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IB DP Physics 2025 Study Notes

2.5.6 Series and Parallel Circuits

Series Circuits

Characteristics of Series Circuits


In a series circuit, every component is aligned in a linear arrangement. The current is consistent across all elements, constrained by the absence of branching pathways. This linear configuration ensures that all components encounter the same current, encapsulated in the expression:

  • I = I₁ = I₂ = ...

This characteristic is instrumental in specific applications where uniformity of current is a prerequisite.


Voltage in series circuits is accumulative. Each added component demands its share of voltage, leading to the aggregate sum constituting the total voltage drop across the circuit. This accretion is essential for energising each component and is mathematically represented as:

  • V = V₁ + V₂ + ...

It underscores the incremental energy requirement with the addition of components, subject to the law V = IR.

Diagram showing Resultant voltage calculator in a series circuit

Resultant voltage in a Series circuit

Image Courtesy javaTpoint


Resistance in a series circuit is cumulative. Each resistor adds to the total resistance of the circuit, directly impacting the current. The relationship is linear, with the total resistance being the sum of individual resistances:

  • Rₛ = R₁ + R₂ + …
Diagram Showing a series circuit

Series Circuit

Image Courtesy EETech Media

Practical Implications in Series Circuits

The properties of series circuits render them suitable and unsuitable for various applications. The linear, non-branching nature signifies uniform current but also poses reliability issues. If one component fails, the entire circuit is compromised.

  • Applications: Ideal for settings where uniform current is required, such as in string lights.
  • Reliability Issues: The failure of one component halts the operation of the entire circuit.
  • Voltage Requirements: As more components are added, the voltage requirement increases proportionately.

Parallel Circuits

Characteristics of Parallel Circuits


Parallel circuits are defined by their multiple pathways allowing the current to diverge along separate branches. Each branch experiences a portion of the total current, offering varied operational currents across components:

  • I = I₁ + I₂ + I3…
Diagram showing Current in a parallel circuit

Current in a Parallel Circuit

Image Courtesy OpenStax

This feature is instrumental in systems requiring components to operate at different current levels while connected to the same voltage source.


In parallel configurations, the voltage remains constant across all branches. The direct connection to the power source ensures each branch receives the full voltage:

  • V = V₁ = V₂ = ...

This consistency in voltage enables parallel operation of components with varied resistances and current requirements.


The calculation of total resistance in parallel circuits employs a reciprocal approach. Adding more resistors in parallel lowers the total resistance, enhancing the total current. This is expressed as:

  • 1/Rₚ = 1/R₁ + 1/R₂ + ...
Diagram Showing a Parallel circuit

Parallel Circuit

Image Courtesy EETech Media

Practical Implications in Parallel Circuits

Parallel circuits dominate in scenarios where reliability and varied operational currents are essential. The independent pathways ensure that the failure of one branch doesn’t incapacitate the entire circuit.

  • Diversity in Current: Each branch can operate at a different current, enhancing flexibility.
  • Reliability: The failure in one pathway doesn’t compromise the entire circuit’s functionality.
  • Voltage Consistency: All components receive the same voltage, simplifying the design complexities.

Comparative Analysis

Series vs Parallel Circuits

Understanding the dichotomy between series and parallel circuits is pivotal in their application. Each offers a set of advantages and limitations that define their suitability in varied scenarios.

Reliability and Flexibility

  • Series Circuits: Their simplicity is their strength yet their Achilles heel. They are easy to assemble but are vulnerable to complete system failures upon the malfunctioning of a single component.
  • Parallel Circuits: These circuits epitomise reliability. The independent operational pathways ensure continuous functionality, mitigating the risk associated with component failure.

Current and Voltage Dynamics

  • Series Circuits: The uniform current is a distinctive feature, but the cumulative voltage requirement can be a limitation, especially with the addition of more components.
  • Parallel Circuits: They offer varied current operations at a consistent voltage, a feature that is instrumental in modern electrical and electronic system designs.

Application Insights

Series Circuits

They are common in scenarios where simplicity and cost-effectiveness are prioritised, and where the risk of complete system failure is mitigated or manageable. They find use in specific lighting applications, and certain alarm systems.

Parallel Circuits

Parallel configurations are the mainstay in most modern electrical applications. From household wiring systems to complex electrical grids, the reliability and operational flexibility offered by parallel circuits are unmatched.

