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AQA GCSE Biology Notes

2.8.1 Transpiration: The Vital Process in Plants

Transpiration is a fundamental process in plant biology, essential for water movement, nutrient distribution, and temperature regulation. This process, especially significant in the study of IGCSE Biology, offers insights into plant physiology and ecological interactions.

Introduction to Transpiration

Transpiration is the process where plants lose water in the form of water vapour through their leaves. It's a key part of the water cycle and plays a vital role in plant health and the environment.

Importance of Transpiration

  • Water Transportation: Transpiration drives the ascent of water from roots to the leaves.
  • Nutrient Movement: Essential nutrients from the soil are transported along with the water.
  • Thermal Regulation: Evaporation during transpiration helps in cooling the plant, especially under high temperature conditions.
  • Maintaining Turgidity: Helps in keeping the cells turgid, providing structural support to the plant.
Process of Transpiration in Plants

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Leaf Anatomy and Transpiration

The structure of leaves, particularly mesophyll cells and stomata, is central to understanding transpiration.

Mesophyll Cells

  • Location and Structure: Located in the leaf's interior, these cells are packed with chloroplasts, the site of photosynthesis.
  • Functionality in Photosynthesis: They convert sunlight into energy, using water and carbon dioxide.
  • Role in Transpiration: Water evaporates from these cells into the intercellular spaces within the leaf.

Stomata: Gateways for Transpiration

  • Structural Overview: Stomata are minute openings, typically more concentrated on the leaf's underside.
  • Function and Regulation: They control gas exchange and water vapour release. Guard cells surrounding each stoma modulate its opening based on environmental conditions.
Section of a leaf with different parts labelled

Image courtesy of Zephyris derivative work: Jordirooca

Detailed Process of Transpiration

Transpiration involves multiple steps:

Step 1: Water Uptake and Movement

  • Root Absorption: Water is absorbed by roots from the soil.
  • Upward Movement: This water travels up the stem through xylem vessels to reach the leaves.

Step 2: Evaporation in Mesophyll Cells

  • Water Movement into Mesophyll Cells: Water reaches the mesophyll cells and is used in photosynthesis.
  • Evaporation into Air Spaces: Excess water in these cells evaporates into the air spaces within the leaf.

Step 3: Diffusion through Stomata

  • Water Vapour Accumulation: The evaporated water turns into vapour and accumulates in the leaf's air spaces.
  • Diffusion Out of Leaf: This water vapour diffuses out through the stomata, due to the concentration gradient between the internal and external air.
Transpiration through stomata

Image courtesy of blueringmedia

Factors Affecting Transpiration Rate

Transpiration is influenced by both internal and external factors:

Internal Factors

  • Stomatal Density and Size: The number and size of stomata per unit area of leaf affect transpiration rates.
  • Leaf Area and Orientation: Larger leaf surface areas can lead to more transpiration. The orientation of leaves (angle to the sun) also affects the rate.

External Factors

  • Ambient Temperature: Higher temperatures increase the rate of evaporation, thereby increasing transpiration.
  • Relative Humidity: Low humidity levels in the surrounding air lead to a higher transpiration rate.
  • Wind and Air Movement: Wind removes the saturated layer of air around the leaf, enhancing transpiration.Light Intensity: Bright light can cause stomata to open wider, increasing transpiration.

Ecological and Biological Significance of Transpiration

Transpiration plays a critical role in both plant life and the environment:

  • Contribution to Water Cycle: Transpiration is a significant component of the water cycle, returning water from the soil back into the atmosphere.
  • Influencing Microclimates: By regulating water and temperature, transpiration affects local climate conditions.
  • Plant Health and Growth: Adequate transpiration is crucial for nutrient transport and overall plant health.

Transpiration is a dynamic process, intricately linked with environmental conditions and plant physiology. For IGCSE Biology students, understanding this process is crucial as it illustrates the delicate balance between plants and their environment, and emphasizes the role of water in plant and ecosystem health. This comprehensive view of transpiration not only aids in understanding plant biology but also fosters an appreciation for the complexity of ecological interactions.


