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AQA GCSE Biology Notes

2.8.2 Factors Affecting Transpiration

Transpiration, the process of water loss through leaves, is a crucial aspect of plant physiology. Understanding the factors affecting transpiration is essential for comprehending how plants interact with their environment and manage their internal water balance.

Introduction to Transpiration

Transpiration is the evaporation of water from plant leaves. It plays a pivotal role in plant water regulation and nutrient transport, impacting plant health and productivity.

Temperature and Transpiration Rate

Effect of Temperature

  • Increased Temperature: Elevated temperatures enhance water evaporation from mesophyll cells, leading to higher transpiration rates. The increased kinetic energy of water molecules at higher temperatures aids in their transition to the vapour state.
  • Temperature-Dependent Stomatal Behaviour: Temperature influences stomatal behaviour. In general, warmer conditions result in wider stomatal openings, thus increasing transpiration. However, extreme temperatures can cause stomatal closure to prevent excessive water loss.
  • Enzymatic Activity and Metabolism: Higher temperatures also boost enzymatic activity and metabolic rates in plants, which can indirectly affect transpiration by altering water and nutrient needs.
Graph showing the change in the rate of transpiration against temperature

Image courtesy of DGmann

Temperature Regulation

  • Cooler Climates: In cooler environments, transpiration rates decrease due to lower kinetic energy and reduced stomatal opening. This conserves water but may limit nutrient uptake.
  • Plant Adaptations: Different plants have evolved distinct thermal adaptations to manage transpiration. For instance, plants in hot, arid climates often have smaller leaves or waxy coatings to reduce transpiration.
Waxy cuticle of leaf surface to minimize water loss

Waxy cuticle of leaf surface to minimize water loss

Image courtesy of lakkot

Wind Speed and Transpiration

Influence of Wind

  • Wind and Humidity Gradient: Faster wind speeds remove the layer of humid air around the leaf surface more quickly, enhancing the water vapour concentration gradient and thus increasing transpiration.
  • Variability in Response: The response to wind varies among plant species. While some may close their stomata in high winds to prevent water loss, others may have structural adaptations to lessen the impact of wind.

Wind Speed Adaptations

  • Wind Shelter: Some plants grow in naturally sheltered areas or develop structural traits that reduce wind exposure, thereby moderating transpiration rates.
  • Structural Adaptations: Plants in windy environments might have smaller leaves, thicker cuticles, or a reduced number of stomata to decrease the effect of wind on transpiration.
Graph showing the change in the rate of transpiration against wind velocity

Image courtesy of DGmann

Internal Factors Influencing Transpiration

Surface Area

  • Leaf Surface Area: A larger surface area offers more space for stomata, increasing the potential for water loss through transpiration. The shape and size of leaves are critical in determining a plant's transpiration rate.
  • Structural Variations: Plants adapt to their environments through variations in leaf shape and size. Broad leaves typically transpire more than narrow leaves.

Stomata Size and Number

  • Stomatal Density and Distribution: The number and distribution of stomata significantly influence transpiration. High stomatal density typically correlates with increased transpiration rates.
  • Stomatal Size: The size of the stomata also affects transpiration. Larger stomata allow for more significant water vapour exchange but can lead to increased water loss.
Transpiration through stomata

Image courtesy of blueringmedia

Humidity Effects

  • Humidity and Water Vapour Gradient: High humidity levels slow down transpiration by reducing the gradient for water vapour diffusion from the leaf to the air. Conversely, low humidity conditions increase this gradient, thereby accelerating transpiration.
  • Plant Responses to Humidity: Plants can adjust their stomatal opening in response to humidity levels to regulate transpiration and water loss.

Integrating Factors

  • Combined Environmental Effects: The interaction of temperature, wind speed, and humidity often determines the overall transpiration rate. These factors do not operate in isolation but rather in a complex interplay.
  • Plant Adaptations to Multiple Factors: Plants may exhibit adaptations that respond to a combination of environmental factors, enabling them to optimise their transpiration rates according to prevailing conditions.

Practical Implications

  • Agriculture and Water Management: An understanding of transpiration factors is crucial for developing efficient irrigation strategies and selecting crop varieties suited to specific climates.
  • Conservation and Ecology: Insights into transpiration dynamics are essential for the conservation of plant species, especially in the context of climate change and habitat alteration.

In summary, transpiration is influenced by a variety of external and internal factors, including temperature, wind speed, humidity, leaf surface area, and stomatal characteristics. The interplay of these factors determines a plant's ability to regulate its water balance, nutrient uptake, and overall health. Understanding these dynamics is vital for applications in agriculture, horticulture, conservation, and ecological research.


