1. Space, Time and Motion1.1 Kinematics0/01.1.1 Fundamentals of Motion1.1.2 Dynamics of Motion1.1.3 Equations of Motion1.1.4 Principles of Projectile Motion1.1.5 Impact of Fluid Resistance1.1.6 Complex Projectile Scenarios1.2 Forces and Momentum0/01.2.1 Newton's Laws of Motion1.2.2 Contact Forces1.2.3 Buoyancy and Fluid Dynamics1.2.4 Field Forces1.2.5 Linear Momentum and Impulse1.2.6 Collisions and Explosions1.2.7 Circular Motion Dynamics1.2.8 Angular Velocity in Circular Motion1.2.9 Advanced Momentum Concepts (HL)1.2.10 Comprehensive Force Interactions (HL)1.3 Work, Energy and Power0/01.3.1 Conservation of Energy1.3.2 Work and Energy Transfer1.3.3 Types of Mechanical Energy1.3.4 Power and Efficiency1.3.5 Energy Sources and Density1.4 Rigid Body Mechanics0/01.4.1 Introduction to Torque (HL)1.4.2 Rotational Motion Parameters (HL)1.4.3 Understanding Moment of Inertia (HL)1.4.4 Angular Momentum and Newton's Second Law for Rotation (HL)1.4.5 Energy Considerations in Rotational Motion (HL)1.5 Galilean and Special Relativity0/01.5.1 Reference Frames (HL)1.5.2 Galilean Relativity and Transformations (HL)1.5.3 Postulates of Special Relativity (HL)1.5.4 Space-Time Interval and Invariance (HL)1.5.5 Relativity of Simultaneity and Space-Time Diagrams (HL)1.5.6 Experimental Evidence for Relativity (HL)1.5.7 Practical Applications of Relativity (HL)1. Space, Time and Motion1.1 Kinematics0/01.1.1 Fundamentals of Motion1.1.2 Dynamics of Motion1.1.3 Equations of Motion1.1.4 Principles of Projectile Motion1.1.5 Impact of Fluid Resistance1.1.6 Complex Projectile Scenarios1.2 Forces and Momentum0/01.2.1 Newton's Laws of Motion1.2.2 Contact Forces1.2.3 Buoyancy and Fluid Dynamics1.2.4 Field Forces1.2.5 Linear Momentum and Impulse1.2.6 Collisions and Explosions1.2.7 Circular Motion Dynamics1.2.8 Angular Velocity in Circular Motion1.2.9 Advanced Momentum Concepts (HL)1.2.10 Comprehensive Force Interactions (HL)1.3 Work, Energy and Power0/01.3.1 Conservation of Energy1.3.2 Work and Energy Transfer1.3.3 Types of Mechanical Energy1.3.4 Power and Efficiency1.3.5 Energy Sources and Density1.4 Rigid Body Mechanics0/01.4.1 Introduction to Torque (HL)1.4.2 Rotational Motion Parameters (HL)1.4.3 Understanding Moment of Inertia (HL)1.4.4 Angular Momentum and Newton's Second Law for Rotation (HL)1.4.5 Energy Considerations in Rotational Motion (HL)1.5 Galilean and Special Relativity0/01.5.1 Reference Frames (HL)1.5.2 Galilean Relativity and Transformations (HL)1.5.3 Postulates of Special Relativity (HL)1.5.4 Space-Time Interval and Invariance (HL)1.5.5 Relativity of Simultaneity and Space-Time Diagrams (HL)1.5.6 Experimental Evidence for Relativity (HL)1.5.7 Practical Applications of Relativity (HL)2. The Particulate Nature of MatterPremium2.1 Thermal Energy Transfers0/02.1.1 Molecular Theory and Density2.1.2 Temperature Scales2.1.3 Internal Energy and Phase Changes2.1.4 Thermal Energy Transfers2.1.5 Conduction and Convection2.1.6 Radiation and Black Body Emission2.2 Greenhouse Effect0/02.2.1 Conservation of Energy and Emissivity2.2.2 Albedo and the Solar Constant2.2.3 Greenhouse Gases2.2.4 The Greenhouse Effect Models2.2.5 Energy Balance Calculations2.3 Gas Laws0/02.3.1 Understanding Pressure2.3.2 Substance Quantification2.3.3 Ideal Gases and Kinetic Theory2.3.4 