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AQA GCSE Biology Notes

2.16.1 Breathing and Physical Activity: Effects of Physical Activity on Breathing

Physical activity significantly influences our respiratory system, altering both the rate and depth of breathing. This relationship is crucial for IGCSE Biology students to understand, as it reveals how our bodies adapt to increased demands during exercise.

Understanding Breathing

Breathing, or respiration, involves inhaling oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide. This process is vital for cellular functions and overall body health.

Components of the Respiratory System

  • Lungs: Primary organs where gas exchange occurs.
  • Diaphragm and Intercostal Muscles: Aid in expanding and contracting the lungs.
  • Airways: Includes the trachea, bronchi, and bronchioles that conduct air into the lungs.
  • Alveoli: Tiny air sacs in the lungs where gas exchange takes place.

Mechanics of Breathing

  • Inhalation: Diaphragm contracts, pulling downwards, intercostal muscles contract, expanding the chest cavity, reducing pressure and drawing air into the lungs.
  • Exhalation: Diaphragm and intercostal muscles relax, chest cavity contracts, increasing pressure and expelling air.
Mechanism of breathing- inspiration and expiration

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Effects of Physical Activity on Breathing

When engaging in physical activity, the body's need for oxygen increases, and the production of carbon dioxide also rises.

Changes in Breathing Rate

  • Increased Breathing Rate: To meet the heightened oxygen demand and remove carbon dioxide efficiently.
  • Examples: Faster breathing during running or swimming.
  • Measurement: Breathing rate can increase from an average of 12-20 breaths per minute to up to 35-45 breaths per minute during intense physical activity.

Changes in Breathing Depth

  • Increased Breathing Depth: More air is drawn into the lungs with each breath, enhancing oxygen intake and carbon dioxide expulsion.
  • Tidal Volume: The amount of air inhaled and exhaled increases significantly during exercise.
Different Physical activities or physical exercises

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Physiological Reasons Behind These Changes

Understanding the biological mechanisms that cause changes in breathing during physical activity is essential.

Increased Oxygen Demand

  • Muscle Activity: Active muscles require more oxygen for energy production.
  • Aerobic Respiration: Oxygen is vital for converting glucose into energy in muscles.
  • Oxygen Debt: Muscles use more oxygen than the blood can supply during intense activity, leading to an oxygen deficit.

Removal of Carbon Dioxide

  • By-product of Metabolism: Carbon dioxide is a waste product from the energy production process in cells.
  • Need for Expulsion: Accumulation of carbon dioxide leads to a decrease in blood pH, requiring rapid removal from the body.

Role of the Nervous System

  • Sensory Receptors: Detect changes in carbon dioxide levels and blood pH.
  • Respiratory Centre in Brain: Receives signals and adjusts the breathing rate and depth accordingly.

Impact on Blood Circulation

  • Increased Heart Rate: Complements the increased breathing rate to transport oxygen more efficiently.
  • Vasodilation: Blood vessels widen, improving blood flow and oxygen delivery to muscles.
Normal Blood vessel vs Blood vessel vasodilation

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Cellular Respiration and Energy Production

During physical activity, cells convert glucose into energy through cellular respiration, a process requiring oxygen and producing carbon dioxide.

Stages of Cellular Respiration

  • Glycolysis: Breakdown of glucose in the cytoplasm, producing pyruvate and small amounts of ATP.
  • Krebs Cycle: Series of reactions in mitochondria producing energy carriers and carbon dioxide.
  • Electron Transport Chain: Uses energy carriers to produce ATP, the energy currency of the cell.
Stages of cellular respiration

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Link Between Breathing and Cellular Respiration

  • Oxygen Use: Required for the Krebs cycle and electron transport chain.
  • Carbon Dioxide Production: By-product of these processes, influencing breathing patterns.

Adaptations to Regular Physical Activity

Regular exercise leads to long-term changes in the respiratory system, enhancing its efficiency.

Respiratory Muscle Strength

  • Increased Strength: Regular training strengthens the diaphragm and intercostal muscles.
  • Improved Endurance: These muscles can sustain prolonged activity with less fatigue.

Lung Capacity

  • Increased Vital Capacity: The maximum amount of air that can be expelled after maximum inhalation.
  • Efficient Gas Exchange: Enhanced ability to absorb oxygen and release carbon dioxide.

Oxygen Utilisation

  • Improved Efficiency: Regular exercise enhances the body’s ability to use oxygen effectively.
  • Enhanced Aerobic Capacity: Increases the duration a person can perform physical activities without fatigue.

Key Takeaways

  • Direct Link: There's a direct relationship between physical activity and changes in breathing.
  • Physiological Basis: These changes are driven by the body’s need to increase oxygen supply and remove carbon dioxide efficiently.
  • Adaptability: Regular physical activity leads to long-term improvements in the respiratory system’s efficiency.

By understanding these concepts, students can appreciate the complex interplay between physical activity and the respiratory system, a fundamental aspect of human biology. This understanding not only aids in their academic pursuits but also encourages a deeper appreciation of the human body's remarkable adaptability and efficiency.


