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AQA GCSE Biology Notes

1.4.3 Cell Structure Identification

The ability to identify and understand cell structures in plant, animal, and bacterial cells is foundational in IGCSE Biology. This guide offers detailed methods and tips for recognising these structures, especially through microscopic examination, and highlights the distinguishing features of each cell type.

Understanding Cell Structures

Plant Cells

Plant cells are unique in their structure and function, with several key organelles:

  • Cell Wall: A rigid, outer layer made of cellulose, providing structural support and shape. It is visible under a microscope as a distinct, often straight boundary surrounding the cell.
  • Cell Membrane: Located just inside the cell wall, this semi-permeable membrane controls the movement of substances in and out of the cell.
  • Nucleus: Typically a central, round structure containing genetic material (DNA). It regulates cell activities and is often the most prominent feature under a light microscope.
  • Cytoplasm: A jelly-like substance filling the cell, where various cellular activities occur. Organelles are suspended within the cytoplasm.
  • Chloroplasts: Green structures containing chlorophyll, unique to plant cells, responsible for photosynthesis. They are easily identified by their green colour and oval shape.
  • Ribosomes: Tiny granules either floating in the cytoplasm or attached to the endoplasmic reticulum. They are sites of protein synthesis.
  • Mitochondria: Oval-shaped organelles with a double membrane, involved in energy production through cellular respiration. They are identifiable by their size and shape.
  • Vacuoles: Large central sacs prominent in plant cells, used for storage of nutrients and waste products. In a well-hydrated plant cell, the vacuole is large and central.
Labelled structure of plant cell

Image courtesy of LadyofHats

Animal Cells

Animal cells have many similarities with plant cells but also possess distinctive features:

  • Cell Membrane: Like in plant cells, it defines the cell boundary but is more flexible, as animal cells lack a rigid cell wall.
  • Nucleus, Cytoplasm, Ribosomes, Mitochondria: These organelles function similarly to those in plant cells.
  • Lysosomes: Small sac-like structures containing enzymes for digestion. They are not typically found in plant cells.
  • Centrioles: Located near the nucleus, these structures are involved in cell division and are unique to animal cells.
Labelled Structure of Animal Cell

Image courtesy of OpenStax

Bacterial Cells

Bacterial cells, being prokaryotic, differ significantly from plant and animal cells:

  • Cell Wall: Similar to plant cells but made of peptidoglycan, providing protection and shape.
  • Cell Membrane: As in eukaryotic cells, it controls the movement of substances in and out.
  • Cytoplasm: Contains all the components of the cell.
  • Ribosomes: Smaller than those in eukaryotic cells, they are involved in protein synthesis.
  • Circular DNA: Bacteria have no nucleus; their DNA is circular and floats freely in the cytoplasm.
  • Plasmids: Extra-chromosomal DNA, often involved in functions like antibiotic resistance.
Detailed Bacterial cell structure

Image courtesy of Mariana Ruiz Villarreal, LadyofHats

Microscopy Techniques

Microscopic examination is crucial in cell structure identification:

Light Microscopy

  • Staining Techniques: Staining is critical to increase contrast in cells. Common stains include iodine for starch in plant cells and methylene blue for DNA in animal cells.
  • Magnification and Resolution: Essential for distinguishing between different organelles. Start with a lower magnification for general observation, then increase for detailed examination.

Electron Microscopy

  • Offers much higher resolution than light microscopy.
  • Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM): Provides 3D images of the cell surface.
  • Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM): Allows for detailed observation of internal structures, including organelles.

Distinguishing Features

Understanding the unique characteristics of each cell type is key:

  • Shape and Size: Plant cells are typically larger and square-shaped due to the rigid cell wall, while animal cells are smaller and more rounded.
  • Cell Wall: Present in plant and bacterial cells, but absent in animal cells.
  • Chloroplasts: Only in plant cells, responsible for photosynthesis.
  • Centrioles and Lysosomes: Found only in animal cells.
  • Circular DNA and Plasmids: Characteristics of bacterial cells, indicating their prokaryotic nature.

Tips for Identification

  • Start with a low magnification to find the cell, then gradually increase to observe details.
  • Familiarise with the common shapes and sizes of different cell types.
  • Note the presence or absence of key organelles like chloroplasts, cell walls, and centrioles.
  • Apply appropriate staining techniques to highlight specific cell parts.

Recognising and understanding these cell structures is fundamental in the study of biology, offering insights into the complex and diverse world of cells. This knowledge forms a basis for understanding more advanced biological concepts and phenomena.


