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AQA GCSE Biology Notes

2.18.1 Excretion through Lungs

Excretion is an essential biological function wherein metabolic waste products are eliminated from an organism's body. In humans, several organs contribute to this process, with the lungs playing a pivotal role in the excretion of certain wastes, particularly carbon dioxide (CO₂). This function of the lungs is often overshadowed by their primary role in respiration. Understanding the lungs' excretory function is crucial for comprehending how the body maintains its internal balance and health.

Diagram of lungs on white background

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Carbon Dioxide: A Metabolic Waste Product

  • Origin of Carbon Dioxide: Carbon dioxide is produced as a by-product of the metabolic processes within the body's cells, predominantly during cellular respiration. It is the result of the oxidation of carbohydrates and fats.
  • Importance of Carbon Dioxide Removal: The accumulation of CO₂ in the body can lead to respiratory acidosis, a condition where the blood becomes too acidic. This can disrupt the delicate pH balance crucial for numerous biological processes.
  • Role of Lungs in Excretion: The lungs serve as the primary organ for removing carbon dioxide. They not only facilitate gas exchange but also play a crucial role in maintaining the acid-base balance of the blood.

Gas Exchange in the Alveoli

The alveoli, microscopic sacs within the lungs, are the sites of gas exchange. This process is essential for the excretion of carbon dioxide and the inhalation of oxygen.

Structure of Alveoli

  • Alveolar Walls: Each alveolus is enclosed by a thin wall composed of a single layer of epithelial cells. This thinness is vital for the diffusion of gases.
  • Capillary Network: Every alveolus is surrounded by a dense network of capillaries. These blood vessels are so close to the alveolar walls that gases can easily move between the blood and the alveoli.
  • Large Surface Area: The human lungs contain approximately 480 million alveoli, providing a vast surface area (about the size of a tennis court) to maximise gas exchange.
Diagram showing lungs and alveoli

Image courtesy of Database Center for Life Sciense

Mechanism of Gas Exchange

1. Inhalation Process: When we inhale, air containing oxygen enters the alveoli.

2. Oxygen Diffusion: Oxygen diffuses from the alveoli into the blood in the capillaries due to the higher concentration of oxygen in the alveoli compared to the blood.

3. Carbon Dioxide Transportation: Concurrently, carbon dioxide, being higher in concentration in the blood than in the alveoli, diffuses from the blood into the alveoli.

4. Exhalation of Carbon Dioxide: The body then exhales this carbon dioxide-rich air, effectively removing this metabolic waste from the system.

Gaseous exchange between alveoli and blood capillary

Image courtesy of Prina123

Importance of Gas Exchange

  • Removal of Carbon Dioxide: This exchange is essential for the removal of carbon dioxide, keeping the body's internal environment stable.
  • Oxygen Supply for Cells: The process also ensures a continuous supply of oxygen, which is vital for cellular respiration and energy production.
  • Maintaining pH Balance: Efficient gas exchange helps maintain the pH balance in the body, which is critical for the functioning of enzymes and other biochemical processes.

Detailed Analysis of Carbon Dioxide Excretion

The excretion of carbon dioxide through the lungs is a continuous and dynamic process that plays a vital role in maintaining homeostasis.

Respiratory Control of CO₂ Levels

  • Respiratory Centre in the Brain: The brain's respiratory centre continuously monitors the levels of CO₂ in the blood. High levels of CO₂ can stimulate the respiratory centre to increase breathing rate and depth.
  • Feedback Mechanism: This is a classic example of a negative feedback mechanism. As CO₂ levels rise, the rate of breathing increases, leading to more CO₂ being exhaled, thereby reducing its concentration in the blood.
  • Role in pH Regulation: Carbon dioxide, when dissolved in blood, forms carbonic acid, which can decrease the pH of the blood. By regulating CO₂ levels, the lungs play a crucial role in maintaining the acid-base balance in the body.

The Impact of Carbon Dioxide on Blood pH

  • Carbonic Acid Formation: When CO₂ reacts with water in the blood, it forms carbonic acid. This acid then dissociates into hydrogen ions and bicarbonate ions.
  • Buffer Systems: The body's buffer systems, particularly the bicarbonate buffer system, help to mitigate changes in pH caused by fluctuations in CO₂ levels.
CO₂ as a Key Regulator of Blood pH- CO₂ reacts with water in the bloodstream to form carbonic acid, which dissociates into hydrogen ions and bicarbonate ions.

Image courtesy of OpenStax College


The lungs' role in excreting carbon dioxide is a fundamental aspect of human physiology. It illustrates the intricate balance the body maintains through its various systems. Understanding the process of gas exchange in the alveoli, and how it ties into the larger picture of metabolic waste removal and pH balance, is crucial for students studying human biology and respiratory physiology. This knowledge not only provides insight into the normal functioning of the body but also forms the basis for understanding respiratory-related diseases and conditions.


