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AQA GCSE Biology Notes

1.10.2 Enzyme Action and Specificity

The study of enzymes is pivotal in understanding biochemical processes in living organisms. This detailed exploration delves into the mechanisms of enzyme action and the specificity that characterizes these biological catalysts.

Introduction to Enzyme Action

Enzymes are vital proteins that catalyze biochemical reactions within living cells, playing a critical role in various metabolic processes. They work by lowering the activation energy required for reactions, thereby accelerating the rate at which these reactions occur.

The Active Site: A Key to Enzyme Functionality

  • Definition and Structure: The active site is a specific region on the enzyme where the substrate molecules bind. This site is uniquely structured to fit particular substrate molecules.
  • Shape Complementarity Principle: The shape of the active site is complementary to the shape of its specific substrate. This complementarity ensures high specificity, allowing the enzyme to bind only with particular substrates.
  • Lock and Key Model Explanation: This model, proposed by Emil Fischer, likens the enzyme and substrate interaction to a lock and its key. Only the correctly shaped key (substrate) fits into the lock (enzyme's active site).
Lock and key model of enzyme-substrate specificity

Lock and key model

Image courtesy of Biologyteach1066

Enzyme-Substrate Complex: The Catalyst at Work

  • Formation and Binding: When the substrate fits into the active site of the enzyme, an enzyme-substrate complex is formed. This is often facilitated by changes in the enzyme's structure, known as induced fit.
  • Catalytic Role: In the complex, the enzyme catalyzes the conversion of the substrate into product(s), either by breaking down a single substrate or combining substrates.
  • Release of Product: After the reaction, the product(s) are released from the enzyme, which remains unchanged and available to catalyze subsequent reactions.
Formation of enzyme-substrate complex and mechanism of enzyme

Image courtesy of Aejahnke

Specificity of Enzymes: Determined by Structure

  • Molecular Recognition and Binding: The specificity of an enzyme is attributed to the precise shape and chemical properties of its active site. Only substrates with complementary shapes and properties can effectively bind.
  • Structural Changes Impacting Specificity: Factors such as pH and temperature can alter the enzyme's structure, impacting its ability to bind substrates. Denaturation may occur under extreme conditions, permanently affecting enzyme functionality.

Factors Influencing Enzyme Action

  • pH and Temperature Effects: Each enzyme has an optimal pH and temperature range for maximum activity. Deviations can lead to reduced efficiency or denaturation.
  • Enzyme and Substrate Concentrations: The rate of an enzymatic reaction is influenced by the concentrations of the enzyme and the substrate. While increased enzyme concentration typically enhances the reaction rate, the effect of substrate concentration follows a saturation curve.
  • Inhibitors and Activators: Some molecules can inhibit or activate enzymes. Inhibitors can be competitive (binding to the active site) or non-competitive (binding elsewhere), while activators enhance enzyme activity.
Inhibition of enzymes by enzyme inhibitors

Image courtesy of Thomas Shafee

Enzyme Kinetics: Understanding the Rates

  • Michaelis-Menten Kinetics: This model describes the rate of enzymatic reactions by relating the reaction rate to substrate concentration.
  • Rate Determination: The rate of an enzymatic reaction increases with substrate concentration up to a point where all active sites are occupied, known as the Vmax (maximum rate).
Michaelis-Menten kinetics graph

Image courtesy of Thomas Shafee

Importance of Enzymes in Metabolic Reactions

  • Role in Metabolism: Enzymes are essential for metabolic pathways, facilitating reactions necessary for cellular function, energy production, and synthesis of biomolecules.
  • Biological Significance: The specificity and efficiency of enzymes ensure that metabolic reactions occur at suitable rates, critical for maintaining life’s delicate balance.

In conclusion, enzymes are fundamental components of biological systems, facilitating a myriad of reactions necessary for life. Their action is characterized by specificity, governed by the unique structures of their active sites. Understanding enzyme kinetics and the factors influencing their activity is crucial for comprehending the complexities of metabolic pathways. This knowledge is not only vital for academic pursuits in biology but also has practical applications in medicine, biotechnology, and various other fields.


While most enzymes are highly specific, catalyzing reactions with a single type of substrate, some enzymes can act on multiple substrates. These enzymes, known as multisubstrate enzymes, have active sites that can accommodate different substrates with similar structures or chemical properties. A classic example is the enzyme lipase, which breaks down various types of lipids. Another example is hexokinase, an enzyme involved in glycolysis, which can phosphorylate different six-carbon sugars, although it has a higher affinity for glucose. The ability of these enzymes to act on multiple substrates is crucial for metabolic flexibility and efficiency, allowing organisms to adapt to changes in nutrient availability and to efficiently utilize different metabolic pathways.