Derivation and Application of Gas Laws2.3.5 Internal Energy of Gases2.4 Thermodynamics (HL)0/02.4.1 First Law of Thermodynamics (HL)2.4.2 Understanding Entropy (HL)2.4.3 Entropy and the Second Law (HL)2.4.4 Thermodynamic Processes (HL)2.4.5 Heat Engines and Efficiency (HL)2.5 Current and Circuits0/02.5.1 Sources of Current and Circuit Diagrams2.5.2 Nature of Electric Current2.5.3 Electric Potential Difference and Work2.5.4 Conductors, Insulators, and Resistance2.5.5 Ohm’s Law and Electrical Power2.5.6 Series and Parallel Circuits2.5.7 Electric Cells, Emf, and Internal Resistance2.5.8 Variable Resistors and Real-world Applications2. The Particulate Nature of MatterPremium2.1 Thermal Energy Transfers0/02.1.1 Molecular Theory and Density2.1.2 Temperature Scales2.1.3 Internal Energy and Phase Changes2.1.4 Thermal Energy Transfers2.1.5 Conduction and Convection2.1.6 Radiation and Black Body Emission2.2 Greenhouse Effect0/02.2.1 Conservation of Energy and Emissivity2.2.2 Albedo and the Solar Constant2.2.3 Greenhouse Gases2.2.4 The Greenhouse Effect Models2.2.5 Energy Balance Calculations2.3 Gas Laws0/02.3.1 Understanding Pressure2.3.2 Substance Quantification2.3.3 Ideal Gases and Kinetic Theory2.3.4 Derivation and Application of Gas Laws2.3.5 Internal Energy of Gases2.4 Thermodynamics (HL)0/02.4.1 First Law of Thermodynamics (HL)2.4.2 Understanding Entropy (HL)2.4.3 Entropy and the Second Law (HL)2.4.4 Thermodynamic Processes (HL)2.4.5 Heat Engines and Efficiency (HL)2.5 Current and Circuits0/02.5.1 Sources of Current and Circuit Diagrams2.5.2 Nature of Electric Current2.5.3 Electric Potential Difference and Work2.5.4 Conductors, Insulators, and Resistance2.5.5 Ohm’s Law and Electrical Power2.5.6 Series and Parallel Circuits2.5.7 Electric Cells, Emf, and Internal Resistance2.5.8 Variable Resistors and Real-world Applications3. Wave BehaviourPremium3.1 Simple Harmonic Motion0/03.1.1 Conditions and Definition of SHM3.1.2 Characteristics of Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM)3.1.3 Mass-Spring Systems and Pendulums3.1.4 Energy in Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM)3.1.5 Phase Angle in SHM (HL)3.1.6 Equations of Motion in SHM (HL)3.1.7 Energy Equations in SHM (HL)3.1.8 Radians and Phase Angle Calculations (HL)3.2 Wave Model0/03.2.1 Types of Travelling Waves3.2.2 Wave Parameters3.2.3 Nature of Sound Waves3.2.4 Nature of Electromagnetic Waves3.2.5 Mechanical Waves vs Electromagnetic Waves3.2.6 Particle Motion in Wave Propagation3.2.7 Energy Transfer in Waves3.2.8 Application of the Wave Model3.3 Wave Phenomena0/03.3.1 Wavefronts and Rays3.3.2 Wave Behaviour at Boundaries3.3.3 Wave Diffraction3.3.4 Snell’s Law and Total Internal Reflection3.3.5 Superposition and Interference3.3.6 Young’s Double-Slit Experiment3.3.7 Single-Slit Diffraction (HL)3.3.8 Multiple Slits and Diffraction Gratings (HL)3.4 Standing Waves and Resonance0/03.4.1 Formation and Characteristics of Standing Waves3.4.2 Standing Wave Patterns and Boundary Conditions3.4.3 Resonance and Natural Frequency3.4.4 Damping in Oscillatory Systems3.4.5 Harmonics and Wave Analysis3.4.6 Practical Implications of Standing Waves and Resonance3.5 Doppler Effect0/03.5.1 Fundamentals of the Doppler Effect3.5.2 Doppler Effect in Sound and Mechanical Waves (HL)3.5.3 