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AQA GCSE Biology Notes

1.4.1 Plant and Animal Cell Structure

Understanding the structure of plant and animal cells is essential in the field of biology. This section delves into the specific components of these cells, highlighting their unique features and functions. We will compare these structures, emphasizing how they contribute to the survival and functionality of each cell type.


Cells are the basic unit of life. They come in various forms, each tailored to perform specific functions. Plant and animal cells, while sharing some common structures, exhibit key differences that are crucial to their respective life processes.

Cell Wall

Plant Cells

  • Presence: Exclusively found in plant cells.
  • Structure: Composed of cellulose, hemicellulose, and pectin, forming a rigid layer.
  • Function: The cell wall not only provides structural support and protection but also helps in regulating the cell's water content. It plays a key role in maintaining the cell's shape and preventing over-expansion when water enters the cell.
Diagram of a section of the cell wall in a plant cell

Image courtesy of LadyofHats

Animal Cells

  • Absence: Animal cells lack a cell wall, which gives them a more flexible structure, allowing various shapes and the ability to engulf food and other substances.

Cell Membrane

Both Plant and Animal Cells

  • Structure: Made of a lipid bilayer with proteins and cholesterol interspersed. It's selectively permeable, allowing certain substances to pass through while blocking others.
  • Function: The cell membrane is essential for maintaining the integrity of the cell, facilitating communication and transport between the cell and its environment, and playing a role in cell signaling and recognition.
Labelled structure of cell membrane

Image courtesy of LadyofHats Mariana Ruiz


Both Plant and Animal Cells

  • Structure: Surrounded by a double membrane called the nuclear envelope, which contains pores for substance exchange. The nucleus houses DNA, organized into chromosomes, and the nucleolus, where ribosome synthesis occurs.
  • Function: The nucleus is the control center of the cell, regulating gene expression and mediating the replication of DNA during cell division.
Labelled structure of the nucleus

Image courtesy of BruceBlaus.


Both Plant and Animal Cells

  • Structure: Jelly-like fluid that fills the cell, composed of water, salts, and various organic molecules.
  • Function: The cytoplasm is the site of many cellular processes, including some metabolic pathways and the cytoskeleton, which helps in maintaining the cell's shape and enabling movement.


Plant Cells

  • Presence: Chloroplasts are present only in plant cells and some algae.
  • Structure: Contains thylakoids stacked into grana, surrounded by the stroma. They have their own DNA and ribosomes.
  • Function: Chloroplasts are responsible for photosynthesis, converting solar energy into chemical energy (glucose), which is vital for the plant's survival.
Structure of chloroplast

Image courtesy of brgfx on freepik

Animal Cells

  • Absence: Animal cells do not perform photosynthesis and therefore do not have chloroplasts.


Both Plant and Animal Cells

  • Structure: Composed of RNA and proteins, found either floating freely in the cytoplasm or bound to the endoplasmic reticulum.
  • Function: Ribosomes are the site of protein synthesis, translating genetic information from the nucleus into protein, essential for various cellular functions.


Both Plant and Animal Cells

  • Structure: Bean-shaped with a double membrane, the inner membrane is folded into cristae. They have their own DNA and ribosomes.
  • Function: Known as the powerhouse of the cell, mitochondria are where cellular respiration occurs, converting nutrients into ATP, the energy currency of the cell.
Labelled structure of a mitochondrion

Image courtesy of Kelvinsong


Plant Cells

  • Structure: Typically a large, central vacuole taking up most of the cell's volume.
  • Function: The vacuole stores water, nutrients, and waste products. It contributes to cell rigidity when full, aiding in structural support.

Animal Cells

  • Structure: Smaller, more numerous vacuoles.
  • Function: These vacuoles are involved in various functions like storage, waste disposal, and maintaining the cell's internal environment.

Comparative Overview

The study of plant and animal cell structures is fascinating, revealing the diversity of cell adaptations to different life requirements. The rigid cell wall, chloroplasts for photosynthesis, and large central vacuole in plant cells contrast sharply with the more flexible, diverse animal cell structures. These differences underline the distinct lifestyles and biological needs of plants and animals.

Understanding these cellular structures and their functions is key to grasping more complex biological concepts, such as tissue and organ formation, and the broader aspects of plant and animal life. This knowledge lays the foundation for further exploration in biology, particularly in understanding how organisms interact with their environment and adapt to their ecological niches.

In summary, the intricate design of plant and animal cells reflects the complexity and diversity of life. These cells, though microscopic, are incredibly sophisticated, each component playing a vital role in the cell's survival and functionality. As we explore the realm of biology, the knowledge of these cellular structures and their functions becomes invaluable.


Vacuoles in plant cells are significantly larger and more prominent compared to those in animal cells, primarily due to their diverse and critical roles in plant physiology. In plant cells, the central vacuole can occupy up to 90% of the cell's volume, serving multiple functions. Firstly, it is a storage depot, holding reserves of important substances like water, nutrients, pigments, and waste products. This storage capability is crucial for maintaining the plant's turgor pressure, which is vital for structural support and keeping the plant upright. Secondly, the vacuole plays a key role in regulating the cell's internal pH and ionic balance, essential for various metabolic processes. Additionally, plant vacuoles can contain enzymes and secondary metabolites that contribute to cellular digestion and defense against herbivores and pathogens. In contrast, animal cells have smaller and more numerous vacuoles, primarily used for storing nutrients and waste products. The smaller size of animal cell vacuoles reflects the different structural and metabolic requirements of animal cells, which rely more on other organelles, like lysosomes, for waste processing and storage.

