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AQA GCSE Biology Notes

1.4.6 Specialised Cells and Their Functions

Specialised cells are the cornerstone of biological functionality, each uniquely designed to perform specific roles essential for life. These cells, with their specialised structures and functions, illustrate the complexity and adaptability of living organisms.

Ciliated Cells

Ciliated cells, featuring minute cilia, line the respiratory tract, specifically the trachea and bronchi, playing a vital role in maintaining respiratory health.


  • Cilia: Numerous, hair-like projections extending from the cell surface.
  • Basal Body: Anchors each cilium, ensuring stability.
  • Cytoplasm: Contains organelles necessary for the cell's metabolic processes.
  • Nucleus: Houses genetic material, controlling cell activity and replication.

Function and Adaptation

  • Mucus Movement: Cilia beat in a coordinated manner to propel mucus, laden with trapped dust and pathogens, away from the lungs.
  • Airway Protection: Essential for preventing respiratory infections by keeping the airways clear of particulate matter and harmful microorganisms.

Root Hair Cells

These cells are integral to a plant's ability to absorb water and nutrients from the soil, found predominantly in the roots.


  • Elongated Hair-like Extension: Significantly increases the cell's surface area.
  • Thin Cell Wall: Facilitates easy passage of water and minerals.
  • Large Central Vacuole: Maintains the cell's rigidity and aids in storage.
  • Cytoplasmic Strands: Connects the cell wall to the vacuole, aiding in nutrient transport.

Function and Adaptation

  • Nutrient Absorption: Enhanced surface area allows for efficient uptake of water and dissolved minerals from the soil.
  • Water Uptake: Strategically placed near soil particles, these cells maximise absorption efficiency.
Structure of root hair cell and transport of water and minerals

Image courtesy of VectorMine

Palisade Mesophyll Cells

Palisade mesophyll cells, densely packed in the upper part of leaves, are the primary site of photosynthesis in plants.


  • Chloroplasts: Packed with chlorophyll, these organelles facilitate photosynthesis.
  • Rectangular Shape: Aligns cells in rows to maximise light absorption.
  • Thin Cell Walls: Allows for easier gas exchange.

Function and Adaptation

  • Light Absorption: Chloroplasts efficiently capture sunlight, converting it into chemical energy.
  • Carbon Dioxide Utilisation: Strategically positioned to optimise gas exchange for photosynthesis.
Cross section of leaf showing Palisade mesophyll cells

Image courtesy of Zephyris


Neurones or nerve cells, form the building blocks of the nervous system, specialised in transmitting information throughout the body.


  • Axon: Specialised for carrying nerve impulses over long distances.
  • Dendrites: Branch-like extensions receiving signals from other neurones.
  • Myelin Sheath: Insulating layer that speeds up electrical transmission.
  • Node of Ranvier: Gaps in the myelin sheath enabling rapid signal transmission.

Function and Adaptation

  • Rapid Signal Transmission: Myelination and long axons facilitate quick and efficient neural communication.
  • Information Processing: Integration of signals at dendrites and transmission along axons underpins complex responses and actions.
Structure of neuron with different parts labelled

Image courtesy of Cenveo

Red Blood Cells

Red blood cells are designed specifically for oxygen transportation, crucial for sustaining life in multicellular organisms.


  • Biconcave Disc Shape: Maximises surface area for gas exchange.
  • Haemoglobin: Iron-containing protein that binds oxygen molecules.
  • Enucleate: Lack of a nucleus provides more space for haemoglobin molecules.

Function and Adaptation

  • Oxygen Carriage: Haemoglobin's affinity for oxygen enables efficient transport to body tissues.
  • Flexibility: The shape allows RBCs to deform as they pass through narrow capillaries.
Diagram showing human red blood cells (RBCs)

Image courtesy of Arek Socha


Gametes are the reproductive cells, with each type, sperm and egg, having distinct structures reflecting their roles in reproduction.


  • Sperm: Streamlined with a flagellum for mobility.
  • Egg: Larger cell, rich in cytoplasmic nutrients.
  • Haploid Chromosomes: Carrying half the genetic material necessary for a new organism.

Function and Adaptation

  • Fertilisation: Sperm's mobility ensures it reaches and fertilises the egg.
  • Nutrient Provision: The egg's nutrient-rich cytoplasm supports the early development of the embryo.

Adaptations to Function

The diversity and specificity of these cells underscore the evolutionary brilliance of life. From ciliated cells safeguarding our respiratory system to the gametes ensuring species continuation, these cells exemplify how form is intricately linked to function in biology. Each cell type, through its unique structure and role, contributes indispensably to the organism's overall functioning and survival.

Gametes- sperm fertilizing an egg

Image courtesy of freepik


Egg cells have a large amount of cytoplasm compared to sperm cells due to their distinct roles in reproduction. The egg cell, or ovum, is designed not only to carry half of the genetic material required for a new organism but also to provide the initial nutrients and cellular machinery for the first stages of development post-fertilisation. The cytoplasm of the egg is rich in proteins, RNA, mitochondria, and other organelles, which are crucial for the early metabolic needs of the developing embryo before it can implant and establish a connection with the mother for nutrient supply. In contrast, the primary function of a sperm cell is to deliver its genetic material to the egg. Hence, it is much smaller and streamlined for mobility, with a flagellum for swimming towards the egg. Its compact size and shape are adaptations for its role in locating and fertilising the egg, whereas the egg's larger size and nutrient-rich cytoplasm are adaptations for nurturing the early embryo.

