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AQA A-Level Biology Notes

2.4.2 Cell Fractionation and Ultracentrifugation

Introduction to Cell Fractionation

Cell fractionation is a sophisticated laboratory technique used to separate cellular components, retaining their individual biological functions. It's a cornerstone in cell biology, enabling scientists to study the intricate parts of a cell in isolation, a fundamental step in understanding cellular mechanisms.

Principles of Cell Fractionation

  • Homogenisation: This initial step involves breaking open cells to release organelles. It's typically done using a homogeniser, which mechanically disrupts the cell membranes. The process must be gentle to prevent damage to delicate organelles.
  • Filtration: Following homogenisation, the crude cell extract, or homogenate, is filtered. This filtration removes large cell debris and unbroken cells, ensuring a clear solution of organelles.

Understanding Ultracentrifugation

Ultracentrifugation is a sophisticated technique employed in cell fractionation to separate cellular components based on their physical properties like size, shape, and density.

The Procedure of Ultracentrifugation

  • 1. Preparation: The cell homogenate is carefully placed into centrifuge tubes.
  • 2. Centrifugation: These tubes are spun at extremely high speeds. Heavier and larger components move to the bottom, forming a pellet, while lighter components form a supernatant layer.
  • 3. Fraction Collection: The supernatant, containing lighter organelles or molecules, is carefully removed. It can be subjected to further centrifugation at higher speeds to isolate smaller components.
Illustration of supernatant and pellet in a tube

Image courtesy of Ultrabem

Types of Ultracentrifugation Techniques

  • Differential Centrifugation: This method separates components primarily based on size and density. Larger and denser components, like nuclei, pellet first under lower speeds, whereas smaller components, like ribosomes, require higher speeds.
  • Density Gradient Centrifugation: In this technique, a density gradient medium, such as sucrose, is used. Organelles settle at the point in the gradient where their density matches the gradient's, allowing for finer separation.
Different stages of differential centrifugation

Image courtesy of Olha

Cell Organelle Studies through Fractionation

These techniques have been crucial in isolating and studying cell organelles, leading to significant scientific discoveries.

Studying Mitochondria

  • Isolation Process: Due to their size and density, mitochondria are easily isolated through differential centrifugation.
  • Research Significance: Isolated mitochondria have been pivotal in studying mitochondrial DNA, energy metabolism, and the role of mitochondria in apoptosis.

Exploring the Endoplasmic Reticulum

  • Isolation Challenges: The ER's membranous structure makes its isolation more challenging.
  • Advancements: The use of density gradient centrifugation has significantly improved the purity of isolated ER fractions, facilitating studies on protein synthesis and folding.

Historical Context and Significance

The advent of cell fractionation and ultracentrifugation marked a revolution in cell biology, shedding light on the internal workings of cells.

Early Pioneers

  • 1940s Breakthroughs: Albert Claude's work in the 1940s laid the groundwork for cell fractionation, leading to the discovery of various cell organelles.
  • Nobel Laureates: Claude, Christian de Duve, and George Palade were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1974 for their groundbreaking work in cell fractionation and organelle characterization.

Impact on Understanding Cell Biology

  • Elucidating Organelle Functions: These techniques have been instrumental in determining the specific functions of different organelles, such as lysosomes and Golgi bodies.
  • Biochemical Pathways Discovery: They have enabled scientists to isolate and study biochemical pathways within specific organelles, leading to a deeper understanding of cellular metabolism.

Limitations and Considerations in Fractionation Techniques

Despite their utility, cell fractionation and ultracentrifugation have inherent limitations that must be acknowledged.

Potential Damage to Organelles

  • Shear Forces: The intense shear forces generated during high-speed centrifugation can potentially damage more delicate organelles.
  • Osmotic Pressure Imbalance: An imbalance in osmotic pressure during the process can lead to organelle rupture, especially for organelles like lysosomes.

Ensuring Purity of Fractions

  • Cross-Contamination: Achieving complete separation of cellular components is challenging. Often, fractions contain a mixture of organelles, which can complicate data interpretation.

Advancing Cell Biology with Fractionation Techniques

In conclusion, cell fractionation and ultracentrifugation have been revolutionary in the field of cell biology. They have enabled researchers to delve deeply into the cellular world, unraveling the mysteries of cell function and structure. While they come with limitations, their contributions to our understanding of life at the cellular level are undeniable. Their continued use and refinement will undoubtedly lead to further significant discoveries in the realm of biology.