Transpiration can have a noticeable impact on local climate conditions, primarily through its role in the water cycle and local humidity levels. When plants transpire, they release water vapour into the atmosphere. This increase in humidity can lead to the formation of microclimates, particularly in areas with dense vegetation, like forests. These microclimates tend to be cooler and more humid than surrounding areas. Furthermore, transpiration contributes to cloud formation and precipitation patterns. On a larger scale, extensive plant transpiration can influence regional climate patterns. For example, deforestation can lead to reduced transpiration, resulting in decreased local humidity and altered rainfall patterns, which can have broader climatic implications.

Different soil types can affect transpiration rates in plants by influencing the availability of water. Sandy soils, with larger particles and lower water retention capacity, often lead to higher transpiration rates. This is because plants in sandy soils may experience water stress more frequently, causing them to increase root surface area or root depth to absorb more water, which can lead to increased transpiration. In contrast, clayey soils with finer particles and higher water retention can provide more consistent water availability, potentially leading to a more regulated transpiration rate. However, if clayey soils become waterlogged, it can lead to reduced oxygen availability for roots, potentially affecting plant health and transpiration indirectly. The soil type also influences root growth patterns, nutrient availability, and microbial interactions, all of which can have an impact on a plant's transpiration rate.

Xerophytes are plants that are adapted to survive in arid conditions with minimal water availability. They have evolved a range of structural and physiological adaptations to reduce transpiration and conserve water. These adaptations include having a thick, waxy cuticle on their leaves and stems to reduce water loss, small leaf surface area to minimise direct exposure to sunlight, and often being covered with hairs or spines that create a humid microenvironment and reduce air movement around the stomatal openings. Additionally, many xerophytes have deep root systems to access water from deeper soil layers and may store water in their leaves or stems. Physiologically, some xerophytes perform a special type of photosynthesis known as Crassulacean Acid Metabolism (CAM), where they open their stomata at night to reduce water loss during the cooler, more humid conditions. These adaptations enable xerophytes to thrive in environments where water is a limiting factor.

Leaf orientation can significantly impact the rate of transpiration in plants. Leaves oriented towards the sun have a higher transpiration rate due to increased exposure to sunlight, which elevates leaf temperature and consequently enhances the evaporation of water. In contrast, leaves oriented away from direct sunlight experience lower temperatures, leading to reduced evaporation rates. Some plants have evolved to have vertical leaf orientation or the ability to change leaf angle throughout the day to minimise direct sun exposure, thereby reducing water loss through transpiration. This adaptation is particularly evident in plants growing in arid environments where water conservation is crucial. Furthermore, the orientation of leaves can also affect their exposure to wind, further influencing transpiration rates.

Guard cells play a crucial role in regulating transpiration by controlling the opening and closing of stomata. Stomata are small openings on the leaf surface that facilitate gas exchange and transpiration. Guard cells, which flank each stomatal pore, respond to environmental cues such as light, carbon dioxide levels, and internal water status. In response to light, guard cells absorb water, become turgid, and curve away from each other, opening the stomata. This increases transpiration by allowing more water vapour to escape. Conversely, in response to water stress or high carbon dioxide levels, guard cells lose turgidity, causing the stomata to close and reduce transpiration. This mechanism is vital for plants to maintain water balance, especially under varying environmental conditions.

Practice Questions

Explain how wind speed affects the transpiration rate in plants and describe one adaptation plants might have to reduce the impact of high wind speeds on transpiration.

Wind speed significantly influences the transpiration rate in plants. Increased wind speed enhances the transpiration rate by removing the layer of humid air surrounding the leaf, thereby increasing the concentration gradient for water vapour diffusion. This results in more rapid evaporation of water from the leaf surface. As an adaptation to high wind speeds, some plants develop structural modifications like smaller leaves, thicker cuticles, or a reduced number of stomata. These adaptations help in reducing the surface area exposed to wind and consequently lower the rate of transpiration, conserving water in windy conditions.

Describe how temperature and humidity jointly affect the transpiration rate in plants.

Temperature and humidity have a combined effect on the transpiration rate in plants. Higher temperatures increase the kinetic energy of water molecules, leading to an increased rate of evaporation from the mesophyll cells into the air spaces of leaves. However, the impact of temperature is also influenced by humidity levels. In high humidity conditions, the air is already saturated with water vapour, reducing the gradient for diffusion and thus slowing down transpiration. Conversely, low humidity conditions, coupled with high temperatures, create a steep gradient for water vapour diffusion, resulting in a higher transpiration rate. This interplay demonstrates the complex nature of environmental factors affecting plant physiology.

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