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IB DP Physics 2025 Study Notes

2.5.8 Variable Resistors and Real-world Applications

Types of Variable Resistors


Construction and OperationThermistors are specifically designed to be highly sensitive to temperature changes. Their resistive characteristics are dependent on their temperature, which is defined by the materials from which they are constructed, typically ceramic or polymer.

  • Negative Temperature Coefficient (NTC) Thermistors: These are the most common type of thermistors. Their resistance decreases as the temperature increases, making them particularly useful in measuring temperature in various applications.
  • Positive Temperature Coefficient (PTC) Thermistors: In contrast, PTC thermistors see an increase in resistance as the temperature rises. These are often utilised in applications where there is a need to limit the current as the temperature increases.
Diagram showing a graphical representation of a change in resistance with an increase in temperature in NTC and PTC Thermistor

NTC and PTC Thermistor

Image Courtesy RF Wireless World

ApplicationsThermistors find applications in a plethora of fields:

  • Temperature Sensors: Used widely in household appliances like ovens and refrigerators, as well as in industrial temperature control systems.
  • In-Circuit Temperature Compensation: Helps in maintaining the performance of circuits by compensating for temperature variations.
  • Over-Temperature Protection: Protects circuits and devices from damage due to excessive temperatures.

Light-Dependent Resistors (LDRs)

Construction and OperationConstructed from high-resistance semiconductor material, LDRs are engineered to respond to varying light conditions. 

Diagram of an electrical circuit with Light-Dependent Resistors

An electrical circuit with Light-Dependent Resistors

Image Courtesy Filo EdTech

As light intensity increases, the number of excited electrons increases, leading to a reduction in resistance.

Diagram showing a graphical representation of change in resistance with an increase in light intensity in a Light-Dependent Resistor

Graph of change in resistance with an increase in light intensity in a Light-Dependent Resistor

Image Courtesy evulpo AG


  • Light Meters: Essential in photography and videography for determining optimal exposure settings.
  • Street Lighting Systems: Automate the operation of street lights, turning them on as it gets dark and off as daylight emerges.
  • Alarm Clocks: Used in modern digital clocks to adjust the brightness of the display according to ambient light conditions.


Construction and OperationPotentiometers are built with a resistive element and a wiper that slides across the element. Turning or sliding the wiper changes the resistance, which can be used to control various electrical parameters.

Diagram showing the construction of a potentiometer

Construction of a potentiometer

Image Courtesy Geeksforgeeks


  • Volume Controls: In audio systems to adjust the loudness of sound.
  • Tuning Dials: In radios and televisions to change stations or channels.
  • Position Transducers: Translate the position or motion into an electrical signal.

Role in Controlling and Modifying Circuits

Regulation of Current and Voltage

Variable resistors are pivotal for modifying the flow of current and the voltage levels within a circuit. They ensure that electrical and electronic appliances operate efficiently and safely.

  • Adaptability: Devices and circuits can adapt to various operational requirements and environmental conditions by dynamically adjusting the electrical parameters.
  • Signal Conditioning: These resistors are instrumental in signal processing, where they adjust signal amplitude and filter out noise, ensuring clear and reliable signals.

Dynamic Adaptation to Environmental Conditions

The inherent design and function of variable resistors, such as thermistors and LDRs, allow them to automatically adapt to environmental changes, thus maintaining the desired electrical parameters within a circuit.

  • Temperature Fluctuations: Circuits maintain optimal performance by automatically adjusting to temperature changes.
  • Light Variations: Devices can self-adjust to different lighting conditions, enhancing energy efficiency and user experience.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Different Electrical Energy Sources

Solar Energy


  • Eco-Friendly: It's a green, renewable energy source that doesn’t release any harmful carbon dioxide or other pollutants.
  • Reduced Electricity Bills: Energy captured can be used directly or stored for later use.


  • Weather-Dependent: Efficiency is affected by weather conditions.
  • High Initial Costs: Installation and materials can be expensive.

Chemical Energy


  • Portability: Especially in the form of batteries, provides power on the go.
  • Immediate Power Supply: Offers instant energy especially in power outages.


  • Non-Renewable: Once used, chemical energy sources like batteries need to be replaced.
  • Disposal Issues: Used batteries contribute to environmental pollution if not properly disposed of.

Circuit Symbols and Diagrams

Importance and Application

Understanding circuit symbols and diagrams is akin to learning a new language. These symbols, globally recognised, are crucial for engineers, electricians, and students.

  • Efficiency: They simplify the complex nature of electrical circuits, offering visual representations that are easier to interpret than textual descriptions.
  • Standardisation: Ensures that electrical diagrams can be understood worldwide, fostering international collaboration and innovation.

