1. Cell biology1.1 Characteristics of Living Organisms0/01.1.1 Essential Life Processes1.2 Biological Classification Systems0/01.2.1 Principles of Biological Classification1.2.2 Species Concept and Nomenclature1.2.3 Dichotomous Keys and Evolutionary Relationships1.3 Features for Classification0/01.3.1 Kingdom Classification1.3.2 Classification within Animal and Plant Kingdoms1.3.3 Practical Classification and Viral Characteristics1.4 Cell Structure0/01.4.1 Plant and Animal Cell Structure1.4.2 Bacterial Cell Structure1.4.3 Cell Structure Identification1.4.4 Functions of Cell Structures1.4.5 Cell Division1.4.6 Specialised Cells and Their Functions1.4.7 Levels of Organisation in Biology1.5 Size of Specimens0/01.5.1 Understanding Magnification in Biology1.5.2 Calculating Magnification and Size1.5.3 Conversion of Measurements1.6 Diffusion0/01.6.1 Fundamentals and Importance of Diffusion1.6.2 Factors Affecting Diffusion1.7 Osmosis0/01.7.1 Process and Effects of Osmosis1.7.2 Water Potential and Organismal Water Balance1.7.3 Practical Investigations in Osmosis1.8 Active Transport0/01.8.1 Active Transport: Mechanism and Role1.8.2 Protein Carriers in Active Transport1.9 Biological Molecules0/01.9.1 Composition of Biological Molecules1.9.2 Formation of Large Molecules1.9.3 Chemical Tests for Biological Molecules1.9.4 Structure of DNA1.10 Fundamentals of Enzymes0/01.10.1 Fundamentals of Enzymes: Catalysts and Enzymes1.10.2 Enzyme Action and Specificity1.11 Effects on Enzyme Activity0/01.11.1 Effects on Enzyme Activity: Temperature and Enzyme Activity1.11.2 pH and Enzyme Activity1. Cell biology1.1 Characteristics of Living Organisms0/01.1.1 Essential Life Processes1.2 Biological Classification Systems0/01.2.1 Principles of Biological Classification1.2.2 Species Concept and Nomenclature1.2.3 Dichotomous Keys and Evolutionary Relationships1.3 Features for Classification0/01.3.1 Kingdom Classification1.3.2 Classification within Animal and Plant Kingdoms1.3.3 Practical Classification and Viral Characteristics1.4 Cell Structure0/01.4.1 Plant and Animal Cell Structure1.4.2 Bacterial Cell Structure1.4.3 Cell Structure Identification1.4.4 Functions of Cell Structures1.4.5 Cell Division1.4.6 Specialised Cells and Their Functions1.4.7 Levels of Organisation in Biology1.5 Size of Specimens0/01.5.1 Understanding Magnification in Biology1.5.2 Calculating Magnification and Size1.5.3 Conversion of Measurements1.6 Diffusion0/01.6.1 Fundamentals and Importance of Diffusion1.6.2 Factors Affecting Diffusion1.7 Osmosis0/01.7.1 Process and Effects of Osmosis1.7.2 Water Potential and Organismal Water Balance1.7.3 Practical Investigations in Osmosis1.8 Active Transport0/01.8.1 Active Transport: Mechanism and Role1.8.2 Protein Carriers in Active Transport1.9 Biological Molecules0/01.9.1 Composition of Biological Molecules1.9.2 Formation of Large Molecules1.9.3 Chemical Tests for Biological Molecules1.9.4 Structure of DNA1.10 Fundamentals of Enzymes0/01.10.1 Fundamentals of Enzymes: Catalysts and Enzymes1.10.2 Enzyme Action and Specificity1.11 Effects on Enzyme Activity0/01.11.1 Effects on Enzyme Activity: Temperature and Enzyme Activity1.11.2 pH and Enzyme Activity2. Organisation2.1 Diet0/02.1.1 Understanding a Balanced Diet2.1.2 Deficiency Diseases2.2 Digestive System0/02.2.1 Structure of the Digestive System2.3 Physical Digestion0/02.3.1 Physical Digestion Process2.3.2 Human