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AQA GCSE Biology Notes

2.12.2 Capillaries and Exchange Processes


Capillaries, the smallest and most numerous blood vessels in the human body, are central to the circulatory system, playing a pivotal role in the exchange of nutrients, gases, and waste products between the blood and tissues.

Structure of Capillaries

General Features

  • Small Diameter: Typically measuring between 5-10 micrometres, capillaries are so narrow that red blood cells can only pass through them in a single file.
  • Wall Structure: The walls of capillaries consist of a single layer of endothelial cells. This thin layer facilitates efficient exchange of materials.
  • Permeability: High permeability of capillary walls allows for the easy transfer of gases, nutrients, and waste products.
  • Network Formation: Capillaries form extensive networks or capillary beds in tissues, ensuring that all cells are close to a capillary.

Detailed Wall Structure

  • Endothelial Cells: These are the primary component of capillary walls. They are flattened and have small gaps, known as intercellular clefts, which allow for the passage of substances.
  • Basement Membrane: Surrounding the endothelial cells is a thin, extracellular layer known as the basement membrane, which provides support and filters substances passing through the capillary wall.
  • Absence of Muscle Fibres and Elastic Tissue: Unlike arteries and veins, capillaries lack smooth muscle fibres and elastic tissue, which is why they cannot contract or expand actively.
Labelled structure of capillaries

Image courtesy of Microbe Notes


Function of Capillaries

Exchange of Gases

  • Oxygen Delivery: Oxygen, carried by red blood cells, diffuses from the capillaries into the surrounding tissue cells, where it is used for cellular respiration.
  • Carbon Dioxide Removal: Carbon dioxide, a waste product of cellular respiration, diffuses from the tissues into the capillaries to be carried back to the lungs for exhalation.

Nutrient and Waste Exchange

  • Nutrients: Essential nutrients like glucose, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals diffuse from the blood in the capillaries into the tissues, where they are used for various cellular processes.
  • Waste Products: Metabolic wastes, including urea and lactic acid, diffuse from the tissues into the blood within capillaries to be transported to organs like the kidneys and liver for detoxification and excretion.

Role in Homeostasis

  • Fluid Balance: Capillaries play a key role in maintaining the balance of fluid between blood and tissues. This is crucial for maintaining blood pressure and tissue hydration.
Diagram showing The exchange between capillary and body tissue

Image courtesy of Julia222t

Capillary Beds and Exchange Processes

Formation of Capillary Beds

  • Networks of Capillaries: In tissues, capillaries form dense networks known as capillary beds, which provide a large surface area for exchange.
  • Precapillary Sphincters: These are ring-like muscles at the entrance of capillary beds that regulate blood flow into the beds, ensuring that blood is directed to tissues as needed.
Formation of Capillary Beds and Precapillary Sphincters

Image courtesy of OpenStax College

Mechanisms of Exchange

  • Diffusion: The primary method for exchanging gases and small molecules, driven by concentration gradients.
  • Filtration and Reabsorption: Fluids and some solutes pass out of the blood through the capillary wall at the arterial end (filtration) and are reabsorbed at the venous end, maintaining fluid balance.

Exchange at the Cellular Level

Diffusion Process

  • Simple Diffusion: Small, non-polar molecules like oxygen and carbon dioxide pass directly through the endothelial cell membranes by simple diffusion.
  • Facilitated Diffusion: Larger, polar molecules like glucose require specific carrier proteins to help them cross the endothelial cell membrane.

Osmosis and Fluid Movement

  • Osmosis: The movement of water through the capillary walls, driven by the concentration gradient of solutes, is vital for maintaining tissue fluid balance.
  • Hydrostatic Pressure: At the arterial end of the capillary, blood pressure forces fluid out of the capillary into the surrounding tissues.
  • Oncotic Pressure: At the venous end, the osmotic pressure created by plasma proteins in the blood draws water back into the capillary, preventing excessive fluid loss.

Adaptations for Efficient Exchange

Proximity to Cells

  • Short Diffusion Distance: The close proximity of capillaries to body cells ensures that the diffusion distances are short, allowing for rapid exchange of substances.

Large Surface Area

  • Extensive Capillary Networks: The extensive network of capillaries throughout the body provides a large surface area, facilitating efficient exchange.

Slow Blood Flow

  • Reduced Velocity: The narrow diameter and extensive network of capillaries reduce the velocity of blood flow, allowing more time for the exchange processes to take place.

Summary of Capillary Functions

  • Oxygen and Nutrient Supply: Capillaries are responsible for delivering oxygen and essential nutrients to body tissues.
  • Waste Removal: They also play a key role in removing carbon dioxide and other metabolic wastes from tissues.
  • Fluid Balance Maintenance: By regulating fluid exchange, capillaries help maintain tissue health and overall fluid balance in the body.

Clinical Relevance

  • Implications in Disease: Damage or dysfunction in capillaries can lead to a range of health issues, including tissue ischemia (lack of oxygen), oedema (excess fluid in tissues), and impaired wound healing.
  • Importance in Healing: Effective capillary function is essential for wound healing and tissue repair, as they supply necessary nutrients and oxygen to damaged areas and remove debris and waste products.