Key Learning Points

  • Complexity vs Simplicity: Parallel circuits are more complex but offer greater reliability and operational flexibility, while series circuits are simpler but less reliable.
  • Application-Based Selection: The choice between series and parallel circuits should be guided by the specific operational requirements, reliability needs, and the anticipated electrical load dynamics.

In the grandeur of electrical physics, the mastery of series and parallel circuits offers a foundational yet profound insight. It’s a nexus where theoretical postulations meet practical applications, offering students a panoramic view of the intricate yet fascinating world of electrical circuits. Every resistor, every voltage drop, and every current flow, is a testament to the immutable laws that govern the enigmatic world of electricity and magnetism.


Yes, components can be mixed in series and parallel in the same circuit, creating a complex circuit. In such cases, each series or parallel section is treated separately when calculating the total resistance, current, and voltage. The implications include having areas of constant current (series sections) and areas of constant voltage (parallel sections) within the same circuit. The combination allows for more complex designs and functionalities but also introduces challenges in analysis and troubleshooting due to the heterogeneous nature of the electrical pathways and the interactions between the series and parallel sections.

In series circuits, adding more resistors increases the total resistance and reduces the current flowing through the circuit according to Ohm’s law. Consequently, bulbs in the circuit would be dimmer due to less current passing through them. In parallel circuits, adding more resistors decreases the total resistance and increases the total current from the power source. However, each branch of a parallel circuit has its independent current, so the brightness of other bulbs remains unaffected. The added resistors create new paths for current, not impacting the existing paths or the brightness of bulbs connected to them.

Temperature significantly affects the resistance of conductors. In series circuits, as the temperature increases, the resistance of the conductors typically increases leading to a decrease in current. This is because the increase in temperature causes the atoms in the conductors to vibrate more vigorously, impeding the flow of electrons. In parallel circuits, the effect is similar for each branch, but because each branch operates independently, the impact on the total current supplied to the circuit is mitigated. Each branch's resistance increases, but the total current from the power source still increases as more parallel branches are added.

For series circuits, a significant safety concern is the potential for complete circuit failure if one component fails, which can be particularly concerning for alarm and security systems. The constant current means that if a break occurs anywhere in the circuit, the entire circuit becomes non-operational. In parallel circuits, a common safety issue is the potential for circuit overload. Because adding more branches reduces the overall resistance and increases the total current drawn, there is a risk of drawing too much current, leading to overheating or fires if the circuit isn’t properly rated and protected.

In a series circuit, devices consume energy based on the constant current flowing through the circuit, with each device having a voltage drop proportional to its resistance. Energy consumption is affected by the cumulative resistance; as it increases, the current decreases, leading to lower energy usage, given by P=I²R. In parallel circuits, each device receives the full supply voltage, leading to higher energy consumption. Each additional parallel branch increases the total current drawn from the source, leading to increased energy consumption, following P=IV. Thus, energy consumption is generally higher in parallel circuits.

Practice Questions

A parallel circuit has three resistors with resistances of 5Ω, 10Ω, and 20Ω respectively. Explain how the total resistance of the circuit is calculated and discuss the effect of adding another 10Ω resistor to the circuit.

The total resistance of a parallel circuit is calculated using the reciprocal rule. For the given circuit with resistors of 5Ω, 10Ω, and 20Ω, the total resistance can be calculated as 1/Rp = 1/5 + 1/10 + 1/20. The effect of adding another 10Ω resistor will reduce the overall resistance of the circuit. In parallel circuits, as more resistors are added, the total resistance decreases. This is due to the increased number of paths available for the current to flow, leading to a higher overall current in the circuit.

A series circuit is made up of two resistors of equal resistance, and it is powered by a 12V battery. If one of the resistors is removed, discuss the effect on the current flowing through the remaining resistor.

If one of the resistors is removed from the series circuit, the total resistance of the circuit will be halved. According to Ohm's law, I = V/R, where I is current, V is voltage, and R is resistance. As the total voltage supplied by the battery remains constant at 12V, a reduction in the total resistance would result in an increase in the current flowing through the circuit. Hence, the current flowing through the remaining resistor would be higher than when both resistors were connected in the circuit, leading to an increase in the energy dissipated as heat.

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