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AQA GCSE Biology Notes

2.9.1 Process of Translocation

Translocation is a complex and essential process in plants, involving the transport of nutrients, particularly sucrose and amino acids, throughout the plant body. This process is critical for the survival, growth, and development of plants.

What is Translocation?

Translocation in plants refers to the movement of soluble products of photosynthesis, such as sucrose, and amino acids through the phloem from areas of production or storage to areas of utilisation or storage. This transport mechanism is vital for distributing nutrients to various parts of the plant.

Components of Translocation:

  • Sucrose: A disaccharide formed from glucose and fructose during photosynthesis in the leaves.
  • Amino Acids: Organic compounds combining to form proteins, essential for plant growth.
  • Phloem: A component of the plant's vascular system, responsible for long-distance transport of organic substances.

Mechanism of Translocation

The process begins at the source, where photosynthesis in the leaves generates sugars. These sugars, mainly in the form of sucrose, are actively transported into the phloem sieve tubes. Along with sugars, amino acids produced in the leaves or absorbed by the roots are also transported.

The Role of Phloem

  • Transport Function: The phloem carries sucrose and amino acids from the source areas to the sink areas.
  • Loading and Unloading: Sucrose and amino acids are actively loaded into the phloem and then unloaded at the sink sites for immediate use or storage.

Sources and Sinks in Plants


  • Characteristics: Parts of the plant where synthesis or release of sucrose and amino acids occurs.
  • Common Sources: These include photosynthetically active organs like mature leaves and green stems.
  • Primary Role: They synthesise and release carbohydrates and amino acids into the phloem.


  • Characteristics: Parts of the plant where these transported materials are consumed or stored.
  • Common Sinks: Growing regions like roots, developing leaves, fruits, and seeds.
  • Function: Utilisation of nutrients for growth, development, and storage for future use.
Function of xylem and phloem in plant

Image courtesy of CNX OpenStax

Significance of Translocation

Translocation plays an indispensable role in a plant’s life, ensuring the survival and proper functioning of all its parts.

Importance of Translocation

  • Nutrient Distribution: Ensures that all parts of the plant, including those incapable of photosynthesis, receive essential nutrients.
  • Supports Growth: Provides necessary nutrients for the growth of non-photosynthetic plant parts.
  • Facilitates Reproduction: Crucial for developing reproductive structures like fruits and seeds.

Source-Sink Dynamics

The roles of sources and sinks in plants are dynamic and can change based on the plant's developmental stage or environmental conditions. This adaptability is key to the plant's survival and efficiency.

Dynamics of Source and Sink

  • Seasonal Variations: Leaves act as sources during active growth periods (like summer) and become sinks during other stages (such as spring).
  • Developmental Shifts: A young leaf, initially a sink, becomes a source as it matures and begins photosynthesis.
Picture of plant with young leaves

Image courtesy of Vinayaraj

Physiological Importance

This dynamic relationship between sources and sinks allows plants to adapt to environmental changes and allocate resources effectively.

Adaptation and Resource Allocation

  • Adaptive Responses: Allows plants to respond to environmental changes and stresses, such as drought or nutrient deficiency.
  • Resource Management: Ensures effective distribution and utilisation of resources for optimal growth, development, and reproduction.

Translocation Process in Detail

Phloem Loading and Unloading

  • Loading: Sucrose is actively transported into sieve tube elements of the phloem. This process involves proton pumps creating a concentration gradient, which facilitates sucrose movement against its gradient.
  • Unloading: At the sink, sucrose is removed from the phloem, either for immediate use in metabolic processes or for storage.

Pressure Flow Hypothesis

  • This hypothesis explains how translocation occurs in the phloem. The high concentration of sugars at the source creates a high osmotic pressure, leading to the movement of water into the phloem, which increases pressure and drives the flow towards the sinks.

Environmental and Developmental Factors Affecting Translocation

  • Light Intensity: Influences the rate of photosynthesis, thus affecting the availability of sugars for translocation.
  • Temperature: Affects the rate of metabolic processes, including those involved in phloem loading and unloading.
  • Plant Hormones: Hormones like auxins can influence the differentiation of source and sink regions.

Translocation and Plant Health

Translocation is not just a nutrient distribution system; it's also crucial for the overall health of the plant. Efficient translocation ensures that all parts of the plant are well-nourished, which is essential for the plant’s ability to resist diseases and pests.