During exercise, the body compensates for the increased production of carbon dioxide through several mechanisms. Firstly, as physical activity intensifies, the muscles produce more carbon dioxide as a byproduct of increased metabolism. This rise in carbon dioxide levels stimulates chemoreceptors in the brain and blood vessels, which in turn signal the respiratory centre in the brainstem to increase the rate and depth of breathing. This enhanced ventilation ensures more rapid expulsion of carbon dioxide from the lungs. Additionally, the blood flow to the active muscles is increased, which helps in the efficient transport of carbon dioxide from the muscles to the lungs for expulsion. The buffering systems in the blood also play a crucial role in managing the acid-base balance by neutralizing the excess carbon dioxide, which helps in maintaining the pH of the blood within the normal range during intense physical activity.

Regular physical activity can indeed improve breathing difficulties in individuals with mild respiratory issues, such as mild asthma or early stages of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Exercise strengthens the respiratory muscles, making breathing easier and more efficient. It also enhances lung function by improving the capacity and efficiency of gas exchange in the lungs. Additionally, physical activity can lead to better overall cardiovascular health, which in turn supports the respiratory system. It's important to note that individuals with respiratory issues should consult with a healthcare professional before starting an exercise regimen, as certain types of physical activity might be more beneficial and safer than others. For example, low-impact aerobic exercises like walking or swimming can be particularly effective for improving lung function without overexerting the respiratory system.

The respiratory system plays a vital role in regulating blood pH during physical activity through its control over carbon dioxide levels. Carbon dioxide, a byproduct of metabolism, reacts with water in the blood to form carbonic acid, which dissociates into hydrogen ions and bicarbonate ions, lowering the pH of the blood. During physical activity, the production of carbon dioxide increases, potentially leading to a drop in blood pH. To counteract this, the respiratory system increases the rate and depth of breathing, expelling carbon dioxide more rapidly from the body. This expulsion reduces the concentration of carbonic acid in the blood, thus preventing a significant decrease in blood pH. The respiratory system's ability to adjust breathing based on carbon dioxide levels and blood pH is a crucial aspect of maintaining homeostasis, especially during periods of intense physical activity when metabolic processes are heightened.

An athlete's resting breathing rate is often lower than that of a non-athlete due to adaptations in the respiratory system brought about by regular, intense physical training. This training enhances the efficiency and strength of the respiratory muscles, particularly the diaphragm and intercostal muscles, allowing for more effective and effortless breathing. Improved muscle strength means less effort is needed to expand and contract the lungs, enabling a lower resting breathing rate while still maintaining adequate oxygen delivery and carbon dioxide removal. Additionally, regular exercise improves lung capacity and the efficiency of gas exchange in the alveoli, further contributing to a lower resting breathing rate. Athletes also tend to have a higher blood volume and more efficient heart function, allowing for better oxygen delivery to tissues, which can reduce the need for a high breathing rate at rest.

When engaging in sudden bursts of intense exercise, such as sprinting, the body rapidly increases breathing rate and depth to meet the abrupt spike in oxygen demand and carbon dioxide production. This immediate response is primarily regulated by the autonomic nervous system. Sensory receptors in muscles, joints, and the respiratory tract quickly detect the physical activity and send signals to the respiratory centre in the brainstem. Additionally, chemoreceptors in the blood vessels detect changes in carbon dioxide levels and pH, signaling the brain to adjust breathing. The result is a rapid increase in the rate and depth of breathing, which ensures that the muscles receive the oxygen they need for high-intensity energy production and that excess carbon dioxide is expelled efficiently. This response is an example of the body's acute adaptation to intense physical activity, showcasing the efficiency and rapidity of the respiratory and circulatory systems in meeting the body's metabolic demands.

Practice Questions

Explain how and why the rate of breathing changes during intense physical activity.

During intense physical activity, the body's demand for oxygen increases significantly as muscles require more oxygen for aerobic respiration, which converts glucose into energy. To meet this heightened demand, the breathing rate increases. This acceleration in breathing rate ensures a more rapid intake of oxygen and expulsion of carbon dioxide, which is produced in larger quantities during strenuous exercise. The respiratory centre in the brain detects elevated levels of carbon dioxide and lowered pH levels in the blood, triggering faster and deeper breathing. This physiological response helps maintain a balance between oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in the blood, ensuring efficient energy production and preventing the accumulation of excess carbon dioxide, which can lead to a decrease in blood pH.

Describe the long-term effects of regular physical activity on the respiratory system.

Regular physical activity leads to several long-term adaptations in the respiratory system, enhancing its efficiency. One of the primary changes is the strengthening of respiratory muscles, including the diaphragm and intercostal muscles. This improvement results in increased endurance and strength, enabling these muscles to support more extended periods of physical activity with less fatigue. Additionally, regular exercise increases lung capacity, specifically vital capacity, which is the maximum amount of air that can be expelled after maximum inhalation. Improved lung capacity ensures more efficient gas exchange, allowing for better oxygen absorption and carbon dioxide release. These adaptations collectively enhance the body's oxygen utilisation and aerobic capacity, enabling individuals to perform physical activities for longer durations without experiencing fatigue.

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