The lock and key model and the induced fit model are two concepts used to describe enzyme-substrate interactions. The lock and key model, proposed by Emil Fischer, suggests that the enzyme's active site is exactly complementary to the shape of the substrate, similar to a key fitting into a lock. This model implies a very rigid and precise interaction. In contrast, the induced fit model, proposed by Daniel Koshland, suggests that the binding of the substrate induces a change in the shape of the enzyme's active site. This model accounts for a more dynamic interaction where the active site conforms to the shape of the substrate upon binding. The induced fit model is more widely accepted as it explains why enzymes are so specific yet able to catalyze reactions rapidly and efficiently. It also accounts for the flexibility of enzyme structures, which is not explained by the lock and key model.

Enzyme concentration plays a vital role in determining the rate of a biochemical reaction. In a given reaction, increasing the concentration of the enzyme typically speeds up the reaction, as more enzyme molecules are available to form enzyme-substrate complexes. However, this increase in reaction rate is only observed up to a certain point. Once all the substrate molecules are bound to enzymes (i.e., when the substrate is saturated), adding more enzyme will not increase the reaction rate further. This plateau occurs because there are no more substrate molecules available for additional enzyme molecules to act upon. Therefore, enzyme concentration is a crucial factor in controlling the speed of metabolic reactions within cells, and in industrial applications where enzymes are used to catalyze specific reactions. Understanding the relationship between enzyme and substrate concentrations is fundamental in biochemistry, especially in enzyme kinetics and metabolic regulation.

Enzyme inhibitors are molecules that decrease or halt the activity of enzymes. They can bind to enzymes in a way that either prevents substrate binding or reduces the enzyme's ability to catalyze reactions. There are two main types of inhibitors: competitive and non-competitive. Competitive inhibitors resemble the substrate and compete for the active site, thereby reducing enzyme activity. An example is methotrexate, which inhibits the enzyme dihydrofolate reductase, used in cancer treatment. Non-competitive inhibitors bind to a different part of the enzyme, causing a change in its shape and function. This binding can either reduce enzyme activity or completely inhibit it. Enzyme inhibitors play a significant role in regulating metabolic pathways, serving as a control mechanism to prevent overproduction or underproduction of specific substances within cells.

Environmental factors such as pH and temperature have a profound impact on enzyme activity and structure. Each enzyme has an optimal pH and temperature range within which it functions most efficiently. Deviations from these optimal conditions can lead to changes in the enzyme's three-dimensional structure, particularly the active site. For instance, extreme pH levels can cause denaturation, wherein the enzyme loses its specific shape, rendering it inactive. Similarly, high temperatures can increase the kinetic energy of enzyme molecules, leading to structural instability and denaturation. Conversely, low temperatures may not denature enzymes but can significantly reduce their activity by decreasing molecular movement, thus slowing down the rate of enzyme-substrate complex formation. Understanding these environmental impacts is crucial for controlling enzymatic reactions in industrial processes and in understanding how organisms adapt to different environmental conditions.

Practice Questions

Explain how the structure of an enzyme's active site determines its specificity and function.

The active site of an enzyme is uniquely structured to fit specific substrate molecules, a concept known as structural complementarity. This specificity is due to the precise arrangement of atoms in the active site, which matches the shape and chemical properties of its substrate. When the substrate binds to the active site, an enzyme-substrate complex is formed, leading to a biochemical reaction. The enzyme catalyzes the reaction without being consumed or permanently altered. Factors like pH and temperature can influence the shape and function of the active site, thus affecting enzyme activity. This specificity is essential for the correct functioning of metabolic pathways in organisms.

Describe the process of enzyme-substrate complex formation and its significance in enzymatic reactions.

The formation of an enzyme-substrate complex is a key step in enzymatic reactions. It begins when a substrate molecule binds to the active site of an enzyme, fitting perfectly due to complementary shapes. This binding can cause slight changes in the enzyme's structure, enhancing the fit, a phenomenon known as induced fit. The enzyme then catalyzes the conversion of the substrate into product(s), lowering the activation energy required for the reaction. This process is significant as it increases the rate of biochemical reactions, enabling them to occur at a pace necessary for life. Post-reaction, the products are released, and the enzyme remains unchanged, ready to facilitate another reaction.

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