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AQA A-Level Biology Notes

6.6.2 Types of Muscle Fibres

Understanding Muscle Fibres

Muscle fibres, the building blocks of muscles, are specialised cells responsible for contracting and generating movement. Primarily, there are two types:

  • 1. Slow-twitch fibres (Type I)
  • 2. Fast-twitch fibres (Type II)

Each type possesses unique characteristics that are optimised for different physical activities and demands.

Slow-Twitch Muscle Fibres (Type I)

Slow-twitch muscle fibres are engineered for endurance and prolonged activity. Key features include:

  • High oxygen utilisation: These fibres contain abundant myoglobin, giving them a distinctive red colour, which facilitates sustained muscle activity through efficient oxygen use.
  • Energy production: They primarily generate energy through aerobic respiration, an efficient process for extended muscle use, utilising oxygen to convert glucose and fats into ATP.
  • Fatigue resistance: Due to their energy production method, slow-twitch fibres are less prone to fatigue, making them ideal for endurance sports like marathon running and long-distance cycling.

Physiological Properties

  • Size: They are generally smaller in diameter than fast-twitch fibres, contributing to their lower overall power output.
  • Mitochondrial density: These fibres have a high concentration of mitochondria, the powerhouse of the cell, aiding in the efficient production of ATP through aerobic pathways.
  • Capillary supply: An extensive network of capillaries surrounds these fibres, ensuring a steady and abundant supply of oxygen and nutrients.

Biochemical Characteristics

  • Enzyme composition: They possess high levels of oxidative enzymes, necessary for aerobic energy production.
  • Energy storage: Slow-twitch fibres predominantly utilise fats for energy, which allows for prolonged energy release over time.
Illustration of Slow-twitch muscle fibres

Image courtesy of art4stock

Fast-Twitch Muscle Fibres (Type II)

Fast-twitch fibres are tailored for short, explosive bursts of strength and speed. They are further categorised into:

  • 1. Type IIa: Often referred to as intermediate fibres, these possess some characteristics of both slow and fast-twitch fibres and are somewhat resistant to fatigue.
  • 2. Type IIb: These are the true fast-twitch fibres, which fatigue rapidly but provide significant power and speed for short-duration activities.

Physiological Properties

  • Size: These fibres are larger than slow-twitch fibres, contributing to their higher power output and strength.
  • Mitochondrial density: Lower than in slow-twitch fibres, reflecting their reliance on anaerobic energy production.
  • Capillary supply: Less extensive than in slow-twitch fibres, aligning with their reduced need for oxygen during short, intense activities.

Biochemical Characteristics

  • Enzyme composition: Fast-twitch fibres are rich in glycolytic enzymes, facilitating rapid energy production through anaerobic pathways.
  • Energy storage: They primarily store glycogen, which can be quickly broken down to glucose for immediate energy during short bursts of activity.
Illustration of fast-Twitch Muscle Fibres

Image courtesy of art4stock

Comparative Analysis

Comparing slow-twitch and fast-twitch muscle fibres reveals several key differences:

  • Energy Systems: Slow-twitch fibres utilise aerobic energy systems for efficient, long-term energy production, while fast-twitch fibres depend on anaerobic glycolysis for quick energy bursts.
  • Fatigue: Slow-twitch fibres are more resistant to fatigue compared to fast-twitch fibres, which tire quickly.
  • Speed of Contraction: Fast-twitch fibres contract quickly, providing power and speed, whereas slow-twitch fibres contract more slowly and steadily.
  • Endurance vs Strength: Slow-twitch fibres excel in endurance activities, while fast-twitch fibres are better suited for strength and power-oriented activities.

Role in Physical Activities

The type and distribution of muscle fibres are crucial for athletes:

  • Endurance Athletes: These individuals typically have a higher proportion of slow-twitch fibres, aiding in their capacity for prolonged physical activity.
  • Sprinters and Weightlifters: Often possess a greater number of fast-twitch fibres, beneficial for activities requiring quick, powerful movements.
Sprinters muscle fibres showing greater number of fast-twitch fibres

Image courtesy of Pediaa.Com

Training and Fibre Types

Training can influence the efficiency and proportion of these fibres:

  • Endurance Training: This type of training can enhance the oxidative capacity and efficiency of slow-twitch fibres, improving endurance performance.
  • Strength Training: Primarily causes hypertrophy (increasing the size) of fast-twitch fibres, enhancing their strength and power output.

Adaptation to Training

Beyond changes in efficiency and size, muscle fibres can exhibit plasticity in response to training:

  • Conversion between Types: While a complete conversion from one fibre type to another is rare, training can lead to shifts in the properties of muscle fibres, making them more similar to the other type. For instance, endurance training can make fast-twitch fibres more fatigue-resistant, resembling slow-twitch fibres.
Picture of Athletes running

Image courtesy of drobotdean on freepik

Genetic Factors

The distribution of muscle fibres is also influenced by genetic factors:

  • Inherited Traits: The ratio of slow-twitch to fast-twitch fibres in an individual is largely determined by genetics, influencing their natural predisposition towards certain types of physical activities.

Implications for Athletes

Understanding the differences in muscle fibre types is vital for athletes to tailor their training:

  • Training Regimens: Athletes can optimise their training by focusing on the specific types of muscle fibres predominant in their bodies, enhancing their performance in their chosen sport.
  • Injury Prevention: Knowledge of muscle fibre types also aids in designing training programmes that reduce the risk of overuse injuries, particularly in sports that heavily rely on one type of fibre.