Doppler Effect in Electromagnetic Waves3.5.4 Practical Applications of the Doppler Effect3.5.5 Problem-Solving and Analysis (HL)3. Wave BehaviourPremium3.1 Simple Harmonic Motion0/03.1.1 Conditions and Definition of SHM3.1.2 Characteristics of Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM)3.1.3 Mass-Spring Systems and Pendulums3.1.4 Energy in Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM)3.1.5 Phase Angle in SHM (HL)3.1.6 Equations of Motion in SHM (HL)3.1.7 Energy Equations in SHM (HL)3.1.8 Radians and Phase Angle Calculations (HL)3.2 Wave Model0/03.2.1 Types of Travelling Waves3.2.2 Wave Parameters3.2.3 Nature of Sound Waves3.2.4 Nature of Electromagnetic Waves3.2.5 Mechanical Waves vs Electromagnetic Waves3.2.6 Particle Motion in Wave Propagation3.2.7 Energy Transfer in Waves3.2.8 Application of the Wave Model3.3 Wave Phenomena0/03.3.1 Wavefronts and Rays3.3.2 Wave Behaviour at Boundaries3.3.3 Wave Diffraction3.3.4 Snell’s Law and Total Internal Reflection3.3.5 Superposition and Interference3.3.6 Young’s Double-Slit Experiment3.3.7 Single-Slit Diffraction (HL)3.3.8 Multiple Slits and Diffraction Gratings (HL)3.4 Standing Waves and Resonance0/03.4.1 Formation and Characteristics of Standing Waves3.4.2 Standing Wave Patterns and Boundary Conditions3.4.3 Resonance and Natural Frequency3.4.4 Damping in Oscillatory Systems3.4.5 Harmonics and Wave Analysis3.4.6 Practical Implications of Standing Waves and Resonance3.5 Doppler Effect0/03.5.1 Fundamentals of the Doppler Effect3.5.2 Doppler Effect in Sound and Mechanical Waves (HL)3.5.3 Doppler Effect in Electromagnetic Waves3.5.4 Practical Applications of the Doppler Effect3.5.5 Problem-Solving and Analysis (HL)4. FieldsPremium4.1 Gravitational Fields0/04.1.1 Kepler’s Laws and Orbital Motion4.1.2 Newton's Law of Gravitation4.1.3 Gravitational Field Strength4.1.4 Gravitational Potential Energy and Potential (HL)4.1.5 Equipotential Surfaces and Field Lines (HL)4.1.6 Work in Gravitational Fields (HL)4.1.7 Escape and Orbital Speeds (HL)4.1.8 Effects of Atmospheric Drag on Orbits4.2 Electric and Magnetic Fields0/04.2.1 Nature of Electric Charge and Coulomb's Law4.2.2 Electric Charge Transfer and Conservation4.2.3 Electric Field and Field Lines4.2.4 Uniform Electric Field and Magnetic Field Lines4.2.5 Electric Potential Energy and Potential (HL)4.2.6 Electric Field Strength and Potential Gradient (HL)4.2.7 Work in Electric Fields (HL)4.3 Motion in Electromagnetic Fields0/04.3.1 Charged Particles in Electric Fields4.3.2 Charged Particles in Magnetic Fields4.3.3 Charged Particles in Combined Electric and Magnetic Fields4.3.4 Forces on Current-Carrying Conductors in Magnetic Fields4.3.5 Forces Between Current-Carrying Wires4.4 Induction (HL)0/04.4.1 Magnetic Flux (HL)4.4.2 Faraday’s Law of Induction (HL)4.4.3 Induced EMF in Moving Conductors (HL)4.4.4 Lenz’s Law and Energy Conservation (HL)4.4.5 Rotating Coils in Magnetic Fields (HL)4. FieldsPremium4.1 Gravitational Fields0/04.1.1 Kepler’s Laws and Orbital Motion4.1.2 Newton's Law of Gravitation4.1.3 Gravitational Field Strength4.1.4 Gravitational Potential Energy and Potential (HL)4.1.5 Equipotential Surfaces and Field Lines (HL)4.1.6 Work in Gravitational Fields (HL)4.1.7 Escape and Orbital Speeds (HL)4.1.8 Effects of Atmospheric