Yes, environmental changes can affect the excretion of carbon dioxide in the lungs. For example, at high altitudes, the lower oxygen levels in the air can cause hyperventilation as the body attempts to take in more oxygen. This increased breathing rate can lead to a greater expulsion of carbon dioxide, which might cause a decrease in its levels in the blood, leading to respiratory alkalosis, a condition where the blood becomes too alkaline. Conversely, in polluted environments, harmful particles can enter the lungs and impair gas exchange in the alveoli. This can reduce the efficiency of carbon dioxide excretion and oxygen absorption, leading to respiratory problems. Therefore, environmental factors play a significant role in the respiratory system's functioning and the efficiency of gas exchange processes in the lungs.

If the alveoli did not function properly in gas exchange, it would lead to significant health issues. The most immediate impact would be on the body's ability to oxygenate blood and remove carbon dioxide efficiently. This impairment could lead to a condition called hypoxemia, where there is insufficient oxygen in the blood, and hypercapnia, an excess of carbon dioxide. Symptoms of these conditions include shortness of breath, fatigue, and in severe cases, confusion and dizziness due to the alteration in blood pH and reduced oxygen supply to the brain. Long-term effects could include chronic respiratory illnesses, organ damage due to lack of oxygen, and in extreme cases, respiratory failure. Diseases like emphysema and pulmonary fibrosis, which damage the alveoli, demonstrate these effects in patients.

During physical activity, the body's metabolic rate increases, leading to an enhanced production of carbon dioxide as the cells consume more oxygen and produce more energy. To cope with this increased production of carbon dioxide, the respiratory system adjusts by increasing the breathing rate and depth of breaths. This acceleration in breathing helps in expelling more carbon dioxide from the lungs at a faster rate, preventing the buildup of this waste product in the blood. Additionally, during intense physical activity, the body may switch to anaerobic respiration (respiration without oxygen), which also produces carbon dioxide. The efficient removal of this increased carbon dioxide is crucial to prevent respiratory acidosis and maintain the acid-base balance in the body. The body's ability to adjust the respiratory rate in response to physical activity is a key aspect of its homeostatic regulation.

Carbon dioxide is considered a waste product because it is a by-product of the body's metabolic processes, primarily cellular respiration, and it cannot be used further by the body. During cellular respiration, cells break down glucose and other nutrients to produce energy, water, and carbon dioxide. This process occurs in the mitochondria of cells and is fundamental for energy production. However, the accumulation of carbon dioxide is detrimental as it can lead to a decrease in blood pH, causing acidosis. Therefore, the body needs to efficiently remove carbon dioxide to maintain homeostasis. The majority of the carbon dioxide produced in the body comes from the oxidative metabolism of nutrients in tissues, especially highly active ones like the brain, muscle, and liver.

The body has a sophisticated mechanism to adjust breathing rate in response to changes in carbon dioxide levels. This regulation is primarily controlled by the medulla oblongata, a part of the brainstem. When the levels of carbon dioxide in the blood increase, it leads to a rise in the concentration of hydrogen ions (acidic condition), lowering the blood's pH. The chemoreceptors in the medulla oblongata, along with peripheral chemoreceptors in the carotid arteries and aorta, sense this change. In response, the respiratory centre in the medulla sends signals to increase the breathing rate and depth. This enhanced breathing rate leads to more carbon dioxide being exhaled, which helps to bring the blood pH back to normal. This negative feedback system is crucial for maintaining the body's pH balance and is particularly active during physical exertion or in situations where carbon dioxide production is increased.

Practice Questions

Describe the role of the lungs in the excretion of carbon dioxide. Include in your answer the process of gas exchange in the alveoli. (6 marks)

The lungs play a crucial role in excreting carbon dioxide, a metabolic waste product, from the body. This process is achieved through gas exchange in the alveoli, tiny air sacs in the lungs. During inhalation, oxygen-rich air fills the alveoli, and oxygen diffuses across the thin alveolar walls into the blood in the surrounding capillaries. Simultaneously, carbon dioxide, produced as a waste product from cellular respiration, diffuses from the blood into the alveoli due to its higher concentration in the blood. This gas exchange ensures that oxygen is supplied to the body's tissues and carbon dioxide is removed efficiently. Exhalation then expels the carbon dioxide-rich air from the lungs. This mechanism is essential for maintaining the body's pH balance, as excess carbon dioxide can lead to respiratory acidosis.

Explain how the structure of the alveoli makes them efficient for gas exchange. (4 marks)

The alveoli are highly efficient for gas exchange due to their structural features. Firstly, they have very thin walls, consisting of a single layer of epithelial cells, which minimises the distance over which gases have to diffuse. This allows for rapid diffusion of oxygen into the blood and carbon dioxide out of it. Secondly, the alveoli are surrounded by a dense network of capillaries, ensuring that the blood supply is close to the air in the alveoli, further facilitating efficient gas exchange. Lastly, the alveoli provide a large surface area – about the size of a tennis court in total – which maximises the area available for gas exchange. This extensive surface area is critical for meeting the body's high oxygen demands and effectively removing carbon dioxide.

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