Teeth and Digestion in Physical Digestion2.3.3 Role of Bile in Fat Emulsification2.4 Chemical Digestion0/02.4.1 Chemical Digestion Process2.4.2 Enzymatic Functions in Digestion2.4.3 Role of Hydrochloric Acid in the Digestive System2.5 Absorption0/02.5.1 Absorption in the Small Intestine2.5.2 Structure and Function of Villi in the Small Intestine2.6 Xylem and Phloem0/02.6.1 Functions of Xylem and Phloem2.6.2 Structure and Location of Xylem and Phloem in Non-Woody Dicotyledonous Plants2.7 Water Uptake0/02.7.1 Root Hair Cells2.7.2 Water Pathway in Plants2.7.3 Investigating Water Transport in Plants2.8 Transpiration0/02.8.1 Transpiration: The Vital Process in Plants2.8.2 Factors Affecting Transpiration2.8.3 Mechanism of Water Movement in Plants2.8.4 Wilting Mechanism in Plants2.9 Translocation0/02.9.1 Process of Translocation2.9.2 Source-Sink Dynamics in Plants2.10 Circulatory Systems0/02.10.1 Principles of Circulatory Systems2.10.2 Types of Circulatory Systems2.11 Heart0/02.11.1 Anatomy of the Mammalian Heart2.11.2 Heart Functioning and Health2.11.3 Monitoring Heart Activity2.12 Blood Vessels0/02.12.1 Arteries and Veins: Essential Components of the Circulatory System2.12.2 Capillaries and Exchange Processes2.12.3 Vascular Pathways2.12.4 Blood Vessel Adaptations2.13 Blood0/02.13.1 Blood Components2.13.2 Blood Cell Identification2.13.3 Blood Clotting Process2.13.4 Immune Functions of Blood2.14 Gas Exchange Surfaces0/02.14.1 Characteristics of Gas Exchange Surfaces2.14.2 Anatomy of the Breathing System2.15 Composition of Air0/02.15.1 Investigating Air Composition2.15.2 Understanding Air Composition2.16 Breathing and Physical Activity0/02.16.1 Breathing and Physical Activity: Effects of Physical Activity on Breathing2.16.2 Link Between Activity and Respiration2.17 Respiratory System Protection0/02.17.1 Respiratory System Protection: Structure and Function of Intercostal Muscles2.17.2 Respiratory System Protection: Protective Mechanisms in the Breathing System2.18 Organs of Excretion0/02.18.1 Excretion through Lungs2.18.2 Kidney Functions2.18.3 Structure of the Kidney2.19 Structure of the Kidney0/02.19.1 Structure of the Kidney2.20 Liver and Excretion0/02.20.1 Role of the Liver in Protein Assimilation2.20.2 Deamination and Urea Formation2.20.3 Importance of Excretion in Human Body2. Organisation2.1 Diet0/02.1.1 Understanding a Balanced Diet2.1.2 Deficiency Diseases2.2 Digestive System0/02.2.1 Structure of the Digestive System2.3 Physical Digestion0/02.3.1 Physical Digestion Process2.3.2 Human Teeth and Digestion in Physical Digestion2.3.3 Role of Bile in Fat Emulsification2.4 Chemical Digestion0/02.4.1 Chemical Digestion Process2.4.2 Enzymatic Functions in Digestion2.4.3 Role of Hydrochloric Acid in the Digestive System2.5 Absorption0/02.5.1 Absorption in the Small Intestine2.5.2 Structure and Function of Villi in the Small Intestine2.6 Xylem and Phloem0/02.6.1 Functions of Xylem and Phloem2.6.2 Structure and Location of Xylem and Phloem in Non-Woody Dicotyledonous Plants2.7 Water Uptake0/02.7.1 Root Hair Cells2.7.2 Water Pathway in Plants2.7.3 Investigating Water Transport in Plants2.8 Transpiration0/02.8.1 Transpiration: The Vital Process in Plants2.8.2 Factors Affecting Transpiration2.8.3 Mechanism of Water Movement in Plants2.8.4 Wilting Mechanism in Plants2.9 Translocation0/02.9.1 Process of Translocation2.9.2 Source-Sink Dynamics in