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AQA GCSE Biology Notes

2.15.1 Investigating Air Composition

Understanding the differences in composition between inspired and expired air is essential for grasping the fundamentals of respiratory physiology. This investigation focuses on using limewater as a test for carbon dioxide and delves into the variations in the concentrations of oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water vapour in the air we breathe in and out.

Introduction to Air Composition Analysis

The study of respiratory physiology involves analysing the composition of air before it is inhaled (inspired air) and after it is exhaled (expired air). This analysis is crucial for understanding how the respiratory system functions, particularly the process of gas exchange in the lungs. The primary components of air, including oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water vapour, undergo significant changes in their concentrations as air moves in and out of the respiratory system.

Limewater Test for Carbon Dioxide

Principle and Procedure

  • Limewater Test: A simple, yet effective method to detect carbon dioxide. Limewater, a calcium hydroxide solution, reacts with carbon dioxide to form calcium carbonate, which causes the solution to turn cloudy.
  • Procedure: The test involves bubbling air through limewater. The extent of cloudiness indicates the presence and concentration of carbon dioxide.
  • Observation: A clear reaction, indicated by the limewater turning cloudy, confirms the presence of carbon dioxide. The degree of cloudiness correlates with the amount of carbon dioxide present.

Application in Air Composition Study

  • Testing Expired Air: When expired air is passed through limewater, a significant cloudiness is observed, indicating a higher carbon dioxide content. This is due to carbon dioxide being a byproduct of the body's metabolic processes.
  • Testing Inspired Air: Conversely, when inspired air is tested, the limewater remains relatively clear, reflecting the much lower carbon dioxide levels in the external environment.
Diagram showing Limewater Test for Carbon Dioxide

Image courtesy of Sandip

Composition Differences Between Inspired and Expired Air

Oxygen Concentration

  • Inspired Air: Typically contains about 21% oxygen, the amount found in the Earth's atmosphere.
  • Expired Air: This concentration drops to approximately 16% in expired air, as a portion of the oxygen is absorbed into the bloodstream for use in cellular respiration.

Carbon Dioxide Concentration

  • Inspired Air: Only about 0.04% carbon dioxide is present, reflecting the low levels of this gas in the ambient atmosphere.
  • Expired Air: The concentration increases significantly in expired air, reaching around 4%. This increase is due to carbon dioxide being produced as a waste product during metabolic processes in cells and then transported to the lungs for exhalation.

Water Vapour

  • Inspired Air: The amount of water vapour in inspired air varies depending on environmental humidity but is generally lower than in expired air.
  • Expired Air: Contains a higher concentration of water vapour due to the addition of moisture from the respiratory tract. This moisture helps to protect lung tissues and facilitate gas exchange.
Composition Differences Between Inspired and Expired Air

Image courtesy of IGCSE AID


Implications of Composition Differences

Oxygen Utilisation

  • Absorption in Lungs: Oxygen from inspired air diffuses into the blood through the alveoli, tiny air sacs in the lungs. It binds to hemoglobin in red blood cells and is transported to tissues throughout the body.
  • Decrease in Expired Air: The reduced oxygen concentration in expired air reflects the body's consumption of oxygen for energy production via cellular respiration.

Carbon Dioxide as a Metabolic Byproduct

  • Production in Cells: Cells produce carbon dioxide as they break down glucose for energy in a process known as cellular respiration.
  • Exhalation: The respiratory system plays a crucial role in removing this waste product by exhaling air rich in carbon dioxide.
Process of cellular respiration.

Process of cellular respiration.

Image courtesy of Christinelmiller

Role of Water Vapour

  • Moisturising Air: Adding moisture to inspired air is vital for protecting lung tissues from drying out and for facilitating the diffusion of gases.
  • Indicator of Respiratory Activity: The increased level of water vapour in expired air is also a byproduct of the body's temperature regulation, as the respiratory process helps in maintaining thermal homeostasis.