Bacterial cells are smaller than plant and animal cells primarily due to their simpler structure as prokaryotes. They lack membrane-bound organelles and a defined nucleus, which allows them to maintain functionality even at a smaller size. This smaller size is also an evolutionary advantage for bacteria. It increases their surface area to volume ratio, facilitating more efficient absorption of nutrients and expulsion of waste. Additionally, a smaller size allows for a quicker rate of diffusion across the cell membrane and faster reproduction rates. These factors contribute to bacteria's ability to thrive in a wide variety of environments and conditions, making their small size an evolutionary benefit.

While electron microscopes provide much higher resolution than light microscopes, allowing us to see finer details of cell structures, they have several limitations. Firstly, they are significantly more expensive and larger in size, making them less accessible for routine use. Secondly, sample preparation for electron microscopy is complex and can sometimes alter the natural state of the specimen. For example, samples must be fixed, dehydrated, and sometimes sectioned into ultra-thin slices. This process can cause artefacts or distortions in the structure. Additionally, electron microscopes require a vacuum to operate, meaning living cells cannot be observed, restricting the study to only dead or preserved cells. Lastly, the images produced are black and white, and any colour must be artificially added, which can sometimes misrepresent the actual appearance of the structures.

Staining enhances the contrast of microscopic images, making it easier to identify cell structures. Since most cellular components are transparent, without staining, they would be nearly invisible under a microscope. Stains bind to specific cell components, thereby adding colour and enhancing their visibility. Common stains include methylene blue, which binds to acidic cell parts like nucleic acids, making the nucleus and certain organelles stand out in animal cells. Iodine is another stain that binds to starch, highlighting amyloplasts in plant cells. Crystal violet is used in Gram staining to differentiate bacterial species based on their cell wall properties. Each stain has a specific affinity for certain cell components, enabling more detailed observation and differentiation of cellular structures.

The microscope plays a pivotal role in understanding cell theory and the field of biology. Cell theory, which states that all living organisms are composed of cells, and that all cells arise from pre-existing cells, forms the foundation of modern biology. Microscopes allow us to observe cells and their internal structures, providing direct evidence for this theory. Through microscopy, scientists have been able to observe the diversity of cell types, understand cellular processes, and identify the role and function of various organelles. The development of advanced microscopes, like electron microscopes, has further deepened our understanding by revealing the ultrastructure of cells. This ability to observe the microscopic world has led to significant discoveries in biology, from understanding diseases and developing treatments to exploring the complexities of life at a cellular level.

Using a light microscope, the resolution is limited due to the wavelength of visible light. Mitochondria and ribosomes are too small to be observed in detail with this type of microscope. While light microscopes can magnify objects up to 1000 times, their resolution limit is around 200 nanometers. This means structures closer than 200 nanometers appear as a single image, not allowing us to see the detailed internal structure of smaller organelles. Electron microscopes, on the other hand, use electron beams with much shorter wavelengths, providing higher resolution images that can reveal the intricate details of these organelles. For instance, the internal cristae of mitochondria or the subunits of ribosomes can only be distinctly observed with an electron microscope.

Practice Questions

Describe how to distinguish between a plant cell and an animal cell when viewed under a light microscope. Mention at least three distinct differences.

Animal cells and plant cells can be distinguished under a light microscope by observing specific features. Firstly, plant cells have a rigid, rectangular shape due to the presence of a cell wall, which is absent in the more rounded animal cells. Secondly, chloroplasts, containing green chlorophyll for photosynthesis, are visible in plant cells but not in animal cells. Thirdly, plant cells often have a large central vacuole, which is much smaller or absent in animal cells. These differences are significant and can be easily identified under a microscope, aiding in the differentiation of plant and animal cells.

Using a microscope, how would you identify a bacterial cell in a sample that also contains plant and animal cells? Explain the key features you would look for.

To identify a bacterial cell in a mixed sample under a microscope, I would look for several distinctive features. Bacterial cells are typically smaller than plant and animal cells and lack a defined nucleus, appearing as simple, often rod-shaped or spherical structures. Unlike plant and animal cells, they do not have membrane-bound organelles. Bacterial cells have a cell wall, but it is chemically different from that of plant cells. Additionally, if the sample is stained, the bacterial DNA, which is not enclosed within a nucleus, will stain differently compared to the eukaryotic cells' DNA. These characteristics help in distinguishing bacterial cells from plant and animal cells in a sample.

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