Plants2.10 Circulatory Systems0/02.10.1 Principles of Circulatory Systems2.10.2 Types of Circulatory Systems2.11 Heart0/02.11.1 Anatomy of the Mammalian Heart2.11.2 Heart Functioning and Health2.11.3 Monitoring Heart Activity2.12 Blood Vessels0/02.12.1 Arteries and Veins: Essential Components of the Circulatory System2.12.2 Capillaries and Exchange Processes2.12.3 Vascular Pathways2.12.4 Blood Vessel Adaptations2.13 Blood0/02.13.1 Blood Components2.13.2 Blood Cell Identification2.13.3 Blood Clotting Process2.13.4 Immune Functions of Blood2.14 Gas Exchange Surfaces0/02.14.1 Characteristics of Gas Exchange Surfaces2.14.2 Anatomy of the Breathing System2.15 Composition of Air0/02.15.1 Investigating Air Composition2.15.2 Understanding Air Composition2.16 Breathing and Physical Activity0/02.16.1 Breathing and Physical Activity: Effects of Physical Activity on Breathing2.16.2 Link Between Activity and Respiration2.17 Respiratory System Protection0/02.17.1 Respiratory System Protection: Structure and Function of Intercostal Muscles2.17.2 Respiratory System Protection: Protective Mechanisms in the Breathing System2.18 Organs of Excretion0/02.18.1 Excretion through Lungs2.18.2 Kidney Functions2.18.3 Structure of the Kidney2.19 Structure of the Kidney0/02.19.1 Structure of the Kidney2.20 Liver and Excretion0/02.20.1 Role of the Liver in Protein Assimilation2.20.2 Deamination and Urea Formation2.20.3 Importance of Excretion in Human Body3. Infection and responsePremium3.1 Diseases and Immunity0/03.1.1 Pathogens and Transmissible Diseases3.1.2 Body Defences Against Pathogens3.1.3 Preventing Disease Spread3.1.4 Active and Passive Immunity3.1.5 Antibody-Antigen Interaction3.1.6 Vaccination Process and Importance3.1.7 Cholera: A Case Study3.2 Understanding Drugs0/03.2.1 Understanding Drugs: Definition and Scope3.3 Antibiotics0/03.3.1 Use and Effectiveness of Antibiotics3.3.2 Antibiotic Resistance3.3.3 Preventing Antibiotic Resistance3.4 Sexually Transmitted Infections0/03.4.1 Nature and Impact of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)3.4.2 HIV/AIDS3.4.3 Prevention and Control of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)3. Infection and responsePremium3.1 Diseases and Immunity0/03.1.1 Pathogens and Transmissible Diseases3.1.2 Body Defences Against Pathogens3.1.3 Preventing Disease Spread3.1.4 Active and Passive Immunity3.1.5 Antibody-Antigen Interaction3.1.6 Vaccination Process and Importance3.1.7 Cholera: A Case Study3.2 Understanding Drugs0/03.2.1 Understanding Drugs: Definition and Scope3.3 Antibiotics0/03.3.1 Use and Effectiveness of Antibiotics3.3.2 Antibiotic Resistance3.3.3 Preventing Antibiotic Resistance3.4 Sexually Transmitted Infections0/03.4.1 Nature and Impact of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)3.4.2 HIV/AIDS3.4.3 Prevention and Control of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)4. BioenergeticsPremium4.1 Photosynthesis0/04.1.1 Fundamentals of Photosynthesis4.1.2 Use and Storage of Carbohydrates in Photosynthesis4.1.3 Essential Elements and Photosynthesis in Plants4.1.4 Investigating Photosynthesis4.1.5 Limiting Factors of Photosynthesis4.2 Leaf Structure0/04.2.1 Adaptations for Photosynthesis4.2.2 Leaf Structures in Photosynthesis4.3 Energy Uses in Organisms0/04.3.1 Uses of Energy4.3.2 Effect of Temperature on Respiration in Yeast4.4 Aerobic Respiration0/04.4.1 Process of Aerobic