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AQA A-Level Biology Notes

2.5.1 Eukaryotic Cell Cycle and Mitosis

Eukaryotic Cell Cycle and Mitosis

Overview of the Cell Cycle

The eukaryotic cell cycle is an intricate series of phases leading to the division of a cell into two genetically identical daughter cells. It comprises G1 (Gap 1), S (Synthesis), G2 (Gap 2), and M (Mitosis) phases. Interphase, encompassing G1, S, and G2, involves cell growth and DNA replication. The M phase is where mitosis and cell division occur.

Detailed Stages of Mitosis

Mitosis is a complex process, subdivided into distinct stages for the accurate distribution of chromosomes:


  • Chromosomes condense, becoming visible under a microscope.
  • The nuclear membrane disintegrates, signaling cell division's start.
  • Centrosomes, containing centrioles in animal cells, migrate to opposite poles, forming the mitotic spindle.
Prophase initiating mitosis

Image courtesy of Kelvinsong


  • The nuclear envelope completely breaks down.
  • Spindle fibres attach to kinetochores, protein structures on centromeres of chromosomes.
  • Chromosomes begin moving toward the cell center.


  • Chromosomes align precisely at the cell's equator, forming the metaphase plate.
  • This alignment ensures each new cell will receive one copy of each chromosome.
Metaphase of cell cycle (mitosis)

Image courtesy of Kelvinsong


  • Centromeres divide, separating sister chromatids now considered individual chromosomes.
  • Chromosomes move to opposite poles, guided by the spindle apparatus.
  • Anaphase ensures each new cell will have an identical set of chromosomes.
Anaphase of cell cycle (mitosis)

Image courtesy of Kelvinsong


  • Chromosomes decondense, returning to their pre-mitotic state.
  • Nuclear envelopes re-form, creating two separate nuclei.
  • Marks the end of mitosis, but not of the cell division process.
Characteristics of Telophase

Image courtesy of Ali

Spindle Fibres and Centromeres in Chromatid Separation

Spindle Fibres

  • Composed of microtubules, spindle fibres form a bridge between opposite poles of the cell and the chromosomes.
  • They control chromosome movement during mitosis and ensure proper chromosome segregation.


  • Centromeres are DNA regions where sister chromatids are tightly connected.
  • They serve as attachment sites for spindle fibres via kinetochores.
  • The splitting of centromeres is a critical step in anaphase for proper chromosome segregation.

Cytokinesis and Implications of Uncontrolled Cell Division


  • Cytokinesis is the division of the cytoplasm, concluding cell division.
  • In animal cells, it involves the formation of a cleavage furrow that pinches the cell in two.
  • In plant cells, a cell plate forms, eventually developing into a separating cell wall.
Cytokinesis in animal cell and plant cell

Image courtesy of MathildaBrinton

Uncontrolled Cell Division

  • Uncontrolled cell division, as seen in cancer, is often due to failures in the regulatory processes of the cell cycle.
  • Such dysregulation can lead to excessive cell proliferation and tumour formation.
  • Understanding mitotic mechanisms is vital for cancer research and treatment development.

Significance of Mitosis in Eukaryotic Cells

Mitosis is essential for several biological processes:

  • Growth and Development: Mitosis allows for the growth of organisms from a single cell and the replacement of cells that die.
  • Repair and Regeneration: Mitosis helps repair damage by replacing dead or injured cells.
  • Asexual Reproduction: Some organisms rely on mitosis for reproduction, producing offspring genetically identical to the parent.


Understanding mitosis and its regulation is critical for insights into various biological processes and medical conditions. This comprehensive exploration of the eukaryotic cell cycle and mitosis provides a foundational understanding for AQA A-level Biology students, highlighting the importance and intricacies of cell division in eukaryotic organisms.


The metaphase checkpoint, also known as the spindle checkpoint, is a critical regulatory point in the cell cycle that ensures chromosomes are properly attached to the spindle microtubules and aligned at the metaphase plate before anaphase begins. This checkpoint prevents the separation of sister chromatids until all chromosomes are correctly bi-oriented, with kinetochores attached to spindle fibres from opposite poles. The significance of the metaphase checkpoint lies in its role in maintaining genetic stability. If a chromosome is not properly attached, it can lead to unequal distribution of genetic material, resulting in cells with the wrong number of chromosomes (aneuploidy). Aneuploidy can cause developmental disorders and is a common feature in many types of cancer.

