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AQA GCSE Biology Notes

2.15.2 Understanding Air Composition

The composition of air plays a pivotal role in the human respiratory system. This section explores the differences in the composition between inspired and expired air and discusses the significance of these differences in relation to gas exchange efficiency, which is vital for sustaining life.


Air composition is fundamental in understanding respiratory physiology. The air we inhale (inspired air) differs significantly from the air we exhale (expired air), particularly in the concentrations of oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water vapour. These differences are crucial for efficient gas exchange in the lungs.

Inspired vs Expired Air: Key Differences

Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide Concentrations

  • Inspired Air: Contains about 21% oxygen and 0.04% carbon dioxide.
  • Expired Air: Has roughly 16% oxygen and 4% carbon dioxide.
  • Significance: The reduction in oxygen and increase in carbon dioxide in expired air is due to the body's usage of oxygen for metabolic processes and the production of carbon dioxide as a waste product.

Water Vapour Content

  • Inspired Air: The moisture level varies based on environmental conditions but is generally less humid.
  • Expired Air: Exhibits a higher concentration of water vapour.
  • Significance: The respiratory system adds moisture to the air to protect internal tissues and facilitate gas exchange.
A diagram showing the process of gaseous exchange- inhale and exhale.

Image courtesy of Amina

Reasons for Composition Differences

Oxygen Utilisation in Cells

  • Cellular Respiration: Cells use oxygen to generate ATP, the energy currency of the cell.
  • Decreased Oxygen: This metabolic process reduces the concentration of oxygen in the blood, and consequently in the expired air.

Carbon Dioxide Accumulation

  • Metabolic By-product: Carbon dioxide is produced during the metabolic breakdown of glucose in cells.
  • Exhalation: The respiratory system removes this by-product by exhaling it, leading to higher carbon dioxide levels in expired air.
Process of cellular respiration.

Process of cellular respiration.

Image courtesy of Christinelmiller

Humidity and Temperature Regulation

  • Air Conditioning: The respiratory tract conditions the inspired air, warming and adding moisture to it.
  • Protective Mechanism: This process is crucial for protecting lung tissues and facilitating efficient gas exchange.

Gas Exchange Efficiency in the Lungs

Alveolar Gas Exchange

  • Alveoli Function: Tiny sacs called alveoli in the lungs are where oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged between the blood and the air.
  • Efficient Design: The large surface area and thin walls of alveoli facilitate this process.

Oxygen-Carbon Dioxide Exchange Dynamics

  • Oxygen Transport: Oxygen diffuses from the alveoli into the blood due to a concentration gradient.
  • Carbon Dioxide Removal: Carbon dioxide moves from the blood into the alveoli, again following a concentration gradient.
A diagram showing Gas exchange in the alveolus.

Image courtesy of Prina123

Adaptations for Maximising Efficiency

  • Breathing Mechanics: Changes in breathing rate and depth help regulate gas exchange efficiency.
  • Blood Flow Regulation: Blood flow in the lungs is adjusted to optimise oxygen pickup and carbon dioxide removal.

Physiological Implications

Oxygen Saturation in Blood

  • Hemoglobin Binding: Oxygen binds to hemoglobin in red blood cells, a mechanism crucial for transporting oxygen to tissues.
  • Oxygen Saturation Levels: These levels indicate how effectively the lungs are oxygenating the blood.

Carbon Dioxide and pH Balance

  • Acid-Base Balance: Carbon dioxide levels in the blood affect its pH. The respiratory system plays a key role in maintaining this balance.
  • Respiratory Compensation: Changes in breathing rate can help correct pH imbalances due to metabolic factors.

Health Considerations and Environmental Impact

Respiratory Conditions

  • Diseases like Asthma: These conditions can hinder gas exchange, affecting the composition of expired air.
  • Importance of Treatment: Managing such conditions is vital for maintaining efficient gas exchange.
Diagram showing Normal airway vs asthmatic airway in asthma patient

Image courtesy of myupchar

Environmental Factors

  • Air Quality: Pollutants can alter the composition of inspired air, impacting lung health.
  • Climate Change: Increasing levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide can indirectly affect respiratory health.

Educational Significance

For IGCSE Biology students, understanding these concepts is crucial not just for academic success but also for appreciating the intricate mechanisms that sustain life. The study of air composition and gas exchange offers insights into broader topics like environmental science and human physiology, fostering a deeper appreciation of the interconnectedness of our world.


Haemoglobin, a protein in red blood cells, plays a vital role in the transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood. For oxygen transport, haemoglobin binds oxygen molecules in the lungs, where the concentration of oxygen is high. This binding is facilitated by the high affinity of haemoglobin for oxygen in the oxygen-rich environment of the alveoli. Once the oxygen-laden blood reaches tissues with lower oxygen levels, the affinity of haemoglobin for oxygen decreases, leading to the release of oxygen into the tissues. Conversely, haemoglobin also assists in the transport of carbon dioxide, though in a different manner. A small amount of carbon dioxide binds directly to haemoglobin, forming carbaminohaemoglobin. However, the majority of carbon dioxide is transported in the form of bicarbonate ions, which are formed from carbon dioxide and water through a reaction catalysed by the enzyme carbonic anhydrase in red blood cells. This reaction is reversible, allowing carbon dioxide to be released from bicarbonate in the lungs and then exhaled. The ability of haemoglobin to transport both oxygen and carbon dioxide is crucial for maintaining the efficiency of gas exchange and the body's acid-base balance.