Respiration4.4.2 Equations for Aerobic Respiration4.5 Anaerobic Respiration0/04.5.1 Anaerobic Respiration in Cells4.5.2 Anaerobic Respiration in Yeast and Muscles4.5.3 Balanced Equation for Yeast Respiration4.5.4 Oxygen Debt and Recovery4. BioenergeticsPremium4.1 Photosynthesis0/04.1.1 Fundamentals of Photosynthesis4.1.2 Use and Storage of Carbohydrates in Photosynthesis4.1.3 Essential Elements and Photosynthesis in Plants4.1.4 Investigating Photosynthesis4.1.5 Limiting Factors of Photosynthesis4.2 Leaf Structure0/04.2.1 Adaptations for Photosynthesis4.2.2 Leaf Structures in Photosynthesis4.3 Energy Uses in Organisms0/04.3.1 Uses of Energy4.3.2 Effect of Temperature on Respiration in Yeast4.4 Aerobic Respiration0/04.4.1 Process of Aerobic Respiration4.4.2 Equations for Aerobic Respiration4.5 Anaerobic Respiration0/04.5.1 Anaerobic Respiration in Cells4.5.2 Anaerobic Respiration in Yeast and Muscles4.5.3 Balanced Equation for Yeast Respiration4.5.4 Oxygen Debt and Recovery5. Homeostasis and responsePremium5.1 Nervous System0/05.1.1 Neurones and Impulse Transmission5.1.2 Structure and Function of Neurones5.1.3 Reflex Arcs and Actions5.1.4 Synapses in the Nervous System5.2 Sense Organs0/05.2.1 Function of Sense Organs5.2.2 Pupil Reflex and Accommodation in the Eye5.2.3 Rods and Cones in the Retina5.3 Hormones0/05.3.1 Hormones and their Functions5.3.2 Adrenaline and Fight or Flight5.3.3 Comparison of Nervous and Hormonal Control5.4 Homeostasis0/05.4.1 Concept of Homeostasis5.4.2 Skin and Temperature Regulation5.4.3 Treatment of Type 1 Diabetes5.5 Tropic Responses in Plants0/05.5.1 Tropic Responses in Plants5.5.2 Auxin and Plant Growth5.6 Hormonal Regulation in Humans0/05.6.1 Hormonal Changes During Puberty5.6.2 Hormonal Control of Reproduction5.6.3 Hormonal Changes in Pregnancy5. Homeostasis and responsePremium5.1 Nervous System0/05.1.1 Neurones and Impulse Transmission5.1.2 Structure and Function of Neurones5.1.3 Reflex Arcs and Actions5.1.4 Synapses in the Nervous System5.2 Sense Organs0/05.2.1 Function of Sense Organs5.2.2 Pupil Reflex and Accommodation in the Eye5.2.3 Rods and Cones in the Retina5.3 Hormones0/05.3.1 Hormones and their Functions5.3.2 Adrenaline and Fight or Flight5.3.3 Comparison of Nervous and Hormonal Control5.4 Homeostasis0/05.4.1 Concept of Homeostasis5.4.2 Skin and Temperature Regulation5.4.3 Treatment of Type 1 Diabetes5.5 Tropic Responses in Plants0/05.5.1 Tropic Responses in Plants5.5.2 Auxin and Plant Growth5.6 Hormonal Regulation in Humans0/05.6.1 Hormonal Changes During Puberty5.6.2 Hormonal Control of Reproduction5.6.3 Hormonal Changes in Pregnancy6. Inheritance, variation and evolutionPremium6.1 Asexual Reproduction0/016.1.1 Asexual Reproduction: Definition and Examples6.1.2 Genetic Implications of Asexual Reproduction6.1.3 Ecological and Agricultural Impact of Asexual Reproduction6.2 Sexual Reproduction0/06.2.1 Sexual Reproduction: The Fundamental Process6.2.2 Genetic Diversity in Sexual Reproduction6.2.3 Fertilisation Process in Sexual Reproduction6.3 Sexual Reproduction in Plants0/06.3.1 Sexual Reproduction in Plants: Floral Structures6.3.2 Pollination Strategies in Plants6.3.3 Fertilization and Seed Formation in Plants6.3.4 Germination Factors in Seed Development6.4 Sexual Reproduction in Humans0/06.4.1 Anatomy of Reproductive Systems in Humans6.4.2 Gametogenesis in Humans6.4.3 Sexual Reproduction in Humans: Fertilization and Early Development6.4.4 Pregnancy and Fetal Development6.5 Chromosomes, Genes, and Proteins0/06.5.1 Nature of Chromosomes and Genes6.5.2 Alleles and Sex Determination6.5.3 DNA and Protein Synthesis6.5.4Protein Synthesis Process6.6 Mitosis0/06.6.1 Process and Role of Mitosis6.6.2 Chromosome Replication and Separation6.6.3 Stem Cells: The Building Blocks of Life6.7 Meiosis0/06.7.1 Role of Meiosis in Gamete Production6.7.2 Meiosis as Reduction Division6.8 Monohybrid Inheritance0/06.8.1 Genotype: The Genetic Blueprint6.8.2 Homozygous and Heterozygous Alleles6.8.3 Dominant and Recessive Alleles in Monohybrid Inheritance6.8.4 Pedigree and Punnett Squares6.8.5 Test Crosses and Codominance6.8.6 Sex-Linked Characteristics6.9 Variation0/06.9.1 Concept of Variation6.9.2 Continuous and Discontinuous Variation6.9.3 Investigating Variation6.9.4 Mutation and New Alleles6.9.5 Gene Mutation: A Key to Genetic Diversity6.9.6 Sources of Genetic Variation6.10 Adaptive Features0/06.10.1 Adaptive Features of Organisms6.10.2 Adaptations in Hydrophytes and Xerophytes6.11 Selection0/06.11.1 Natural Selection: Unraveling the Mechanism of Evolution6.11.2 Selective Breeding in Agriculture and Animal Husbandry6.11.3 Artificial vs Natural Selection6.11.4 Adaptation as a Process in Natural Selection6.12 Bacteria in Biotechnology0/06.12.1 Bacteria in Biotechnology6.13 Biotechnology0/06.13.1 Anaerobic Respiration in Yeast6.13.2 Pectinase in Fruit Juice Production6.13.3 Introduction to Biological Washing Powders6.13.4 Lactase and Lactose-Free Milk6.13.5 Large-Scale Production Using Fermenters6.14 Genetic Modification0/06.14.1 Concept of Genetic Modification6.14.2 Genetic Modification Process6.14.3 Examples of Genetic Modification6.14.4 Advantages and Disadvantages of GM Crops6. Inheritance, variation and evolutionPremium6.1 Asexual Reproduction0/016.1.1 Asexual Reproduction: Definition and Examples6.1.2 Genetic Implications of Asexual Reproduction6.1.3 Ecological and Agricultural Impact of Asexual Reproduction6.2 Sexual Reproduction0/06.2.1 Sexual Reproduction: The Fundamental Process6.2.2 Genetic Diversity in Sexual Reproduction6.2.3 Fertilisation Process in Sexual Reproduction6.3 Sexual Reproduction in Plants0/06.3.1 Sexual Reproduction in Plants: Floral Structures6.3.2 Pollination Strategies in Plants6.3.3 Fertilization and Seed Formation in Plants6.3.4 Germination Factors in Seed Development6.4 Sexual Reproduction in Humans0/06.4.1 Anatomy of Reproductive Systems in Humans6.4.2 Gametogenesis in Humans6.4.3 Sexual Reproduction in Humans: Fertilization and Early Development6.4.4 Pregnancy and Fetal Development6.5 Chromosomes, Genes, and Proteins0/06.5.1 Nature of Chromosomes and Genes6.5.2 Alleles and Sex Determination6.5.3 DNA and Protein Synthesis6.5.4Protein Synthesis Process6.6 Mitosis0/06.6.1 Process and Role of Mitosis6.6.2 Chromosome Replication and Separation6.6.3 Stem Cells: The Building Blocks of Life6.7 Meiosis0/06.7.1 Role of Meiosis in Gamete Production6.7.2 Meiosis as Reduction Division6.8 Monohybrid Inheritance0/06.8.1 Genotype: The Genetic Blueprint6.8.2 Homozygous and Heterozygous Alleles6.8.3 Dominant and Recessive Alleles in Monohybrid Inheritance6.8.4 Pedigree and Punnett Squares6.8.5 Test Crosses and Codominance6.8.6 Sex-Linked Characteristics6.9 Variation0/06.9.1 Concept of Variation6.9.2 Continuous and Discontinuous Variation6.9.3 