Root pressure plays a supportive role in transpiration, particularly during conditions when transpiration is low, such as at night or in high humidity environments. It is generated when the roots actively absorb minerals from the soil, creating a concentration gradient that leads to water influx into the roots. This influx of water generates a positive pressure, pushing water upwards through the xylem. Although root pressure is not strong enough to move water to the tops of tall trees, it aids in rehydrating the plant and maintaining the water column in the xylem, especially during periods when transpiration is not sufficient to pull water upwards. It can also be responsible for guttation, the exudation of water droplets on leaf edges in certain conditions.

Yes, transpiration can occur through parts of the plant other than leaves, though it is less common and significant. This type of transpiration, known as cuticular transpiration, happens through the cuticle, a waxy layer covering the aerial parts of plants, including stems and, sometimes, fruits. The cuticle is less permeable than the stomata, so the rate of water loss is generally much lower. However, in some plants, especially those with reduced leaves or in young shoots, cuticular transpiration can be a notable pathway for water loss. The significance of cuticular transpiration varies among species and environmental conditions but is generally a secondary pathway compared to stomatal transpiration in leaves.

Transpiration significantly affects the uptake of nutrients by plants. As water is transpired from the leaves, a negative pressure is created in the xylem vessels, pulling more water up from the roots. This upward movement of water also carries dissolved nutrients from the soil to various parts of the plant. The continuous stream of water facilitates the transport of these nutrients, especially ions like nitrates, phosphates, and potassium, which are crucial for plant growth and development. Moreover, the rate of transpiration can influence the rate of nutrient uptake; higher transpiration rates can lead to more efficient nutrient transport, provided that the soil has sufficient moisture and nutrients. This link between transpiration and nutrient uptake underscores the integrated nature of water and nutrient management in plants.

Different types of leaves exhibit varying transpiration rates due to differences in their physical and anatomical features. Factors like leaf size, thickness, the number and distribution of stomata, and the presence of a waxy cuticle can significantly influence transpiration rates. For example, broad, thin leaves with a higher density of stomata typically have higher transpiration rates compared to thick, waxy leaves with fewer stomata, like those found in succulent plants. The surface texture of leaves also plays a role; hairy or fuzzy leaves can trap moisture and reduce transpiration. Additionally, the internal structure, such as the arrangement and density of mesophyll cells, can affect the rate at which water vapour is produced and eventually lost through stomata.

Plants close their stomata at night primarily to conserve water. Since photosynthesis does not occur in the absence of sunlight, there is no need for the stomata to remain open for gas exchange. Closing the stomata reduces water loss through transpiration, which is crucial because the roots' water absorption is typically lower at night. Additionally, closing stomata also prevents the entry of harmful pathogens that could exploit the open stomata. This nightly closure of stomata is regulated by the circadian rhythm of the plant and is influenced by environmental cues such as light and temperature. The guard cells play a central role in this process; they respond to these cues and change their shape, leading to the closing of stomata.

Practice Questions

Explain how the structure of the leaf is adapted to facilitate transpiration.

The leaf is structurally adapted to maximise transpiration efficiently. The broad, flat shape of the leaf increases the surface area, facilitating more water evaporation. Stomata, predominantly located on the underside, regulate water loss by opening and closing, which also helps in gas exchange. Mesophyll cells, especially the spongy mesophyll, have air spaces between them, allowing water vapour to accumulate and then exit through the stomata. The presence of a waxy cuticle reduces water loss from other parts of the leaf, ensuring that transpiration mainly occurs through the stomata.

Describe how external environmental factors influence the rate of transpiration in plants.

External environmental factors significantly influence the rate of transpiration. Higher temperatures increase the kinetic energy of water molecules, enhancing their evaporation from the mesophyll cells, thereby accelerating transpiration. Wind plays a role by moving the humid air away from the leaf surface, creating a steeper concentration gradient, which increases the rate of transpiration. Low humidity outside the leaf also results in a steeper concentration gradient, facilitating faster diffusion of water vapour from the leaf. Bright light can cause the stomata to open wider, increasing transpiration. Each of these factors alters the transpiration rate by affecting the water vapour concentration gradient or the stomatal opening.

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