Ohmic and Non-Ohmic Devices

Ohmic Devices:These adhere strictly to Ohm's law. The current passing through an ohmic device is directly proportional to the voltage across it, and this relationship is represented by a straight line when plotted on a graph.

Non-Ohmic Devices:These do not follow Ohm's law. The relationship between the current and voltage is nonlinear. For example, the current through a diode increases exponentially with the voltage after a certain threshold.

Ideal Ammeters and Voltmeters

  • Ideal Ammeters: Theoretically, these have zero resistance. They are connected in series in a circuit and do not affect the current flowing through the circuit.
  • Ideal Voltmeters: These are imagined to have infinite resistance and are connected in parallel to a circuit to measure the potential difference across components without drawing current from the circuit.

Understanding the distinctions between real and ideal measuring devices and the implications of their characteristics is critical in obtaining accurate and reliable measurements in practical electrical circuits. Each device, though theoretical, provides a baseline for evaluating the performance and efficiency of real-world ammeters and voltmeters, ensuring that readings and measurements are as accurate and reliable as possible in the context of experimental error and device limitations.


The internal structure of a potentiometer is designed with a resistive track or element and a movable wiper. The resistive track is often made of materials like carbon, metal, or conductive plastic. The wiper, connected to the potentiometer’s terminal, slides along this track. As it moves, it varies the length of the resistive path between the terminals, effectively changing the resistance between the terminals. The user can control the position of the wiper, either by turning a shaft or moving a slider, allowing for manual adjustment of resistance, and consequently the voltage or current in the circuit.

Absolutely, an LDR can be effectively used in a circuit to control the intensity of an LED light automatically in response to environmental light conditions. When incorporated into a feedback loop in the circuit, the LDR’s changing resistance in response to ambient light levels can be utilised to modulate the current passing through the LED. As the environmental light intensity increases, the LDR’s resistance decreases, resulting in a reduction in the LED’s brightness, and vice versa. This automated adjustment ensures optimal lighting conditions and can contribute to energy efficiency in applications like ambient lighting for rooms.

LDRs are typically made from high-resistance semiconductor materials that are sensitive to light, such as cadmium sulphide (CdS) or lead sulphide (PbS). The choice of material significantly influences the LDR’s performance characteristics, including its dark resistance (resistance in absence of light), light resistance, and response time. For instance, CdS-based LDRs have a spectral response that is similar to the human eye, making them particularly suited for applications involving visible light. The semiconductor’s properties and the device’s construction ensure a substantial change in resistance with variations in light intensity, making LDRs effective for light sensing and control applications.

A thermistor is distinct from a regular resistor primarily because its resistance varies with temperature. Regular resistors have a fixed resistance value, determined by their construction and materials, and are not designed to change significantly with temperature. In contrast, a thermistor’s resistance can change markedly with even small temperature variations. This property is exploited in various applications, like temperature sensing and control, where the changing resistance is used to monitor or regulate temperature. The specific manner in which the resistance changes—whether it increases or decreases with temperature—is defined by whether the thermistor is an NTC or PTC type.

Temperature can significantly impact the performance of a potentiometer. As temperature increases, the resistance of the potentiometer's resistive element can also increase due to the temperature coefficient of the material. This alters the expected output and can lead to deviations in the voltage or current regulation. In applications requiring high precision, such as in sensitive instrumentation or audio equipment, these variations can be undesirable. Specialised potentiometers with materials having low temperature coefficients or additional compensating mechanisms might be employed to mitigate these effects, ensuring consistent performance across a range of temperatures.

Practice Questions

How do the characteristics of a Light-Dependent Resistor (LDR) change with varying light intensity and what are the real-world applications of this property?

An LDR’s resistance decreases as the light intensity increases. This behaviour is attributed to the increase in the number of excited electrons liberated into the conduction band as more photons are absorbed by the semiconductor material. Real-world applications of LDRs include their use in street lighting systems, where the lights automatically turn on during low light conditions, and off during the day, enhancing energy efficiency. They're also used in alarm clocks that adjust the display brightness according to the ambient light, ensuring visibility and comfort for the users.

Explain the operational principle of a potentiometer and describe one real-world application where it is commonly used.

A potentiometer operates on the principle of varying the resistance in a circuit through the manual adjustment of a wiper across a resistive element. As the wiper moves, it changes the length of the resistive path, thus varying the resistance and consequently, the voltage or current in the circuit. Potentiometers are commonly used in audio equipment as volume controls. By adjusting the potentiometer, the user changes the resistance in the audio circuit, which in turn varies the voltage across speakers, effectively controlling the sound volume. This offers a user-friendly interface for volume modulation.

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