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AQA GCSE Biology Notes

2.14.2 Anatomy of the Breathing System

The human breathing system, an intricate and vital component of our body, is crucial for sustaining life through the process of gas exchange. It consists of several interrelated structures, each designed for a specific function. Understanding these components is key for IGCSE Biology students.


The lungs are the primary organs of the respiratory system, housed in the chest cavity and protected by the ribcage. They are responsible for the critical process of gas exchange.

  • Structure: Each lung is divided into sections called lobes; the right lung has three lobes, while the left lung has two.
  • Function: The lungs facilitate the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide. When we inhale, oxygen is absorbed into the blood from the air and carbon dioxide is expelled from the blood to the air when we exhale.
Labelled structure of lungs

Image courtesy of Vedantu



  • The alveoli are tiny air sacs located at the end of the bronchial tubes.
  • They are surrounded by a network of capillaries.
  • The walls of alveoli are extremely thin (about one cell thick), which allows for efficient gas exchange.
Diagram showing a detailed view of alveoli in lungs

Image courtesy of Database Center for Life Sciense


  • The diaphragm is a large, flat muscle located at the base of the lungs.
  • Inhalation: When the diaphragm contracts, it moves downward, enlarging the space in the chest cavity and drawing air into the lungs.
  • Exhalation: As the diaphragm relaxes, it moves upwards, decreasing the space in the chest cavity and pushing air out of the lungs.
Mechanism of breathing- inspiration and expiration

Image courtesy of VectorMine

Ribs and Intercostal Muscles

  • The ribcage protects the lungs and heart. It consists of 12 pairs of curved bones (ribs) connected to the spine at the back and to the sternum (breastbone) at the front.
  • Intercostal Muscles: These muscles are found between the ribs. There are two types: external intercostal muscles (which assist in inhalation) and internal intercostal muscles (which assist in forced exhalation).
  • Breathing Mechanics: During inhalation, the external intercostal muscles contract, lifting the ribs upward and outward, which increases the volume of the thoracic cavity.
A diagram showing diaphragm, Intercostal Muscles, Abdominal Muscles and ribs.

Image courtesy of Orchard Health Clinic



  • The larynx, situated at the top of the trachea, plays a dual role in respiration and vocalization.
  • It contains the vocal cords, which vibrate to produce sound.
  • The epiglottis, a flap of tissue at the top of the larynx, closes during swallowing to prevent food from entering the trachea.


  • The trachea, commonly known as the windpipe, is a tube that connects the larynx to the bronchi.
  • It is reinforced with C-shaped rings of cartilage which provide structure and prevent collapse during inhalation.
  • The inner lining of the trachea is covered with cilia and mucus, which trap and move particles out of the airways.

Bronchi and Bronchioles

  • The trachea divides into two main bronchi, each leading to one lung.
  • Bronchi: These are large air passages that branch into smaller ones within the lungs.
  • Bronchioles: The smallest branches of the bronchi. They lead to the alveoli where gas exchange occurs.
  • These airways are lined with smooth muscle that can constrict or dilate, controlling the flow of air to the lungs.
Diagram showing Trachea, Bronchi and Bronchioles

Image courtesy of scientificanimations.

Smooth Muscle Control

  • The smooth muscle in the bronchi and bronchioles is sensitive to various factors such as allergens, cold air, or chemicals, which can cause constriction (narrowing) and affect breathing.


  • Capillaries are the smallest blood vessels in the body and are abundant around the alveoli.
  • They facilitate the exchange of gases by allowing oxygen to pass from the alveoli into the blood and carbon dioxide to pass from the blood to the alveoli.

Gas Exchange Process

  • Oxygen Transport: Oxygen enters the alveoli during inhalation, diffuses through their walls, and is picked up by the red blood cells in the capillaries.
  • Carbon Dioxide Removal: Carbon dioxide, a waste product of cellular respiration, diffuses from the blood into the alveoli and is expelled during exhalation.
  • Efficiency Factors: The efficiency of gas exchange is enhanced by the large surface area of the alveoli, the thinness of the alveolar and capillary walls, and the rich blood supply to the alveoli.
A diagram showing Gas exchange in the alveolus.

Image courtesy of Prina123

This comprehensive understanding of the breathing system's anatomy and its functions is essential for students studying IGCSE Biology. Each component, from the large lungs to the microscopic alveoli and capillaries, plays a crucial role in maintaining respiratory efficiency. The design of these components reflects a remarkable adaptation for maximizing oxygen uptake and carbon dioxide elimination, crucial for cellular metabolism and overall health.


