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AQA A-Level Biology Notes

5.4.1 Nutrient Cycles: The Nitrogen and Phosphorus Cycles

1. The Nitrogen Cycle

Nitrogen, a critical element for all living organisms, is a major component of amino acids, proteins, and nucleic acids. The nitrogen cycle is a series of processes that convert nitrogen from one form to another, crucial for making nitrogen available to living organisms.

1.1 Roles of Microorganisms in the Nitrogen Cycle

1.1.1 Saprobionts

  • Saprobionts, primarily fungi and bacteria, decompose organic matter, converting organic nitrogen into ammonia. This process, known as ammonification, is essential for recycling nitrogen in ecosystems.
  • They help in the decay of dead organisms and waste, preventing accumulation of organic matter and releasing nitrogen back into the soil.

1.1.2 Mycorrhizae

  • Mycorrhizae are mutualistic associations between fungi and plant roots. They play a significant role in enhancing plant nutrient uptake, especially nitrogen, by extending the hyphal network beyond the root's reach.
  • This symbiotic relationship allows plants to access more nutrients, improving growth and health.

1.1.3 Bacteria in the Nitrogen Cycle

  • Nitrifying bacteria, such as Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter, convert ammonia into nitrites and then into nitrates, in a two-step process known as nitrification. These nitrates are then used by plants to synthesize organic compounds.
  • Nitrogen-fixing bacteria, like Rhizobium, found in the root nodules of leguminous plants, convert atmospheric nitrogen (N2) into ammonia (NH3), making nitrogen available to plants. This process is known as nitrogen fixation.
  • Denitrifying bacteria convert nitrates (NO3-) back into nitrogen gas (N2), releasing it into the atmosphere. This process, called denitrification, completes the nitrogen cycle.
Nitrogen cycle concept illustration

Image courtesy of Storyset on freepik

1.2 Environmental Impact of Fertilisers

1.2.1 Natural and Artificial Fertilisers

  • Fertilisers, both natural (like manure and compost) and artificial (chemically synthesized), are used to add essential nutrients to the soil, promoting plant growth.
  • Natural fertilisers are slow-releasing and improve soil structure, while artificial fertilisers are fast-acting but can degrade soil quality over time.

1.2.2 Leaching and Eutrophication

  • Leaching is the process where excess fertilisers are washed away from the soil into water bodies, leading to nutrient-rich runoff. This runoff, rich in nitrogen and phosphorus, can cause eutrophication in water bodies.
  • Eutrophication is characterized by excessive growth of algae and aquatic plants, leading to oxygen depletion. This creates 'dead zones' where aquatic life cannot survive, severely impacting biodiversity and water quality.
Illustration of eutrophication in water bodies.

Image courtesy of Dimitrios

2. The Phosphorus Cycle

Phosphorus is essential for life, particularly in the formation of ATP, nucleic acids, and phospholipids. Unlike nitrogen, the phosphorus cycle does not involve the atmosphere and is primarily terrestrial.

2.1 Phosphorus in Ecosystems

  • Phosphorus is primarily sourced from rock weathering. It is then absorbed by plants from the soil and transferred through the food chain.
  • When organisms die, phosphorus is returned to the soil by decomposers. In water bodies, phosphorus settles as sediment and is eventually uplifted as new landmasses, completing the cycle.
Illustration of the phosphorus cycle

Image courtesy of VectorMine

2.2 Human Impact on the Phosphorus Cycle

  • The overuse of phosphorus-rich fertilisers leads to similar environmental issues as nitrogen – leaching into water bodies and subsequent eutrophication.
  • Since phosphorus is a non-renewable resource, its overuse in agriculture raises concerns about its long-term availability.

3. Interconnection of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Cycles

The nitrogen and phosphorus cycles are interconnected, with changes in one affecting the other. For example, eutrophication caused by excess nitrogen and phosphorus disrupts aquatic ecosystems, affecting both cycles.

Understanding these cycles is vital for environmental management and sustainable practices. They highlight the delicate balance in ecosystems and the importance of preserving natural processes for the health of the planet.


Leguminous plants, such as peas, beans, and clover, play a significant role in the nitrogen cycle through their symbiotic relationship with nitrogen-fixing bacteria, primarily Rhizobium. These bacteria colonize the root nodules of leguminous plants and convert atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia, which the plants can use for growth. This process of nitrogen fixation is beneficial for agricultural practices in several ways. First, it naturally enriches the soil with nitrogen, reducing the need for synthetic nitrogen fertilisers. This can lower costs and reduce the environmental impact associated with fertiliser use. Second, growing leguminous crops in rotation with other crops can improve soil fertility, benefiting subsequent crops. Furthermore, leguminous plants add organic matter to the soil, improving soil structure and water retention. Therefore, incorporating legumes into crop rotations is a sustainable agricultural practice that enhances soil health and productivity.

