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AQA A-Level Biology Notes

2.5.3 Virus Replication Mechanisms

Introduction to Viruses

  • Definition and Nature: Viruses are unique entities, often debated over their status as living or non-living. They consist of genetic material (either DNA or RNA) enclosed in a protective protein coat, sometimes with an additional lipid envelope. Viruses lack the basic cellular components and metabolic processes found in living organisms, rendering them incapable of independent reproduction.
  • Size and Complexity: Viruses are remarkably smaller than bacteria and are amongst the simplest forms of infectious agents. Despite their simplicity, they can cause a wide range of diseases in humans, animals, and plants.

Detailed Virus Structure

  • Capsid: This protein shell encapsulates the viral genome. It's made up of protein subunits called capsomeres, which can self-assemble into various shapes (icosahedral, helical, or complex).
  • Genetic Material: Viral genomes vary greatly; some viruses contain DNA, while others have RNA. The DNA can be double-stranded or single-stranded, linear or circular. RNA viruses also show variation, including positive-sense, negative-sense, and double-stranded forms.
  • Envelope: Not all viruses have an envelope, but those that do acquire it from the host cell membrane during viral budding. The envelope contains viral glycoproteins essential for cell attachment.
Examples and structure of enveloped and non-enveloped viruses.

Image courtesy of BioProcess International

Virus Replication Process

Attachment (Adsorption)

  • The virus attaches to the host cell through specific binding between viral proteins and host cell receptors. This specificity determines the host range of the virus.

Penetration and Uncoating

  • After attachment, viruses penetrate the host cell. Enveloped viruses often fuse with the cell membrane, while non-enveloped viruses may enter via endocytosis.
  • Once inside, the viral capsid is removed (uncoating), releasing the viral nucleic acid.

Synthesis of Viral Components

  • Viral DNA enters the host cell's nucleus for replication, using the host's DNA polymerase enzymes. RNA viruses replicate in the cytoplasm, often using their own RNA-dependent RNA polymerase as host cells do not naturally contain this enzyme.
  • Viral mRNA is used to make viral proteins by the host's ribosomes.

Assembly and Maturation

  • New viral particles (virions) are assembled from the newly synthesized nucleic acids and proteins.
  • This process can vary greatly among different types of viruses.


  • Newly formed viruses exit the host cell to infect new cells. This can occur through lysis (bursting the cell) or budding (enveloped viruses), where the virus acquires its envelope from the host cell membrane.
Stages of virus replication

Image courtesy of Cugur

Host Cell Hijacking: A Closer Look

  • Viruses can be highly selective, only infecting certain types of cells. This specificity is based on the presence of compatible receptors on the surface of host cells.
  • Upon entry, the virus commandeers the host cell's metabolic machinery, diverting resources to produce viral components. This often results in the cessation of normal cell function and can lead to cell death.

Types of Viral Replication Mechanisms

DNA Viruses

  • Replication Site: Typically in the nucleus.
  • Mechanism: Utilize host DNA polymerase for replication; some may bring their own polymerase.

RNA Viruses

  • Replication Site: Generally in the cytoplasm.
  • Mechanism: Use RNA-dependent RNA polymerase to replicate their RNA genome.


  • Unique Feature: They possess reverse transcriptase, which transcribes their RNA genome into DNA.
  • Integration: The DNA is integrated into the host's genome, where it can remain dormant for prolonged periods.

Viral Pathogenicity and Host Response

  • Cytopathic Effects: Include cell lysis, cell fusion to form multinucleated cells, and induction of apoptosis.
  • Immune Evasion: Viruses have evolved mechanisms to evade the host immune system, such as antigenic variation and suppression of host immune responses.

Virus Transmission Methods

  • Direct Contact: Includes physical contact and exchange of bodily fluids.
  • Indirect Contact: Through fomites, surfaces that can carry infection.
  • Airborne Transmission: Particularly relevant for respiratory viruses.

Prevention and Control

  • Vaccination: Essential for preventing viral infections, works by priming the immune system.
  • Antiviral Medications: Target specific stages of the viral life cycle, such as entry inhibitors, nucleoside analogs, and protease inhibitors.
Vaccine supply

Image courtesy of Ali Raza

Application in Biotechnology and Medicine

  • Viruses play a significant role in genetic engineering and gene therapy. They are used as vectors to deliver genetic material into cells.
  • Vaccine Development: Some vaccines use attenuated or inactivated viruses to stimulate an immune response.

Ethical and Safety Considerations

  • The manipulation of viruses, especially in genetic engineering and vaccine development, raises significant ethical and biosafety issues. This includes concerns about accidental release or misuse of engineered viruses.