The cytoplasm, the gel-like substance filling the cell, plays a crucial role in supporting the functions of other cell organelles in both plant and animal cells. It serves as a medium where cellular processes occur and provides a platform for the suspension and interaction of organelles. The cytoplasm contains various enzymes that facilitate metabolic reactions necessary for cell survival, including protein synthesis, glycolysis, and the initial stages of cellular respiration. It also houses the cytoskeleton, a network of fibers that provides structural support, facilitates cell movement, and aids in the transport of materials within the cell. The cytoskeleton's components, such as microtubules and microfilaments, are essential for maintaining cell shape, enabling organelle movement, and separating chromosomes during cell division. Additionally, the cytoplasm allows for the diffusion of molecules, ensuring that substances like nutrients, oxygen, and signaling molecules can reach different parts of the cell efficiently. This continuous movement and interaction within the cytoplasm facilitate the coordination and integration of cellular activities, ensuring the cell functions as a coherent and efficient unit.

Ribosomes, whether free in the cytoplasm or bound to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), are essential for protein synthesis, but their location within the cell dictates the type of proteins they produce. Free ribosomes, dispersed throughout the cytoplasm, primarily synthesize proteins that function within the cell itself. These proteins include enzymes that catalyze various metabolic reactions, structural proteins that maintain cell shape, and proteins that regulate cellular processes. On the other hand, ribosomes bound to the ER are involved in synthesizing proteins destined for secretion out of the cell or for incorporation into the cell membrane. These proteins include hormones, antibodies, and membrane receptors. The segregation of ribosomes ensures the efficient targeting and functioning of proteins in appropriate locations within the cell or the body. Additionally, the ability of ribosomes to switch between being free and bound provides the cell with a dynamic and responsive mechanism to alter protein production based on cellular needs and environmental cues.

While both plant and animal cells possess a cell membrane, the structural components and associated proteins can vary slightly due to their different physiological roles. In plant cells, the cell membrane is located just inside the cell wall and plays a crucial role in mediating the interaction between the cell's internal environment and the external world. It controls the movement of substances such as water, nutrients, and waste products. The membrane's structure is made up of a lipid bilayer interspersed with various proteins, carbohydrates, and sometimes secondary metabolites specific to plant cells, which may play a role in defense against pathogens. In animal cells, the cell membrane is the outermost layer and has a similar lipid bilayer structure. However, animal cell membranes often have a higher concentration of cholesterol, which contributes to their fluidity and flexibility. This flexibility is key to facilitating various cellular processes unique to animal cells, such as endocytosis and phagocytosis. Additionally, the proteins embedded in animal cell membranes can differ in type and function, reflecting the cell's specific needs in communication, signaling, and interaction with its environment.

Mitochondria play a central role in meeting the energy needs of both plant and animal cells through the process of aerobic respiration, converting glucose and oxygen into ATP, the cell's energy currency. In animal cells, mitochondria are the primary source of ATP, as these cells rely entirely on the breakdown of food molecules for energy. In plant cells, mitochondria are equally important despite the presence of chloroplasts. While chloroplasts are responsible for photosynthesis, converting light energy into chemical energy (glucose), mitochondria are essential for converting this glucose into ATP. This process is vital, especially during the night or in conditions where light is not available for photosynthesis. Furthermore, mitochondria in plant cells are involved in various other metabolic processes, such as the synthesis of certain amino acids, and play a role in signaling pathways related to cell growth and response to stress. The dual presence of chloroplasts and mitochondria in plant cells exemplifies the complex and multifaceted nature of cellular energy management and showcases the evolutionary adaptations of plants to efficiently utilize both solar and chemical energy sources.

Practice Questions

Compare and contrast the structure of plant and animal cells, focusing specifically on the cell wall, vacuoles, and chloroplasts. Explain how these differences are related to their functions in each type of cell. (6 marks)

Plant and animal cells have several key differences. The cell wall, present only in plant cells, is made of cellulose and provides structural support and rigidity, which is essential for maintaining the plant's upright position. In contrast, animal cells do not have a cell wall, allowing for a variety of cell shapes and the ability to form different types of tissues. Vacuoles in plant cells are large and central, playing a significant role in storing nutrients, waste products, and maintaining turgor pressure, which is crucial for structural support. Animal cells contain smaller vacuoles with a primary role in storage and the removal of waste. Chloroplasts, found only in plant cells, are responsible for photosynthesis, a process that converts light energy into chemical energy. Animal cells lack chloroplasts as they do not perform photosynthesis.

Describe the structure and function of mitochondria found in both plant and animal cells. Why is it often referred to as the 'powerhouse' of the cell? (4 marks)

Mitochondria are double-membraned organelles found in both plant and animal cells. They are oval-shaped and have a highly folded inner membrane, known as cristae, which increases the surface area for chemical reactions. Inside, they contain their own DNA and ribosomes. The primary function of mitochondria is to produce ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the cell’s energy currency, through the process of aerobic respiration. This process involves breaking down glucose and oxygen to release energy. Due to their crucial role in energy production, mitochondria are often referred to as the 'powerhouse' of the cell, as they supply the necessary energy for various cellular activities and functions.

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