The mitotic spindle is a structure composed of microtubules, which are dynamic filaments made of tubulin protein. Its formation begins in prophase, with the replication and migration of centrosomes to opposite poles of the cell. These centrosomes, also known as spindle poles, act as microtubule-organising centres. During spindle assembly, microtubules radiate out from these centrosomes, intermingling in the middle of the cell. The primary function of the mitotic spindle is to segregate chromosomes into two daughter cells during mitosis. It achieves this by attaching to chromosomes via the kinetochores and exerting forces that move chromosomes to align them at the metaphase plate, and later, to separate the sister chromatids during anaphase.

Kinetochores are complex protein structures that form on the centromere of each chromosome during cell division. They play a pivotal role in mitosis, particularly in the segregation of chromosomes. Kinetochores are the attachment sites for spindle fibres, the microtubules that pull chromosomes apart during anaphase. They are essential for the movement and alignment of chromosomes. During metaphase, kinetochores ensure that each chromosome is properly attached to spindle fibres from opposite poles, a condition known as bi-orientation. This is crucial for equal segregation of chromosomes, as incorrect attachment can lead to unequal distribution of genetic material, resulting in cells with abnormal numbers of chromosomes, a condition known as aneuploidy, which can have serious implications including developmental disorders and cancer.

Errors in mitosis can have profound consequences on the cell and the organism. One of the most significant outcomes is the production of cells with an abnormal number of chromosomes, a condition known as aneuploidy. This can occur due to non-disjunction, where sister chromatids fail to separate properly during anaphase. Aneuploidy can lead to various developmental disorders and diseases, including Down syndrome, which is caused by an extra copy of chromosome 21. Additionally, errors in mitosis can contribute to cancer development. Mutations that disrupt the normal regulation of the cell cycle can lead to uncontrolled cell division, producing a mass of abnormal cells known as a tumour. Moreover, mitotic errors can lead to genetic instability, increasing the likelihood of further mutations and accelerating tumour progression.

In both plant and animal cells, mitosis proceeds through the same stages: prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase. However, there are key differences in the mechanisms, particularly during cytokinesis. In animal cells, cytokinesis occurs through the formation of a cleavage furrow. This furrow is created by a contractile ring of actin and myosin filaments that pinch the cell membrane inward, eventually dividing the cell into two. In contrast, plant cells, due to their rigid cell walls, cannot form a cleavage furrow. Instead, during telophase, a cell plate forms at the location of the former metaphase plate. This cell plate grows outward, aided by vesicles from the Golgi apparatus, until it reaches and fuses with the cell wall, thus dividing the cell into two.

Practice Questions

Describe the role of spindle fibres in the process of chromosome segregation during mitosis.

Spindle fibres are integral to chromosome segregation in mitosis. They are composed of microtubules emanating from centrosomes at opposite poles of the cell. During metaphase, spindle fibres attach to kinetochores located on the centromeres of each chromosome. This attachment is crucial for aligning chromosomes at the metaphase plate. In anaphase, the spindle fibres shorten, effectively pulling the sister chromatids, now individual chromosomes, towards opposite poles of the cell. This ensures each daughter cell receives an identical set of chromosomes, maintaining genetic consistency across cell generations.

Explain the consequences of uncontrolled cell division and how it relates to cancer development.

Uncontrolled cell division leads to abnormal cell growth, a hallmark of cancer. Normally, cell division is regulated by checkpoints in the cell cycle, ensuring cells only divide when appropriate. However, mutations in genes that regulate the cell cycle can disrupt these controls, resulting in cells dividing uncontrollably. This can lead to the formation of tumours, masses of abnormal cells. Understanding the molecular mechanisms of mitosis and its regulation is crucial in cancer research, as it aids in identifying targets for therapy that can selectively inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells while sparing normal cells.

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