This detailed study of virus replication mechanisms provides students with a profound understanding of how these non-living entities exert influence over living cells. It lays the foundation for comprehending the complexities of viral diseases and the development of effective therapies.


RNA viruses are more prone to mutations than DNA viruses primarily due to the lack of proofreading mechanisms in RNA-dependent RNA polymerases, which are enzymes responsible for replicating the RNA genome of these viruses. In contrast, DNA polymerases, which replicate DNA in DNA viruses, have proofreading capabilities that significantly reduce the rate of errors during replication. The higher mutation rate in RNA viruses leads to a greater genetic diversity, which can be advantageous for the virus as it allows for rapid adaptation to host immune responses or changes in environmental conditions. However, this high mutation rate can also result in detrimental mutations, potentially reducing the virus's fitness.

The lysogenic and lytic cycles are two modes of viral replication, and they differ significantly in their processes and outcomes. In the lytic cycle, the virus takes over the host cell's machinery to replicate its genetic material and produce new viral particles. This process usually leads to the destruction of the host cell through cell lysis, releasing the new viruses. Conversely, the lysogenic cycle involves the integration of the viral genome into the host cell's DNA, where it can remain dormant for an extended period. During this dormant phase, known as lysogeny, the virus does not produce new virions and does not cause immediate damage to the host cell. The viral DNA, now part of the host genome, is replicated along with the host DNA during cell division. Under certain conditions, the viral genome can exit the host genome and enter the lytic cycle, leading to the production of new viruses and cell lysis.

Viruses, particularly retroviruses and adenoviruses, play a crucial role in gene therapy and genetic engineering due to their ability to deliver genetic material into host cells. In gene therapy, viruses are used as vectors to carry therapeutic genes into patient cells. These therapeutic genes can replace or repair defective genes, offering potential treatments for genetic disorders. In genetic engineering, viruses are employed to introduce new genetic material into cells for research purposes, such as studying gene function or creating genetically modified organisms. The ability of viruses to efficiently integrate genetic material into host cells makes them valuable tools in these fields. However, their use raises safety concerns, such as unintended effects on the host genome and immune responses, which are critical considerations in the development of viral vector-based therapies.

Antigenic variation is a significant mechanism in viruses, particularly in their ability to evade the host immune system and persist in a population. It involves changes in the viral antigens, typically surface proteins, that are recognized by the host's immune system. This variation can occur through mutations (antigenic drift) or reassortment of genetic material (antigenic shift), especially in viruses with segmented genomes like the influenza virus. The significance of antigenic variation lies in its contribution to the emergence of new viral strains against which the host population has little to no existing immunity. This can lead to the rapid spread of viral infections and presents challenges in vaccine development, as vaccines might become less effective against these new strains.

Viruses are fundamentally different from other pathogens, like bacteria and fungi, in both structure and replication. Structurally, viruses are much simpler, consisting only of a nucleic acid core (either DNA or RNA) surrounded by a protein coat, and sometimes a lipid envelope. They lack cellular structures such as cytoplasm, organelles, and a cell membrane, which are present in other pathogens. In terms of replication, viruses are obligate intracellular parasites, meaning they can only replicate within a host cell. Unlike bacteria or fungi, which can replicate independently, viruses must hijack the cellular machinery of their host to synthesize new viral components. This dependency on host cells for replication is a defining characteristic of viruses and distinguishes them from other pathogens that can reproduce outside of host cells.

Practice Questions

Explain how the structure of a virus enables it to infect specific types of host cells.

Viruses have evolved to develop highly specific structures that facilitate their infection of host cells. The key feature is the viral capsid or envelope proteins, which are designed to bind specifically to receptors on the surfaces of their target host cells. This specificity ensures that the virus can effectively attach to and enter cells that can support their replication. For example, the influenza virus has hemagglutinin spikes that bind to sialic acid receptors on respiratory cells. This specificity is crucial because it determines the host range of the virus and plays a significant role in the pathogenesis of viral diseases.

Describe the role of reverse transcriptase in retroviruses and its significance in the viral replication cycle.

Reverse transcriptase is a unique enzyme found in retroviruses that facilitates the conversion of their RNA genome into DNA. This process is crucial as it allows the viral RNA to be transcribed into DNA, which can then integrate into the host cell's genome. Once integrated, this viral DNA, or provirus, can remain dormant, be transcribed into mRNA, and used to produce new viruses, or even alter the host cell's functions. This integration is significant because it allows the virus to persist in the host for a long period, often without detection by the immune system, contributing to the chronic nature of infections like HIV.

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