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AQA GCSE Biology Notes

2.8.3 Mechanism of Water Movement in Plants

This section delves into the intricate process of water movement in plants, a key concept for IGCSE Biology students. The focus is on understanding how water travels upwards through the xylem, emphasising the critical roles of transpiration pull and the cohesion of water molecules.

Introduction to Water Movement

Water movement in plants is a fundamental physiological process that involves several steps and factors. At its core, this process ensures the transportation of water from roots to leaves, which is crucial for the plant's survival and growth.

Transpiration Pull

Transpiration pull is a primary mechanism driving the ascent of water in plants. It involves several interconnected stages:

Evaporation of Water

  • Origin of Transpiration: Transpiration starts with the evaporation of water from mesophyll cells in the leaf.
  • Water Vapour Deficit: This evaporation creates a water vapour deficit in the leaf's air spaces, leading to the diffusion of more water vapour from the mesophyll cells.

Creation of Negative Pressure

  • Role of Stomata: Stomata are tiny openings on the leaf surface that facilitate the exit of water vapour, contributing to the creation of negative pressure in the xylem.
  • Water Column Tension: The negative pressure or tension generated in the xylem vessels acts as a pulling force on the water column extending down to the roots.

Continuous Water Column

  • Cohesive Water Molecules: The cohesion among water molecules ensures the formation of a continuous water column, essential for maintaining the pull.
  • Significance: This continuous column prevents the breakage of the water stream, maintaining a steady flow from roots to leaves.

Key Points

  • Transpiration pull is a result of water evaporation and stomatal activities.
  • It relies on the cohesive nature of water molecules to form a continuous column.
  • This mechanism is essential for the upward movement of water against gravity.
Diagram showing Transpiration pull theory f

Image courtesy of Vedantu


Cohesion of Water Molecules

Cohesion between water molecules is a critical factor in the upward movement of water in xylem vessels.

Hydrogen Bonding

  • Nature of Bonds: Water molecules are held together by hydrogen bonds, a type of strong intermolecular force.
  • Effect on Water Column: These hydrogen bonds are responsible for the cohesive strength that maintains the integrity of the water column in the xylem.

Formation of Water Columns

  • Mechanism: Cohesive forces allow for the formation of uninterrupted columns of water within the xylem, critical for effective water transport.
  • Resistance to Gravity: This cohesive strength counteracts the gravitational pull, facilitating upward movement of water.

Key Points

  • Hydrogen bonding is the basis of cohesion in water molecules.
  • Cohesion is necessary for forming and maintaining continuous water columns in the xylem.
  • This property is fundamental to the plant's ability to transport water efficiently.
Hydrogen bonding in Water Molecules

Image courtesy of OpenStax College

Interaction between Transpiration Pull and Cohesion

The cooperative interaction between transpiration pull and cohesion is essential for the ascent of sap in plants.

Cooperative Mechanism

  • Transmission of Tension: The tension created by transpiration pull is transmitted through the cohesive water column.
  • Uninterrupted Flow: This mechanism ensures a consistent and continuous flow of water from roots to leaves, overcoming the challenges posed by gravity.

Overcoming Gravity

  • Combined Effect: The synergy between transpiration pull and cohesive forces enables the water to ascend the xylem vessels, defying gravity.
  • Importance for Plants: This interaction is not only crucial for water transport but also for nutrient distribution and maintaining plant turgidity.

Key Points

  • The interaction between transpiration pull and cohesion is vital for water transport.
  • It ensures a steady and continuous flow of water within the plant.
  • This system effectively overcomes gravitational forces, maintaining plant health and growth.

Factors Affecting Water Movement

In addition to transpiration pull and cohesion, several other factors influence water movement in plants:

Stomatal Regulation

  • Control of Water Loss: Stomata play a crucial role in regulating transpiration and, consequently, the transpiration pull.
  • Adaptation to Environmental Conditions: Plants adjust stomatal opening in response to environmental factors like light, temperature, and humidity.
Opening and closing of stomata

Image courtesy of brgfx on freepik

Environmental Conditions

  • Impact on Transpiration: External factors like humidity, temperature, and wind speed significantly affect the rate of transpiration.
  • Adaptations: Plants exhibit various adaptations to optimise water movement under different environmental conditions.

Plant Structure

  • Xylem Vessel Anatomy: The size, shape, and distribution of xylem vessels affect the efficiency of water transport.
  • Cellular Attributes: The presence of different cell types, like tracheids and vessel elements, also influences water movement.

Key Points

  • Stomatal activities and environmental conditions directly impact transpiration rates.
  • The anatomical and cellular structure of plants plays a significant role in water movement.

Recap of Key Concepts

In summary, the mechanism of water movement in plants is a complex yet elegantly coordinated process:

  • Transpiration pull is the primary driving force, facilitated by water evaporation and stomatal regulation.
  • Cohesion among water molecules ensures a continuous water column, essential for efficient transport.
  • The interaction between transpiration pull and cohesion enables the ascent of sap, overcoming gravitational challenges.

Key Points

  • Understanding transpiration pull and cohesion is crucial for comprehending plant water transport.
  • These processes are central to the plant's ability to maintain hydration, nutrient distribution, and overall health.