Significance in Gas Exchange Efficiency

Oxygen-Carbon Dioxide Exchange

  • Gas Exchange Process: The primary function of the lungs is to facilitate the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the bloodstream and the external environment. This process is remarkably efficient, with the lungs able to quickly oxygenate the blood while simultaneously removing carbon dioxide.
  • Vital for Homeostasis: Maintaining a delicate balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide levels is crucial for the proper functioning of various physiological processes.
A diagram showing Gas exchange in the alveolus.

Image courtesy of Prina123

Efficiency Indicators

  • Oxygen Depletion and Carbon Dioxide Enrichment: The differences in their concentrations between inspired and expired air are key indicators of the efficiency of the gas exchange process. The body's ability to uptake oxygen and expel carbon dioxide is essential for maintaining metabolic activities and overall health.

Water Vapour’s Role

  • Indicates Efficient Lung Function: The presence of increased water vapour in expired air is not only a sign of effective respiratory function but also an indicator of the lungs' role in regulating body temperature and maintaining humidity levels conducive to gas exchange.

Experimental Observations and Interpretations

Analysing Limewater Test Results

  • Visual Changes: The limewater test provides a simple yet effective way to visually assess the presence and concentration of carbon dioxide in air samples. By comparing the cloudiness of limewater after exposing it to inspired and expired air, one can qualitatively gauge the differences in carbon dioxide levels.
  • Quantitative Analysis: For a more precise understanding, further tests can be conducted to quantify the exact differences in gas concentrations. This could involve using more sophisticated equipment such as gas chromatographs or infrared gas analysers.

Understanding Respiratory Physiology

  • Reflecting Lung Function: The changes in air composition before and after passing through the respiratory system offer direct insights into the efficiency and functionality of the lungs. This includes their ability to facilitate gas exchange and regulate the levels of vital gases in the body.
  • Health Implications: Variations from the normal ranges of gas concentrations in inspired and expired air can be indicative of respiratory disorders or dysfunctions. For instance, a lower than normal increase in carbon dioxide or decrease in oxygen in expired air could signal issues such as obstructive lung disease or impaired gas exchange capabilities.

The study of the composition of inspired and expired air, particularly through practical experiments like the limewater test, equips students with a comprehensive understanding of respiratory physiology. This knowledge forms a critical part of the broader study of human biology and highlights the intricate mechanisms the body employs to maintain homeostasis through the process of respiration. Understanding these principles is vital for appreciating the complex interplay of biological systems that sustain life.


The limewater test is a qualitative, not quantitative, method for detecting the presence of carbon dioxide. While it effectively indicates the presence of carbon dioxide by turning cloudy, it cannot precisely measure the exact concentration of carbon dioxide in the air. The test relies on a chemical reaction where carbon dioxide reacts with limewater to form calcium carbonate, which clouds the solution. However, the degree of cloudiness is not a reliable measure of the exact concentration of CO₂. This is because the reaction's visibility can be influenced by factors such as the volume of air passed through the limewater, the concentration of the limewater solution, and the duration of exposure. For precise quantitative analysis of carbon dioxide concentrations, more sophisticated methods are required, such as gas chromatography or infrared gas analysis. These techniques can accurately measure gas concentrations, providing exact data necessary for detailed scientific analysis.

The lower oxygen concentration in expired air compared to inspired air is a result of the process of oxygen uptake by the body's tissues. When air is inhaled, it contains approximately 21% oxygen, the standard concentration in the Earth's atmosphere. As this air passes through the lungs, oxygen is absorbed by the blood. The oxygen molecules diffuse across the alveolar membrane into the bloodstream, where they bind to haemoglobin in red blood cells and are transported throughout the body. This oxygen is then used by cells for metabolic processes, particularly cellular respiration, which generates the energy required for various bodily functions. Consequently, when air is exhaled, the oxygen concentration is reduced to about 16% as a significant portion of the oxygen has been absorbed and utilised. This decrease in oxygen concentration is indicative of the body's metabolic activity and highlights the efficiency of the respiratory system in oxygenating the blood.

