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AQA GCSE Biology Notes

3.3.1 Use and Effectiveness of Antibiotics

Antibiotics have revolutionized the treatment of bacterial infections, providing a crucial tool in modern medicine. This section delves into their use, functionality, and limitations, specifically highlighting their ineffectiveness against viruses.

Introduction to Antibiotics

Antibiotics are powerful medicines designed to fight bacterial infections. They either kill bacteria (bactericidal) or inhibit their growth (bacteriostatic).

The Role of Antibiotics in Medicine

Antibiotics have been instrumental in reducing mortality from bacterial infections.

Historical Perspective

  • Discovery: The first antibiotic, penicillin, was discovered in 1928 by Alexander Fleming.
  • Impact on Medicine: Led to a dramatic reduction in deaths from bacterial infections.

Modern Usage

  • Common Infections: Used for conditions like urinary tract infections, respiratory infections, and skin infections.
  • Surgery and Chemotherapy: Prophylactic use in surgeries and for patients with weakened immune systems.
Antibiotic penicillin and injection

Image courtesy of luchschenF

Types of Antibiotics

Antibiotics are diverse, each tailored to combat different bacterial infections.

Classification by Spectrum

  • Broad-Spectrum: Effective against a wide variety of bacteria. E.g., Amoxicillin.
  • Narrow-Spectrum: Target specific types of bacteria. E.g., Isoniazid, used for tuberculosis.

Classification by Action Mechanism

  • Cell Wall Synthesis Inhibitors: E.g., Penicillin.
  • Protein Synthesis Inhibitors: E.g., Tetracyclines.
  • Nucleic Acid Synthesis Inhibitors: E.g., Quinolones.
  • Metabolic Pathway Disruptors: E.g., Sulfonamides.

Treating Bacterial Infections with Antibiotics

The appropriate use of antibiotics is critical for their effectiveness.

Diagnosis and Prescription

  • Culture and Sensitivity Tests: Identify the causative bacteria and their sensitivity to antibiotics.
  • Choice of Antibiotic: Depends on infection location, patient age, and antibiotic resistance patterns.

Administration and Dosage

  • Routes of Administration: Oral, intravenous, topical, or intramuscular.
  • Dosage and Duration: Tailored to the infection type and patient's health status.
Various forms of drugs (pills, injections, liquids)

Image courtesy of Master1305 on freepik

Mechanism of Action of Antibiotics

Antibiotics target specific bacterial functions and structures.

Inhibiting Cell Wall Synthesis

  • Action: Prevent the synthesis of peptidoglycan, essential for bacterial cell wall integrity.
  • Consequence: Bacteria cannot maintain cell shape, leading to cell lysis and death.

Preventing Protein Synthesis

  • Action: Bind to bacterial ribosomes, disrupting protein assembly.
  • Consequence: Impaired protein production halts bacterial growth and function.

Disrupting Nucleic Acid Synthesis

  • Action: Inhibit enzymes crucial for DNA replication and repair.
  • Consequence: Prevents bacterial cell division and replication.

Interfering with Metabolic Pathways

  • Action: Mimic bacterial substrates to disrupt key metabolic processes.
  • Consequence: Inhibits bacterial growth and survival.

Limitations of Antibiotics: Ineffectiveness Against Viruses

Understanding why antibiotics cannot treat viral infections is vital.

Structural and Functional Differences

  • Bacterial Structure: Bacteria are complex, single-celled organisms with a cell wall and metabolic pathways, making them susceptible to antibiotics.
  • Viral Structure: Viruses are simpler, lacking these structures and relying on host cells for replication.

Antibiotic Action Mechanisms and Viruses

  • Target Absence: Antibiotics target bacterial-specific features absent in viruses.
  • Intracellular Nature of Viruses: Viruses reside inside host cells, beyond the reach of antibiotics.

The Consequences of Misuse

  • Antibiotic Resistance: Misusing antibiotics, such as for viral infections, can lead to antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
  • Public Health Concerns: Resistant bacteria pose significant challenges in healthcare, requiring stronger and more expensive treatments.
Illustration of how antibiotic resistance happens

Image courtesy of The Conversation


Prudent Use of Antibiotics

Responsible antibiotic use is essential for maintaining their effectiveness.

Avoiding Overprescription

  • Diagnostic Precision: Ensuring antibiotics are prescribed only when bacterial infections are confirmed.
  • Public Awareness: Educating the public about the proper use of antibiotics.

Completing Prescribed Courses

  • Importance: Incomplete courses can lead to resistant bacteria.
  • Patient Education: Emphasizing the necessity of following the prescribed regimen.

Monitoring and Surveillance

  • Resistance Tracking: Identifying patterns of resistance to guide future treatment strategies.
  • Global Efforts: Collaborative international efforts to monitor and respond to antibiotic resistance.


Antibiotics remain a cornerstone in the fight against bacterial infections. Their correct use, combined with an understanding of their mechanisms and limitations, is essential for effective treatment and the prevention of antibiotic resistance. This knowledge is not only crucial for healthcare professionals but also for the general public, to ensure these life-saving drugs continue to be effective for future generations.