In conclusion, capillaries are essential for the efficient functioning of the human body. They provide a critical interface for the exchange of gases, nutrients, and waste products between the bloodstream and tissues. Understanding the structure and function of capillaries is key to appreciating their role in maintaining a stable internal environment and responding to the body's metabolic needs.


Capillaries are crucial in the process of excreting waste products from the body. They transport waste products from body tissues to organs of excretion, like the kidneys and lungs. In the kidneys, capillaries form intricate networks around the nephrons, the functional units of the kidney. Here, waste products like urea and excess salts are filtered from the blood into the kidney tubules, eventually forming urine, which is excreted. In the lungs, capillaries surrounding the alveoli allow for the exchange of gases, where carbon dioxide, a waste product of cellular respiration, diffuses from the blood into the alveoli to be exhaled. This efficient removal of waste products through capillaries is vital for preventing the build-up of toxic substances in the body and maintaining the chemical balance of the blood and tissues.

In the digestive system, capillaries are crucial for the absorption of nutrients. After food is digested in the stomach and intestines, the resulting nutrients, such as glucose, amino acids, and fatty acids, are absorbed into the blood through capillaries in the intestinal walls. These capillaries are part of the villi, small finger-like projections that increase the surface area available for absorption. The thin walls of the capillaries allow for efficient diffusion of nutrients from the intestines into the bloodstream. Once in the blood, these nutrients are transported to various parts of the body where they are used for energy, growth, and repair. Without the extensive network of capillaries in the intestinal lining, the efficient transfer of nutrients from the digestive system to the blood would not be possible, highlighting their essential role in nutrition and overall health.

Capillary damage is a significant concern in diseases like diabetes. High blood sugar levels, common in diabetes, can harm capillaries, especially in the eyes, kidneys, and nerves. In the eyes, damaged capillaries can lead to diabetic retinopathy, causing vision problems and blindness. In the kidneys, capillary damage impairs their filtering ability, leading to diabetic nephropathy, which can result in kidney failure. Similarly, in the nerves, especially those in the extremities like feet, damaged capillaries lead to poor blood circulation, increasing the risk of infections, ulcers, and in severe cases, amputation. Thus, maintaining blood sugar levels within a normal range is crucial to prevent capillary damage and the associated complications in diabetic patients. Regular monitoring and management of diabetes are essential to protect capillaries and prevent these serious complications.

Capillaries are integral to the body's immune response. They act as pathways for immune cells, such as white blood cells, to reach infection or injury sites. When an area of the body is infected or injured, inflammatory signals cause the capillaries in that region to become more permeable. This increased permeability allows immune cells circulating in the blood to exit the capillaries and enter the affected tissue. Once in the tissue, these immune cells, like macrophages and lymphocytes, can attack pathogens, remove debris, and facilitate healing. Moreover, capillaries enable the transport of antibodies and other immune molecules, which are crucial for fighting infections and promoting recovery. This role of capillaries in the immune response is vital for protecting the body against diseases and aiding in recovery from injuries.

Capillaries play a significant role in regulating the body's temperature. When the body needs to lose heat, such as during physical exertion or in a hot environment, capillaries near the skin surface widen, a process known as vasodilation. This increases blood flow to the skin, where heat can be lost to the environment, helping to cool the body. Conversely, in cold conditions, these surface capillaries constrict (vasoconstriction), reducing blood flow to the skin and minimising heat loss. Additionally, the vast network of capillaries in the dermis layer of the skin enables efficient heat exchange. When body temperature needs to be increased, blood flow to these capillaries is enhanced, allowing heat to be retained. This temperature regulation mechanism is essential for maintaining homeostasis in varying environmental conditions.

Practice Questions

Explain how the structure of capillaries facilitates the exchange of materials between the blood and the surrounding tissues.

The structure of capillaries is uniquely adapted to facilitate efficient material exchange. Their walls consist of a single layer of thin endothelial cells, which minimises the distance for diffusion, allowing for rapid transfer of gases, nutrients, and wastes. The narrow diameter of capillaries ensures that red blood cells are close to the walls, reducing diffusion distance further. Additionally, the extensive network of capillaries throughout the body tissues provides a large surface area for exchange. The presence of small gaps between endothelial cells, known as intercellular clefts, allows for the selective passage of substances, while the absence of muscle fibres and elastic tissue in their walls increases their permeability. These structural features collectively make capillaries highly efficient in the exchange of materials.

Describe the role of osmosis in the functioning of capillaries and its importance in maintaining fluid balance in the body.

Osmosis plays a vital role in maintaining fluid balance through the movement of water across capillary walls. This process is driven by the concentration gradient of solutes between the blood and the surrounding tissue fluids. At the arterial end of a capillary, hydrostatic pressure, which is higher in the blood than in the tissue fluid, forces water and small solutes out of the capillary. This filtration process is crucial for delivering nutrients to tissues. At the venous end, the osmotic pressure, mainly due to plasma proteins, is higher in the blood, drawing water back into the capillary. This reabsorption prevents excessive fluid loss from the circulatory system and contributes to maintaining the balance of fluids within the body. Osmosis, therefore, is essential for the regulation of fluid levels in tissues and the circulatory system, ensuring homeostasis.

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