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AQA A-Level Biology Notes

2.4.1 Microscopy Techniques

Optical Microscopes


  • Optical, or light microscopes, magnify images using visible light and lenses. The fundamental principle is light refraction, where bending light through lenses enlarges the image of a specimen.
  • They consist of an eyepiece, objective lenses, a stage for the specimen, a light source, and focusing mechanisms.


  • Resolution Limit: The maximum resolution, around 200 nanometres, is limited by the wavelength of visible light.
  • Depth of Field: Limited depth of field can result in blurring, especially in thicker specimens.
  • Sample Preparation: Specimens often require thin slicing and staining for enhanced visibility.


  • Used in schools and universities for basic biological studies.
  • Ideal for observing living organisms and cellular activities in real-time.
Parts of a light microscope

Image courtesy of Mikael Häggström, M.D.

Transmission Electron Microscopes (TEM)


  • TEMs utilise electron beams instead of light, which pass through a specimen to form an image. This process involves electrons interacting with the specimen and then being captured on a photographic plate or screen, resulting in a highly detailed image.
  • They feature a series of electromagnetic lenses, a specimen holder, an electron gun, and an imaging system.


  • High Vacuum Requirement: Specimens must endure vacuum conditions, making it unsuitable for living samples.
  • Two-Dimensional Images: TEMs produce flat images, lacking three-dimensional context.
  • Complex Preparation: The specimen preparation is complex and may alter the natural state of the sample.


  • Essential for studying cellular and molecular structures in great detail.
  • Used in pathology, materials science, and nanotechnology.
Different parts of Transmission Electron Microscopes (TEM)

Image courtesy of Chemistry LibreTexts

Scanning Electron Microscopes (SEM)


  • SEMs scan a surface with a focused electron beam. The emitted secondary electrons from the surface are collected to create a detailed three-dimensional image.
  • It includes components such as an electron gun, scanning coils, detectors for secondary electrons, and a display system.


  • Surface Imaging: SEMs only visualize the surface of specimens.
  • Conductivity Requirement: Specimens are coated with a conductive material, usually gold or gold-palladium alloy.
  • Vacuum Conditions: The requirement for a vacuum environment limits the observation of living specimens.


  • SEMs are excellent for examining topography and composition of biological and material surfaces.
Illustration of Scanning Electron Microscopes (SEM)

Image courtesy of Britannica

Measuring Cell Size


  • Grid Method: Involves an ocular micrometer, a glass disc with precisely spaced grid lines, placed in the microscope eyepiece. Cell dimensions are estimated against this known scale.
  • Electronic Measurement: Digital imaging techniques where software analyses and calculates cell dimensions from captured images.


  • Accuracy: Accuracy relies on proper calibration and user skill.
  • Sample Preparation: Methods like dehydration or fixation can shrink or distort cells, affecting size measurements.

Magnification and Resolution


  • The process of enlarging an object's appearance, not its actual size. Optical microscopes typically have magnifications ranging from 40x to 1000x.
  • Calculated by multiplying the power of the objective lens by that of the eyepiece.


  • The ability of a microscope to distinguish two points as separate entities. Higher resolution means finer detail can be observed.
  • Limited by the wavelength of the light or electrons used and the quality of the optical system.
Image resolution in Microscopy

Image courtesy of HubPages

Differentiating Between the Two

  • Magnification without adequate resolution may result in larger but blurry images.
  • Resolution is the key factor in obtaining clear, detailed images. It's enhanced in electron microscopes due to the shorter wavelength of electrons compared to visible light.


Staining in light microscopy is a technique used to enhance contrast in the microscopic image since many cellular components are almost transparent and difficult to see under a microscope. Stains, or dyes, bind to specific cellular structures, enabling these structures to be seen more clearly. For example, haematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining is commonly used in histology to differentiate between various tissue types. However, staining has limitations. It often requires the specimen to be fixed (preserved) and sectioned, which can alter its natural state. Some stains may only bind to specific types of cells or structures, limiting their applicability. Additionally, over-staining can obscure details, and differentiating between overlapping structures can be challenging.

