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IB DP Physics 2025 Study Notes

3.1.2 Characteristics of Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM)

Time Period (T)

One of the cornerstone concepts in the study of SHM is the time period, represented by the symbol 'T'. It signifies the duration required for one complete cycle of oscillation.

Calculating 'T'

The time period is empirically measured by clocking the time for a set number of oscillations and then dividing this cumulative time by the count of oscillations. It is a constant value for a given system under specific conditions and is typically expressed in seconds.

Influence of Force and Mass

Though independent of the amplitude, 'T' is notably influenced by force constants and mass in systems like the mass-spring model. For instance, a stiffer spring or a heavier mass tends to increase the time period, slowing down the oscillation.

Frequency (f)

Frequency, denoted as 'f', stands as the antithesis of the time period. It quantifies the number of oscillatory cycles completed in one second.


The frequency is elegantly expressed through the formula f = 1/T, and its unit is Hertz (Hz), honouring the physicist Heinrich Hertz. A frequency of 1 Hz depicts one oscillation per second.

Higher and Lower Frequency

A higher frequency embodies rapid oscillations. In contrast, a lower frequency, indicative of a weaker restoring force or increased inertia, signifies languid, extended oscillations.

Angular Frequency (ω)

Angular frequency bridges the chasm between linear and angular oscillatory movements, paving the path for a deeper comprehension of SHM.

Definition and Formula

Defined by the equation ω = 2πf, it finds expression in radians per second (rad s⁻¹). This equation unfolds the intrinsic link between linear frequency and angular velocity.

The Sinusoidal Nature

The angular frequency underscores the sinusoidal nature of SHM, tracing the oscillatory motion through the language of angles, offering insights into the phase and speed of the oscillating particle.


Amplitude is the herald of the oscillation’s extent, marking the furthest reach of the particle from its point of equilibrium.

Diagram showing amplitude and period in SHM

Amplitude in SHM

Image Courtesy askIITians

Quantitative Measure

It quantifies the maximum displacement, offering insights into the energy confines of the system. The amplitude does not, however, influence the time period or frequency in SHM.

Energy State

The amplitude correlates with the energy state of the system, with larger amplitudes signalling higher energy.

Equilibrium Position

The equilibrium position emerges as a point of tranquillity amidst the ceaseless oscillations, where forces nullify each other, instilling a momentary pause in the perpetual dance of the oscillating particle.


Central to the oscillatory motion, the particle at this juncture possesses maximum kinetic energy and speed, a consequence of the absence of net force acting upon it.

Oscillatory Motion

The oscillatory motion is symmetrical around this position, with the particle spending equal amounts of time on either side of the equilibrium during each cycle.


Displacement, the measure of the particle's deviation from its equilibrium, is a dynamic entity, evolving over the course of the oscillation.


Measured in terms of distance and direction, it is subject to the whims of the restoring force and the energy infused into the system.

The Restoring Force

The restoring force is proportionate to the displacement, adhering to Hooke’s law in systems like the mass-spring model, driving the particle back towards equilibrium with a force directly proportional to the extent of displacement.

Relationships Among T, f, and ω

The symphony of SHM is orchestrated through the harmonious interplay between the time period, frequency, and angular frequency.


The dance between these entities is choreographed by the equations f = 1/T and ω = 2πf or equivalently T = 2π/ω.

Diagram showing the relationship among T, f, and ω in Simple harmonic motion

Relationship among T, f, and ω in Simple harmonic motion

Image Courtesy HyperPhysics

Sinusoidal Motion

These mathematical expressions unveil the sinusoidal motion inherent in SHM, encoding the rhythmic oscillations into algebraic forms that allow physicists to explore, analyse, and predict the motion’s intricacies.

Analytical Tools

These relationships serve as analytical tools, enabling the transition between the time and frequency domains, affording a multifaceted view of SHM that is integral for both theoretical exploration and practical application.

By delineating these key characteristics, students are equipped to delve into the intricacies of more complex oscillatory and wave phenomena. The foundation laid here is not merely theoretical but is deeply intertwined with tangible, observable phenomena in the natural world and technical applications. From the rhythmic swing of a pendulum to the intricate oscillations in electrical circuits, the principles of SHM echo in myriad realms, offering a universal language to decode the rhythmic dance of oscillatory systems across the spectrum of physics. Every concept presented here, from the time period to angular frequency, is a strand woven into the intricate fabric of SHM, each contributing to the holistic understanding that underpins this fundamental aspect of physics.


