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AQA A-Level Biology Notes

5.3.2 Efficiency of Energy Transfer in Ecosystems

Net Production of Consumers

Net production (N) in consumers can be calculated using the formula N = I – (F + R). Here, 'I' represents the intake of energy, 'F' the energy lost in faeces and urine, and 'R' the respiratory losses.

  • Energy Intake (I): Represents the total energy assimilated by consumers, primarily through the consumption of food. This is the starting point for the transfer of energy within consumers.
  • Energy Lost in Faeces and Urine (F): Not all consumed energy is absorbed by an organism; a significant portion is excreted. This excretion results in a reduction of the net energy available for the organism's use.
  • Respiratory Losses (R): Energy is expended in metabolic processes like respiration. This energy is not available for growth or reproduction and is considered a loss in terms of net productivity.

Primary and Secondary Productivity Measurement

  • Primary Productivity: Concerns the rate at which plants and other photosynthetic organisms produce organic compounds in an ecosystem.
    • Gross Primary Productivity (GPP): The total rate of photosynthesis in an ecosystem. It includes the energy used up in the process of respiration.
    • Net Primary Productivity (NPP): The rate of energy storage as biomass in plants after accounting for the energy lost to respiration (NPP = GPP – R).
  • Secondary Productivity: Related to the energy accumulated by herbivores and carnivores.
    • Measured as the increase in energy or biomass in these organisms over a certain period.
Productivity in an ecosystem, primary and secondary productivity

Image courtesy of GeeksforGeeks

Factors Affecting Productivity

  • Environmental Factors: Such as light, temperature, nutrient availability, and water availability play a significant role in influencing both primary and secondary productivity.
  • Biological Factors: The efficiency of energy transfer between trophic levels and the adaptability of organisms to their environment are key biological factors.

Influence of Farming Practices on Production Efficiency and Energy Transfer

Modern farming practices have profound impacts on energy transfer and efficiency in agricultural ecosystems.

Sustainable Farming Practices

  • Crop Rotation: This practice enhances soil fertility, positively impacting primary productivity.
  • Integrated Pest Management: Reduces crop loss to pests, thereby increasing the net energy available in the ecosystem.
Crop Rotation, a Sustainable Farming Practice

Image courtesy of U.S. Farmers and Ranchers Alliance

Intensive Farming Practices

  • Use of Fertilizers: Improves plant growth and can increase primary productivity. However, it may also lead to environmental issues such as eutrophication.
  • Selective Breeding and Genetic Modification: Aims to increase the productivity of both plants and livestock, affecting the energy available for consumers.
Illustration of the process of eutrophication

Image courtesy of Dimitrios

Impact on Energy Transfer

  • Reduction of Trophic Levels: Simplifies food webs, which can increase the efficiency of energy transfer but at the cost of reduced biodiversity.
  • Efficiency of Energy Use: Modern farming techniques focus on maximising the energy extracted from food, leading to more efficient food production systems.

Environmental Consequences

  • Ecosystem Balance: Intensive farming can disrupt natural ecosystem balances.
  • Biodiversity Loss: Practices like monoculture and habitat destruction can lead to significant biodiversity reduction, impacting ecosystem resilience and function.

In addition to these, there are other considerations in the realm of energy efficiency and transfer in ecosystems:

Energy Pyramids and Transfer Efficiency

The concept of energy pyramids provides a visual representation of the energy flow from one trophic level to another in an ecosystem. Typically, only about 10% of the energy at one trophic level is transferred to the next level; the rest is lost primarily through metabolic processes and as heat.

Energy pyramids and energy transfer from one tropic level to another

Image courtesy of CK-12 Foundation

Human Impact Beyond Farming

Human activities, extending beyond agriculture, also significantly influence energy dynamics in ecosystems. Urbanisation, deforestation, and pollution, for example, can drastically alter energy flow and efficiency.

Climate Change Implications

The effects of climate change, such as altered temperature and precipitation patterns, have profound impacts on ecosystem productivity and energy flow. Changes in climate can affect the distribution and abundance of species, thereby altering the energy dynamics within ecosystems.

Illustration of Climate Change

Image courtesy of 3D Bay

Conservation and Management Strategies

Efficient energy transfer in ecosystems is crucial for the maintenance of biodiversity and ecological balance. Conservation efforts, such as protected areas and wildlife corridors, along with sustainable resource management practices, play a vital role in maintaining these delicate balances.

In conclusion, the efficiency of energy transfer in ecosystems is a complex interplay of biological, environmental, and human factors. An in-depth understanding of these dynamics is crucial for effective environmental management and conservation strategies, particularly in the face of global environmental challenges.