Cell fractionation and ultracentrifugation can indeed be used to study viruses, primarily through the isolation and purification of viral particles. Viruses can be separated from host cell components and media through differential centrifugation, followed by density gradient centrifugation. This process involves layering the sample over a density gradient medium, such as sucrose or cesium chloride, and centrifuging it at high speeds. Viral particles band at their specific density, allowing for their isolation. This technique is crucial in virology for concentrating viruses from large volumes, studying viral structure, genome, and proteins, and preparing samples for techniques like electron microscopy and biochemical assays.

Ethical considerations in using cell fractionation and ultracentrifugation primarily revolve around the source of the cells being used. If human cells are involved, it is essential to have ethical clearance and informed consent, ensuring that the cells are sourced and used in a manner that respects the donor's rights and privacy. Additionally, if animal cells are used, ethical concerns include animal welfare and the necessity of the research. The use of animals must be justified, minimised, and conducted in a way that reduces suffering, adhering to the principles of Replacement, Reduction, and Refinement (3Rs). Researchers must also consider the environmental impact of these techniques, such as the disposal of chemical reagents and biological waste, ensuring they adhere to environmental protection guidelines.

The purity of isolated organelles in cell fractionation significantly impacts the accuracy and reliability of subsequent biochemical analyses. High-purity preparations allow for more specific and accurate studies of organelle function, as contaminating organelles can lead to misleading results. For example, if mitochondrial preparations are contaminated with lysosomes, enzymes from lysosomes might interfere with assays meant to study mitochondrial enzymes. Additionally, the presence of unwanted organelles can complicate the interpretation of molecular biology experiments, such as those involving DNA or RNA analysis. Therefore, achieving high purity is crucial for ensuring that the observed biological activities and properties are truly representative of the organelle under study.

Controlling certain factors is crucial in cell fractionation to maintain the integrity of organelles. Firstly, temperature control is vital; most fractionations are performed at 4°C to reduce enzymatic activities that could damage organelles. Secondly, isotonic solutions are used to maintain osmotic balance, preventing organelle swelling or shrinkage. Buffers are also essential to keep the pH stable, as fluctuations can alter organelle structure and function. Moreover, the process must be carried out gently to prevent mechanical damage to organelles. Lastly, the presence of certain ions and cofactors might be necessary for maintaining organelle functionality, and their concentrations should be optimised for each type of organelle being isolated.

Recent technological advancements have significantly improved the efficiency and effectiveness of cell fractionation and ultracentrifugation. Modern ultracentrifuges are more precise, allowing for better control of speed and temperature, which is crucial for sensitive biological samples. Advances in rotor design have led to higher capacities and faster separation times. Additionally, the development of automated fraction collectors and real-time monitoring systems has improved the precision in collecting separated components. On the molecular level, the use of fluorescent markers and advanced imaging techniques allows for more accurate identification and analysis of isolated organelles. These technological advancements have made the processes more efficient, precise, and accessible, expanding their applications in various fields of biological research.

Practice Questions

Explain the principle behind differential centrifugation and how it can be used to isolate mitochondria from a cell homogenate.

Differential centrifugation operates on the principle of separating cellular components based on their size and density. In this process, a cell homogenate is centrifuged at various speeds to form a series of pellets, each containing different organelles. To isolate mitochondria, the homogenate is initially spun at a low speed to pellet nuclei and larger debris. The supernatant is then centrifuged at a higher speed to pellet the mitochondria. This method exploits the fact that mitochondria, being denser and larger than some other organelles like ribosomes, pellet at intermediate speeds. The sequential increase in centrifugal force allows for the selective isolation of mitochondria from the homogenate.

Discuss the significance of cell fractionation and ultracentrifugation in the study of cell organelles, with reference to historical developments in cell biology.

Cell fractionation and ultracentrifugation have been instrumental in the advancement of cell biology, particularly in the study of cell organelles. These techniques, developed in the 1940s by Albert Claude and improved upon by others, enabled the separation and detailed study of individual organelles, revolutionising our understanding of cell function and structure. Prior to these developments, the intricate workings within cells were largely unknown. By isolating organelles like mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum, scientists could study their functions in isolation, leading to groundbreaking discoveries in cellular metabolism, protein synthesis, and genetic material. This contributed significantly to the field of molecular biology, forming the basis for numerous further advancements in biomedical research.

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