Yes, SHM is observable in many everyday scenarios. For example, the swinging of a pendulum clock exhibits characteristics of SHM. The time period, determined by the length of the pendulum, influences the frequency of oscillation, which in turn affects the clock’s timekeeping accuracy. The amplitude, although it diminishes over time due to energy losses primarily from air resistance and friction at the pivot, initially does not affect the time period due to the principle of isochronism in the context of small angular displacements. Understanding these SHM characteristics is key to designing efficient and accurate pendulum clocks and other oscillatory systems.

Angular frequency bridges linear and angular interpretations of SHM, facilitating a more comprehensive understanding of oscillatory motion. It is calculated from the linear frequency and provides insights into the rate of change of the phase of the oscillating particle over time. In essence, angular frequency translates the linear oscillations into a rotational context, offering a different perspective on the motion's characteristics and dynamics. This connection is crucial for a holistic understanding of SHM, enabling the analysis of oscillatory phenomena in various contexts, from mechanical systems to electrical circuits, and their applications in technology and nature.

The phase of Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM) is pivotal as it provides information about the position and velocity of the oscillating particle at any given time. It is instrumental in predicting the future state of the system. Changes in frequency or amplitude, however, do not affect the phase of SHM. The frequency determines how quickly the particle oscillates but does not impact the phase directly. Similarly, the amplitude influences the extent of the oscillation but not the phase. The phase remains a consistent measure that, combined with frequency and amplitude, offers a comprehensive view of the oscillatory motion in SHM.

The restoring force is central to the dynamics of Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM). It acts to return the oscillating particle to its equilibrium position and is directly proportional to the displacement from this position, a relationship described by Hooke's law. The nature and magnitude of the restoring force influence key characteristics of SHM, including the time period and frequency. A stronger restoring force, for instance, results in quicker oscillations and thus a shorter time period and higher frequency. Understanding the behaviour and properties of the restoring force is essential for predicting and analysing the motion patterns of particles in SHM.

The amplitude in Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM) is directly linked to the energy of the system. Specifically, the maximum potential energy is proportional to the square of the amplitude. In SHM, energy transitions between kinetic and potential forms as the particle oscillates. At maximum displacement, where the amplitude is at its peak, potential energy is also at its maximum while kinetic energy is zero. Conversely, at the equilibrium position, kinetic energy peaks and potential energy is zero. The amplitude, therefore, provides insights into the energy distribution within the oscillating system at various points in the cycle. This correlation is crucial for understanding energy conservation and transformation processes in SHM.

Practice Questions

A particle is undergoing simple harmonic motion with a time period of 2 seconds. Calculate its frequency and angular frequency. How are these values related to the motion of the particle?

The frequency of the particle can be calculated using the formula f = 1/T, where T is the time period. Substituting in the given time period of 2 seconds, we get f = 0.5 Hz. The angular frequency is calculated as ω = 2πf, which yields ω ≈ 3.14 rad s-1. The frequency indicates that the particle completes half a cycle of its motion every second. The angular frequency, in radians per second, represents the rate at which the phase of the particle changes over time. Both these values are intrinsic in describing and analysing the oscillatory motion of the particle.

A pendulum is undergoing simple harmonic motion with a frequency of 0.25 Hz. Discuss the relationship between the pendulum's frequency, angular frequency, and time period, and explain how changes in each of these parameters would affect the pendulum's motion.

The pendulum's frequency of 0.25 Hz means it completes a quarter of an oscillation every second. The time period, calculated as T = 1/f = 4 s, represents the time it takes for one complete oscillation. The angular frequency is given by ω = 2πf = 1.57 rad s-1, interpreting the oscillation’s rate of phase change. A higher frequency would mean quicker oscillations, a reduced time period, and increased angular frequency, leading to a faster phase change rate, while the opposite would slow the pendulum’s oscillatory motion. Each parameter is instrumental in detailing the pendulum’s oscillatory characteristics and energy dynamics.

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