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AQA A-Level Biology Notes

2.2.4 Endomembrane System and Ribosomes

Golgi Apparatus

The Golgi apparatus is a central organelle in the cell's endomembrane system, playing a key role in post-translational modification, sorting, and packaging of proteins and lipids.


  • Composed of a series of flattened, stacked pouches known as cisternae.
  • Exhibits polarity with two distinct faces: the cis face (adjacent to the endoplasmic reticulum) and the trans face (directed towards the plasma membrane).
  • Cisternae are dynamic, constantly forming at the cis face and maturing as they move towards the trans face.


  • Protein Modification: Proteins from the rough ER are further processed, including modifications like glycosylation and phosphorylation.
  • Sorting and Packaging: It differentiates between proteins destined for secretion, lysosomal delivery, or incorporation into the cell membrane.
  • Secretion: Vesicles transport these modified proteins and lipids to various parts of the cell, including the plasma membrane for exocytosis.

Golgi Vesicles

Golgi vesicles are small, membrane-bound structures crucial for the transport of materials within the cell.


  • Transport: They move materials between Golgi stacks and to other cellular destinations, such as the plasma membrane or lysosomes.
  • Containment: Secures that enzymes and other molecules are accurately delivered, maintaining cellular organization and efficiency.


Lysosomes are key organelles in cellular digestion and waste management, equipped with enzymes capable of breaking down various biomolecules.


  • Enclosed by a single membrane, they contain a variety of hydrolytic enzymes.
  • Maintains an acidic pH, optimal for enzyme functionality.


  • Digestion: Break down cellular waste, damaged organelles, and macromolecules.
  • Recycling: Facilitate autophagy, recycling components for new cell construction.
  • Defence: Degrade pathogens entering the cell, contributing to immune response.

Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)

The endoplasmic reticulum is a vast network of membranous tubules crucial for synthesizing, folding, modifying, and transporting proteins and lipids.

Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum

  • Characterized by ribosomes on its surface, giving it a rough appearance.
  • Protein Synthesis: Ribosomes synthesize proteins destined for secretion or for use in membranes.
  • Processing: Newly synthesized proteins undergo folding and initial modifications, like glycosylation.

Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum

  • Lacks ribosomes, appearing smoother.
  • Lipid Synthesis: Crucial in synthesizing lipids, including phospholipids and steroids.
  • Detoxification: Involves detoxifying harmful substances, including drugs and toxins.
  • Calcium Storage: Stores and releases calcium ions, playing a role in cellular signaling.


Ribosomes are the cellular structures responsible for protein synthesis, translating genetic information into functional proteins.


  • Consist of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and proteins, forming two subunits (large and small).
  • These subunits come together during protein synthesis, assembling on messenger RNA (mRNA).


  • Protein Synthesis: Translate mRNA sequences into polypeptide chains, the primary structure of proteins.
  • Location Variability: Found both free in the cytoplasm and bound to the rough ER, with their location influencing the protein's ultimate destination.

Roles in Cellular Functions

Protein Synthesis and Transport

  • The rough ER and Golgi apparatus are instrumental in synthesizing, modifying, and transporting proteins throughout the cell.
  • Ribosomes manufacture proteins, which the ER and Golgi modify and direct to their final destinations, whether inside or outside the cell.

Cellular Metabolism

  • The smooth ER is involved in various metabolic processes, including lipid metabolism and the detoxification of drugs and poisons.
  • Lysosomes break down metabolic waste and cellular debris, contributing to cellular maintenance and survival.

This intricate network of organelles and structures is critical for maintaining the life and functionality of eukaryotic cells. Each component, from the Golgi apparatus to ribosomes, plays a specialized role in cellular operations, ensuring the cell's survival and efficiency. Understanding the endomembrane system and ribosomes is essential for grasping the complexities of cell biology and the molecular basis of life.


Golgi vesicles are integral to the process of cellular secretion. After proteins and lipids are processed and sorted in the Golgi apparatus, they are packaged into Golgi vesicles. These vesicles then transport their contents to various parts of the cell, including the plasma membrane. In the case of secretion, the vesicles carry proteins and other substances to the cell surface. Upon reaching the plasma membrane, these vesicles fuse with it, releasing their contents outside the cell. This process is essential for exocytosis, where substances like hormones, neurotransmitters, and enzymes are secreted. Golgi vesicles ensure that these materials are correctly processed and securely delivered to the right location, facilitating efficient and controlled secretion, vital for various cellular activities and communication.

The smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER) plays a significant role in detoxifying various drugs and poisons that enter the body. This detoxification process primarily involves enzymatic reactions that modify these compounds, making them more soluble and easier for the body to excrete. The SER is rich in enzymes such as cytochrome P450 oxidases, which are responsible for oxidizing toxic substances. This oxidation process typically involves the addition of hydroxyl groups to drugs, rendering them less harmful and more water-soluble. The liver cells, with a high concentration of SER, are particularly efficient at drug detoxification. This function is crucial as it helps to protect the body from potentially harmful substances, maintaining cellular and overall physiological health.

Free and bound ribosomes are similar in their basic function – translating mRNA into proteins – but differ in the types of proteins they synthesize and their destinations. Free ribosomes, suspended in the cytosol, primarily produce proteins that function within the cytosol itself. These include enzymes that catalyse metabolic reactions and proteins that form part of the cytoskeleton. Bound ribosomes, attached to the endoplasmic reticulum, synthesize proteins destined for secretion or for use in membranes. These proteins include those that will be incorporated into the cell membrane, secreted out of the cell, or sent to lysosomes. The location of the ribosome determines the fate of the protein it synthesizes. This differentiation is key to the cell's ability to direct proteins to the correct cellular compartments, ensuring proper cellular function and organization.

The acidic environment within lysosomes is critical for their function in the cell. Lysosomes contain a variety of hydrolytic enzymes, which are optimally active in an acidic pH. This acidic environment is maintained by proton pumps in the lysosomal membrane, which actively transport hydrogen ions into the lysosome. The low pH ensures that the enzymes can effectively break down macromolecules, such as proteins, lipids, nucleic acids, and carbohydrates. This acidic condition is also a safety mechanism for the cell. In case a lysosome bursts, the enzymes released are less active in the cell's neutral pH, reducing potential damage. Furthermore, the acidic environment aids in the degradation of foreign particles and pathogens that might enter the cell, thus playing a role in cellular defense.

Transport vesicles play a pivotal role in the communication and material exchange between the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and the Golgi apparatus. Proteins and lipids synthesized in the ER are packaged into transport vesicles, which bud off from the ER membrane. These vesicles then travel to the Golgi apparatus, where they fuse with the membrane of the Golgi's cis face. This fusion allows the transfer of the enclosed materials into the Golgi apparatus for further processing and sorting. The transport vesicles essentially act as cargo carriers, ensuring that the synthesized proteins and lipids are accurately delivered from the ER to the Golgi. This transportation is crucial for maintaining the flow of cellular materials and for the proper functioning of the cell, as it ensures that proteins and lipids are correctly processed, modified, and sorted before they reach their final destination.

Practice Questions

Explain how the structure of the Golgi apparatus facilitates its function in the cell.

The Golgi apparatus, characterized by its stacked cisternae, is structurally designed to efficiently modify, sort, and package proteins and lipids. The flattened cisternae provide a large surface area for the processing and modification of molecules, such as glycosylation and phosphorylation. The distinct cis and trans faces of the Golgi allow for a directional flow of materials; proteins and lipids enter at the cis face, are processed as they travel through the cisternae, and exit from the trans face. This structural organisation ensures a sequential processing, where molecules undergo specific modifications at each stage, before being sorted and packaged into vesicles for targeted delivery. This efficient flow is crucial for the Golgi apparatus's role in cellular logistics.

Describe the functions of ribosomes in a eukaryotic cell and explain how their structure is suited to these functions.

Ribosomes in eukaryotic cells are essential for protein synthesis. They are composed of two subunits, a larger one and a smaller one, each consisting of ribosomal RNA and proteins. This structure enables them to translate messenger RNA (mRNA) into polypeptide chains. The ribosomes' ability to bind to mRNA and transfer RNA (tRNA) allows for the decoding of the mRNA sequence into a sequence of amino acids, forming proteins. The two subunits of a ribosome come together only during protein synthesis, ensuring efficiency in the process. Additionally, the presence of ribosomes both free in the cytoplasm and bound to the rough endoplasmic reticulum reflects their role in synthesising different types of proteins – soluble proteins are synthesised by free ribosomes, whereas membrane-bound or secretory proteins are synthesised by bound ribosomes. This structural adaptability of ribosomes is fundamental to their critical role in cellular protein synthesis.

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