In conclusion, the study of muscle fibres, specifically the differences between slow-twitch and fast-twitch types, is integral to understanding human movement and athletic performance. This knowledge not only enhances training and performance but also contributes to a deeper understanding of human physiology in sports science and general health.


Myoglobin, a protein found in muscle tissue, plays a crucial role, especially in slow-twitch muscle fibres. It is responsible for the storage and transport of oxygen within muscle cells. Myoglobin has a high affinity for oxygen, even higher than that of haemoglobin found in red blood cells. This characteristic allows it to serve as an oxygen reserve in muscle tissue. In slow-twitch fibres, which are adapted for prolonged, aerobic activities, the presence of high levels of myoglobin is vital. It ensures a steady supply of oxygen to the mitochondria, where it is used in the aerobic generation of ATP. The abundance of myoglobin in these fibres is what gives them their characteristic red colour and enables them to sustain prolonged activity without fatigue. Thus, myoglobin is essential for the efficient functioning of slow-twitch fibres during endurance activities, as it enhances their capacity to utilise oxygen for energy production.

Muscle fibre composition has significant implications on susceptibility to muscle fatigue. Slow-twitch fibres, with their high oxidative capacity and efficient use of oxygen, are more resistant to fatigue. They are capable of sustained, low-intensity activity over extended periods without losing their functional capacity. This resistance to fatigue is due to their efficient energy production through aerobic pathways, extensive capillary networks, and high myoglobin content. In contrast, fast-twitch fibres, particularly Type IIb fibres, fatigue more rapidly. They rely on anaerobic glycolysis for energy production, which is less efficient and leads to the accumulation of lactate and other metabolic byproducts. These byproducts contribute to the decline in muscle performance and the onset of fatigue. Therefore, individuals with a higher proportion of fast-twitch fibres may experience quicker onset of fatigue during high-intensity activities, while those with more slow-twitch fibres can sustain activity for longer before tiring.

The difference in energy storage between slow-twitch and fast-twitch muscle fibres significantly affects their function. Slow-twitch fibres are primarily adapted for long-duration, low-intensity activities and rely on aerobic metabolism. They store energy in the form of fats, which provides a more sustained and long-term energy source. This allows slow-twitch fibres to function efficiently for prolonged periods without depleting their energy reserves rapidly. In contrast, fast-twitch fibres are designed for short, high-intensity activities. They store energy predominantly as glycogen, which can be rapidly converted to glucose for immediate energy through anaerobic metabolism. This quick access to energy is crucial for activities requiring sudden bursts of strength or speed. However, glycogen stores are limited and deplete quickly, which aligns with the fast-twitch fibres' propensity for rapid fatigue. The distinct energy storage mechanisms in these fibre types underpin their specialised functions in muscle activity and endurance.

Genetic factors play a significant role in determining the distribution of muscle fibre types in individuals. The ratio of slow-twitch to fast-twitch fibres in a person is largely influenced by their genetic makeup. This genetic predisposition is crucial because it often dictates an individual's natural aptitude for certain types of physical activities or sports. For instance, a person with a higher proportion of slow-twitch fibres might naturally excel in endurance sports such as long-distance running, whereas someone with a predominance of fast-twitch fibres may find they have a natural advantage in sprinting or strength-based sports. The influence of genetics on muscle fibre composition is a key area of interest in sports genetics, as it can provide insights into personalised training and performance optimisation. While training can modify the characteristics of muscle fibres to a certain extent, the baseline distribution set by genetics usually remains a significant determinant of an individual's muscle fibre composition.

Muscle fibres can exhibit a degree of plasticity, meaning they can change their characteristics with appropriate training, though a complete conversion from one fibre type to another is relatively rare. Training can induce changes in the metabolic and physical properties of the muscle fibres. For example, endurance training can lead to biochemical and structural changes in fast-twitch fibres, making them more oxidative and increasing their fatigue resistance. This process involves changes in the expression of specific genes that control the characteristics of muscle fibres. The fibres may start to develop more mitochondria and increase their capillary density, becoming more similar to slow-twitch fibres in their function. Similarly, strength and power training can enhance the glycolytic capacity of slow-twitch fibres, though they typically do not transform into fast-twitch fibres. This adaptability of muscle fibres allows for a certain level of flexibility in how they respond to different types of physical training, ultimately contributing to improved performance in various physical activities.

Practice Questions

Compare and contrast the physiological and biochemical properties of slow-twitch and fast-twitch muscle fibres.

Slow-twitch muscle fibres are smaller in size, have a high mitochondrial density, and an extensive capillary network. They utilise aerobic respiration, making them efficient for prolonged activities due to their high oxidative capacity and fatigue resistance. Biochemically, they have high levels of oxidative enzymes and predominantly use fats for energy. Conversely, fast-twitch fibres are larger, have lower mitochondrial density, and a less extensive capillary supply. They rely on anaerobic glycolysis for quick energy bursts, making them suitable for short, intense activities. These fibres contain high levels of glycolytic enzymes and primarily store glycogen for energy.

Explain how training can influence the proportion and efficiency of slow-twitch and fast-twitch muscle fibres.

Training can significantly modify the efficiency and proportion of muscle fibres. Endurance training enhances the oxidative capacity and efficiency of slow-twitch fibres, improving their endurance performance. This training can increase mitochondrial density and capillary supply in these fibres, making them more efficient at utilising oxygen. On the other hand, strength training primarily causes hypertrophy of fast-twitch fibres, increasing their size and strength. Additionally, there is evidence that certain types of training can induce a degree of conversion between fibre types. For instance, endurance training can make fast-twitch fibres more fatigue-resistant, thereby exhibiting characteristics similar to slow-twitch fibres.

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