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AQA A-Level Biology Notes

2.1.1 Evolutionary Basis of Cell Features


Cellular biology is pivotal in unravelling the mysteries of life’s evolution. This section delves into the shared characteristics of cells, examining their structural, functional, and evolutionary aspects, thereby revealing the tapestry of life's diversity and commonality.

Common Features Across All Cells

Despite their diversity, cells share several key features that are essential for their survival and function. These commonalities are not mere coincidences but are deeply rooted in the evolutionary history of life.

Cell Membrane: The Protective Barrier

  • Structure: Composed of a phospholipid bilayer with embedded proteins.
  • Function: Regulates the movement of substances, provides structural support, and facilitates communication with the external environment.
  • Evolutionary Perspective: The similarity in cell membrane structure across various life forms suggests a common ancestral origin.
Labelled diagram of cell membrane

Image courtesy of brgfx

Genetic Material: The Blueprint of Life

  • DNA and RNA: Present in all cells, encoding genetic information.
  • Function: Guides protein synthesis, essential for cell function and reproduction.
  • Evolutionary Insight: The universality of DNA as genetic material underscores a shared evolutionary lineage.

Cytoplasm: The Cellular Matrix

  • Composition: A watery substance containing enzymes, nutrients, and salts.
  • Role: Provides a medium for metabolic reactions and supports organelles.
  • Evolutionary Significance: The presence of cytoplasm in all cells points to a fundamental requirement for life processes.
Labelled diagram of animal cell showing cytoplasm

Image courtesy of domdomegg

Evolutionary Significance of Cellular Features

Exploring the evolutionary significance of these features provides insights into the origins and development of life on Earth.

Origin and Evolution of DNA

  • Universal Genetic Code: The consistency of the genetic code across organisms suggests a singular evolutionary event leading to its establishment.
  • DNA Replication Mechanisms: Variations in replication and repair across species indicate evolutionary adaptations to environmental pressures.

Energy Conversion: A Tale of Evolution

  • Mitochondria and Endosymbiosis: The theory of endosymbiosis explains the evolution of mitochondria in eukaryotes, highlighting an adaptive evolutionary step for efficient energy use.
  • Prokaryotic Energy Conversion: The absence of mitochondria in prokaryotes and their reliance on the cellular membrane for energy processes showcase an early evolutionary strategy.
Illustration of the theory of endosymbiosis

Image courtesy of Signbrowser

Structural Evolution: From Simplicity to Complexity

  • Cell Wall Variations: The presence of cell walls in plants and bacteria, but not in animal cells, indicates an evolutionary response to environmental needs.
  • Organelle Development: The evolution of organelles in eukaryotic cells marks a significant step in cellular complexity, offering advantages in efficiency and specialisation.

Diversity in Cell Features and Evolutionary Implications

The diversity observed in cellular features is not just a showcase of life's adaptability but also serves as a lens to view evolutionary processes.

Variations in Cell Size and Complexity

  • Eukaryotic Complexity: The presence of a nucleus and organelles in eukaryotic cells suggests a more advanced evolutionary stage compared to prokaryotes.
  • Size Differences: The smaller size of prokaryotic cells reflects an earlier, simpler form of life.

Specialisation: An Evolutionary Advantage

  • Function-Specific Cells: The development of specialised cells like neurons in animals or xylem in plants illustrates an evolutionary trend towards efficiency and optimisation.
  • Adaptation and Survival: Specialisation is an evolutionary response to environmental challenges, enhancing survival chances.

Adaptive Cellular Features

  • Photosynthesis and Chloroplasts: The evolution of chloroplasts in plant cells for photosynthesis indicates an adaptation to harness solar energy.
  • Motility Structures: Features like flagella in bacteria showcase evolutionary adaptations for survival, like mobility in search of nutrients.


In summary, the study of common cellular features and their diversity provides a profound insight into the evolutionary history of life. This exploration reveals how life has adapted and evolved, shaping the biological world we observe today. For A-level Biology students, this understanding is crucial as it forms the foundation for comprehending more complex biological concepts and phenomena.


The cytoskeleton is a network of protein filaments within cells that provides structural support, facilitates cell movement, and plays a role in intracellular transport and cell division. The presence of cytoskeletal elements like microfilaments, microtubules, and intermediate filaments is crucial for the maintenance of cell shape, the organization of cellular components, and the ability of cells to respond to environmental stimuli. From an evolutionary perspective, the cytoskeleton represents a significant development in cell complexity. In eukaryotic cells, the cytoskeleton has evolved to become more intricate and dynamic compared to its prokaryotic counterpart. This evolution has enabled eukaryotic cells to adopt a variety of shapes and sizes, form complex structures like cilia and flagella for movement, and undergo sophisticated processes like mitosis. The diversification and specialization of cytoskeletal elements are reflective of the evolutionary pressures that have shaped cell morphology and function, highlighting the cytoskeleton's role in the evolutionary advancement of eukaryotic cells.