Changes in breathing rate significantly impact the efficiency of gas exchange. The breathing rate is typically regulated by the body's need to maintain optimal levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood. During physical activity or in response to high levels of carbon dioxide in the blood (hypercapnia), the breathing rate increases. This enhanced ventilation results in more air being moved in and out of the lungs per unit time, which in turn increases the amount of oxygen that can be absorbed and the amount of carbon dioxide that can be expelled. Conversely, a slower breathing rate, which might occur during rest or sleep, is sufficient to meet the body's reduced demand for oxygen and carbon dioxide removal at these times. The body's ability to adjust breathing rate ensures that the gas exchange remains efficient under varying physiological conditions. If the breathing rate is too slow (hypoventilation), carbon dioxide can accumulate in the blood, leading to respiratory acidosis. If it is too fast (hyperventilation), it can lead to a decrease in blood carbon dioxide levels, causing respiratory alkalosis. Therefore, maintaining an appropriate breathing rate is key to efficient gas exchange.

Environmental factors can significantly affect the composition of inspired air, impacting respiratory health in various ways. Pollutants such as particulate matter, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, and ozone can reduce air quality, leading to a higher concentration of harmful substances in inspired air. Inhaling such polluted air can cause respiratory issues like asthma, bronchitis, and other lung diseases. Additionally, high levels of carbon monoxide, a colourless, odourless gas found in car exhaust and industrial emissions, can bind to haemoglobin more effectively than oxygen, reducing the amount of oxygen that reaches the body's tissues. Climate change also affects respiratory health indirectly. Rising temperatures can exacerbate air pollution and increase the prevalence of allergens like pollen, affecting those with respiratory allergies and asthma. Furthermore, changes in humidity and air pressure can impact lung function, particularly in individuals with pre-existing respiratory conditions. Therefore, maintaining a clean and healthy environment is crucial for ensuring that the air we breathe supports, rather than hinders, respiratory health.

The temperature difference between inspired and expired air is primarily due to the heat exchange that occurs within the respiratory system. When we inhale, the inspired air is typically cooler than our body temperature. As this air travels through the nasal passages, trachea, and bronchi, it absorbs heat from the surrounding tissues. This process helps to warm the air to a temperature closer to that of the body's internal environment before it reaches the delicate lung tissues. This warming is beneficial as it prevents cold air from causing a shock or irritation to the lungs, which can lead to respiratory complications. Conversely, when we exhale, the air has been warmed by the body and is typically warmer than the ambient temperature. This is why expired air often feels warm when it is exhaled, especially in cooler environments. The heat exchange process is an important aspect of the respiratory system's role in maintaining homeostasis, ensuring that the air reaching the lungs is at an optimal temperature for gas exchange.

The increased moisture content in expired air plays a crucial role in maintaining the health of the respiratory system. As air travels through the respiratory tract, it is conditioned – warmed, humidified, and filtered. The humidification process, in particular, is important for several reasons. Firstly, it helps to keep the mucosal lining of the respiratory tract moist. This moisture is essential for the mucosal lining to function properly, as it traps and removes particulate matter and pathogens, preventing them from reaching the delicate lung tissue. Secondly, moist air reduces the risk of irritation and damage to the respiratory tract, which can be caused by dry air. Finally, the presence of water vapour in the air assists in the efficient exchange of gases in the lungs. Water vapour helps in maintaining the elasticity of lung tissues and alveoli, facilitating their expansion and contraction during breathing. Thus, the moisture in expired air is a by-product of the respiratory system's efforts to protect itself and to optimise the conditions for gas exchange.

Practice Questions

Explain the physiological reasons for the higher concentration of carbon dioxide in expired air compared to inspired air. (6 marks)

The higher concentration of carbon dioxide in expired air is primarily due to cellular respiration, a metabolic process in which cells use oxygen to produce energy. Oxygen is transported to the cells via the bloodstream, where it is used to break down glucose, resulting in the production of carbon dioxide as a waste product. This carbon dioxide is then transported back to the lungs via the bloodstream. In the lungs, it diffuses into the alveoli and is subsequently exhaled. This process ensures the removal of excess carbon dioxide, a critical function to maintain the body's pH balance and to prevent the buildup of this waste gas in the blood. The efficient exchange of gases in the alveoli, governed by concentration gradients, ensures that the levels of carbon dioxide are higher in the expired air than in the inspired air.

Describe how the composition of expired air can indicate the efficiency of gas exchange in the lungs. (6 marks)

The composition of expired air can be a significant indicator of gas exchange efficiency in the lungs. In a healthy respiratory system, expired air contains lower levels of oxygen and higher levels of carbon dioxide compared to inspired air. This change in composition is due to oxygen being used for cellular respiration and carbon dioxide being produced as a by-product. Efficient gas exchange in the alveoli is indicated by the successful uptake of oxygen into the bloodstream and the removal of carbon dioxide from it. If the levels of oxygen in the expired air are too high or the levels of carbon dioxide are too low, it may suggest that the gas exchange in the alveoli is not occurring effectively, possibly due to issues such as blockages, reduced lung surface area, or diseases affecting lung function. Therefore, analysing the composition of expired air can provide insights into the efficiency of the respiratory system.

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