Urbanisation impacts the efficiency of energy transfer in ecosystems in several ways. Firstly, it leads to habitat fragmentation, which disrupts the habitats of many species, affecting their ability to obtain food and, consequently, the energy transfer within the ecosystem. Fragmented habitats can isolate populations, reduce genetic diversity, and change the dynamics of predator-prey relationships, all of which can decrease the efficiency of energy transfer. Secondly, urban environments often replace natural landscapes with artificial structures, reducing the area available for primary producers like plants. This lowers the primary productivity of the area, limiting the energy available for transfer to higher trophic levels. Additionally, urbanisation often brings pollution, which can harm various species and disrupt food chains. For example, pollutants can accumulate in top predators, a process known as biomagnification, affecting their health and survival, which in turn impacts energy transfer efficiency.

Decomposers, such as bacteria and fungi, play a crucial role in the energy transfer within ecosystems. They break down dead organic material, including plants and animals, and in doing so, they release nutrients back into the soil, making them available for use by primary producers like plants. This process is essential for the recycling of nutrients, which sustains primary productivity and, consequently, the entire food web. While decomposers do not directly contribute to the upward flow of energy through trophic levels, their role in nutrient cycling indirectly supports the energy transfer process. Without decomposers, ecosystems would accumulate dead organic matter, leading to a decrease in available nutrients and a subsequent drop in primary productivity. This would have a cascading effect on the entire ecosystem, reducing the overall efficiency of energy transfer through the trophic levels.

Climate change significantly influences both primary and secondary productivity in ecosystems. Changes in temperature, precipitation patterns, and the frequency of extreme weather events can all affect the growth and distribution of plants and animals. For primary productivity, changes in temperature and CO2 levels can alter the rate of photosynthesis in plants. In some cases, warmer temperatures and increased CO2 may enhance plant growth (and thus primary productivity), but this is often dependent on other factors like water and nutrient availability. Extreme weather events, such as droughts and heatwaves, can reduce plant productivity. For secondary productivity, changes in the distribution and abundance of primary producers directly affect the food availability for herbivores. Additionally, altered climate conditions can affect the reproductive rates and survival of animals, thereby impacting their productivity. Climate change can also lead to shifts in species distributions, which can disrupt established food webs and affect the overall energy transfer within ecosystems.

Natural disasters such as forest fires and floods can have profound impacts on energy transfer in ecosystems. A forest fire, for instance, can lead to the immediate loss of large amounts of biomass, effectively reducing the primary productivity of the area. This sudden reduction in primary productivity impacts all higher trophic levels, as there is less energy available to be transferred up the food chain. In the aftermath of a fire, the ecosystem may experience a period of increased productivity, as new growth takes advantage of the nutrients released. Similarly, floods can disrupt ecosystems by destroying plants and displacing or killing animals, which alters the food web dynamics and affects the flow of energy. Both types of disasters can create opportunities for invasive species to establish themselves, further impacting long-term energy transfer. The recovery of ecosystems from such events can take years or even decades, during which the patterns of energy transfer may be significantly different from pre-disaster conditions.

The introduction of non-native species can significantly disrupt the efficiency of energy transfer in ecosystems. These species often lack natural predators, allowing them to proliferate rapidly and outcompete native species for resources. This can lead to a reduction in biodiversity, which in turn affects the stability and functioning of food webs. For example, a non-native predator might reduce the population of a key herbivore, thereby impacting the energy transfer to higher trophic levels and potentially leading to a trophic cascade. Additionally, non-native species can alter the physical environment, further affecting the energy transfer efficiency. For instance, invasive plant species might change soil composition, affecting the growth of native plants and consequently the primary productivity of the ecosystem. Such disruptions can lead to long-term ecological imbalances and significantly alter the dynamics of energy transfer within the ecosystem.

Practice Questions

Explain how the use of fertilisers in agriculture can affect the efficiency of energy transfer in an ecosystem.

The use of fertilisers in agriculture primarily enhances the growth of crops, thereby increasing the primary productivity of an ecosystem. This increase in primary productivity means more energy is available at the base of the food chain, potentially leading to a higher biomass of consumers. However, the efficiency of energy transfer from producers to consumers remains approximately 10%, as per the 10% energy rule. Moreover, fertilisers can lead to eutrophication, which can disrupt food webs and negatively impact energy transfer efficiency. The increased biomass due to fertilisers does not proportionately increase the energy transferred to higher trophic levels, as much energy is lost as heat and through metabolic processes. Consequently, while fertilisers boost primary productivity, they do not necessarily enhance the overall efficiency of energy transfer in an ecosystem.

Describe how energy transfer between trophic levels is measured and discuss one factor that can affect this transfer.

Energy transfer between trophic levels is measured using the concept of productivity, specifically primary and secondary productivity. Primary productivity is the rate at which plants and other photosynthetic organisms produce organic matter, measured in terms of biomass or energy per unit area per unit time. Secondary productivity pertains to the energy or biomass accumulation in herbivores and carnivores. One factor affecting this transfer is the efficiency of energy conversion between trophic levels. Typically, only about 10% of energy is transferred to the next level, with the rest lost as heat or used up in metabolic processes. Environmental factors like temperature and nutrient availability also significantly influence this efficiency, as they affect the metabolic rates of organisms and the availability of primary producers.

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