The concept of endosymbiosis is pivotal in understanding cell evolution, particularly the origin of complex eukaryotic cells. Endosymbiosis theory proposes that certain organelles within eukaryotic cells, specifically mitochondria and chloroplasts, originated as free-living prokaryotes that were engulfed by an ancestral eukaryotic cell. This theory is supported by several key pieces of evidence: mitochondria and chloroplasts have their own circular DNA, similar to bacteria, and they replicate independently of the cell. Furthermore, both organelles have double membranes, consistent with the engulfing mechanism proposed in endosymbiosis. This theory explains the presence of these organelles in eukaryotic cells and their absence in prokaryotes. It represents a significant evolutionary step, allowing eukaryotic cells to develop greater complexity and efficiency, particularly in terms of energy production (ATP) in mitochondria and photosynthesis in chloroplasts.

Cell wall structures vary significantly across different organisms, reflecting their evolutionary adaptations. In plants, the cell wall is primarily composed of cellulose, providing structural support and protection. This robust structure is an evolutionary adaptation to terrestrial life, allowing plants to maintain rigidity and upright posture. In contrast, bacterial cell walls are made of peptidoglycan, crucial for maintaining cell shape and protecting against osmotic pressure. The composition of the bacterial cell wall is also a target for antibiotics, illustrating an evolutionary arms race between bacteria and the agents that target them. Fungi have cell walls composed of chitin, differentiating them from plants and bacteria. These variations in cell wall composition across different kingdoms of life reflect the evolutionary pressures and environmental challenges each group faced, leading to distinct adaptations for survival. The presence or absence of a cell wall in different organisms also speaks to their evolutionary lineage, with the lack of a cell wall in animal cells being a notable distinction.

Ribosomes are essential cellular structures responsible for protein synthesis, translating genetic information from mRNA into functional proteins. This process is fundamental to all life forms, and the presence of ribosomes in all cells, both prokaryotic and eukaryotic, underscores their evolutionary significance. In terms of evolutionary biology, ribosomes provide evidence for a shared ancestry among all life forms. Despite some structural differences, such as the size variation between prokaryotic (70S) and eukaryotic (80S) ribosomes, their core function remains the same. This functional consistency across different life forms indicates that the mechanism for protein synthesis was established early in the evolutionary process and has been conserved throughout evolution. Additionally, ribosomes in mitochondria and chloroplasts resemble those in prokaryotes more than those in the eukaryotic cytoplasm, supporting the endosymbiotic theory, which posits that eukaryotic cells evolved from a symbiotic relationship with prokaryotic cells.

The structure of genetic material in cells, primarily DNA, offers compelling evidence for a common evolutionary ancestor. DNA's double helix structure and the universal genetic code it carries are consistent across a vast array of organisms, from the simplest bacteria to complex mammals. This universality suggests that all life forms share a common origin, as the likelihood of such a complex and specific system like DNA developing independently in different life forms is exceedingly low. Moreover, the mechanism of DNA replication and protein synthesis, involving transcription and translation, is remarkably similar across different species. These processes are fundamental to life, and their similarity points to a shared evolutionary history. The presence of introns and exons in eukaryotic DNA, and their absence in prokaryotes, also provides insights into evolutionary developments and complexities. Introns, non-coding sequences, suggest an evolutionary mechanism for increasing genetic diversity and complexity, supporting the idea of a common ancestor but also indicating divergent evolutionary pathways.

Practice Questions

Explain the significance of the cell membrane's structure in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells in terms of evolutionary biology.

The cell membrane's phospholipid bilayer structure is crucial in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, playing a vital role in maintaining cellular integrity and regulating the exchange of substances. From an evolutionary perspective, this similarity indicates a common ancestral origin, suggesting that early life forms developed this efficient barrier as a fundamental survival mechanism. The embedded proteins in the membrane further demonstrate evolutionary adaptations, allowing cells to interact with their environment selectively and efficiently. This universal structure across diverse life forms highlights evolutionary conservation, underscoring the cell membrane's fundamental importance in the evolution of life.

Discuss the role of mitochondria in eukaryotic cells and its significance from an evolutionary standpoint.

Mitochondria are pivotal in eukaryotic cells, functioning as the site for aerobic respiration and ATP production, which is essential for energy-intensive cellular processes. Evolutionarily, mitochondria are believed to have originated from a symbiotic relationship between early eukaryotic cells and prokaryotic organisms, a theory known as endosymbiosis. This relationship allowed eukaryotic cells to utilise oxygen for efficient energy production, providing a significant evolutionary advantage. The presence of their own DNA and double membrane in mitochondria supports this theory, highlighting their prokaryotic ancestry. This evolutionary step was crucial in the development of complex multicellular organisms, demonstrating the significance of mitochondria in evolutionary biology.

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