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AQA A-Level Biology Notes

2.3.2 Viral Structure and Nature

Genetic Material of Viruses

Types of Genetic Material

  • DNA Viruses: These viruses have DNA as their genetic material. The DNA can be either single-stranded (ssDNA) or double-stranded (dsDNA). Examples include Herpesviruses (dsDNA) and Parvoviruses (ssDNA).
  • RNA Viruses: Possess RNA as genetic material. This can also be single-stranded (ssRNA) or double-stranded (dsRNA). For instance, the Influenza virus has ssRNA, while Reoviruses contain dsRNA.
Examples of DNA and RNA viruses.

Image courtesy of National Human Genome Research Institute

Significance of Genetic Material

  • Blueprint for Viral Replication: Viral genetic material is essential for directing the synthesis of new virus components. It contains the information necessary for replicating the virus and producing viral proteins.
  • Variability and Evolution: The high mutation rates of viruses, particularly RNA viruses, lead to rapid genetic changes. This contributes to their ability to evolve and adapt to new environments or hosts, impacting disease transmission and vaccine development.

Capsid Structure

Definition and Function

  • Capsid: This protein shell encloses the viral genome, protecting it and aiding in its delivery to host cells. It is a defining feature of a virus, crucial for its integrity and infectivity.


  • Capsomers: Made up of protein subunits called capsomers, which can be arranged in various patterns to form the capsid.
  • Symmetry: Viral capsids typically exhibit either helical or icosahedral symmetry. Helical symmetry is seen in rod-shaped viruses like Tobacco mosaic virus, whereas icosahedral symmetry is found in many spherical viruses like Adenoviruses.
Capsid structure in virus

Image courtesy of Thomas Splettstoesser

Role in the Viral Life Cycle

  • Protection: The capsid shields the genetic material from degradation by nucleases and physical damage.
  • Attachment and Entry: Capsid proteins often play a role in attaching to and penetrating host cells. For example, the HIV virus uses its capsid proteins to bind to and enter human immune cells.

Attachment Proteins


  • Host Recognition and Binding: Viral attachment proteins are key for identifying and latching onto specific receptors on host cells. This specificity determines the range of host species and cell types a virus can infect.

Diversity and Specificity

  • Variations Among Viruses: Different viruses have distinct attachment proteins, which dictate their host range and tissue tropism. For example, the Hemagglutinin protein in Influenza viruses binds to sialic acid receptors on respiratory tract cells.

Nature of Viruses

Acellular Entities

  • Lack of Cellular Structure: Viruses differ from other microorganisms like bacteria in that they lack a complete cellular structure. They do not have a cell membrane, cytoplasm, or organelles.
  • Genetic Material Encapsulation: The viral genome is encapsulated within the protein coat, without the complex cellular machinery found in living cells.
 A labelled diagram of virus structure.

Image courtesy of skypicsstudio

Non-living Characteristics

  • Absence of Metabolic Processes: Viruses do not perform metabolic activities on their own. They rely entirely on the host cell's machinery for tasks like energy production and protein synthesis.
  • Dependence on Host Cells for Replication: A virus must infect a host cell to replicate. Outside a host, viruses are inert particles.

Implications of Being Acellular and Non-living

  • Resistance to Antibiotics: Since viruses lack metabolic pathways and structures targeted by antibiotics, these drugs are ineffective against viral infections.
  • Challenges in Treatment and Prevention: The unique nature of viruses poses significant challenges in developing effective treatments and vaccines. Antiviral drugs often target virus-specific enzymes or life cycle stages.

In summarizing, the structure and nature of viruses are intricate and distinct from other biological entities. Their genetic material, whether DNA or RNA, dictates much of their behavior and interaction with hosts. The capsid, a proteinaceous shell, plays multiple roles, from protecting the viral genome to facilitating attachment and entry into host cells. The attachment proteins on the virus surface are crucial for specificity towards host cells, determining the infection's scope and severity.

Understanding viruses as acellular and non-living entities is fundamental in the field of virology and has profound implications for how we approach their study and manage viral diseases. This knowledge is not only pivotal in understanding virology but also in broader biological and medical contexts, impacting areas such as epidemiology, immunology, and pharmaceutical development. For A-level Biology students, grasping these concepts is essential for a comprehensive understanding of microbiology and pathogen biology.


Viruses and bacteria differ significantly in terms of size and cellular structure. Bacteria are cellular microorganisms with a complex structure that includes a cell membrane, cytoplasm, ribosomes, and often a cell wall. They are typically much larger than viruses, with sizes ranging from 0.5 to 5 micrometers. In contrast, viruses are acellular entities and are much smaller, typically ranging from 0.02 to 0.3 micrometers in size. Unlike bacteria, viruses lack cellular organelles, metabolic processes, and a true cellular structure. They consist of genetic material (DNA or RNA) encased in a protein coat called the capsid. Some viruses may have additional layers, such as an envelope. Due to these structural differences, viruses cannot carry out metabolic processes independently and rely entirely on host cells for replication and protein synthesis. Bacteria, on the other hand, are fully functioning single-celled organisms capable of independent growth and reproduction.