An imbalance in the phosphorus cycle, especially in aquatic ecosystems, can lead to several ecological consequences. Phosphorus is a limiting nutrient in many ecosystems, meaning its availability can restrict or enhance the growth of organisms. Excessive phosphorus, often from agricultural runoff or sewage discharge, can cause eutrophication in water bodies. This leads to rapid growth of algae and aquatic plants, which deplete oxygen levels in the water through respiration and decomposition. The resulting hypoxic conditions can cause the death of fish and other aquatic animals, reducing biodiversity. Additionally, the excessive growth of certain algae can produce toxins, harming animals and humans. In the long term, these changes can alter the structure and function of aquatic ecosystems, leading to a decline in water quality and changes in species composition. The imbalance in the phosphorus cycle thus has profound implications for aquatic life and ecosystem health.

Nitrogen fixation primarily occurs with the help of nitrogen-fixing bacteria like Rhizobium, which convert atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia. However, there are other organisms and processes involved in nitrogen fixation as well. Certain cyanobacteria, also known as blue-green algae, can fix nitrogen in aquatic environments and in symbiosis with some plant species. Furthermore, lightning plays a natural role in nitrogen fixation. The high energy from lightning strikes causes nitrogen molecules in the atmosphere to react with oxygen, forming nitrogen oxides. These oxides dissolve in rain, forming nitrates that are deposited in the soil. This non-biological fixation, though less significant in quantity compared to biological fixation by bacteria, contributes to the natural input of nitrogen in ecosystems. Hence, while nitrogen-fixing bacteria are the primary agents, other organisms and natural processes also contribute to nitrogen fixation in the environment.

Temperature significantly influences the rate of denitrification in the nitrogen cycle. Denitrification, carried out by denitrifying bacteria, involves the conversion of nitrates in the soil back into nitrogen gas. This process is temperature-dependent, as these bacteria are more active in warmer conditions. Higher temperatures accelerate the metabolic rates of these bacteria, increasing the rate of denitrification. Consequently, more nitrogen gas is released into the atmosphere, reducing the amount of nitrogen available in the soil for plant uptake. This can lead to decreased soil fertility and impact plant growth, especially in agricultural settings. Conversely, lower temperatures slow down this process, leading to an accumulation of nitrates in the soil. Therefore, temperature fluctuations can significantly impact the nitrogen availability in ecosystems, affecting plant growth and the overall balance of the nitrogen cycle.

Human activities, beyond fertiliser use, significantly impact the nitrogen and phosphorus cycles. Industrial processes, such as the burning of fossil fuels, release nitrogen oxides into the atmosphere. These gases contribute to air pollution and acid rain, which can affect soil and water quality, altering the nitrogen cycle. Additionally, wastewater discharge from households and industries often contains high levels of nitrogen and phosphorus. This contributes to nutrient pollution in water bodies, leading to eutrophication and the associated ecological problems. Deforestation and land use changes also affect these cycles. Removing vegetation disrupts the soil's ability to absorb and recycle nutrients, leading to increased runoff and soil erosion. Urbanisation and the sealing of surfaces prevent natural infiltration of water into the ground, further disrupting the nutrient cycles. These human-induced changes have widespread implications for ecosystem health and biodiversity, highlighting the need for sustainable management of environmental resources.

Practice Questions

Describe the role of saprobionts in the nitrogen cycle.

Saprobionts, primarily consisting of fungi and bacteria, play a crucial role in the nitrogen cycle through the process of ammonification. They decompose organic nitrogen compounds found in dead organisms and waste materials, converting them into ammonia. This conversion is vital for making nitrogen available in a form that can be utilised by plants. Saprobionts facilitate the recycling of nitrogen within ecosystems, ensuring its continuous availability for various biological processes. Their activity is essential in maintaining the balance of nitrogen in the soil, contributing to overall ecosystem health and productivity.

Explain the environmental impact of using artificial fertilisers, focusing on leaching and eutrophication.

Artificial fertilisers, which are rich in nitrogen and phosphorus, can have detrimental environmental impacts, particularly through leaching and eutrophication. Leaching occurs when excess fertilisers are washed away from soil into water bodies, leading to nutrient-rich runoff. This runoff causes eutrophication, a process characterized by excessive growth of algae and aquatic plants. Eutrophication results in oxygen depletion in water bodies, creating hypoxic conditions that are harmful to aquatic life. The overgrowth of algae also blocks sunlight, disrupting the aquatic food chain and leading to 'dead zones' where life is unsustainable. Hence, the use of artificial fertilisers, while beneficial for plant growth, can have far-reaching negative impacts on aquatic ecosystems.

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