Optical microscopes are typically not suitable for viewing viruses due to their limited resolution. The resolution of a light microscope is restricted by the wavelength of visible light, with a theoretical limit of around 200 nanometres. Most viruses are much smaller than this, typically ranging from 20 to 300 nanometres in size, with many being at the lower end of this scale. Therefore, viruses are too small to be resolved by standard optical microscopy. Instead, electron microscopes, such as TEMs, are required to visualise viruses. TEMs can achieve resolutions well below the size of most viruses, allowing for detailed visualisation of their structure.

Digital imaging and software significantly enhance microscopy's capabilities in modern biology. With digital cameras attached to microscopes, high-quality images can be captured, stored, and analysed digitally. This advancement allows for more precise measurements, detailed analysis, and easier sharing and collaboration on microscopic data. Software can be used to stitch together multiple images for a wider field of view or to stack images at different focus planes, creating a clearer, more detailed composite image. Image analysis software enables quantitative analysis of images, such as counting cells, measuring cell size, and analysing fluorescence intensity. Advanced software can also facilitate three-dimensional reconstruction of structures and automated image processing, like background subtraction and contrast enhancement. Overall, digital imaging and software integration make microscopy a more powerful, versatile, and accessible tool in biological research.

Fluorescent microscopy is a specialised type of optical microscopy that uses fluorescence, rather than just light reflection or absorption, to generate an image. In cell biology, it has specific and vital uses. By tagging cellular components with fluorescent dyes or markers, such as fluorescent proteins, specific parts of a cell or particular types of molecules can be visualised with high specificity. This technique allows for the observation of dynamic processes within live cells, including protein interactions, intracellular trafficking, and changes in the concentration of ions and other small molecules. Fluorescent microscopy is also crucial in localising genes and proteins within cells, studying cellular processes like apoptosis, and understanding the internal structure of complex cellular assemblies. Its ability to provide detailed, real-time visualisation of living cells makes it an indispensable tool in modern cell biology research.

Depth of field in microscopy refers to the range of distance within a specimen that appears sharp and in focus. In optical microscopy, depth of field becomes an important factor, especially when observing thicker specimens. A limited depth of field, common in high magnification, means that only a thin slice of the specimen can be in focus at one time. This limitation makes it challenging to observe the entire thickness of a specimen clearly, necessitating careful focusing and sometimes serial sectioning to view different layers. Conversely, electron microscopes, particularly SEMs, provide a greater depth of field, allowing for a more comprehensive view of the specimen's surface. The depth of field is influenced by factors like the numerical aperture of the lens and the wavelength of the illumination. High numerical aperture and shorter wavelengths, as used in electron microscopy, generally offer a greater depth of field, resulting in a more detailed and three-dimensional representation of the sample.

Practice Questions

Describe the key differences between a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and a Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) in terms of their principles and applications.

A Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and a Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) differ significantly in their operation and applications. SEM uses a focused beam of electrons to scan the surface of a specimen, producing detailed three-dimensional images. It's primarily used for studying surface structures, like cell membranes. On the other hand, TEM transmits electrons through a thin specimen, creating two-dimensional, highly detailed images. TEM is essential for observing internal cellular structures like organelles. The SEM is excellent for examining surface topography, while TEM provides in-depth insights into the internal composition of cells.

Explain why resolution is more critical than magnification in microscopy and how electron microscopes have improved resolution.

Resolution is more crucial than magnification in microscopy because it determines the clarity and detail of the image. Higher resolution means the microscope can distinguish between two closely spaced points, resulting in a clearer and more detailed view. Electron microscopes, such as SEM and TEM, have significantly improved resolution compared to light microscopes. This enhancement is due to the use of electrons, which have much shorter wavelengths than visible light, allowing for finer detail detection. Therefore, while magnification enlarges the image, resolution is key to observing and understanding the intricate details of cellular structures.

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