In summary, translocation is a fundamental physiological process in plants. It involves the complex movement of sugars and amino acids through the phloem from sources to sinks, ensuring the distribution of vital nutrients necessary for the plant's growth, development, and adaptation to environmental changes. Understanding this process is essential for comprehending plant biology and physiology.


Active transport plays a critical role in phloem loading and unloading. In phloem loading, sucrose is actively transported from the photosynthetic cells into the phloem sieve tubes against its concentration gradient. This process involves the use of energy in the form of ATP to move sucrose into the phloem, establishing a high concentration within the sieve tubes. During unloading, sucrose is actively transported out of the phloem into the sink tissues, again using energy. This active transport mechanism is essential for maintaining the concentration gradient necessary for the pressure flow hypothesis to work, thereby ensuring efficient translocation of nutrients to various parts of the plant.

The structure of the phloem is intricately designed to facilitate efficient translocation. Phloem consists primarily of sieve tube elements and companion cells. Sieve tube elements, which are long and cylindrical, form a continuous channel for the transport of nutrients. They have reduced cytoplasmic content and lack a nucleus, which minimises resistance to flow. The sieve plates between these elements allow for the easy passage of the nutrient-rich sap. Companion cells, closely associated with sieve tube elements, play a crucial role in loading and unloading substances into the phloem. Their high metabolic activity supports the active transport mechanisms necessary for phloem loading. Together, these features enable the phloem to function as an effective conduit for nutrient transport.

Environmental factors such as temperature, light intensity, and water availability significantly affect translocation in plants. Temperature influences the rate of enzymatic reactions involved in phloem loading and unloading; higher temperatures generally increase the rate of these reactions, thus enhancing translocation. Light intensity affects photosynthesis, influencing the amount of sucrose available for translocation. Higher light intensity typically results in increased photosynthetic activity, thereby increasing the sucrose concentration for transport. Water availability is crucial as well, as water entering the phloem increases turgor pressure, driving the movement of the sap. Drought conditions can slow down or impede translocation due to reduced water availability and subsequent pressure differences.

Some plants utilise both symplastic and apoplastic pathways for phloem loading to adapt to varying environmental conditions and to maximise efficiency. The symplastic pathway involves the movement of sucrose through plasmodesmata, cell-to-cell connections, directly from the photosynthetic cells to the sieve tubes without crossing cell membranes. This method is energy-efficient but may be slower. The apoplastic pathway, on the other hand, involves sucrose being transported out of the photosynthetic cells into the cell wall space (apoplast) and then actively transported into the sieve tube elements. This pathway is faster but requires more energy as it involves active transport across cell membranes. The ability to switch between these pathways allows plants to optimally balance energy expenditure and transport efficiency under different physiological and environmental conditions.

The concentration of sucrose in the source significantly influences the rate of translocation. High sucrose concentration in the source, generally the leaves, creates a steep concentration gradient between the source and the sink. This gradient is crucial for osmotic pressure differences, which drive the movement of water into the phloem, increasing the turgor pressure. As a result, this pressure difference propels the sucrose solution towards the sink. In essence, the higher the sucrose concentration at the source, the greater the pressure gradient, leading to a faster rate of translocation. This relationship is pivotal in maintaining efficient nutrient distribution, especially during periods of active growth or when the plant is synthesising large amounts of carbohydrates through photosynthesis.

Practice Questions

Explain how the process of translocation in plants contributes to the growth and development of a plant. (6 marks)

Translocation, the movement of sucrose and amino acids through the phloem, is pivotal for plant growth and development. In this process, substances are transported from sources, like mature leaves, where they are produced, to sinks, such as roots and fruits, where they are needed. This distribution ensures that all parts of the plant, irrespective of their photosynthetic ability, receive essential nutrients. Sucrose provides energy, while amino acids are vital for protein synthesis. Furthermore, translocation helps in the storage of nutrients, which is crucial for periods of dormancy and for reproductive development, including fruit and seed formation. Hence, translocation not only sustains growth but also aids in the plant's overall health and reproductive success.

Describe the changes in the roles of leaves as sources and sinks during different stages of a plant's life cycle. (4 marks)

Leaves in plants exhibit dynamic roles as sources and sinks, changing throughout the plant's life cycle. Initially, when a leaf is young and growing, it acts as a sink, receiving nutrients like sucrose and amino acids for growth and development. As the leaf matures and becomes capable of photosynthesis, it transitions into a source. Here, it produces sucrose and amino acids, which are then transported to other parts of the plant. This shift is crucial for the plant's adaptability, allowing it to allocate resources efficiently during different stages of growth, ensuring survival, and optimal functioning.

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