Drag on Orbits4.2 Electric and Magnetic Fields0/04.2.1 Nature of Electric Charge and Coulomb's Law4.2.2 Electric Charge Transfer and Conservation4.2.3 Electric Field and Field Lines4.2.4 Uniform Electric Field and Magnetic Field Lines4.2.5 Electric Potential Energy and Potential (HL)4.2.6 Electric Field Strength and Potential Gradient (HL)4.2.7 Work in Electric Fields (HL)4.3 Motion in Electromagnetic Fields0/04.3.1 Charged Particles in Electric Fields4.3.2 Charged Particles in Magnetic Fields4.3.3 Charged Particles in Combined Electric and Magnetic Fields4.3.4 Forces on Current-Carrying Conductors in Magnetic Fields4.3.5 Forces Between Current-Carrying Wires4.4 Induction (HL)0/04.4.1 Magnetic Flux (HL)4.4.2 Faraday’s Law of Induction (HL)4.4.3 Induced EMF in Moving Conductors (HL)4.4.4 Lenz’s Law and Energy Conservation (HL)4.4.5 Rotating Coils in Magnetic Fields (HL)5. Nuclear and Quantum PhysicsPremium5.1 Structure of the Atom0/05.1.1 Historical Experiments5.1.2 Nuclear Notation and Properties5.1.3 Spectra and Atomic Transitions5.1.4 Nuclear Dimensions and Scattering (HL)5.1.5 Energy Levels in the Bohr Model (HL)5.1.6 Limitations and Extensions of the Bohr Model (HL)5.2 Quantum Physics0/05.2.1 Understanding the Photoelectric Effect (HL)5.2.2 Einstein's Explanation of the Photoelectric Effect (HL)5.2.3 Particle Diffraction and Wave Nature (HL)5.2.4 De Broglie Hypothesis (HL)5.2.5 Compton Scattering - Concept and Evidence (HL)5.2.6 Compton Scattering - Calculations and Implications (HL)5.3 Radioactive Decay0/05.3.1 Isotopes5.3.2 Nuclear Energy and Stability5.3.3 Mass-Energy Equivalence5.3.4 Nuclear Forces5.3.5 Radioactive Decay Mechanisms5.3.6 Neutrinos and Antineutrinos5.3.7 Radiation Properties5.3.8 Radioactivity Measurements5.3.9 Advanced Radioactive Decay (HL)5.4 Fission0/05.4.1 Energy Release in Fission5.4.2 Chain Reactions5.4.3 Components of a Nuclear Reactor5.4.4 Managing Fission Products5.5 Fusion and Stars0/05.5.1 Stellar Stability and Energy5.5.2 Stellar Evolution5.5.3 Hertzsprung–Russell (HR) Diagram5.5.4 Stellar Measurements and Properties5. Nuclear and Quantum PhysicsPremium5.1 Structure of the Atom0/05.1.1 Historical Experiments5.1.2 Nuclear Notation and Properties5.1.3 Spectra and Atomic Transitions5.1.4 Nuclear Dimensions and Scattering (HL)5.1.5 Energy Levels in the Bohr Model (HL)5.1.6 Limitations and Extensions of the Bohr Model (HL)5.2 Quantum Physics0/05.2.1 Understanding the Photoelectric Effect (HL)5.2.2 Einstein's Explanation of the Photoelectric Effect (HL)5.2.3 Particle Diffraction and Wave Nature (HL)5.2.4 De Broglie Hypothesis (HL)5.2.5 Compton Scattering - Concept and Evidence (HL)5.2.6 Compton Scattering - Calculations and Implications (HL)5.3 Radioactive Decay0/05.3.1 Isotopes5.3.2 Nuclear Energy and Stability5.3.3 Mass-Energy Equivalence5.3.4 Nuclear Forces5.3.5 Radioactive Decay Mechanisms5.3.6 Neutrinos and Antineutrinos5.3.7 Radiation Properties5.3.8 Radioactivity Measurements5.3.9 Advanced Radioactive Decay (HL)5.4 Fission0/05.4.1 Energy Release in Fission5.4.2 Chain Reactions5.4.3 Components of a Nuclear Reactor5.4.4 Managing Fission Products5.5 Fusion and Stars0/05.5.1 Stellar Stability and Energy5.5.2 Stellar Evolution5.5.3 Hertzsprung–Russell (HR) Diagram5.5.4 Stellar Measurements and Properties