Attachment proteins on the surface of viruses are crucial for their infectivity because they enable the virus to recognize and bind to specific receptors on the surface of host cells. This initial attachment step is a key determinant of whether a virus can successfully infect a host cell. The specificity of attachment proteins ensures that a virus can only infect certain types of cells, tissues, or host species. For example, the Influenza virus uses its Hemagglutinin protein to bind to sialic acid receptors on respiratory tract cells. This specificity is vital for the virus's ability to establish an infection and replicate within the host. Without functional attachment proteins, viruses would not be able to interact with host cells, and their infectivity would be severely compromised. Understanding the role of attachment proteins is essential for studying viral tropism (the range of cells or hosts a virus can infect), designing antiviral therapies, and developing strategies to prevent viral infections.

Antibiotics are ineffective against viral infections because they target specific components of bacterial cells that are absent in viruses. Antibiotics work by disrupting bacterial processes, such as cell wall synthesis, protein synthesis, and DNA replication. Since viruses lack the complex cellular structures and metabolic pathways targeted by antibiotics, these drugs have no impact on viral infections. Viruses are acellular entities consisting of genetic material (DNA or RNA) encapsulated in a protein coat (capsid) or an envelope. They do not possess cell walls, ribosomes, or the machinery necessary for these antibiotic-targeted processes. Therefore, antibiotics have no mechanism to act upon in the viral life cycle. Treating viral infections requires antiviral drugs that specifically target viral components or stages of the viral life cycle. These drugs are designed to inhibit viral replication or attachment to host cells, offering a more targeted approach to managing viral diseases.

DNA viruses and RNA viruses differ in their genetic material and replication processes. DNA viruses possess DNA as their genetic material, while RNA viruses have RNA. DNA viruses typically replicate in the host cell nucleus, where they utilize the host's DNA polymerase for replication. In contrast, RNA viruses replicate in the cytoplasm and use an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) encoded by the virus itself. Another distinction is that DNA viruses often have a more stable genetic material, leading to lower mutation rates, whereas RNA viruses tend to have higher mutation rates due to the error-prone nature of RdRp. These differences have implications for viral evolution and adaptability. DNA viruses may exhibit slower evolution, while RNA viruses can rapidly generate genetic diversity, potentially leading to the emergence of new viral variants with altered properties. Understanding these differences is vital for developing antiviral strategies and vaccines that target specific replication processes.

Yes, viruses can mutate within a host, and this phenomenon has significant implications for their infectivity and virulence. Viruses have high mutation rates, particularly RNA viruses like the Influenza virus. During replication, errors may occur in copying their genetic material, leading to genetic variations. Some mutations may result in changes to viral proteins, including those involved in attachment to host cells. These genetic changes can enhance or reduce a virus's ability to infect host cells. For example, a mutation in the Hemagglutinin protein of the Influenza virus can alter its binding specificity to host cell receptors, potentially leading to a strain with increased infectivity. Understanding viral mutations is crucial in vaccine development, as vaccines may need to be updated to account for new viral variants. It also underscores the importance of surveillance and monitoring of viral populations to track emerging strains and assess their potential threat to public health.

Practice Questions

Describe the structure and function of the capsid in a virus.

The capsid of a virus is a protein shell that encloses its genetic material, either DNA or RNA. Composed of protein subunits called capsomers, the capsid can exhibit either helical or icosahedral symmetry, depending on the type of virus. Its primary function is to protect the viral genetic material from environmental hazards and enzymatic degradation. Furthermore, the capsid plays a crucial role in the viral life cycle, particularly in the attachment to and entry into host cells. In some viruses, the capsid proteins are involved in recognising and binding to specific receptors on the host cell's surface, facilitating the virus's entry. This specificity is vital for the virus's infectivity and determines the range of host cells it can infect.

Explain why viruses are considered non-living entities and discuss the implications of this in terms of treatment.

Viruses are considered non-living entities because they lack the basic cellular structure and cannot carry out metabolic processes independently. They do not possess a cell membrane, cytoplasm, or organelles and rely entirely on a host cell's machinery for replication and protein synthesis. This acellular nature means they are inert outside of a host. The implications of this for treatment are significant. Firstly, antibiotics, which target cellular processes, are ineffective against viruses. Secondly, this necessitates the development of antiviral drugs that target specific stages of the viral life cycle or virus-specific enzymes. Additionally, the non-living status of viruses complicates vaccine development, as it requires strategies that effectively stimulate the immune system against these unique pathogens.

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