Antibiotics cannot be used to treat all bacterial infections, as there are limitations to their use. The effectiveness of an antibiotic depends on the type of bacteria causing the infection and whether that bacteria is susceptible to the antibiotic. Some bacteria produce enzymes that can deactivate certain antibiotics, making those drugs ineffective. This is seen with penicillinase-producing bacteria that can resist penicillin. Additionally, some infections are caused by bacteria that naturally possess resistance to certain antibiotics. In such cases, those antibiotics will not be effective. Moreover, the site of infection also matters; some antibiotics may not reach sufficient concentrations in certain tissues or body fluids to be effective. For example, certain antibiotics cannot penetrate the blood-brain barrier and therefore cannot be used for brain infections. The choice of an antibiotic also depends on the patient's medical history, including any allergies to antibiotics and other underlying health conditions.

Antibiotics are not prescribed for common colds or flu because these illnesses are caused by viruses, and antibiotics are ineffective against viral infections. Antibiotics target specific features of bacteria, such as their cell walls, protein synthesis, and DNA replication processes. Viruses, however, lack these bacterial structures and instead rely on invading human cells to replicate. Treating viral infections like colds or flu with antibiotics does not alleviate symptoms, nor does it speed up the recovery process. Moreover, unnecessary use of antibiotics contributes to the serious problem of antibiotic resistance, where bacteria evolve mechanisms to survive antibiotic treatments. This makes future bacterial infections harder to treat. For viral infections like the common cold or flu, the best approach is typically supportive care, including rest, hydration, and over-the-counter medications to alleviate symptoms.

The time it takes for antibiotics to start working varies depending on the type of antibiotic, the severity of the infection, and the individual's health. Generally, antibiotics begin to work soon after they are taken. Many people start to feel better within a few days of starting antibiotics. However, this does not mean the infection is completely cleared. The full course of antibiotics should be completed to ensure that all the bacteria are killed and to prevent the development of resistance. Some bacterial infections may require longer courses of antibiotics, and it may take longer for symptoms to improve in these cases. It's also important to note that while antibiotics may start acting quickly, they may not immediately alleviate all symptoms of the infection, as some symptoms are due to the body's immune response to the bacteria, not the bacteria themselves.

The long-term use of antibiotics can have several effects on the body. One of the most significant concerns is the development of antibiotic resistance, where bacteria evolve to become resistant to antibiotics, making future infections harder to treat. Another concern is the disruption of the body's natural microbial flora, particularly in the gut. This can lead to a range of gastrointestinal issues, including diarrhoea, and can also impact the immune system. In rare cases, prolonged use of certain antibiotics can lead to more serious side effects, such as kidney or liver damage, or hearing problems. Additionally, there is emerging evidence suggesting that long-term antibiotic use may be linked to increased risks of certain health issues, such as heart problems or certain types of cancer, though more research is needed in these areas. It's important for antibiotics to be used judiciously and only when necessary, and for patients to discuss any concerns about long-term antibiotic use with their healthcare provider.

Antibiotics, particularly broad-spectrum types, do not specifically distinguish between harmful and beneficial bacteria. They act on bacteria that are sensitive to their mechanism of action, which can include both pathogenic (harmful) and commensal (beneficial) bacteria. This is why antibiotic use can sometimes lead to side effects like diarrhoea or yeast infections, as these medications can disrupt the normal bacterial flora in the gut and other areas of the body. Beneficial bacteria in our body play crucial roles in digestion, synthesising certain vitamins, and protecting against pathogenic bacteria. When antibiotics reduce the population of these beneficial bacteria, it can temporarily weaken some of these functions, leading to gastrointestinal issues and an increased susceptibility to other infections. This is also why probiotics are often recommended during or after antibiotic therapy, to help restore the balance of beneficial bacteria.

Practice Questions

Explain why antibiotics are effective against bacterial infections but not viral infections. Include in your answer the differences in the structure of bacteria and viruses. (6 marks)

Antibiotics are designed to target specific structures and metabolic pathways present in bacteria but absent in viruses. Bacteria are complex, single-celled organisms with a cell wall and their own metabolic processes. Antibiotics like penicillin disrupt the synthesis of the bacterial cell wall, causing the bacteria to die. In contrast, viruses lack a cell wall and do not have the same metabolic pathways as bacteria. They replicate inside host cells, utilising the host's machinery. Since antibiotics target bacterial-specific features, they are ineffective against viruses, which do not possess these targets. The difference in structure and life cycles between bacteria and viruses is the key reason why antibiotics cannot be used to treat viral infections.

Describe how the misuse of antibiotics can lead to antibiotic resistance. (6 marks)

The misuse of antibiotics, such as using them to treat viral infections or not completing the prescribed course, can lead to antibiotic resistance. When antibiotics are used inappropriately, some bacteria may survive the treatment, especially if the antibiotic dosage is insufficient or if the course is not completed. These surviving bacteria can develop resistance to the antibiotic, either through genetic mutations or by acquiring resistance genes from other bacteria. This resistance can then spread among bacterial populations. Over time, this leads to the emergence of bacterial strains that are resistant to multiple antibiotics, making infections harder to treat and requiring stronger, more expensive antibiotics. Responsible use of antibiotics is crucial to prevent the development and spread of resistant bacteria, ensuring these drugs remain effective for treating bacterial infections.

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