This in-depth knowledge forms a crucial part of A-level Biology, providing students with the foundation needed for further studies and applications in biological sciences.


Enzyme concentration directly affects enzyme kinetics. In a reaction where substrate concentration is in excess, an increase in enzyme concentration results in a proportional increase in the rate of reaction. This is because more enzyme molecules provide more active sites for the substrate to bind to, leading to more enzyme-substrate complexes forming per unit time. However, this is only true up to a point. If the substrate concentration is limited and becomes a limiting factor, then increasing enzyme concentration further will not increase the reaction rate. In practical scenarios, enzyme concentration is often a crucial variable controlled in experimental studies to understand the kinetics of enzyme-catalysed reactions.

Recovery of enzyme activity after denaturation depends on the extent and nature of the denaturation. Mild denaturation, where the tertiary structure is altered but the primary structure remains intact, can sometimes be reversible. If the denaturing conditions are removed, some enzymes can refold into their functional shape and regain their activity. However, in cases of severe denaturation, where the primary structure (sequence of amino acids) is affected, the enzyme typically cannot regain its original structure and function. Factors such as extreme pH, high temperatures, or harsh chemical treatments usually lead to irreversible denaturation, resulting in permanently inactivated enzymes.

Temperature plays a significant role in enzyme structure and function. Each enzyme has an optimal temperature range in which it functions most efficiently. Within this range, increasing temperature generally increases enzyme activity, as higher temperatures cause molecules to move more rapidly, increasing the chances of collision between enzyme and substrate. However, if the temperature rises beyond a certain point, the increased kinetic energy can disrupt the hydrogen bonds and other interactions that hold the enzyme's structure together. This leads to denaturation, where the enzyme loses its specific shape, including the structure of its active site, rendering it non-functional. The denaturation is often irreversible, and as a result, the enzyme can no longer catalyse reactions effectively. This temperature sensitivity is crucial for maintaining homeostasis and regulating metabolic pathways in organisms.

Allosteric regulation is a mechanism of enzyme activity control where a molecule binds to an enzyme at a site other than the active site (an allosteric site). This binding changes the enzyme's shape, either activating or inhibiting its activity. Allosteric enzymes have quaternary structures, meaning they consist of multiple subunits. Binding of the allosteric effector (activator or inhibitor) to one subunit causes a conformational change in all the subunits, thus altering the enzyme's functionality. This type of regulation is crucial in metabolic pathways, as it allows for fine-tuned control of enzyme activity, enabling cells to respond efficiently to changes in the environment or internal conditions.

Cofactors and coenzymes are crucial for the optimal functioning of many enzymes. Cofactors are non-protein, chemical compounds that bind to an enzyme and are essential for its activity. They can be metals like zinc, iron, or magnesium, which help in stabilising the structure of the enzyme or participate directly in the chemical reaction. Coenzymes, a subset of cofactors, are organic molecules, often derived from vitamins, that transport chemical groups from one enzyme to another. Some enzymes require these additional molecules to exhibit full catalytic activity. Without the presence of the necessary cofactor or coenzyme, the enzyme may remain inactive or exhibit significantly reduced activity. This dependency underscores the complex interplay of various biomolecules in enzymatic reactions and metabolic pathways.

Practice Questions

Explain how substrate concentration affects the rate of an enzyme-catalysed reaction.

Substrate concentration plays a pivotal role in determining the rate of an enzyme-catalysed reaction. Initially, as substrate concentration increases, the reaction rate also increases because more substrate molecules are available to collide with enzyme molecules, leading to more frequent formation of enzyme-substrate complexes. However, this increase continues only up to a certain point, known as the saturation point. Beyond this point, all enzyme active sites are occupied, and the reaction rate levels off. This plateau occurs because enzyme molecules are working at their maximum capacity, and adding more substrate does not increase the rate of reaction. This relationship illustrates the importance of enzyme availability in biochemical reactions.

Describe the difference between competitive and non-competitive enzyme inhibitors.

Competitive and non-competitive inhibitors affect enzyme activity in distinct ways. Competitive inhibitors resemble the substrate and compete for the active site of the enzyme. They bind to the active site, temporarily blocking the substrate from binding. The effect of competitive inhibitors can be overcome by increasing substrate concentration. On the other hand, non-competitive inhibitors bind to a different part of the enzyme, known as the allosteric site, causing a change in the enzyme's shape. This alteration reduces the enzyme's activity or prevents it from functioning altogether, regardless of substrate concentration. Non-competitive inhibition cannot be reversed by increasing substrate concentration, highlighting its distinct mechanism of action.

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