Haemoglobin is a key component of red blood cells that facilitates oxygen transport. It is a complex protein composed of four subunits, each containing an iron atom within a heme group. This structure allows haemoglobin to bind oxygen molecules efficiently. When red blood cells pass through the lungs, haemoglobin binds to oxygen, forming oxyhaemoglobin. This binding is facilitated by the partial pressure of oxygen in the lungs, which is high, encouraging oxygen to bind with haemoglobin. As red blood cells travel to tissues where the oxygen concentration is lower, haemoglobin releases the oxygen, providing it to cells for respiration. The structure of haemoglobin also allows it to change shape as oxygen binds and releases, a property known as cooperativity. This property enhances haemoglobin's ability to pick up and release oxygen efficiently, making it highly effective for oxygen transport. Additionally, haemoglobin also plays a role in transporting carbon dioxide and hydrogen ions back to the lungs, making it integral to both oxygen supply and carbon dioxide removal in the body.

The myelin sheath in neurones is crucial for the efficient transmission of electrical impulses along the axon. Myelin is a fatty substance that insulates the axon, similar to the insulation on electrical wires, preventing signal loss and increasing the speed of impulse transmission. This insulation is provided by specialised cells: Schwann cells in the peripheral nervous system and oligodendrocytes in the central nervous system. The presence of the myelin sheath allows for a mode of impulse propagation known as saltatory conduction. In this process, the electrical impulse 'jumps' from one Node of Ranvier (gaps in the myelin sheath) to the next, significantly speeding up signal transmission compared to unmyelinated neurones. This rapid signal transmission is essential for the quick reflex responses and efficient communication between different parts of the body and the brain. In diseases like multiple sclerosis, where the myelin sheath is damaged, the speed and efficiency of nerve signal transmission are greatly reduced, leading to impaired sensory and motor functions.

Root hair cells are vital for plant survival as they greatly enhance the plant's ability to absorb water and essential nutrients from the soil. These cells are extensions of the root's epidermal cells, increasing the surface area for absorption. Their thin walls and proximity to the soil particles allow for efficient uptake of water by osmosis and mineral nutrients by active transport. This increased surface area is crucial, especially in environments where nutrients are scarce. The absorbed water is essential for various physiological processes, including photosynthesis, nutrient transport, and cellular growth. Moreover, the nutrients absorbed by root hair cells, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, are fundamental for plant growth and development. They contribute to various functions like protein synthesis and energy production. In summary, root hair cells are integral to a plant's ability to sustain itself, grow, and reproduce, acting as the primary interface between the plant and its soil environment.

Ciliated cells in the respiratory system play a crucial role in protecting the body against infections by removing pathogens and debris from the airways. These cells are lined with tiny, hair-like structures called cilia, which constantly move in a coordinated, wave-like motion. This movement propels a layer of mucus, which traps dust, bacteria, viruses, and other foreign particles, upwards towards the throat where it can be swallowed or coughed out. This mechanism is a primary defense against respiratory infections, as it prevents pathogens from reaching the lungs where they could cause serious infections. Additionally, the ciliated cells are part of the mucociliary escalator, a system that efficiently clears the airways. The effectiveness of this system is evident in its ability to clear inhaled particles rapidly, often within an hour. However, this system can be impaired by factors such as smoking or respiratory infections, leading to increased susceptibility to further infections.

Practice Questions

Describe how the structure of a red blood cell is adapted to its function. Include specific features of the cell in your answer.

The structure of a red blood cell is exquisitely adapted to its primary function of transporting oxygen. Its distinctive biconcave shape increases the cell's surface area, enhancing its capacity for oxygen absorption and release. This shape, combined with the cell's small size, allows it to efficiently navigate through the narrowest blood vessels, ensuring effective oxygen delivery to all body tissues. Red blood cells are enucleate, meaning they lack a nucleus, which provides additional internal space for the storage of haemoglobin, the protein responsible for oxygen binding. This adaptation maximises the cell's oxygen-carrying capacity. Moreover, the flexibility of the red blood cell's membrane allows it to deform as it passes through capillaries, further facilitating efficient oxygen transport.

Explain the role of chloroplasts in palisade mesophyll cells and how this is related to the cell's structure.

Chloroplasts in palisade mesophyll cells play a critical role in photosynthesis, the process by which plants convert light energy into chemical energy. These cells, densely packed with chloroplasts, are located in the upper part of the leaf where they receive the most light. Their elongated, columnar shape maximises the surface area exposed to light, enhancing light absorption. The chloroplasts contain chlorophyll, a pigment that absorbs sunlight, initiating the process of photosynthesis. This conversion of light energy into glucose is essential for the plant's growth and energy requirements. The strategic positioning and structure of these cells, packed with chloroplasts, underline their importance in the plant's ability to synthesise food effectively.

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