1. Cell biology1.1 Cell structure0/01.2 Cell division0/01.3 Transport in cells0/01. Cell biology1.1 Cell structure0/01.2 Cell division0/01.3 Transport in cells0/02. OrganisationPremium2.1 Principles of organisation0/02.2 Animal tissues, organs and organ systems0/02.3 Plant tissues, organs and systems0/02. OrganisationPremium2.1 Principles of organisation0/02.2 Animal tissues, organs and organ systems0/02.3 Plant tissues, organs and systems0/03. Infection and responsePremium3.1 Communicable diseases0/03.2 Monoclonal antibodies (biology only) (HT only)0/03.3 Plant disease (biology only)0/03. Infection and responsePremium3.1 Communicable diseases0/03.2 Monoclonal antibodies (biology only) (HT only)0/03.3 Plant disease (biology only)0/04. BioenergeticsPremium4.1 Photosynthesis0/04.2 Respiration0/04. BioenergeticsPremium4.1 Photosynthesis0/04.2 Respiration0/05. Homeostasis and responsePremium5.1 Homeostasis0/05.2 The human nervous system0/05.3 Hormonal coordination in humans0/05.4 Plant hormones (biology only)0/05. Homeostasis and responsePremium5.1 Homeostasis0/05.2 The human nervous system0/05.3 Hormonal coordination in humans0/05.4 Plant hormones (biology only)0/06. Inheritance, variation and evolutionPremium6.1 Reproduction0/06.2 Variation and evolution0/06.3 The development of understanding of genetics and evolution0/06.4 Classification of living organisms0/06. Inheritance, variation and evolutionPremium6.1 Reproduction0/06.2 Variation and evolution0/06.3 The development of understanding of genetics and evolution0/06.4 Classification of living organisms0/07. EcologyPremium7.1 Adaptations, interdependence and competition0/07.2 Organisation of an ecosystem0/07.3 Biodiversity and the effect of human interaction on ecosystems0/07.4 Trophic levels in an ecosystem (biology only)0/07.5 Food production (biology only)0/07. EcologyPremium7.1 Adaptations, interdependence and competition0/07.2 Organisation of an ecosystem0/07.3 Biodiversity and the effect of human interaction on ecosystems0/07.4 Trophic levels in an ecosystem (biology only)0/07.5 Food production (biology only)0/0