The moisture content in expired air is noticeably higher than that in inspired air. This difference is primarily due to the respiratory process. As air is inhaled, it passes through the nasal passages, trachea, and bronchi, where it is warmed and humidified before reaching the lungs. The lining of the respiratory tract secretes mucus and moisture, which adds water vapour to the inspired air. When the air is exhaled, it carries this added moisture, leading to a higher water vapour content in expired air. The body's natural process of warming and humidifying air is essential for protecting lung tissue and facilitating efficient gas exchange. Additionally, this moisture helps in maintaining the internal temperature and hydration levels of the body, playing a vital role in homeostasis. The difference in water vapour content between inspired and expired air is therefore a direct result of the respiratory system's conditioning of the air.

Limewater, a solution of calcium hydroxide, reacts specifically with carbon dioxide to form calcium carbonate, which is insoluble and causes the solution to turn cloudy. In inspired air, the concentration of carbon dioxide is quite low, typically around 0.04%, reflecting the average CO₂ content in the Earth's atmosphere. This minimal concentration is not enough to cause a significant reaction with limewater, resulting in no noticeable cloudiness. In contrast, expired air contains a significantly higher concentration of carbon dioxide, approximately 4%, which is a direct result of the metabolic processes of cellular respiration within the body. When this CO₂-rich expired air is bubbled through limewater, the higher concentration of carbon dioxide reacts more extensively with the calcium hydroxide, leading to the formation of enough calcium carbonate to turn the limewater visibly cloudy. This experiment visually demonstrates the increase in carbon dioxide concentration in the air after it has been used for respiration.

Understanding the differences in air composition before and after breathing is crucial in biology for several reasons. Firstly, it provides insights into the efficiency and functioning of the respiratory system, particularly the lungs' ability to facilitate gas exchange. This knowledge is vital for understanding how oxygen is supplied to the body and how carbon dioxide, a metabolic waste product, is removed. Secondly, the differences in air composition reflect the metabolic activities of the body, specifically cellular respiration. The decrease in oxygen and increase in carbon dioxide in expired air are direct consequences of these metabolic processes. Lastly, this understanding has clinical relevance, as abnormalities in the composition of expired air can indicate respiratory disorders or metabolic dysfunctions. For example, a lower-than-expected increase in carbon dioxide in expired air could signal an issue with lung function. Therefore, the study of air composition changes is fundamental in respiratory physiology, health sciences, and understanding the body's overall metabolic processes.

Practice Questions

Explain why the limewater test is used to investigate the composition of expired air and not inspired air.

An excellent IGCSE Biology student would answer: The limewater test is used to investigate the composition of expired air because it is a qualitative test for the presence of carbon dioxide. Expired air has a significantly higher concentration of carbon dioxide, around 4%, as a result of being a byproduct of cellular respiration within the body. This elevated level of CO₂ reacts with the limewater, causing it to turn cloudy, which is a visible indication of carbon dioxide presence. In contrast, inspired air contains a much lower concentration of carbon dioxide (approximately 0.04%), insufficient to cause a noticeable reaction in limewater. Therefore, using the limewater test on expired air is more effective for demonstrating the presence and relative increase of carbon dioxide after respiration.

Describe the changes in the concentration of oxygen and carbon dioxide in air before and after it passes through the human respiratory system.

A well-prepared IGCSE Biology student would answer: Before air passes through the human respiratory system (inspired air), it contains approximately 21% oxygen and 0.04% carbon dioxide, reflecting the natural composition of Earth's atmosphere. Once this air is inhaled and passes through the respiratory system, oxygen is absorbed by the blood for use in cellular respiration, decreasing its concentration. Consequently, in expired air, the oxygen concentration is reduced to about 16%. Simultaneously, carbon dioxide, produced as a waste product of cellular respiration, is expelled from the blood into the lungs. This process increases the carbon dioxide concentration in expired air to around 4%. These changes illustrate the respiratory system's role in gas exchange and metabolic waste removal.

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