Investigating Variation6.9.4 Mutation and New Alleles6.9.5 Gene Mutation: A Key to Genetic Diversity6.9.6 Sources of Genetic Variation6.10 Adaptive Features0/06.10.1 Adaptive Features of Organisms6.10.2 Adaptations in Hydrophytes and Xerophytes6.11 Selection0/06.11.1 Natural Selection: Unraveling the Mechanism of Evolution6.11.2 Selective Breeding in Agriculture and Animal Husbandry6.11.3 Artificial vs Natural Selection6.11.4 Adaptation as a Process in Natural Selection6.12 Bacteria in Biotechnology0/06.12.1 Bacteria in Biotechnology6.13 Biotechnology0/06.13.1 Anaerobic Respiration in Yeast6.13.2 Pectinase in Fruit Juice Production6.13.3 Introduction to Biological Washing Powders6.13.4 Lactase and Lactose-Free Milk6.13.5 Large-Scale Production Using Fermenters6.14 Genetic Modification0/06.14.1 Concept of Genetic Modification6.14.2 Genetic Modification Process6.14.3 Examples of Genetic Modification6.14.4 Advantages and Disadvantages of GM Crops7. EcologyPremium7.1 Energy Flow0/07.1.1 Source of Energy7.1.2 Energy Transfer in Ecosystems7.2 Food Chains and Food Webs0/07.2.1 Food Chains and Energy Transfer7.2.2 Food Webs and Interconnectivity7.2.3 Pyramids of Numbers, Biomass, and Energy7.2.4 Human Impact on Food Chains and Webs7.2.5 Trophic Levels in Food Webs and Ecological Pyramids7.2.6 Energy Efficiency Across Trophic Levels7.3 Nutrient Cycles0/07.3.1 The Carbon Cycle7.3.2 The Nitrogen Cycle7.4 Populations0/07.4.1 Population Definition and Growth7.4.2 Community and Ecosystem Dynamics7.4.3 Sigmoid Population Growth Curve7.5 Food Supply0/07.5.1 Increasing Food Production7.5.2 Monocultures in Agriculture: A Comprehensive Study7.5.3 Intensive Livestock Production7.6 Habitat Destruction0/07.6.1 Biodiversity and Habitat Destruction7.6.2 Impacts on Food Webs and Chains7.6.3 Deforestation Effects7.7 Pollution0/07.7.1 Aquatic Ecosystem Pollution7.7.2 Plastic Pollution: Impact on Aquatic and Terrestrial Ecosystems7.7.3 Air Pollution7.8 Conservation0/07.8.1 Sustainable Resources in Conservation7.8.2 Endangered Species7.8.3 Conservation Programmes7.8.4 Genetic Variation in Conservation7.8.5 Artificial Reproductive Techniques in Captive Breeding Programmes7. EcologyPremium7.1 Energy Flow0/07.1.1 Source of Energy7.1.2 Energy Transfer in Ecosystems7.2 Food Chains and Food Webs0/07.2.1 Food Chains and Energy Transfer7.2.2 Food Webs and Interconnectivity7.2.3 Pyramids of Numbers, Biomass, and Energy7.2.4 Human Impact on Food Chains and Webs7.2.5 Trophic Levels in Food Webs and Ecological Pyramids7.2.6 Energy Efficiency Across Trophic Levels7.3 Nutrient Cycles0/07.3.1 The Carbon Cycle7.3.2 The Nitrogen Cycle7.4 Populations0/07.4.1 Population Definition and Growth7.4.2 Community and Ecosystem Dynamics7.4.3 Sigmoid Population Growth Curve7.5 Food Supply0/07.5.1 Increasing Food Production7.5.2 Monocultures in Agriculture: A Comprehensive Study7.5.3 Intensive Livestock Production7.6 Habitat Destruction0/07.6.1 Biodiversity and Habitat Destruction7.6.2 Impacts on Food Webs and Chains7.6.3 Deforestation Effects7.7 Pollution0/07.7.1 Aquatic Ecosystem Pollution7.7.2 Plastic Pollution: Impact on Aquatic and Terrestrial Ecosystems7.7.3 Air Pollution7.8 Conservation0/07.8.1 Sustainable Resources in Conservation7.8.2 Endangered Species7.8.3 Conservation Programmes7.8.4 Genetic Variation in Conservation7.8.5 Artificial Reproductive Techniques in Captive Breeding Programmes