The capillaries surrounding the alveoli are crucial in the gas exchange process. Their structure and properties are perfectly adapted for this function. Firstly, they are extremely narrow, allowing red blood cells to pass through in a single file. This close contact ensures efficient oxygen uptake by the red blood cells and carbon dioxide release from them. Secondly, the walls of these capillaries are extremely thin, just one cell thick. This minimal thickness allows for a short diffusion distance for oxygen and carbon dioxide, enhancing the rate of gas exchange. Additionally, the extensive network of capillaries around each alveolus provides a vast surface area for gas exchange, ensuring that a large volume of blood is oxygenated simultaneously. The capillaries' proximity to the alveoli means that blood is always in close contact with the oxygen-rich air in the alveoli, making the process of gas exchange continuous and efficient.

The creation of a partial vacuum in the thorax during inhalation is a critical aspect of the breathing process. When the diaphragm contracts and the ribcage expands, the volume of the thoracic cavity increases. According to Boyle's law, an increase in volume leads to a decrease in pressure. Thus, a partial vacuum (negative pressure) is created relative to the atmospheric pressure outside the body. This pressure difference is the driving force behind air entry into the lungs. Air naturally moves from an area of higher pressure (the atmosphere) to an area of lower pressure (the lungs). Without this pressure gradient, air would not flow into the lungs efficiently. The partial vacuum also aids in the expansion of the lungs, as they are adhered to the thoracic wall due to the pleural fluid in the pleural cavity. This mechanical aspect of lung expansion is essential for effective ventilation and adequate oxygenation of the blood.

The left lung is slightly smaller than the right lung, primarily to accommodate the heart, which is located slightly to the left side of the chest. The heart occupies a space called the cardiac notch in the left lung. This anatomical adaptation is significant for a couple of reasons. Firstly, it allows for the optimal positioning and protection of the heart within the thoracic cavity. The heart's location and the left lung's accommodation ensure that the heart can function efficiently without being compressed or restricted by lung tissue. Secondly, despite the difference in size, the lungs still effectively carry out their primary function of gas exchange. The slight reduction in volume of the left lung is compensated by the right lung's larger size, ensuring that the total surface area available for gas exchange is adequate for the body's needs. This anatomical difference is a perfect example of how the human body's structure is adapted to its functions, ensuring efficient operation of the respiratory and circulatory systems.

Bronchioles, the smallest air passages in the lungs, have smooth muscle in their walls that plays a vital role in respiratory health. This smooth muscle can contract or relax, effectively altering the diameter of the bronchioles. This ability to adjust the airflow is crucial for two main reasons. Firstly, it allows the body to regulate the flow of air to different parts of the lung. During exercise, for instance, the bronchioles dilate (widen), increasing airflow to meet the body's higher oxygen demand. Conversely, they can constrict (narrow) during rest, reducing unnecessary airflow. Secondly, the smooth muscle's responsiveness to irritants is a protective mechanism. In the presence of harmful substances like smoke or dust, the bronchioles can constrict, limiting the entry of these irritants into the deeper parts of the lungs. This response, while protective, can be problematic in conditions like asthma, where an overreaction leads to difficulty in breathing. Understanding the function of bronchiole smooth muscle is crucial in managing respiratory conditions and maintaining respiratory health.

The trachea, commonly known as the windpipe, has several features that protect the respiratory system from foreign particles. Firstly, it is lined with ciliated epithelium. The cilia are tiny, hair-like structures that continually move in a wave-like fashion, pushing mucus and trapped particles upward towards the larynx, from where they can be swallowed or expelled. This mucus is secreted by goblet cells in the tracheal lining and acts as a sticky trap for dust, bacteria, and other foreign particles. Additionally, the trachea is reinforced by C-shaped cartilaginous rings. These rings provide structural support, preventing the trachea from collapsing, especially during inhalation when the air pressure inside is low. The open part of the C-shape faces the esophagus, allowing the trachea to expand slightly when swallowing large pieces of food. These combined features ensure that the air reaching the lungs is as clean and particle-free as possible, protecting the delicate tissues of the respiratory system.

Practice Questions

Describe the role of the diaphragm in the breathing process. Include details on its movement during inhalation and exhalation.

The diaphragm plays a pivotal role in the breathing process. During inhalation, it contracts and moves downwards, creating a vacuum in the chest cavity. This expansion lowers the air pressure inside the lungs compared to the outside air, causing air to rush into the lungs. Conversely, during exhalation, the diaphragm relaxes and curves upwards, reducing the volume of the chest cavity and increasing the pressure inside the lungs. This forces air out of the lungs. The diaphragm's rhythmic movements are crucial for ventilating the lungs and facilitating gas exchange.

Explain how the structure of alveoli adapts them for efficient gas exchange.

Alveoli are superbly adapted for gas exchange due to their structure. They have an enormous surface area, provided by their vast number and spherical shape, which increases the area available for gas exchange. The walls of the alveoli are extremely thin, just one cell thick, facilitating a short diffusion distance for gases. They are surrounded by a dense network of capillaries, ensuring a rich blood supply. This close proximity allows for efficient diffusion of oxygen into the blood and carbon dioxide out of it. The moist lining of the alveolar walls also aids in dissolving gases, further enhancing the efficiency of gas exchange.

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