This knowledge is integral for IGCSE Biology students, providing a foundation for further exploration in plant physiology, ecology, and environmental adaptations. Understanding these concepts is not only key for academic success but also for appreciating the intricate ways in which plants interact with their surroundings.


Wilting in plants occurs primarily due to insufficient water supply, affecting the plant's ability to maintain turgidity. When a plant experiences water stress, either due to inadequate water uptake from the roots or excessive water loss through transpiration, the cells lose turgor pressure. This loss of pressure results in the drooping of leaves and stems, a condition known as wilting. Wilting is closely related to water movement because it signifies a disruption in the balance between water uptake and water loss. When transpiration exceeds the rate at which water is absorbed from the soil, the continuous water column in the xylem can break, leading to a decrease in turgor pressure throughout the plant. This condition is reversible if the plant receives adequate water in time, allowing the restoration of turgor pressure and the resumption of normal physiological functions.

The cohesion-tension theory is significant as it provides a comprehensive explanation of how water moves upwards against gravity in plants. According to this theory, water molecules are cohesive (they stick together due to hydrogen bonding) and are in tension (negative pressure) within the xylem vessels. The evaporation of water from leaf surfaces (transpiration) creates a tension or 'pull' on the water column in the xylem. This pull is transmitted down to the roots due to the cohesive properties of water. The theory explains how plants can transport water to great heights without expending energy. It also accounts for the observed phenomena in plants like guttation and the ability to recover from wilting. Understanding this theory is essential for comprehending the physical forces that drive water movement in plants and the implications for plant physiology and survival in different environments.

Root pressure is an important mechanism that aids in the movement of water in plants, particularly under conditions where transpiration is low, such as at night. Root pressure is generated when ions are actively transported from the soil into the root xylem, creating a concentration gradient. This gradient causes water to move into the roots by osmosis, generating a positive pressure that pushes water upwards through the xylem. Root pressure is observed in the exudation of water droplets on leaf margins (a phenomenon called guttation) and helps in re-establishing the continuous water column in the xylem, especially if it has been broken due to air embolisms. While root pressure is not strong enough to transport water to the tops of tall trees, it plays a supportive role in water movement, complementing the transpiration pull and cohesion mechanisms.

Guard cells play a crucial role in regulating the opening and closing of stomata, which in turn affects transpiration. These specialised cells flank each stomatal opening and are bean-shaped. The way guard cells regulate stomata is through changes in their turgidity, which is influenced by the absorption and loss of water. When guard cells absorb water, they become turgid, and due to their shape, this turgidity causes the stomata to open. Conversely, when they lose water, they become flaccid, leading to the closure of the stomata. This regulation is influenced by various factors, including light, carbon dioxide concentration, and internal water balance. When stomata are open, transpiration rates increase, facilitating the movement of water through the plant. Conversely, closing the stomata reduces water loss, which is especially crucial under conditions of water stress or high temperature.

Xylem vessels are uniquely structured to facilitate the efficient upward movement of water in plants. These vessels are essentially long tubes made up of dead cells, arranged end to end, forming continuous channels. The walls of these cells are thickened and lignified, providing structural support and preventing collapse under the tension created by transpiration pull. The absence of cross walls in the vessel elements allows for an uninterrupted flow of water. Additionally, the narrow diameter of these vessels aids in capillary action, a phenomenon where the adhesion between water molecules and the walls of the xylem, coupled with the cohesion of water molecules, helps to draw water upwards. The combination of these structural features ensures that xylem vessels are optimised for the efficient transport of water from the roots to the leaves, overcoming gravitational forces and facilitating the transpiration pull mechanism.

Practice Questions

Describe the process by which water moves upwards in the xylem of a plant, focusing on the role of transpiration pull and the cohesion of water molecules. (6 marks)

Water moves upwards in the xylem primarily through the process of transpiration pull and the cohesion of water molecules. Transpiration pull occurs when water evaporates from the mesophyll cells in the leaves, creating a negative pressure or tension in the xylem. This tension acts as a pulling force, drawing water up from the roots through the xylem vessels. The cohesion of water molecules, due to hydrogen bonding, ensures the formation of a continuous water column, which is crucial for maintaining the integrity of the water flow. This cohesive force allows the water column to resist the pull of gravity and enables the uninterrupted ascent of water. Therefore, the interaction between transpiration pull and cohesion of water molecules facilitates the efficient and continuous upward movement of water in plants.

Explain how environmental factors such as wind speed and humidity can affect the rate of transpiration in plants. (6 marks)

Environmental factors like wind speed and humidity significantly impact the rate of transpiration in plants. An increase in wind speed can enhance transpiration by removing the water vapour surrounding the leaf surface more rapidly, thereby increasing the water vapour gradient between the inside and outside of the leaf. This higher gradient accelerates the diffusion of water vapour from the leaf, increasing the rate of transpiration. Conversely, high humidity reduces the gradient as the external air already contains a high level of water vapour, thereby slowing down transpiration. Thus, lower humidity levels lead to increased transpiration rates, while higher humidity levels decrease it. These factors demonstrate the sensitivity of plants to their external environment, influencing their water transport efficiency.

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